// Copyright Terence J. Boldt (c)2020-2024 // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This file contains the handler for executing Linux and internal // commands package handlers import ( "errors" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/tjboldt/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/apple2driver/drive" "github.com/tjboldt/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/apple2driver/info" "github.com/tjboldt/ProDOS-Utilities/prodos" ) var forceLowercase = false var execTimeoutSeconds = int(10) // ExecCommand handles requests for the Apple II executing Linux commands func ExecCommand(drive1 *prodos.ReaderWriterAt, drive2 *prodos.ReaderWriterAt) { workingDirectory, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { workingDirectory = "/home" comm.WriteString("Failed to get current working directory, setting to /home\r") } fmt.Printf("Reading command to execute...\n") linuxCommand, err := comm.ReadString() if forceLowercase { linuxCommand = strings.ToLower(linuxCommand) } linuxCommand = strings.Trim(linuxCommand, " ") if linuxCommand == "" { linuxCommand = "a2help" } fmt.Printf("Command to run: %s\n", linuxCommand) if strings.HasPrefix(linuxCommand, "cd ") { workingDirectory = strings.Replace(linuxCommand, "cd ", "", 1) err = os.Chdir(workingDirectory) if err != nil { comm.WriteString("Failed to set working directory\r") return } comm.WriteString("Working directory set\r") return } if linuxCommand == "a2version" { a2version() return } if linuxCommand == "a2help" { a2help() return } if linuxCommand == "a2lower" { a2lower(false) return } if linuxCommand == "A2LOWER" { a2lower(true) return } if linuxCommand == "a2wifi" { a2wifi() return } if strings.HasPrefix(linuxCommand, "a2timeout") { a2timeout(linuxCommand) return } if strings.HasPrefix(linuxCommand, "a2drive") { a2drive(linuxCommand, drive1, drive2) return } if linuxCommand == "a2prompt" { prompt := fmt.Sprintf("A2IO:%s ", workingDirectory) comm.WriteString(prompt) return } if linuxCommand == "a2wifi list" { linuxCommand = a2wifiList() } if strings.HasPrefix(linuxCommand, "a2wifi select") { linuxCommand, err = a2wifiSelect(linuxCommand) } if err == nil { execCommand(linuxCommand, workingDirectory) } } func execCommand(linuxCommand string, workingDirectory string) { // force the command to combine stderr(2) into stdout(1) linuxCommand += " 2>&1" cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", linuxCommand) cmd.Dir = workingDirectory cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "TERM=vt100", "LINES=24", "COLUMNS=80", ) stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to set stdout\n") comm.WriteString("Failed to set stdout\r") return } err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to start command\n") comm.WriteString("Failed to start command\r") return } timeout := time.After(time.Duration(execTimeoutSeconds) * time.Second) for { select { case <-timeout: comm.WriteString("\rCancelled by apple2driver\r") cmd.Process.Kill() return default: bb := make([]byte, 1) n, stdOutErr := stdout.Read(bb) if stdOutErr == nil { if n > 0 { b := bb[0] comm.SendCharacter(b) } } else { comm.WriteByte(0) cmd.Wait() return } } } } func a2version() { comm.WriteString("\rDriver version: " + info.Version + "\r") } func a2help() { comm.WriteString("\rDriver version: " + info.Version + "\r" + "\r" + "Example from ] prompt:\r" + "]RPI ls /home/pi\r" + "\r" + "Example from Applesoft BASIC:\r" + "]10 PRINT CHR$(4)\"RPI ping apple.com\"\r" + "]RUN\r" + "\r" + "Driver commands called with RPI:\r" + "a2help - display this message\r" + "a2version - display driver version\r" + "a2wifi - set up wifi\r" + "a2timeout - seconds to timeout commands\r" + "A2LOWER - force lowercase for II+\r" + "a2lower - disable force lowercase\r" + "a2drive - change drive