// abs,X .... absolute, X-indexed OPC $LLHH,X operand is address; effective address is address incremented by X with carry **
// abs,Y .... absolute, Y-indexed OPC $LLHH,Y operand is address; effective address is address incremented by Y with carry **
// # .... immediate OPC #$BB operand is byte BB
// impl .... implied OPC operand implied
// ind .... indirect OPC ($LLHH) operand is address; effective address is contents of word at address: C.w($HHLL)
// X,ind .... X-indexed, indirect OPC ($LL,X) operand is zeropage address; effective address is word in (LL + X, LL + X + 1), inc. without carry: C.w($00LL + X)
// ind,Y .... indirect, Y-indexed OPC ($LL),Y operand is zeropage address; effective address is word in (LL, LL + 1) incremented by Y with carry: C.w($00LL) + Y
// rel .... relative OPC $BB branch target is PC + signed offset BB ***
// zpg .... zeropage OPC $LL operand is zeropage address (hi-byte is zero, address = $00LL)
// zpg,X .... zeropage, X-indexed OPC $LL,X operand is zeropage address; effective address is address incremented by X without carry **
// zpg,Y .... zeropage, Y-indexed OPC $LL,Y operand is zeropage address; effective address is address incremented by Y without carry **