wozmon source

This commit is contained in:
Tor-Eirik Bakke Lunde 2020-01-25 17:07:42 +01:00
parent 6c09ac5565
commit 87cdd5d782
10 changed files with 1136 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Woz Monitor
This project was originally aimed at being an Apple 1 replica, but before long I got distracted by other things and started adding a lot of things that were never present on the original machine - mostly because making them is fun! On the other hand, one shouldn't forget one's own roots - the computer is still an Apple 1 at heart and so it needs the Woz Monitor.
This has always been part of the software package, but I haven't had an attempt at doing something on the coding side of things - step 1 is then, naturally, to get a version of the code that can compile before introducting my own bugs into it all. I'm currently using [SB-Assembler 3](https://www.sbprojects.net/sbasm/index.php) as my choice of assembler, so given that the creator of that hosts a copy of assembler source files for WozMon on the same site at [Apple 1 ROMs](https://www.sbprojects.net/projects/apple1/download.php).
I'm hoping to add more functionality to the code in order to support my own cards as time goes by, but until I get that farI also noticed that someone has already made a version of the monitor that works with an ACIA (serial) called [EWoz](http://www.brielcomputers.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=197) which may be of some interest.

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@echo off
sbasm.py wozaci.asm
sbasm.py wozmon.asm

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@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
.CR 6502
.TF wozaci.hex,HEX,8
.LF wozaci.list
; The WOZ Apple Cassette Interface for the Apple 1
; Written by Steve Wozniak somewhere around 1976
; Memory declaration
HEX1L .EQ $24 End address of dump block
HEX1H .EQ $25
HEX2L .EQ $26 Begin address of dump block
HEX2H .EQ $27
SAVEINDEX .EQ $28 Save index in input buffer
LASTSTATE .EQ $29 Last input state
IN .EQ $0200 Input buffer
FLIP .EQ $C000 Output flip-flop
TAPEIN .EQ $C081 Tape input
KBD .EQ $D010 PIA.A keyboard input
KBDCR .EQ $D011 PIA.A keyboard control register
ESCAPE .EQ $FF1A Escape back to monitor
ECHO .EQ $FFEF Echo character to terminal
; Constants
CR .EQ $8D Carriage Return
; Let's get started
.OR $C100
WOZACI LDA #"*" Print the Tape prompt
LDA #CR And drop the cursor one line
LDY #-1 Reset the input buffer index
KBDWAIT LDA KBDCR Wait for a key
BPL KBDWAIT Still no key!
LDA KBD Read key from keyboard
STA IN,Y Save it into buffer
JSR ECHO And type it on the screen
BEQ WOZACI Start from scratch if ESC!
BNE NEXTCHAR Read keys until CR
LDX #-1 Initialize parse buffer pointer
; Start parsing first or a new tape command
NEXTCMD LDA #0 Clear begin and end values
NEXTCHR INX Increment input pointer
LDA IN,X Get next char from input line
CMP #"R" Read command?
CMP #"W" Write command?
BEQ WRITE Yes! (note: CY=1)
CMP #"." Separator?
CMP #CR End of line?
BEQ GOESC Escape to monitor! We're done
CMP #" " Ignore spaces
EOR #"0" Map digits to 0-9
CMP #9+1 Is it a decimal digit?
ADC #$88 Map letter "A"-"F" to $FA-$FF
CMP #$FA Hex letter?
BCC WOZACI No! Character not hex!
DIG ASL Hex digit to MSD of A
LDY #4 Shift count
HEXSHIFT ASL Hex digit left, MSB to carry
ROL HEX1L Rotate into LSD
ROL HEX1H Rotate into MSD
DEY Done 4 shifts?
BEQ NEXTCHR Handle next character
; Return to monitor, prints \ first
GOESC JMP ESCAPE Escape back to monitor
; Separating . found. Copy HEX1 to Hex2. Doesn't clear HEX1!!!
SEP LDA HEX1L Copy hex value 1 to hex value 2
BCS NEXTCHR Always taken!
; Write a block of memory to tape
WRITE LDA #64 Write 10 second header
WRNEXT DEY Compensate timing for extra work
LDX #0 Get next byte to write
LDX #8*2 Shift 8 bits (decremented twice)
WBITLOOP ASL Shift MSB to carry
JSR WRITEBIT Write this bit
BNE WBITLOOP Do all 8 bits!
JSR INCADDR Increment address
LDY #30 Compensate timer for extra work
BCC WRNEXT Not done yet! Write next byte
RESTIDX LDX SAVEINDEX Restore index in input line
BCS NEXTCMD Always taken!
; Read from tape
READ JSR FULLCYCLE Wait until full cycle is detected
LDA #22 Introduce some delay to allow
JSR WHEADER the tape speed to stabilize
JSR FULLCYCLE Synchronize with full cycle
NOTSTART LDY #31 Try to detect the much shorter
JSR CMPLEVEL start bit
BCS NOTSTART Start bit not detected yet!
JSR CMPLEVEL Wait for 2nd phase of start bit
LDY #58 Set threshold value in middle
RDBYTE LDX #8 Receiver 8 bits
JSR FULLCYCLE Detect a full cycle
ROL Roll new bit into result
LDY #57 Set threshold value in middle
DEX Decrement bit counter
BNE RDBIT Read next bit!
STA (HEX2L,X) Save new byte
JSR INCADDR Increment address
LDY #53 Compensate threshold with workload
BCC RDBYTE Do next byte if not done yet!
BCS RESTIDX Always taken! Restore parse index
FULLCYCLE JSR CMPLEVEL Wait for two level changes
CMPLEVEL DEY Decrement time counter
LDA TAPEIN Get Tape In data
CMP LASTSTATE Same as before?
