2017-04-17 10:21:28 -07:00

272 lines
12 KiB

'' Basic I2C Routines Version 1.1
'' Written by Michael Green and copyright (©) 2007
'' Permission is given to use this in any program for the Parallax
'' Propeller processor as long as this copyright notice is included.
'' This is a minimal version of an I2C driver in SPIN. It assumes
'' that the SDA pin is one higher than the SCL pin. It assumes that
'' neither the SDA nor the SCL pins have pullups, so drives both.
'' These routines are primarily intended for reading and writing EEPROMs.
'' The low level I2C are provided for use with other devices, but the
'' read/write byte routines assume a standard I2C serial EEPROM with a
'' 16 bit device address register, paged writes, and acknowledge polling.
'' All of these read/write routines accept an EEPROM address up to 19
'' bits (512K) even though the EEPROM addressing scheme normally allows
'' for only 16 bits of addressing. The upper 3 bits are used as part of
'' the device select code and these routines will take the upper 3 bits
'' of the address and "or" it with the supplied device select code bits
'' 3-1 which are used to select a particular EEPROM on an I2C bus. There
'' are two schemes for selecting 64K "banks" in 128Kx8 EEPROMs. Atmel's
'' 24LC1024 EEPROMs allow simple linear addressing up to 256Kx8 ($00000
'' to $3FFFF). Microchip's 24LC1025 allows for up to 512Kx8, but in two
'' areas: $00000 to $3FFFF and $40000 to $7FFFF. Each EEPROM provides
'' a 64K "bank" in each area. See the device datasheets for details.
'' This will work with the boot EEPROM and does not require a pull-up
'' resistor on the SCL line (but does on the SDA line ... about 4.7K to
'' +3.3V). According to the Philips I2C specification, both pull-ups
'' are required. Many devices will tolerate the absence of a pull-up
'' on SCL. Some may tolerate the absence of a pull-up on SDA as well.
'' Initialize may have to be called once at the beginning of your
'' program. Sometimes an I2C device is left in an invalid state. This
'' will reset the device to a known state so it will respond to the I2C
'' start transition (sent out by the i2cStart routine).
'' To read from or write to an EEPROM on pins 28/29 like the boot EEPROM:
'' CON
'' eepromAddress = $7000
'' VAR
'' byte buffer[32]
'' OBJ
'' i2c : "Minimal_I2C_Driver"
'' PRI readIt
'' if i2c.ReadPage(i2c#BootPin, i2c#EEPROM, eepromAddress, @buffer, 32)
'' abort ' an error occurred during the read
'' PRI writeIt | startTime
'' if i2c.WritePage(i2c#BootPin, i2c#EEPROM, eepromAddress, @buffer, 32)
'' abort ' an error occured during the write
'' startTime := cnt ' prepare to check for a timeout
'' repeat while i2c.WriteWait(i2c#BootPin, i2c#EEPROM, eepromAddress)
'' if cnt - startTime > clkfreq / 10
'' abort ' waited more than a 1/10 second for the write to finish
'' Note that the read and write use something called paged reads/writes.
'' This means that any read using ReadPage must fit entirely in one
'' EEPROM if you have several attached to one set of pins. For writes,
'' any write using i2cWritePage must fit entirely within a page of the
'' EEPROM. Usually these pages are either 32, 64, 128 or 256 bytes in
'' size depending on the manufacturer and device type. 32 bytes is a
'' good limit for the number of bytes to be written at a time if you
'' don't know the specific page size (and the write must fit completely
'' within a multiple of the page size). The WriteWait waits for the
'' write operation to complete. Alternatively, you could wait for 5ms
'' since currently produced EEPROMs will finish within that time.
