; LIFE FOR APPLE-1 ; UNKNOWN AUTHOR ; DISASSEMBLED BY ANTONINO PORCINO, 14TH SEP 2022 ECHO = $FFEF ; character echo routine in Woz monitor KEY_DATA = $D010 ; read key KEY_CTRL = $D011 ; control port ; zero page variables PTR1 = $F0 ; $F0-$F1 PTR2 = $F2 ; $F2-$F3 PTR3 = $F6 ; $F6-$F7 PTR4 = $F8 ; $F8-$F9 CELLCOUNT = $F9 ; also PTR4 high byte RND = $FA ; $FA-$FB random seed TMP = $F6 ; also PTR3 low byte ; ; board geometry is 40x24 = 960 bytes ; there are two boards stored in memory: ; primary board: $2440-$27FF ; secondary board: $2840-$2BFF ; ; the boards contain the actual characters that are printed on ; the screen: live cell ("*"), dead cell (" ") and top/bottom border ("-") ; BOARD = $2440 ; address of the primary board in memory BOARDEND = $2800 ; end address of the board, for bound checking ROW0 = $2440 ; address of topmost row in the board (row 0) ROW1 = $2468 ; address of second row ROW22 = $27B0 ; address of 23nd row ROW23 = $27D8 ; address of bottom row in the board (row 23) DEADCELL = $A0 ; " " (space character) ALIVECELL = $AA ; "*" FRAMECELL = $AD ; "-" ORG $2000 ; ; clears the primary board ($2400-$27FF) ; bug: the area between $2400-$243F is cleared as well ; LDX #$00 LDA #DEADCELL ; dead cell character L2004 STA $2400,X ; bug: this should be $2440 STA $2500,X STA $2600,X STA $2700,X INX BNE L2004 ; ; prints the welcome message (56 characters) ; (X is zero from previous BNE) ; L2013 LDA MESSAGE,X JSR ECHO INX CPX #56 ; prints 56 characters of the message BNE L2013 ; Asks for user's full name; read and print from keyboard ; until ENTER is pressed. Typed characters are simply discarded, ; the purpose of asking user's full name is to increment the random ; seed generator in $FA-$FB (RND) at user's typing speed. ; ; At the end of the typing, the RND variable will contain ; a fairly good random integer that can be used as a ; seed generator. This because the Apple-1 does not have ; any other way of generating random numbers ; L201E JSR RDKEY CMP #$8D ; enter key BNE L201E ; ; randomly calculate how many cells to draw at the start of the game ; it's a random number from 32 to 95, stored into "CELLCOUNT" variable ; JSR GETRAND ; gets a random number (0-255) in A AND #$3F ; ranges it $00-$3F ADC #$20 ; ranges it $20-$5F (carry is not cleared though) STA CELLCOUNT ; number of cells to generate betwen $20-$5F (32-95) ; ; fills the board with the number live cells in "CELLCOUNT" ; bug: also writes out of the screen area between $2400 and $243F ; LDY #$00 ; keeps Y to 0 for "STA(),Y" instruction L2030 JSR GETRAND ; gets a random number in A AND #$03 ; ranges it 0-3 CLC ADC #BOARD/256 ; board high byte $24 + rnd(0-3) STA PTR1+1 ; high byte now ranges from $24 to $27 LDA RND ; gets random number directly from seed STA PTR1 ; PTR1 now points randomly to $2400-$27FF LDA #ALIVECELL ; alive cell character ("*") STA (PTR1),Y ; writes on the board (set cell "ON") DEC CELLCOUNT ; decrements cell counter BNE L2030 ; loops until all cells are written (counter reches 0) ; ;$2046 ; main game loop ; MAINLOOP LDA #BOARD/256 ; STA PTR4+1 ; LDA #BOARD%256 ; STA