STA LASTSTATE Save new data
CPY #128 Compare threshold
; Write header to tape
; The header consists of an asymmetric cycle, starting with one phase of
; approximately (66+47)x5=565us, followed by a second phase of
; approximately (44+47)x5=455us.
; Total cycle duration is approximately 1020us ~ 1kHz. The actual
; frequencywill be a bit lower because of the additional workload between
; the twoloops.
; The header ends with a short phase of (30+47)x5=385us and a normal
; phase of (44+47)x5=455us. This start bit must be detected by the read
; routine to trigger the reading of the actual data.
WHEADER STX SAVEINDEX Save index in input line
HCOUNT LDY #66 Extra long delay
JSR WDELAY CY is constantly 1, writing a 1
BNE HCOUNT Do this 64 * 256 time!
ADC #-2 Decrement A (CY=1 all the time)
BCS HCOUNT Not all done!
LDY #30 Write a final short bit (start)
; Write a full bit cycle
; Upon entry Y contains a compensated value for the first phase of 0
; bit length. All subsequent loops don't have to be time compensated.
WRITEBIT JSR WDELAY Do two equal phases
LDY #44 Load 250us counter - compensation
WDELAY DEY Delay 250us (one phase of 2kHz)
BCC WRITE1 Write a '1' (2kHz)
LDY #47 Additional delay for '0' (1kHz)
WDELAY0 DEY (delay 250us)
WRITE1 LDY FLIP,X Flip the output bit
LDY #41 Reload 250us cntr (compensation)
DEX Decrement bit counter
; Increment current address and compare with last address
INCADDR LDA HEX2L Compare current address with
CMP HEX1L end address
INC HEX2L And increment current address
BNE NOCARRY No carry to MSB!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
0000- 4 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 5 ;
0000- 6 ; The WOZ Apple Cassette Interface for the Apple 1
0000- 7 ; Written by Steve Wozniak somewhere around 1976
0000- 8 ;
0000- 9 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 10
0000- 11
0000- 12 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 13 ; Memory declaration
0000- 14 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 15
0024- 16 HEX1L .EQ $24 End address of dump block
0025- 17 HEX1H .EQ $25
0026- 18 HEX2L .EQ $26 Begin address of dump block
0027- 19 HEX2H .EQ $27
0028- 20 SAVEINDEX .EQ $28 Save index in input buffer
0029- 21 LASTSTATE .EQ $29 Last input state
0000- 22
0200- 23 IN .EQ $0200 Input buffer
C000- 24 FLIP .EQ $C000 Output flip-flop
C081- 25 TAPEIN .EQ $C081 Tape input
D010- 26 KBD .EQ $D010 PIA.A keyboard input
D011- 27 KBDCR .EQ $D011 PIA.A keyboard control register
FF1A- 28 ESCAPE .EQ $FF1A Escape back to monitor
FFEF- 29 ECHO .EQ $FFEF Echo character to terminal
0000- 30
0000- 31 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 32 ; Constants
0000- 33 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 34
008D- 35 CR .EQ $8D Carriage Return
009B- 36 ESC .EQ $9B ASCII ESC
0000- 37
0000- 38 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 39 ; Let's get started
0000- 40 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C100- 41 .OR $C100
C100-A9 AA 42 ( 2) WOZACI LDA #"*" Print the Tape prompt
C102-20 EF FF 43 ( 6) JSR ECHO
C105-A9 8D 44 ( 2) LDA #CR And drop the cursor one line
C107-20 EF FF 45 ( 6) JSR ECHO
C10A- 46
C10A-A0 FF 47 ( 2) LDY #-1 Reset the input buffer index
C10C-C8 48 ( 2) NEXTCHAR INY
C10D-AD 11 D0 49 ( 4) KBDWAIT LDA KBDCR Wait for a key
C110-10 FB 50 (2**) BPL KBDWAIT Still no key!
C112- 51
C112-AD 10 D0 52 ( 4) LDA KBD Read key from keyboard
C115-99 00 02 53 ( 5) STA IN,Y Save it into buffer
C118-20 EF FF 54 ( 6) JSR ECHO And type it on the screen
C11B-C9 9B 55 ( 2) CMP #ESC
C11D-F0 E1 56 (2**) BEQ WOZACI Start from scratch if ESC!
C11F-C9 8D 57 ( 2) CMP #CR
C121-D0 E9 58 (2**) BNE NEXTCHAR Read keys until CR
C123- 59
C123-A2 FF 60 ( 2) LDX #-1 Initialize parse buffer pointer
C125- 61
C125- 62 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C125- 63 ; Start parsing first or a new tape command
C125- 64 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C125- 65
C125-A9 00 66 ( 2) NEXTCMD LDA #0 Clear begin and end values
C127-85 24 67 ( 2) STA HEX1L
C129-85 25 68 ( 2) STA HEX1H
C12B-85 26 69 ( 2) STA HEX2L
C12D-85 27 70 ( 2) STA HEX2H
C12F- 71
C12F-E8 72 ( 2) NEXTCHR INX Increment input pointer
C130-BD 00 02 73 ( 4*) LDA IN,X Get next char from input line
C133-C9 D2 74 ( 2) CMP #"R" Read command?
C135-F0 56 75 (2**) BEQ READ Yes!
C137-C9 D7 76 ( 2) CMP #"W" Write command?
C139-F0 35 77 (2**) BEQ WRITE Yes! (note: CY=1)
C13B-C9 AE 78 ( 2) CMP #"." Separator?
C13D-F0 27 79 (2**) BEQ SEP Yes!
C13F-C9 8D 80 ( 2) CMP #CR End of line?
