; Copyright Terence J. Boldt (c)2020-2022 ; Use of this source code is governed by an MIT ; license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ; This file contains the source for the firmware ; that was formerly used to act as a pseudo-shell ;ProDOS Zero Page Command = $42 ;ProDOS Command Unit = $43 ;ProDOS unit (SDDD0000) BufferLo = $44 BufferHi = $45 BlockLo = $46 BlockHi = $47 ; ProDOS Error Codes IOError = $27 NoDevice = $28 WriteProtect = $2B InputByte = $c08e+SLOT*$10 OutputByte = $c08d+SLOT*$10 InputFlags = $c08b+SLOT*$10 OutputFlags = $c087+SLOT*$10 ReadBlockCommand = $01 WriteBlockCommand = $02 GetTimeCommand = $03 ChangeDriveCommand = $04 ExecCommand = $05 LoadFileCommand = $06 SaveFileCommand = $07 MenuCommand = $08 InputString = $fd67 PrintChar = $fded Keyboard = $c000 ClearKeyboard = $c010 Wait = $fca8 .org SLOT*$100 + $C000 ;ID bytes for booting and drive detection cpx #$20 ;ID bytes for ProDOS and the cpx #$00 ; Apple Autostart ROM cpx #$03 ; ldx #SLOT*$10 stx $2b stx Unit ;force EPROM to second page on boot lda #$3f ;set all flags high and page 3 of EPROM for menu PageJump: sta OutputFlags jmp Start ;this jump is only called if coming in from PageJump with A=$2f ;entry points for ProDOS DriverEntry: lda #$0f ;set all flags high and page 0 of EPROM sta OutputFlags Start: jsr $c300 ;enable 80 columns lda #$05 ;execute command jsr SendByte ldy #$00 sendHelp: lda HelpCommand,y beq endSendHelp jsr SendByte iny bne sendHelp endSendHelp: lda #$00 jsr SendByte jsr DumpOutput lda $33 pha lda #$a4 sta $33 GetCommand: jsr InputString lda $0200 cmp #$8d ;skip when return found beq GetCommand jsr SendCommand clc bcc GetCommand SendCommand: bit ClearKeyboard lda #$05 ;send command 5 = exec jsr SendByte ldy #$00 getInput: lda $0200,y cmp #$8d beq sendNullTerminator and #$7f jsr SendByte iny bne getInput sendNullTerminator: lda #$00 jsr SendByte DumpOutput: jsr GetByte bcs skipOutput cmp #$00 beq endOutput jsr PrintChar skipOutput: bit Keyboard ;check for keypress bpl DumpOutput ;keep dumping output if no keypress lda Keyboard ;send keypress to RPi jsr PrintChar and #$7f jsr SendByte bit ClearKeyboard clc bcc DumpOutput endOutput: rts HelpCommand: .byte "a2help",$00 SendByte: bit InputFlags bvs SendByte sta OutputByte .if HW_TYPE = 0 lda #$1e ; set bit 0 low to indicate write started sta OutputFlags finishWrite: bit InputFlags bvc finishWrite lda #$1f sta OutputFlags .endif rts GetByte: .if HW_TYPE = 0 ldx #$1d ;set read flag low stx OutputFlags .endif waitRead: bit InputFlags bpl readByte bit Keyboard ;keypress will abort waiting to read bpl waitRead .if HW_TYPE = 0 lda #$1f ;set all flags high and exit sta OutputFlags .endif sec ;failure rts readByte: lda InputByte .if HW_TYPE = 0 ldx #$1f ;set all flags high stx OutputFlags finishRead: bit InputFlags bpl finishRead .endif clc ;success end: rts .repeat 251-