2021-02-20 14:21:13 +01:00

201 lines
4.6 KiB

#include "AppleIISd.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <apple2enh.h>
// Binary can't be larger than 2k
#define BUFFER_SIZE 2048
#define BIN_FILE_NAME "AppleIISd.bin"
typedef enum
STATE_0, // pipe
STATE_1, // slash
STATE_2, // hyphen
STATE_3, // backslash
STATE_LAST // don't use
const char state_char[STATE_LAST] = { '|', '/', '-', '\\' };
static uint8 buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
static void writeChip(const uint8* pSource, volatile uint8* pDest, uint16 length);
static boolean verifyChip(const uint8* pSource, volatile uint8* pDest, uint16 length);
static void printStatus(uint8 percentage);
int main()
int retval = 1;
FILE* pFile;
char slotNum;
boolean erase = FALSE;
uint16 fileSize = 0;
volatile uint8* pSlotRom = SLOT_ROM_START;
volatile uint8 dummy;
cprintf("AppleIISd firmware flasher V1.2\r\n");
cprintf("(c) 2019-2020 Florian Reitz\r\n\r\n");
// ask for slot
cursor(1); // enable blinking cursor
cprintf("Slot number (1-7): ");
cscanf("%c", &slotNum);
slotNum -= 0x30;
cursor(0); // disable blinking cursor
if(slotNum == 0)
// erase device
erase = TRUE;
// ask for slot
cursor(1); // enable blinking cursor
cprintf("Erase device in slot number (1-7): ");
cscanf("%c", &slotNum);
slotNum -= 0x30;
cursor(0); // disable blinking cursor
// check if slot is valid
if((slotNum < 1) || (slotNum > 7))
cprintf("\r\nInvalid slot number!");
return 1; // failure
pAIISD = (APPLE_II_SD_T*)(SLOT_IO_START + (slotNum << 4));
pSlotRom += slotNum << 8;
fileSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
// open file
pFile = fopen(BIN_FILE_NAME, "rb");
// read buffer
fileSize = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), pFile);
pFile = NULL;
if(fileSize != BUFFER_SIZE)
cprintf("\r\nWrong file size: %d\r\n", fileSize);
cprintf("\r\nCan't open %s file\r\n", BIN_FILE_NAME);
fileSize = 0;
if(fileSize == BUFFER_SIZE)
// enable write
pAIISD->status.pgmen = 1;
// write to SLOTROM
cprintf("\r\n\r\nFlashing SLOTROM: ");
writeChip(buffer, pSlotRom, 256);
cprintf("\r\nVerifying SLOTROM: ");
if(verifyChip(buffer, pSlotRom, 256))
// write to EXT_ROM
cprintf("\r\n\r\nFlashing EXTROM: ");
// clear CFFF and dummy read to enable correct EXT_ROM
dummy = *CFFF;
dummy = *pSlotRom;
writeChip(buffer + 256, EXT_ROM_START, fileSize - 256);
cprintf("\r\nVerifying EXTROM: ");
dummy = *CFFF;
dummy = *pSlotRom;
if(verifyChip(buffer + 256, EXT_ROM_START, fileSize - 256))
cprintf("\r\n\r\nFlashing finished!\n");
retval = 0;
// disable write
pAIISD->status.pgmen = 0;
return retval;
static void writeChip(const uint8* pSource, volatile uint8* pDest, uint16 length)
uint32 i;
volatile uint8 readData;
for(i=0; i<length; i++)
pDest[i] = pSource[i];
printStatus((i * 100u / length) + 1);
// wait for write cycle
readData = pDest[i];
while((readData & 0x80) != (pSource[i] & 0x80));
static boolean verifyChip(const uint8* pSource, volatile uint8* pDest, uint16 length)
uint32 i;
for(i=0; i<length; i++)
printStatus((i * 100u / length) + 1);
if(pDest[i] != pSource[i])
// verification not successful
cprintf("\r\n\r\n!!! Verification failed at %p !!!\r\n", &pDest[i]);
cprintf("Was 0x%02hhX, should be 0x%02hhX\r\n", pDest[i], pSource[i]);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static void printStatus(uint8 percentage)
static STATE_CURSOR_T state = STATE_0;
uint8 wait = 0;
uint8 x = wherex();
char cState = (percentage < 100) ? state_char[state] : ' ';
cprintf("% 3hhu%% %c", percentage, cState);
if(state == STATE_LAST)
state = STATE_0;