C141-F0 20 81 (2**) BEQ GOESC Escape to monitor! We're done
C143-C9 A0 82 ( 2) CMP #" " Ignore spaces
C145-F0 E8 83 (2**) BEQ NEXTCHR
C147-49 B0 84 ( 2) EOR #"0" Map digits to 0-9
C149-C9 0A 85 ( 2) CMP #9+1 Is it a decimal digit?
C14B-90 06 86 (2**) BCC DIG Yes!
C14D-69 88 87 ( 2) ADC #$88 Map letter "A"-"F" to $FA-$FF
C14F-C9 FA 88 ( 2) CMP #$FA Hex letter?
C151-90 AD 89 (2**) BCC WOZACI No! Character not hex!
C153- 90
C153-0A 91 ( 2) DIG ASL Hex digit to MSD of A
C154-0A 92 ( 2) ASL
C155-0A 93 ( 2) ASL
C156-0A 94 ( 2) ASL
C157- 95
C157-A0 04 96 ( 2) LDY #4 Shift count
C159-0A 97 ( 2) HEXSHIFT ASL Hex digit left, MSB to carry
C15A-26 24 98 ( 5) ROL HEX1L Rotate into LSD
C15C-26 25 99 ( 5) ROL HEX1H Rotate into MSD
C15E-88 100 ( 2) DEY Done 4 shifts?
C15F-D0 F8 101 (2**) BNE HEXSHIFT No! Loop
C161-F0 CC 102 (2**) BEQ NEXTCHR Handle next character
C163- 103
C163- 104 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C163- 105 ; Return to monitor, prints \ first
C163- 106 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C163- 107
C163-4C 1A FF 108 ( 3) GOESC JMP ESCAPE Escape back to monitor
C166- 109
C166- 110 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C166- 111 ; Separating . found. Copy HEX1 to Hex2. Doesn't clear HEX1!!!
C166- 112 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C166- 113
C166-A5 24 114 ( 3) SEP LDA HEX1L Copy hex value 1 to hex value 2
C168-85 26 115 ( 2) STA HEX2L
C16A-A5 25 116 ( 3) LDA HEX1H
C16C-85 27 117 ( 2) STA HEX2H
C16E-B0 BF 118 (2**) BCS NEXTCHR Always taken!
C170- 119
C170- 120 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C170- 121 ; Write a block of memory to tape
C170- 122 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C170- 123
C170-A9 40 124 ( 2) WRITE LDA #64 Write 10 second header
C172-20 CC C1 125 ( 6) JSR WHEADER
C175- 126
C175-88 127 ( 2) WRNEXT DEY Compensate timing for extra work
C176-A2 00 128 ( 2) LDX #0 Get next byte to write
C178-A1 26 129 ( 6) LDA (HEX2L,X)
C17A- 130
C17A-A2 10 131 ( 2) LDX #8*2 Shift 8 bits (decremented twice)
C17C-0A 132 ( 2) WBITLOOP ASL Shift MSB to carry
C17D-20 DB C1 133 ( 6) JSR WRITEBIT Write this bit
C180-D0 FA 134 (2**) BNE WBITLOOP Do all 8 bits!
C182- 135
C182-20 F1 C1 136 ( 6) JSR INCADDR Increment address
C185-A0 1E 137 ( 2) LDY #30 Compensate timer for extra work
C187-90 EC 138 (2**) BCC WRNEXT Not done yet! Write next byte
C189- 139
C189-A6 28 140 ( 3) RESTIDX LDX SAVEINDEX Restore index in input line
C18B-B0 98 141 (2**) BCS NEXTCMD Always taken!
C18D- 142
C18D- 143 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C18D- 144 ; Read from tape
C18D- 145 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C18D- 146
C18D-20 BC C1 147 ( 6) READ JSR FULLCYCLE Wait until full cycle is detected
C190-A9 16 148 ( 2) LDA #22 Introduce some delay to allow
C192-20 CC C1 149 ( 6) JSR WHEADER the tape speed to stabilize
C195-20 BC C1 150 ( 6) JSR FULLCYCLE Synchronize with full cycle
C198- 151
C198-A0 1F 152 ( 2) NOTSTART LDY #31 Try to detect the much shorter
C19A-20 BF C1 153 ( 6) JSR CMPLEVEL start bit
C19D-B0 F9 154 (2**) BCS NOTSTART Start bit not detected yet!
C19F- 155
C19F-20 BF C1 156 ( 6) JSR CMPLEVEL Wait for 2nd phase of start bit
C1A2- 157
C1A2-A0 3A 158 ( 2) LDY #58 Set threshold value in middle
C1A4-A2 08 159 ( 2) RDBYTE LDX #8 Receiver 8 bits
C1A6-48 160 ( 3) RDBIT PHA
C1A7-20 BC C1 161 ( 6) JSR FULLCYCLE Detect a full cycle
C1AA-68 162 ( 4) PLA
C1AB-2A 163 ( 2) ROL Roll new bit into result
C1AC-A0 39 164 ( 2) LDY #57 Set threshold value in middle
C1AE-CA 165 ( 2) DEX Decrement bit counter
C1AF-D0 F5 166 (2**) BNE RDBIT Read next bit!
C1B1-81 26 167 ( 6) STA (HEX2L,X) Save new byte
C1B3- 168
C1B3-20 F1 C1 169 ( 6) JSR INCADDR Increment address
C1B6-A0 35 170 ( 2) LDY #53 Compensate threshold with workload
C1B8-90 EA 171 (2**) BCC RDBYTE Do next byte if not done yet!
C1BA-B0 CD 172 (2**) BCS RESTIDX Always taken! Restore parse index
C1BC- 173
C1BC-20 BF C1 174 ( 6) FULLCYCLE JSR CMPLEVEL Wait for two level changes
C1BF-88 175 ( 2) CMPLEVEL DEY Decrement time counter
C1C0-AD 81 C0 176 ( 4) LDA TAPEIN Get Tape In data
C1C3-C5 29 177 ( 3) CMP LASTSTATE Same as before?
