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2019-09-01 02:55:04 +00:00
Assembler report for GR8RAM
2019-10-12 00:34:51 +00:00
Sat Sep 07 22:26:07 2019
Quartus II 64-Bit Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition
2019-09-01 02:55:04 +00:00
; Table of Contents ;
1. Legal Notice
2. Assembler Summary
3. Assembler Settings
4. Assembler Generated Files
2019-10-12 00:34:51 +00:00
5. Assembler Device Options: C:/Users/Zane/Documents/GitHub/GR8RAM/cpld/output_files/GR8RAM.pof
2019-09-01 02:55:04 +00:00
6. Assembler Messages
; Legal Notice ;
Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation
Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
(including device programming or simulation files), and any
associated documentation or information are expressly subject
to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
applicable agreement for further details.
; Assembler Summary ;
2019-10-12 00:34:51 +00:00
; Assembler Status ; Successful - Sat Sep 07 22:26:07 2019 ;
2019-09-01 02:55:04 +00:00
; Revision Name ; GR8RAM ;
; Top-level Entity Name ; GR8RAM ;
; Family ; MAX7000S ;
; Device ; EPM7128SLC84-15 ;
; Assembler Settings ;
; Option ; Setting ; Default Value ;
; Use smart compilation ; Off ; Off ;
; Enable parallel Assembler and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer during compilation ; On ; On ;
; Enable compact report table ; Off ; Off ;
; Compression mode ; Off ; Off ;
; Clock source for configuration device ; Internal ; Internal ;
; Clock frequency of the configuration device ; 10 MHZ ; 10 MHz ;
; Divide clock frequency by ; 1 ; 1 ;
; Auto user code ; Off ; Off ;
; Security bit ; Off ; Off ;
; Use configuration device ; On ; On ;
; Configuration device auto user code ; Off ; Off ;
; Generate Tabular Text File (.ttf) For Target Device ; Off ; Off ;
; Generate Raw Binary File (.rbf) For Target Device ; Off ; Off ;
; Generate Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Output File (.hexout) for Target Device ; Off ; Off ;
; Hexadecimal Output File start address ; 0 ; 0 ;
; Hexadecimal Output File count direction ; Up ; Up ;
; Generate Serial Vector Format File (.svf) for Target Device ; Off ; Off ;
; Generate a JEDEC STAPL Format File (.jam) for Target Device ; Off ; Off ;
; Generate a compressed Jam STAPL Byte Code 2.0 File (.jbc) for Target Device ; Off ; Off ;
; Generate a compressed Jam STAPL Byte Code 2.0 File (.jbc) for Target Device ; On ; On ;
2019-10-12 00:34:51 +00:00
; Assembler Generated Files ;
; File Name ;
; C:/Users/Zane/Documents/GitHub/GR8RAM/cpld/output_files/GR8RAM.pof ;
2019-09-01 02:55:04 +00:00
2019-10-12 00:34:51 +00:00
; Assembler Device Options: C:/Users/Zane/Documents/GitHub/GR8RAM/cpld/output_files/GR8RAM.pof ;
; Option ; Setting ;
; Device ; EPM7128SLC84-15 ;
; JTAG usercode ; 0x00000000 ;
; Checksum ; 0x0017D2F6 ;
2019-09-01 02:55:04 +00:00
; Assembler Messages ;
Info: *******************************************************************
2019-10-12 00:34:51 +00:00
Info: Running Quartus II 64-Bit Assembler
2019-09-01 02:55:04 +00:00
Info: Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition
2019-10-12 00:34:51 +00:00
Info: Processing started: Sat Sep 07 22:26:05 2019
2019-09-01 02:55:04 +00:00
Info: Command: quartus_asm --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off GR8RAM -c GR8RAM
Info (115030): Assembler is generating device programming files
2019-10-12 00:34:51 +00:00
Info: Quartus II 64-Bit Assembler was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
Info: Peak virtual memory: 4521 megabytes
Info: Processing ended: Sat Sep 07 22:26:07 2019
Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:02
Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:00
2019-09-01 02:55:04 +00:00