// READ: // CPU sends CMD_READ + filename as 0 terminated string // MCU sends $00 + 2 bytes file length (MSB first) + file data bytes (if OK) // MCU sends $FF + string error description (if error) // // global start_address // global len // global token_ptr void comando_read() { // send command byte send_byte_to_MCU(CMD_READ); if(TIMEOUT) return; // send filename send_string_to_MCU(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; // response byte response = receive_byte_from_MCU(); if(TIMEOUT) return; if(response == ERR_RESPONSE) { // error with file, print message print_string_response(); return; } // get file length in tmpword receive_word_from_mcu(); if(TIMEOUT) return; // get file bytes token_ptr = (byte *) start_address; for(word t=0;t!=tmpword;t++) { byte data = receive_byte_from_MCU(); if(TIMEOUT) return; *token_ptr++ = data; #ifdef LOADING_DOTS if(((byte)t) == 0) woz_putc('.'); #endif } // decrease by one for display result token_ptr--; // print feedback to user woz_putc('\r'); woz_puts(filename); woz_puts("\r$"); woz_print_hexword(start_address); woz_puts("-$"); woz_print_hexword((word)token_ptr); woz_puts(" ("); utoa(tmpword, filename, 10); // use filename as string buffer woz_puts(filename); woz_puts(" BYTES)\rOK"); }