C1C5-F0 F8 178 (2**) BEQ CMPLEVEL Yes!
C1C7-85 29 179 ( 2) STA LASTSTATE Save new data
C1C9- 180
C1C9-C0 80 181 ( 2) CPY #128 Compare threshold
C1CB-60 182 ( 6) RTS
C1CC- 183
C1CC- 184 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C1CC- 185 ; Write header to tape
C1CC- 186 ;
C1CC- 187 ; The header consists of an asymmetric cycle, starting with one phase of
C1CC- 188 ; approximately (66+47)x5=565us, followed by a second phase of
C1CC- 189 ; approximately (44+47)x5=455us.
C1CC- 190 ; Total cycle duration is approximately 1020us ~ 1kHz. The actual
C1CC- 191 ; frequencywill be a bit lower because of the additional workload between
C1CC- 192 ; the twoloops.
C1CC- 193 ; The header ends with a short phase of (30+47)x5=385us and a normal
C1CC- 194 ; phase of (44+47)x5=455us. This start bit must be detected by the read
C1CC- 195 ; routine to trigger the reading of the actual data.
C1CC- 196 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C1CC- 197
C1CC-86 28 198 ( 3) WHEADER STX SAVEINDEX Save index in input line
C1CE-A0 42 199 ( 2) HCOUNT LDY #66 Extra long delay
C1D0-20 E0 C1 200 ( 6) JSR WDELAY CY is constantly 1, writing a 1
C1D3-D0 F9 201 (2**) BNE HCOUNT Do this 64 * 256 time!
C1D5-69 FE 202 ( 2) ADC #-2 Decrement A (CY=1 all the time)
C1D7-B0 F5 203 (2**) BCS HCOUNT Not all done!
C1D9-A0 1E 204 ( 2) LDY #30 Write a final short bit (start)
C1DB- 205
C1DB- 206 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C1DB- 207 ; Write a full bit cycle
C1DB- 208 ;
C1DB- 209 ; Upon entry Y contains a compensated value for the first phase of 0
C1DB- 210 ; bit length. All subsequent loops don't have to be time compensated.
C1DB- 211 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C1DB- 212
C1DB-20 E0 C1 213 ( 6) WRITEBIT JSR WDELAY Do two equal phases
C1DE-A0 2C 214 ( 2) LDY #44 Load 250us counter - compensation
C1E0- 215
C1E0-88 216 ( 2) WDELAY DEY Delay 250us (one phase of 2kHz)
C1E1-D0 FD 217 (2**) BNE WDELAY
C1E3-90 05 218 (2**) BCC WRITE1 Write a '1' (2kHz)
C1E5- 219
C1E5-A0 2F 220 ( 2) LDY #47 Additional delay for '0' (1kHz)
C1E7-88 221 ( 2) WDELAY0 DEY (delay 250us)
C1E8-D0 FD 222 (2**) BNE WDELAY0
C1EA- 223
C1EA-BC 00 C0 224 ( 4*) WRITE1 LDY FLIP,X Flip the output bit
C1ED-A0 29 225 ( 2) LDY #41 Reload 250us cntr (compensation)
C1EF-CA 226 ( 2) DEX Decrement bit counter
C1F0-60 227 ( 6) RTS
C1F1- 228
C1F1- 229 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C1F1- 230 ; Increment current address and compare with last address
C1F1- 231 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C1F1- 232
C1F1-A5 26 233 ( 3) INCADDR LDA HEX2L Compare current address with
C1F3-C5 24 234 ( 3) CMP HEX1L end address
C1F5-A5 27 235 ( 3) LDA HEX2H
C1F7-E5 25 236 ( 3) SBC HEX1H
C1F9-E6 26 237 ( 5) INC HEX2L And increment current address
C1FB-D0 02 238 (2**) BNE NOCARRY No carry to MSB!
C1FD-E6 27 239 ( 5) INC HEX2H
C1FF-60 240 ( 6) NOCARRY RTS
C200- 241
C200- 242 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
C200- 243

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
C100:A9 AA 20 EF FF A9 8D 20
C108:EF FF A0 FF C8 AD 11 D0
C110:10 FB AD 10 D0 99 00 02
C118:20 EF FF C9 9B F0 E1 C9
C120:8D D0 E9 A2 FF A9 00 85
C128:24 85 25 85 26 85 27 E8
C130:BD 00 02 C9 D2 F0 56 C9
C138:D7 F0 35 C9 AE F0 27 C9
C140:8D F0 20 C9 A0 F0 E8 49
C148:B0 C9 0A 90 06 69 88 C9
C150:FA 90 AD 0A 0A 0A 0A A0
C158:04 0A 26 24 26 25 88 D0
C160:F8 F0 CC 4C 1A FF A5 24
C168:85 26 A5 25 85 27 B0 BF
C170:A9 40 20 CC C1 88 A2 00
C178:A1 26 A2 10 0A 20 DB C1
C180:D0 FA 20 F1 C1 A0 1E 90
C188:EC A6 28 B0 98 20 BC C1
C190:A9 16 20 CC C1 20 BC C1
C198:A0 1F 20 BF C1 B0 F9 20
C1A0:BF C1 A0 3A A2 08 48 20
C1A8:BC C1 68 2A A0 39 CA D0
C1B0:F5 81 26 20 F1 C1 A0 35
C1B8:90 EA B0 CD 20 BF C1 88
C1C0:AD 81 C0 C5 29 F0 F8 85
C1C8:29 C0 80 60 86 28 A0 42
C1D0:20 E0 C1 D0 F9 69 FE B0
C1D8:F5 A0 1E 20 E0 C1 A0 2C
C1E0:88 D0 FD 90 05 A0 2F 88
C1E8:D0 FD BC 00 C0 A0 29 CA
C1F0:60 A5 26 C5 24 A5 27 E5
C1F8:25 E6 26 D0 02 E6 27 60

View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
.CR 6502
.TF wozmon.hex,HEX,8
.LF wozmon.list
; The WOZ Monitor for the Apple 1
; Written by Steve Wozniak 1976
; Memory declaration
XAML .EQ $24 Last "opened" location Low
XAMH .EQ $25 Last "opened" location High
STL .EQ $26 Store address Low
STH .EQ $27 Store address High
L .EQ $28 Hex value parsing Low
H .EQ $29 Hex value parsing High
YSAV .EQ $2A Used to see if hex value is given
IN .EQ $0200,$027F Input buffer
KBD .EQ $D010 PIA.A keyboard input
KBDCR .EQ $D011 PIA.A keyboard control register
DSP .EQ $D012 PIA.B display output register
DSPCR .EQ $D013 PIA.B display control register
; KBD b7..b0 are inputs, b6..b0 is ASCII input, b7 is constant high
; Programmed to respond to low to high KBD strobe
; DSP b6..b0 are outputs, b7 is input
; CB2 goes low when data is written, returns high when CB1 goes high
; Interrupts are enabled, though not used. KBD can be jumpered to IRQ,
; whereas DSP can be jumpered to NMI.
