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synced 2024-11-08 03:06:39 +00:00
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package handlers
import (
func ExecCommand() {
workingDirectory, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
workingDirectory = "/home"
a2io.WriteString("Failed to get current working directory, setting to /home\r")
fmt.Printf("Reading command to execute...\n")
linuxCommand, err := a2io.ReadString()
fmt.Printf("Command to run: %s\n", linuxCommand)
if strings.HasPrefix(linuxCommand, "cd ") {
workingDirectory = strings.Replace(linuxCommand, "cd ", "", 1)
err = os.Chdir(workingDirectory)
if err != nil {
a2io.WriteString("Failed to set working directory\r")
a2io.WriteString("Working directory set\r")
if linuxCommand == "a2help" {
a2io.WriteString("\r" +
"This is a pseudo shell. Each command is executed as a process. The cd command\r" +
"is intercepted and sets the working directory for the next command. Running\r" +
"commands that do not exit will hang. For example, do not use ping without a\r" +
"way to limit output like -c 1.\r" +
"\r" +
"Built-in commands:\r" +
"a2help - display this message\r" +
"a2wifi - set up wifi\r" +
if linuxCommand == "a2wifi" {
a2io.WriteString("\r" +
"Usage: a2wifi list\r" +
" a2wifi select SSID PASSWORD\r" +
if linuxCommand == "a2wifi list" {
linuxCommand = "sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning | grep ESSID | sed s/.*ESSID://g | sed s/\\\"//g"
if strings.HasPrefix(linuxCommand, "a2wifi select") {
params := strings.Fields(linuxCommand)
if (len(params) != 4) {
a2io.WriteString("\rIncorrect number of parameters. Usage: a2wifi select SSID PASSWORD\r\r")
ssid := params[2]
psk := params[3]
linuxCommand = "sudo printf \"country=ca\\nupdate_config=1\\nctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant\\n\\nnetwork={\\n scan_ssid=1\\n ssid=\\\"%s\\\"\n psk=\\\"%s\\\"\\n}\\n\" " +
ssid + " " +
psk + " " +
" > /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf; " +
"sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure"
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", linuxCommand)
cmd.Dir = workingDirectory
cmdOut, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to execute command\n")
a2io.WriteString("Failed to execute command\r")
fmt.Printf("Command output: %s\n", cmdOut)
apple2string := strings.Replace(string(cmdOut), "\n", "\r", -1)
err = a2io.WriteString(apple2string)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to send command output\n")