PTR4 ; sets PTR4 to $2440 (primary board) ; ; draws a line of dashes ("-") on top and bottom rows ; LDX #39 ; counts 40 characters backward LDA #FRAMECELL ; board frame character ("-") L2052 STA ROW23,X ; writes bottom line of the board STA ROW0 ,X ; writes top line of the board DEX ; decrements char counter BPL L2052 ; loops if X >= 0 ; ; prints the whole board from $2440 to $2800 ; Y is already zero from above ; L205B LDA (PTR4),Y ; reads character from board JSR ECHO ; prints it by the echo routine in Woz monitor INC PTR4 ; BNE L205B ; INC PTR4+1 ; increments pointer PTR4 LDA PTR4+1 CMP #BOARDEND/256 ; checks end of the board BNE L205B ; ; reads the keyboard between each game epoch ; JSR RDKEY ; ; copy primary board into secondary board (copies $2440-$27FF into $2840-$2BFF) ; LDY #$00 JSR SETPTRS ; sets board pointers: PTR1=$2440 (primary), PTR2=$2840 (secondary) L2074 LDA (PTR1),Y ; reads from primary STA (PTR2),Y ; and writes into secondary INC PTR1 INC PTR2 BNE L2074 INC PTR1+1 INC PTR2+1 ; increments pointers PTR1, PTR2 LDA PTR1+1 CMP #BOARDEND/256 ; checks end of the board BNE L2074 ; ; once the primary board is copied onto secondary, the primary is used to count ; the number of nearby cells around a live cell, so it needs to be filled with 0's ; JSR ZEROBOARD ; ; scans the secondary board: for every live cell, increment by one ; the nearby cells in the primary board ; ; nearby cells are scanned using Y-indexing with the following Y values: ; ; -41 -40 -39 ; -1 * +1 ; 39 40 41 ; L208B LDY #$00 ; keeps Y to 0 for "LDA(),Y" instruction LDA (PTR2),Y ; reads cell in the secondary board CMP #ALIVECELL ; is cell alive? BNE L209D ; if no goes next cell LDY #39 ; yes it's alive, starts Y indexing from 39 JSR SUM6CELLS ; sums cells with Y offsets: +/-39, +/-40, +/-41 (row above and below the live cell) LDY #1 JSR SUMYCELLS ; sums cells with Y offsets: +/-1 (left/right of live cell) ; increments PTR1 and PTR2 to next cell L209D INC PTR1 INC PTR2 BNE L208B INC PTR1+1 INC PTR2+1 LDA PTR1+1 CMP #BOARDEND/256 ; checks end of the board BNE L208B ; ; sums the primary board accumulated score from bottom row into top, and top into bottom ; this actaully "wraps" the playfield making it like a toroid (sort of) ; ; does: ROW1 = ROW1 + ROW23 ; ROW22 = ROW22 + ROW0 ; CLC ; keeps carry clear for ADC below LDX #39 ; counts 40 characters (1 row) L20B0 LDA ROW23,X ; reads 24th row ADC ROW1,X STA ROW1,X ; and sums into 2nd LDA ROW0,X ; reads first row ADC ROW22,X ; and sums into row 23rd (note: numbers are small, carry always 0, no need to CLC again) STA ROW22,X DEX BPL L20B0 ; ; the actual GAME OF LIFE computation (Conway's rules) ; at this point the secondary board contains the board ("*" or " ") of the last epoch; ; primary board contains the number of nearby cells for each cell that is alive ; JSR SETPTRS ; starts from top of the boards L20C8 LDY #$00 ; keeps Y to 0 for "LDA (),Y" LDA (PTR1),Y ; reads number of nearby cells CMP #2 ; two cells nearby? BNE L20D4 ; if not checks for three LDA (PTR2),Y ; yes two cells nearby: cells survives to next round BNE WRITECELL