; Constants
BS .EQ $DF Backspace key, arrow left key
CR .EQ $8D Carriage Return
ESC .EQ $9B ESC key
PROMPT .EQ "\" Prompt character
; Let's get started
; Remark the RESET routine is only to be entered by asserting the RESET
; line of the system. This ensures that the data direction registers
; are selected.
.OR $FF00
RESET CLD Clear decimal arithmetic mode
LDY #%0111.1111 Mask for DSP data direction reg
STY DSP (DDR mode is assumed after reset)
LDA #%1010.0111 KBD and DSP control register mask
STA KBDCR Enable interrupts, set CA1, CB1 for
STA DSPCR positive edge sense/output mode.
; Program falls through to the GETLINE routine to save some program bytes
; Please note that Y still holds $7F, which will cause an automatic Escape
; The GETLINE process
NOTCR CMP #BS Backspace key?
INY Advance text index
BPL NEXTCHAR Auto ESC if line longer than 127
ESCAPE LDA #PROMPT Print prompt character
JSR ECHO Output it.
LDY #0+1 Start a new input line
BACKSPACE DEY Backup text index
BMI GETLINE Oops, line's empty, reinitialize
NEXTCHAR LDA KBDCR Wait for key press
BPL NEXTCHAR No key yet!
LDA KBD Load character. B7 should be '1'
STA IN,Y Add to text buffer
JSR ECHO Display character
BNE NOTCR It's not CR!
; Line received, now let's parse it
LDY #-1 Reset text index
LDA #0 Default mode is XAM
SETSTOR ASL Leaves $7B if setting STOR mode
SETMODE STA MODE Set mode flags
BLSKIP INY Advance text index
NEXTITEM LDA IN,Y Get character
BEQ GETLINE We're done if it's CR!
CMP #"."
BCC BLSKIP Ignore everything below "."!
BEQ SETMODE Set BLOCK XAM mode ("." = $AE)
CMP #":"
BEQ SETSTOR Set STOR mode! $BA will become $7B
CMP #"R"
BEQ RUN Run the program! Forget the rest
STX L Clear input value (X=0)
STY YSAV Save Y for comparison
; Here we're trying to parse a new hex value
NEXTHEX LDA IN,Y Get character for hex test
EOR #$B0 Map digits to 0-9
CMP #9+1 Is it a decimal digit?
ADC #$88 Map letter "A"-"F" to $FA-FF
CMP #$FA Hex letter?
BCC NOTHEX No! Character not hex
ASL Hex digit to MSD of A
LDX #4 Shift count
HEXSHIFT ASL Hex digit left, MSB to carry
ROL L Rotate into LSD
ROL H Rotate into MSD's
DEX Done 4 shifts?
INY Advance text index
BNE NEXTHEX Always taken
NOTHEX CPY YSAV Was at least 1 hex digit given?
BEQ ESCAPE No! Ignore all, start from scratch
; STOR mode, save LSD of new hex byte
LDA L LSD's of hex data
STA (STL,X) Store current 'store index'(X=0)
INC STL Increment store index.
INC STH Add carry to 'store index' high
TONEXTITEM JMP NEXTITEM Get next command item.
; RUN user's program from last opened location
RUN JMP (XAML) Run user's program
; We're not in Store mode
; We're in XAM mode now
LDX #2 Copy 2 bytes
SETADR LDA L-1,X Copy hex data to
STA STL-1,X 'store index'
STA XAML-1,X and to 'XAM index'
DEX Next of 2 bytes
BNE SETADR Loop unless X = 0
; Print address and data from this address, fall through next BNE.
NXTPRNT BNE PRDATA NE means no address to print
LDA #CR Print CR first
LDA XAMH Output high-order byte of address
LDA XAML Output low-order byte of address
LDA #":" Print colon
PRDATA LDA #" " Print space
LDA (XAML,X) Get data from address (X=0)
JSR PRBYTE Output it in hex format
LDA XAML See if there's more to print
BCS TONEXTITEM Not less! No more data to output
INC XAML Increment 'examine index'
BNE MOD8CHK No carry!
MOD8CHK LDA XAML If address MOD 8 = 0 start new line
AND #%0000.0111
BPL NXTPRNT Always taken.