ACK = 0 ' I2C Acknowledge
NAK = 1 ' I2C No Acknowledge
Xmit = 0 ' I2C Direction Transmit
Recv = 1 ' I2C Direction Receive
BootPin = 28 ' I2C Boot EEPROM SCL Pin
EEPROM = $A0 ' I2C EEPROM Device Address
PUB Initialize(SCL) | SDA ' An I2C device may be left in an
SDA := SCL + 1 ' invalid state and may need to be
outa[SCL] := 1 ' reinitialized. Drive SCL high.
dira[SCL] := 1
dira[SDA] := 0 ' Set SDA as input
repeat 9
outa[SCL] := 0 ' Put out up to 9 clock pulses
outa[SCL] := 1
if ina[SDA] ' Repeat if SDA not driven high
quit ' by the EEPROM
PUB Start(SCL) | SDA ' SDA goes HIGH to LOW with SCL HIGH
SDA := SCL + 1
outa[SCL]~~ ' Initially drive SCL HIGH
outa[SDA]~~ ' Initially drive SDA HIGH
outa[SDA]~ ' Now drive SDA LOW
outa[SCL]~ ' Leave SCL LOW
PUB Stop(SCL) | SDA ' SDA goes LOW to HIGH with SCL High
SDA := SCL + 1
outa[SCL]~~ ' Drive SCL HIGH
outa[SDA]~~ ' then SDA HIGH
dira[SCL]~ ' Now let them float
dira[SDA]~ ' If pullups present, they'll stay HIGH
PUB Write(SCL, data) : ackbit | SDA
'' Write i2c data. Data byte is output MSB first, SDA data line is valid
'' only while the SCL line is HIGH. Data is always 8 bits (+ ACK/NAK).
'' SDA is assumed LOW and SCL and SDA are both left in the LOW state.
SDA := SCL + 1
ackbit := 0
data <<= 24
repeat 8 ' Output data to SDA
outa[SDA] := (data <-= 1) & 1
outa[SCL]~~ ' Toggle SCL from LOW to HIGH to LOW
dira[SDA]~ ' Set SDA to input for ACK/NAK
ackbit := ina[SDA] ' Sample SDA when SCL is HIGH
outa[SDA]~ ' Leave SDA driven LOW
PUB Read(SCL, ackbit): data | SDA
'' Read in i2c data, Data byte is output MSB first, SDA data line is
'' valid only while the SCL line is HIGH. SCL and SDA left in LOW state.
SDA := SCL + 1
data := 0
dira[SDA]~ ' Make SDA an input
repeat 8 ' Receive data from SDA
outa[SCL]~~ ' Sample SDA when SCL is HIGH
data := (data << 1) | ina[SDA]
outa[SDA] := ackbit ' Output ACK/NAK to SDA
outa[SCL]~~ ' Toggle SCL from LOW to HIGH to LOW
outa[SDA]~ ' Leave SDA driven LOW
PUB ReadPage(SCL, devSel, addrReg, dataPtr, count) : ackbit
'' Read in a block of i2c data. Device select code is devSel. Device starting
'' address is addrReg. Data address is at dataPtr. Number of bytes is count.
'' The device select code is modified using the upper 3 bits of the 19 bit addrReg.
'' Return zero if no errors or the acknowledge bits if an error occurred.
devSel |= addrReg >> 15 & %1110
Start(SCL) ' Select the device & send address
ackbit := Write(SCL, devSel | Xmit)
ackbit := (ackbit << 1) | Write(SCL, addrReg >> 8 & $FF)
ackbit := (ackbit << 1) | Write(SCL, addrReg & $FF)
Start(SCL) ' Reselect the device for reading
ackbit := (ackbit << 1) | Write(SCL, devSel | Recv)
repeat count - 1
byte[dataPtr++] := Read(SCL, ACK)
byte[dataPtr++] := Read(SCL, NAK)
return ackbit
PUB ReadByte(SCL, devSel, addrReg) : data
'' Read in a single byte of i2c data. Device select code is devSel. Device
'' starting address is addrReg. The device select code is modified using the
'' upper 3 bits of the 19 bit addrReg. This returns true if an error occurred.
if ReadPage(SCL, devSel, addrReg, @data, 1)
return -1
PUB ReadWord(SCL, devSel, addrReg) : data
'' Read in a single word of i2c data. Device select code is devSel. Device
'' starting address is addrReg. The device select code is modified using the
'' upper 3 bits of the 19 bit addrReg. This returns true if an error occurred.
if ReadPage(SCL, devSel, addrReg, @data, 2)
return -1
PUB ReadLong(SCL, devSel, addrReg) : data
'' Read in a single long of i2c data. Device select code is devSel. Device
'' starting address is addrReg. The device select code is modified using the
'' upper 3 bits of the 19 bit addrReg. This returns true if an error occurred.
