2022-05-17 00:08:49 +02:00

19 lines
684 B

// Copyright 2022 Thorsten Brehm
// brehmt (at) gmail dot com
// single button
module button()
// front part of the button
translate([-ButtonXWidth/2, -ButtonYHeight/2, 0])
roundedCube(ButtonXWidth, ButtonYHeight, ButonZDepth, ButtonCorners);
// slightly larger frame around the buttons rear, to keep the button from falling through the panel
translate([-(ButtonXWidth+ButtonLedgeWidth)/2, -(ButtonYHeight+ButtonLedgeWidth)/2, 0])
roundedCube(ButtonXWidth+ButtonLedgeWidth, ButtonYHeight+ButtonLedgeWidth, SKIN, ButtonCorners);
// connector for the button's peg
rotate([0,180,0]) screwPost(ButtonPegDepth, ButtonPegDiameter+2, ButtonPegDiameter, ButtonPegDepth, 1);