; Subroutine to print a byte in A in hex form (destructive)
LSR MSD to LSD position
JSR PRHEX Output hex digit
PLA Restore A
; Fall through to print hex routine
; Subroutine to print a hexadecimal digit
PRHEX AND #%0000.1111 Mask LSD for hex print
ORA #"0" Add "0"
CMP #"9"+1 Is it a decimal digit?
BCC ECHO Yes! output it
ADC #6 Add offset for letter A-F
; Fall through to print routine
; Subroutine to print a character to the terminal
ECHO BIT DSP DA bit (B7) cleared yet?
BMI ECHO No! Wait for display ready
STA DSP Output character. Sets DA
; Vector area
.DA $0000 Unused, what a pity
NMI_VEC .DA $0F00 NMI vector
IRQ_VEC .DA $0000 IRQ vector

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
0000- 4 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 5 ;
0000- 6 ; The WOZ Monitor for the Apple 1
0000- 7 ; Written by Steve Wozniak 1976
0000- 8 ;
0000- 9 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 10
0000- 11
0000- 12 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 13 ; Memory declaration
0000- 14 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 15
0024- 16 XAML .EQ $24 Last "opened" location Low
0025- 17 XAMH .EQ $25 Last "opened" location High
0026- 18 STL .EQ $26 Store address Low
0027- 19 STH .EQ $27 Store address High
0028- 20 L .EQ $28 Hex value parsing Low
0029- 21 H .EQ $29 Hex value parsing High
002A- 22 YSAV .EQ $2A Used to see if hex value is given
002B- 23 MODE .EQ $2B $00=XAM, $7F=STOR, $AE=BLOCK XAM
0000- 24
0200- 25 IN .EQ $0200,$027F Input buffer
0000- 26
D010- 27 KBD .EQ $D010 PIA.A keyboard input
D011- 28 KBDCR .EQ $D011 PIA.A keyboard control register
D012- 29 DSP .EQ $D012 PIA.B display output register
D013- 30 DSPCR .EQ $D013 PIA.B display control register
0000- 31
0000- 32 ; KBD b7..b0 are inputs, b6..b0 is ASCII input, b7 is constant high
0000- 33 ; Programmed to respond to low to high KBD strobe
0000- 34 ; DSP b6..b0 are outputs, b7 is input
0000- 35 ; CB2 goes low when data is written, returns high when CB1 goes high
0000- 36 ; Interrupts are enabled, though not used. KBD can be jumpered to IRQ,
0000- 37 ; whereas DSP can be jumpered to NMI.
0000- 38
0000- 39 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 40 ; Constants
0000- 41 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 42
00DF- 43 BS .EQ $DF Backspace key, arrow left key
008D- 44 CR .EQ $8D Carriage Return
009B- 45 ESC .EQ $9B ESC key
00DC- 46 PROMPT .EQ "\" Prompt character
0000- 47
0000- 48 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000- 49 ; Let's get started
0000- 50 ;
0000- 51 ; Remark the RESET routine is only to be entered by asserting the RESET
0000- 52 ; line of the system. This ensures that the data direction registers
0000- 53 ; are selected.
0000- 54 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF00- 55 .OR $FF00
FF00-D8 56 ( 2) RESET CLD Clear decimal arithmetic mode
FF01-58 57 ( 2) CLI
FF02-A0 7F 58 ( 2) LDY #%0111.1111 Mask for DSP data direction reg
FF04-8C 12 D0 59 ( 4) STY DSP (DDR mode is assumed after reset)
FF07-A9 A7 60 ( 2) LDA #%1010.0111 KBD and DSP control register mask
FF09-8D 11 D0 61 ( 4) STA KBDCR Enable interrupts, set CA1, CB1 for
FF0C-8D 13 D0 62 ( 4) STA DSPCR positive edge sense/output mode.
FF0F- 63
FF0F- 64 ; Program falls through to the GETLINE routine to save some program bytes
FF0F- 65 ; Please note that Y still holds $7F, which will cause an automatic Escape
FF0F- 66
FF0F- 67 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF0F- 68 ; The GETLINE process
FF0F- 69 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF0F- 70
FF0F-C9 DF 71 ( 2) NOTCR CMP #BS Backspace key?
FF11-F0 13 72 (2**) BEQ BACKSPACE Yes
FF13-C9 9B 73 ( 2) CMP #ESC ESC?
FF15-F0 03 74 (2**) BEQ ESCAPE Yes
FF17-C8 75 ( 2) INY Advance text index
FF18-10 0F 76 (2**) BPL NEXTCHAR Auto ESC if line longer than 127
FF1A- 77
FF1A-A9 DC 78 ( 2) ESCAPE LDA #PROMPT Print prompt character
FF1C-20 EF FF 79 ( 6) JSR ECHO Output it.
FF1F- 80
FF1F-A9 8D 81 ( 2) GETLINE LDA #CR Send CR
FF21-20 EF FF 82 ( 6) JSR ECHO
FF24- 83
FF24-A0 01 84 ( 2) LDY #0+1 Start a new input line
FF26-88 85 ( 2) BACKSPACE DEY Backup text index
FF27-30 F6 86 (2**) BMI GETLINE Oops, line's empty, reinitialize
FF29- 87
FF29-AD 11 D0 88 ( 4) NEXTCHAR LDA KBDCR Wait for key press
FF2C-10 FB 89 (2**) BPL NEXTCHAR No key yet!
FF2E-AD 10 D0 90 ( 4) LDA KBD Load character. B7 should be '1'
FF31-99 00 02 91 ( 5) STA IN,Y Add to text buffer
FF34-20 EF FF 92 ( 6) JSR ECHO Display character
FF37-C9 8D 93 ( 2) CMP #CR
FF39-D0 D4 94 (2**) BNE NOTCR It's not CR!