'' Note that you can't distinguish between a return value of -1 and true error.
if ReadPage(SCL, devSel, addrReg, @data, 4)
return -1
PUB WritePage(SCL, devSel, addrReg, dataPtr, count) : ackbit
'' Write out a block of i2c data. Device select code is devSel. Device starting
'' address is addrReg. Data address is at dataPtr. Number of bytes is count.
'' The device select code is modified using the upper 3 bits of the 19 bit addrReg.
'' Most devices have a page size of at least 32 bytes, some as large as 256 bytes.
'' Return zero if no errors or the acknowledge bits if an error occurred. If
'' more than 31 bytes are transmitted, the sign bit is "sticky" and is the
'' logical "or" of the acknowledge bits of any bytes past the 31st.
devSel |= addrReg >> 15 & %1110
Start(SCL) ' Select the device & send address
ackbit := Write(SCL, devSel | Xmit)
ackbit := (ackbit << 1) | Write(SCL, addrReg >> 8 & $FF)
ackbit := (ackbit << 1) | Write(SCL, addrReg & $FF)
repeat count ' Now send the data
ackbit := ackbit << 1 | ackbit & $80000000 ' "Sticky" sign bit
ackbit |= Write(SCL, byte[dataPtr++])
return ackbit
PUB WriteByte(SCL, devSel, addrReg, data)
'' Write out a single byte of i2c data. Device select code is devSel. Device
'' starting address is addrReg. The device select code is modified using the
'' upper 3 bits of the 19 bit addrReg. This returns true if an error occurred.
if WritePage(SCL, devSel, addrReg, @data, 1)
return true
' james edit - wait for 5ms for page write to complete (80_000 * 5 = 400_000)
waitcnt(400_000 + cnt)
return false
PUB WriteWord(SCL, devSel, addrReg, data)
'' Write out a single word of i2c data. Device select code is devSel. Device
'' starting address is addrReg. The device select code is modified using the
'' upper 3 bits of the 19 bit addrReg. This returns true if an error occurred.
'' Note that the word value may not span an EEPROM page boundary.
if WritePage(SCL, devSel, addrReg, @data, 2)
return true
' james edit - wait for 5ms for page write to complete (80_000 * 5 = 400_000)
waitcnt(400_000 + cnt)
return false
PUB WriteLong(SCL, devSel, addrReg, data)
'' Write out a single long of i2c data. Device select code is devSel. Device
'' starting address is addrReg. The device select code is modified using the
'' upper 3 bits of the 19 bit addrReg. This returns true if an error occurred.
'' Note that the long word value may not span an EEPROM page boundary.
if WritePage(SCL, devSel, addrReg, @data, 4)
return true
' james edit - wait for 5ms for page write to complete (80_000 * 5 = 400_000)
waitcnt(400_000 + cnt)
return false
PUB WriteWait(SCL, devSel, addrReg) : ackbit
'' Wait for a previous write to complete. Device select code is devSel. Device
'' starting address is addrReg. The device will not respond if it is busy.
'' The device select code is modified using the upper 3 bits of the 18 bit addrReg.
'' This returns zero if no error occurred or one if the device didn't respond.
devSel |= addrReg >> 15 & %1110
ackbit := Write(SCL, devSel | Xmit)
return ackbit
' *************** JAMES'S Extra BITS *********************
PUB devicePresent(SCL,deviceAddress) : ackbit
' send the deviceAddress and listen for the ACK
ackbit := Write(SCL,deviceAddress | 0)
if ackbit == ACK
return true
return false
PUB writeLocation(SCL,device_address, register, value)
stop (SCL)
PUB readLocation(SCL,device_address, register) : value
write(SCL,device_address | 0)
write(SCL,device_address | 1)
value := read(SCL,NAK)
return value