apple1/Emulator_Pom1/software/Getting The System Running (Sim6502).txt

21 lines
827 B
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// This is the first programm on the Apple 1 from the
// 'Section I - Getting The System Running' of
// the Apple-1 Operation Manual. It was written by Steve Wozniak in 1976.
0000: A9 00 // LDA #0
0002: AA // TAX
0003: 20 EF FF // JSR $FFEF -> 'Echo' the accu
0006: E8 // INX
0007: 8A // TXA
0008: 4C 02 00 // JMP $0002 -> Next Character
// Load this program by choosing the "Load Memory..."-item of the "File"-menu.
// If there is an error while loading the error message will be displayed in
// the Apple-1 monitor. Start the Program with "0 R" (which means "Go to $0000 and Run!")
// It should print out all the characters of the computer.
// You can only stop the program by reseting the cpu with command-period.
// Apple for ever! Achim Breidenbach 1997
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