FF3B- 95
FF3B- 96 ; Line received, now let's parse it
FF3B- 97
FF3B-A0 FF 98 ( 2) LDY #-1 Reset text index
FF3D-A9 00 99 ( 2) LDA #0 Default mode is XAM
FF3F-AA 100 ( 2) TAX X=0
FF40- 101
FF40-0A 102 ( 2) SETSTOR ASL Leaves $7B if setting STOR mode
FF41- 103
FF41-85 2B 104 ( 2) SETMODE STA MODE Set mode flags
FF43- 105
FF43-C8 106 ( 2) BLSKIP INY Advance text index
FF44- 107
FF44-B9 00 02 108 ( 4*) NEXTITEM LDA IN,Y Get character
FF47-C9 8D 109 ( 2) CMP #CR
FF49-F0 D4 110 (2**) BEQ GETLINE We're done if it's CR!
FF4B-C9 AE 111 ( 2) CMP #"."
FF4D-90 F4 112 (2**) BCC BLSKIP Ignore everything below "."!
FF4F-F0 F0 113 (2**) BEQ SETMODE Set BLOCK XAM mode ("." = $AE)
FF51-C9 BA 114 ( 2) CMP #":"
FF53-F0 EB 115 (2**) BEQ SETSTOR Set STOR mode! $BA will become $7B
FF55-C9 D2 116 ( 2) CMP #"R"
FF57-F0 3B 117 (2**) BEQ RUN Run the program! Forget the rest
FF59-86 28 118 ( 3) STX L Clear input value (X=0)
FF5B-86 29 119 ( 3) STX H
FF5D-84 2A 120 ( 3) STY YSAV Save Y for comparison
FF5F- 121
FF5F- 122 ; Here we're trying to parse a new hex value
FF5F- 123
FF5F-B9 00 02 124 ( 4*) NEXTHEX LDA IN,Y Get character for hex test
FF62-49 B0 125 ( 2) EOR #$B0 Map digits to 0-9
FF64-C9 0A 126 ( 2) CMP #9+1 Is it a decimal digit?
FF66-90 06 127 (2**) BCC DIG Yes!
FF68-69 88 128 ( 2) ADC #$88 Map letter "A"-"F" to $FA-FF
FF6A-C9 FA 129 ( 2) CMP #$FA Hex letter?
FF6C-90 11 130 (2**) BCC NOTHEX No! Character not hex
FF6E- 131
FF6E-0A 132 ( 2) DIG ASL
FF6F-0A 133 ( 2) ASL Hex digit to MSD of A
FF70-0A 134 ( 2) ASL
FF71-0A 135 ( 2) ASL
FF72- 136
FF72-A2 04 137 ( 2) LDX #4 Shift count
FF74-0A 138 ( 2) HEXSHIFT ASL Hex digit left, MSB to carry
FF75-26 28 139 ( 5) ROL L Rotate into LSD
FF77-26 29 140 ( 5) ROL H Rotate into MSD's
FF79-CA 141 ( 2) DEX Done 4 shifts?
FF7A-D0 F8 142 (2**) BNE HEXSHIFT No, loop
FF7C-C8 143 ( 2) INY Advance text index
FF7D-D0 E0 144 (2**) BNE NEXTHEX Always taken
FF7F- 145
FF7F-C4 2A 146 ( 3) NOTHEX CPY YSAV Was at least 1 hex digit given?
FF81-F0 97 147 (2**) BEQ ESCAPE No! Ignore all, start from scratch
FF83- 148
FF83-24 2B 149 ( 3) BIT MODE Test MODE byte
FF85-50 10 150 (2**) BVC NOTSTOR B6=0 is STOR, 1 is XAM or BLOCK XAM
FF87- 151
FF87- 152 ; STOR mode, save LSD of new hex byte
FF87- 153
FF87-A5 28 154 ( 3) LDA L LSD's of hex data
FF89-81 26 155 ( 6) STA (STL,X) Store current 'store index'(X=0)
FF8B-E6 26 156 ( 5) INC STL Increment store index.
FF8D-D0 B5 157 (2**) BNE NEXTITEM No carry!
FF8F-E6 27 158 ( 5) INC STH Add carry to 'store index' high
FF91-4C 44 FF 159 ( 3) TONEXTITEM JMP NEXTITEM Get next command item.
FF94- 160
FF94- 161 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF94- 162 ; RUN user's program from last opened location
FF94- 163 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF94- 164
FF94-6C 24 00 165 ( 5) RUN JMP (XAML) Run user's program
FF97- 166
FF97- 167 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF97- 168 ; We're not in Store mode
FF97- 169 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF97- 170
FF97-30 2B 171 (2**) NOTSTOR BMI XAMNEXT B7 = 0 for XAM, 1 for BLOCK XAM
FF99- 172
FF99- 173 ; We're in XAM mode now
FF99- 174
FF99-A2 02 175 ( 2) LDX #2 Copy 2 bytes
FF9B-B5 27 176 ( 4) SETADR LDA L-1,X Copy hex data to
FF9D-95 25 177 ( 4) STA STL-1,X 'store index'
FF9F-95 23 178 ( 4) STA XAML-1,X and to 'XAM index'
FFA1-CA 179 ( 2) DEX Next of 2 bytes
FFA2-D0 F7 180 (2**) BNE SETADR Loop unless X = 0
FFA4- 181
FFA4- 182 ; Print address and data from this address, fall through next BNE.