L20D4 CMP #3 ; three cells nearby? BNE SETDEAD ; if not then it's dead cell LDA #ALIVECELL ; else it's alive (does not matter if it was alive or not) BNE WRITECELL ; cheap jump to WRITECELL SETDEAD LDA #DEADCELL ; sets next cell dead WRITECELL STA (PTR1),Y ; writes the cell on the board ; increments pointers to next cell INC PTR1 INC PTR2 BNE L20C8 INC PTR1+1 INC PTR2+1 LDA PTR2+1 CMP #$2C ; checsk end of the secondary board (which ends at $2C00) BNE L20C8 JMP MAINLOOP ; loops forever to the next epoch of the game ; ; subroutine that set pointers to point to primary and secondary boards: ; PTR1 = $2440 (primary board) ; PTR2 = $2840 (secondary board) ; ; $20F3 SETPTRS LDA #$24 STA PTR1+1 LDA #$28 STA PTR2+1 LDA #$40 STA PTR1 STA PTR2 RTS ; $2102 ; ; subroutine that reads a key and displays it on the terminal ; returns key in A ; increments a 16 bit counter that works like a random number seed generator ; RDKEY INC RND BNE L2108 INC RND+1 ; increments RND as a 16 bit number L2108 LDA KEY_CTRL ; Apple-1 keyboard status port BPL RDKEY ; if key not pressed reads it again LDA KEY_DATA ; reads the actual key code from Apple-1 keyboard data port JSR ECHO ; displays it in on screen RTS ; $2114 ; ; this subroutine loops over Y=39, 40, 41 ; and calls another soubroutine that increments ; cell at +/- Y values ; SUM6CELLS JSR SUMYCELLS INY CPY #42 ; is it 42? (starts at 39, ends at 41) BNE SUM6CELLS ; no, loops to next Y value RTS ;$211D ; ; subroutine that increments PTR1 at +/- Y ; e.g.: INC (PTR1),+Y ; INC (PTR1),-Y SUMYCELLS ; increments cell at (PTR1),Y CLC LDA (PTR1),Y ADC #$01 ; increments by one STA (PTR1),Y STY CELLCOUNT ; saves Y into unused location CELLCOUNT ; PTR3 = PTR1 - Y SEC LDA PTR1 SBC CELLCOUNT STA PTR3 LDA PTR1+1 SBC #$00 STA PTR3+1 ; increments cell at (PTR3),Y e.g. (PTR1-Y) LDY #$00 LDA (PTR3),Y CLC ADC #$01 ; increments by one STA (PTR3),Y LDY CELLCOUNT ; restores Y RTS ; ;$213F ; ; advances the random number generator ; and loads a random number into A ; uses a sort of a linear feedback shift register ; GETRAND LDA RND+1 STA TMP LDA RND ASL A ROL TMP ASL A ROL TMP ; [TMP|A] = [TMP|A] << 2 CLC ADC RND PHA LDA TMP ADC RND+1 STA RND+1 PLA ADC #$11 STA RND LDA RND+1 ADC #$36 STA RND+1 ; RND = RND + $3611 + C RTS ;$2161 ; ;fills the primary board ($2440-$27FF) with $00 ; ZEROBOARD JSR SETPTRS ; initialized the pointers LDA #$00 ; value to fill TAY ; keeps Y to 0 for STA(),Y L2167 STA (PTR1),Y INC PTR1 BNE L2167 INC PTR1+1 LDX PTR1+1 CPX #BOARDEND/256 ; check end of the board BNE L2167 JSR SETPTRS ; reset correct pointers on exit RTS L2179: DB $A0 ; unused byte ; ; $2180 ; welcome message in Woz-ascii code ; MESSAGE: DB $A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0 ; " " DB $8D,$8D,$8D,$8D ; "\n\n\n\n" DB $C3,$CF,$CE,$D7,$C1,$D9,$A7,$D3,$A0 ; "CONWAY'S " DB $C7,$C1,$CD,$C5,$A0 ; "GAME " DB $CF,$C6,$A0,$CC,$C9,$C6,$C5,$8D,$8D ; "OF LIFE\n\n" DB $D0,$CC,$C5,$C1,$D3,$C5,$A0 ; "PLEASE " DB $D4,$D9,$D0,$C5,$A0 ; "TYPE " DB $D9,$CF,$D5,$D2,$A0 ; "YOUR " DB $C6,$D5,$CC,$CC,$A0 ; "FULL " DB $CE,$C1,$CD,$C5,$AE,$8D,$8D,$00 ; "NAME.\n\n" ; $21B9