images\r" + "\r") } func a2timeout(linuxCommand string) { params := strings.Fields(linuxCommand) switch len(params) { case 1: comm.WriteString("\rCommand timeout: " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(execTimeoutSeconds), 10) + "\r") case 2: timeoutSeconds, err := strconv.ParseInt(params[1], 10, 32) if err != nil { comm.WriteString("\rFailed to parse timeout\r") } else { execTimeoutSeconds = int(timeoutSeconds) comm.WriteString("\rCommand timeout set to: " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(execTimeoutSeconds), 10) + "\r") } default: comm.WriteString("\rToo many parameters\n") } } func a2drive(linuxCommand string, drive1 *prodos.ReaderWriterAt, drive2 *prodos.ReaderWriterAt) { params := strings.Fields(linuxCommand) if len(params) < 3 { showa2DriveUsage() return } driveNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(params[1], 10, 32) if err != nil { comm.WriteString("\rFailed to parse drive number\r") showa2DriveUsage() return } if params[2] == "regen" { directory, err := drive.GetDriveImageDirectory() if err != nil { comm.WriteString("\rFailed to parse source directory\r") return } if len(params) > 3 { directory = params[3] } switch driveNumber { case 1: *drive1, err = drive.GenerateDriveFromDirectory("APPLE2.IO.RPI", directory) if err != nil { comm.WriteString("\rFailed to regenerate drive 1\r") return } comm.WriteString("\rDrive 1 regenerated\r") case 2: *drive2, err = drive.GenerateDriveFromDirectory("APPLE2.IO.RPI2", directory) if err != nil { comm.WriteString("\rFailed to regenerate drive 2\r") return } comm.WriteString("\rDrive 2 regenerated\r") default: comm.WriteString("\rOnly drives 1 or 2 are supported\r") showa2DriveUsage() return } } if params[2] == "load" { if len(params) != 4 { comm.WriteString("\rMust specify a drive image to load\r") showa2DriveUsage() return } imageFileName := params[3] switch driveNumber { case 1: *drive1, err = os.OpenFile(imageFileName, os.O_RDWR, 0755) if err != nil { comm.WriteString("\rFailed to load drive 1\r") return } comm.WriteString("\rDrive 1 loaded\r") case 2: *drive2, err = os.OpenFile(imageFileName, os.O_RDWR, 0755) if err != nil { comm.WriteString("\rFailed to load drive 2\r") return } comm.WriteString("\rDrive 2 loaded\r") default: comm.WriteString("\rOnly drives 1 or 2 are supported\r") showa2DriveUsage() return } } } func showa2DriveUsage() { comm.WriteString("\rUsage: a2drive DRIVENUMBER [regen [PATH] | load FILENAME]\rExamples: a2drive 1 regen ~/Apple2-IO-RPi/RaspberryPi/driveimage\r a2drive 2 load /home/pi/Games.hdv\r") } func a2lower(enable bool) { forceLowercase = enable comm.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("All commands will be converted to lowercase: %t\r", forceLowercase)) } func a2wifi() { comm.WriteString("\r" + "Usage: a2wifi list\r" + " a2wifi select SSID PASSWORD REGION\r" + "\r") } func a2wifiList() string { return "sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning | grep ESSID | sed s/.*ESSID://g | sed s/\\\"//g" } func a2wifiSelect(linuxCommand string) (string, error) { params := strings.Fields(linuxCommand) if len(params) != 5 { comm.WriteString("\rIncorrect number of parameters. Usage: a2wifi select SSID PASSWORD REGION\r\r") return "", errors.New("Incorrect number of parameters. Usage: a2wifi select SSID PASSWORD REGION") } ssid := params[2] psk := params[3] region := params[4] linuxCommand = "printf \"country=%s\\nupdate_config=1\\nctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant\\n\\nnetwork={\\n scan_ssid=1\\n ssid=\\\"%s\\\"\n psk=\\\"%s\\\"\\n}\\n\" " + region + " " + ssid + " " + psk + " " + " > /tmp/wpa_supplicant.conf; " + "sudo mv /tmp/wpa_supplicant.conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/; " + "sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure" return linuxCommand, nil }