FFA4- 183
FFA4-D0 14 184 (2**) NXTPRNT BNE PRDATA NE means no address to print
FFA6-A9 8D 185 ( 2) LDA #CR Print CR first
FFA8-20 EF FF 186 ( 6) JSR ECHO
FFAB-A5 25 187 ( 3) LDA XAMH Output high-order byte of address
FFB0-A5 24 189 ( 3) LDA XAML Output low-order byte of address
FFB2-20 DC FF 190 ( 6) JSR PRBYTE
FFB5-A9 BA 191 ( 2) LDA #":" Print colon
FFB7-20 EF FF 192 ( 6) JSR ECHO
FFBA- 193
FFBA-A9 A0 194 ( 2) PRDATA LDA #" " Print space
FFBC-20 EF FF 195 ( 6) JSR ECHO
FFBF-A1 24 196 ( 6) LDA (XAML,X) Get data from address (X=0)
FFC1-20 DC FF 197 ( 6) JSR PRBYTE Output it in hex format
FFC4-86 2B 198 ( 3) XAMNEXT STX MODE 0 -> MODE (XAM mode).
FFC6-A5 24 199 ( 3) LDA XAML See if there's more to print
FFC8-C5 28 200 ( 3) CMP L
FFCA-A5 25 201 ( 3) LDA XAMH
FFCC-E5 29 202 ( 3) SBC H
FFCE-B0 C1 203 (2**) BCS TONEXTITEM Not less! No more data to output
FFD0- 204
FFD0-E6 24 205 ( 5) INC XAML Increment 'examine index'
FFD2-D0 02 206 (2**) BNE MOD8CHK No carry!
FFD4-E6 25 207 ( 5) INC XAMH
FFD6- 208
FFD6-A5 24 209 ( 3) MOD8CHK LDA XAML If address MOD 8 = 0 start new line
FFD8-29 07 210 ( 2) AND #%0000.0111
FFDA-10 C8 211 (2**) BPL NXTPRNT Always taken.
FFDC- 212
FFDC- 213 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FFDC- 214 ; Subroutine to print a byte in A in hex form (destructive)
FFDC- 215 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FFDC- 216
FFDC-48 217 ( 3) PRBYTE PHA Save A for LSD
FFDD-4A 218 ( 2) LSR
FFDE-4A 219 ( 2) LSR
FFDF-4A 220 ( 2) LSR MSD to LSD position
FFE0-4A 221 ( 2) LSR
FFE1-20 E5 FF 222 ( 6) JSR PRHEX Output hex digit
FFE4-68 223 ( 4) PLA Restore A
FFE5- 224
FFE5- 225 ; Fall through to print hex routine
FFE5- 226
FFE5- 227 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FFE5- 228 ; Subroutine to print a hexadecimal digit
FFE5- 229 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FFE5- 230
FFE5-29 0F 231 ( 2) PRHEX AND #%0000.1111 Mask LSD for hex print
FFE7-09 B0 232 ( 2) ORA #"0" Add "0"
FFE9-C9 BA 233 ( 2) CMP #"9"+1 Is it a decimal digit?
FFEB-90 02 234 (2**) BCC ECHO Yes! output it
FFED-69 06 235 ( 2) ADC #6 Add offset for letter A-F
FFEF- 236
FFEF- 237 ; Fall through to print routine
FFEF- 238
FFEF- 239 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FFEF- 240 ; Subroutine to print a character to the terminal
FFEF- 241 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FFEF- 242
FFEF-2C 12 D0 243 ( 4) ECHO BIT DSP DA bit (B7) cleared yet?
FFF2-30 FB 244 (2**) BMI ECHO No! Wait for display ready
FFF4-8D 12 D0 245 ( 4) STA DSP Output character. Sets DA
FFF7-60 246 ( 6) RTS
FFF8- 247
FFF8- 248 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FFF8- 249 ; Vector area
FFF8- 250 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
FFF8- 251
FFF8-00 00 252 .DA $0000 Unused, what a pity
FFFA-00 0F 253 NMI_VEC .DA $0F00 NMI vector
FFFE-00 00 255 IRQ_VEC .DA $0000 IRQ vector

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
FF00: D8 58 A0 7F 8C 12 D0 A9
FF08: A7 8D 11 D0 8D 13 D0 C9
FF10: DF F0 13 C9 9B F0 03 C8
FF18: 10 0F A9 DC 20 EF FF A9
FF20: 8D 20 EF FF A0 01 88 30
FF28: F6 AD 11 D0 10 FB AD 10
FF30: D0 99 00 02 20 EF FF C9
FF38: 8D D0 D4 A0 FF A9 00 AA
FF40: 0A 85 2B C8 B9 00 02 C9
FF48: 8D F0 D4 C9 AE 90 F4 F0
FF50: F0 C9 BA F0 EB C9 D2 F0
FF58: 3B 86 28 86 29 84 2A B9
FF60: 00 02 49 B0 C9 0A 90 06
FF68: 69 88 C9 FA 90 11 0A 0A
FF70: 0A 0A A2 04 0A 26 28 26
FF78: 29 CA D0 F8 C8 D0 E0 C4
FF80: 2A F0 97 24 2B 50 10 A5
FF88: 28 81 26 E6 26 D0 B5 E6
FF90: 27 4C 44 FF 6C 24 00 30
FF98: 2B A2 02 B5 27 95 25 95
FFA0: 23 CA D0 F7 D0 14 A9 8D
FFA8: 20 EF FF A5 25 20 DC FF
FFB0: A5 24 20 DC FF A9 BA 20
FFB8: EF FF A9 A0 20 EF FF A1
FFC0: 24 20 DC FF 86 2B A5 24
FFC8: C5 28 A5 25 E5 29 B0 C1
FFD0: E6 24 D0 02 E6 25 A5 24
FFD8: 29 07 10 C8 48 4A 4A 4A
FFE0: 4A 20 E5 FF 68 29 0F 09
FFE8: B0 C9 BA 90 02 69 06 2C
FFF0: 12 D0 30 FB 8D 12 D0 60
FFF8: 00 00 00 0F 00 FF 00 00