
- ROM can be loaded from the directory of ROMDIR environment variable.

- Fix leaking memory on fd of loadBasic() function
- Fix some coding style issue in memory.c and msgbuf.c 

- Add Cygwin (with cygwin base, make, gcc4 and libncurses-dev) support
- Fix Hung after Hardreset. 

- If a loading core has a value on the 0xF000 area, the mode
  should be better change to 32K mode. 
- Update SAMPLE_PROGRAMS file. 

- Remove TODO list. 
- Synchronize video output for ideal 60 Hz screen refresh.
- Remove terminalSpeed configuration. Now it is 60Hz only.
- Remove replica1 config in napple1.cfg and No more napple1.cfg.
- Mode change command filp 8K memory mode & 32K memory mode
- Delete unused charmap.rom
- Rename core/STARTREK to core/startrek

- Filename input for Load core.
- Confirmation to load basic to ram.
- Command list on the message buffer.
- Remove default core and basic.rom loading function.
- TODO file added.

- March 29, 2010 
- Modify makefile as using macros for common options.
- Add #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 to prevent compile warning of usleep. 
- Add filename input feature for 'D'ump core.  

- March 25, 2010
- Fix time tic in m6502. To get milli sec current time, use gettimeofday.
- Wall option at compile. So, several fix in m6502.c to get rid of warnings.  

- March 25, 2010
- Fix some descriptions in READE and SAMPLE_PROGRAMS
- Use independant ncurses windows for main screen and message buffer, 
  instead of a single stdscr. The new screen layoht is following.
  During loading rom and core, printing some messages to the buffer.

	|(0,0)                 (0, 40)|
	|          screen             |
	|                             |
	|(23,0)                (23,40)|
	|(24,0) message buffer (24,40)|

- March 21, 2010
- Update README 
- Allow smaller lines/colums terminal

- March 18, 2010
- Delete automatic save memory function during quit.
- Shift + D "Dump core"
- Dump & Load core on file core/dumped
- Add sample core file in core directory
- March 16, 2010
- Fixed old program name nPom1 to napple1.
- napple1 now includes Pom1 rom.
- if napple1 started with normal mode, and if core file 
  isn't existing, load rom/basic.rom to ram 0xE000. 

- March 15, 2010
- Derived from Pom1. First alpha release