# apple1serial This repository contains firmware files for the Apple-1 Serial Interface expansion card. ## Description This project aims to provide alternative to the ACI for the Apple-1 replica or original boards owners via use of the serial communication (9600/8-N-1). The project is based around ATMega328P MCU which operates as half-duplex UART. # Memory map | address | function | | --- | --- | | `$C100` | the original ACI loader program adapted to the A1SI | | `$C300` | "teletype on apple-1" test program - the data from remote terminal appears on Apple-1 screen | | `$C400` | "teletype on remote" test program - the data from Apple-1 appears on remote terminal | | `$C500` | 0-255 repeating counter - all possible bytes are repeatedly sent to remote terminal | | `$C600` | serialmonitor - the well known Woz Monitor, but now you type on the remote terminal | entries for programmers: | address | function | | --- | --- | | `$C000` | ready flag - contains 0x00 if the device is ready to write/read byte | | `$C080` | read address - the location for data read from the interface, first read of this address switches the device to read mode | | `$C081` | write address - the location for data to be written via the interface, first write to this address switches the device to read mode | | `$C23A` | software reset routine - resets the MCU | | `$C1EC` | block read routine - reads data from the interface to the specified address range | | `$C213` | block write routine - writes the data via the interface from the specified address range | | `$0034` | lower byte of the end address for block read/write routines | | `$0035` | upper byte of the end address for block read/write routines | | `$0036` | lower byte of the beginning address for block read/write routines | | `$0037` | upper byte of the beginning address for block read/write routines | ## Contents The contents of this repository are as following: firmware/ - contains source code for the ATMega328 MCU firmware mapping/ - contains EQN and JED files for GAL20V8 based address decoder for the board src/ - contains the 6502 assembly sources for the A1SI onboard ROM routines ## Requirements You need the following to sucessfully build the firmware: * [xa](https://www.floodgap.com/retrotech/xa/) cross assembler software * [avr-gcc](https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/avr-gcc) toolchain * [avr-libc](https://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/) set of libraries * [AVRDUDE](https://www.nongnu.org/avrdude/) AVR programmer software or equivalent * Some software capable of translating the EQN files into JED's. I used for this purpose the DOS based EQN2JED from OPALjr PLD Development Package. ## How to build? To build the firmware just type: `make` And to clean the build: `make clean` # PCB The KiCad project files with board design and schematics can be found here: http://github.com/flowenol/Apple1SerialPcb