module GR8RAM(C25M, PHI0, nBOD, nRES, nRESout, nIOSEL, nDEVSEL, nIOSTRB, RA, nWE, RAdir, RD, RDdir, SBA, SA, nRCS, nRAS, nCAS, nSWE, DQML, DQMH, RCKE, SD, nFCS, FCK, MISO, MOSI); /* Clock signals */ /* Outputs: C25M, PHI0r1, PHI0r2, */ input C25M, PHI0; reg PHI0r0, PHI0r1, PHI0r2; always @(negedge C25M) begin PHI0r0 <= PHI0; end always @(posedge C25M) begin PHI0r1 <= PHI0r0; PHI0r2 <= PHI0r1; end /* Reset/brown-out detect synchronized inputs */ /* Outputs: nRESr, nBODf */ input nRES, nBOD; reg nRESr0, nRESr; reg nBODr0, nBODr, nBODf0, nBODf; always @(negedge C25M) begin nBODr0 <= nBOD; nRESr0 <= nRES; end always @(posedge C25M) begin nBODr <= nBODr0; nRESr <= nRESr0; end always @(posedge C25M) begin // Filter nBODr to get nBODf. Output hi when hi for $10000 cycles if (LS[15:0]==16'hFF00) begin // When LS low-order is $FFF0 nBODf0 <= nBODr; // "Precharge" nBODf0 nBODf <= nBODf0; // Move computed nBODf0 into nBODf end else if (nBODr) begin // Else AND nBODf0 with nBODr nBODf0 <= nBODf0 && nBODr; // "Evaluate" by ANDing end end /* Long state counter: counts from 0 to $3FFFF */ /* Outputs: LS */ reg [17:0] LS = 0; always @(posedge C25M) begin LS <= LS+1; end /* Init state */ output reg nRESout = 0; reg InitActv = 0; reg InitIntr = 0; reg SDRAMActv = 0; always @(posedge C25M) begin if (~nBODf) begin nRESout <= 0; InitIntr <= 1; end else if (~nRESr && LS[17:0]==18'h0FF00) begin nRESout <= 0; InitActv <= 1; InitIntr <= 0; end else if (LS[17:0]==18'h30002) begin InitActv <= 0; if (InitActv && ~InitIntr) begin SDRAMActv <= 1; nRESout <= 1; end end end /* Apple IO area select signals */ /* Outputs: DEVSELr */ input nIOSEL, nDEVSEL, nIOSTRB; reg DEVSELr0, DEVSELr; reg IOSELr0, IOSELr; reg IOSTRBr0, IOSTRBr; always @(negedge C25M) begin DEVSELr0 <= ~nDEVSEL; IOSELr0 <= ~nIOSEL; IOSTRBr0 <= ~nIOSTRB; end always @(posedge C25M) begin DEVSELr <= DEVSELr0; IOSELr <= IOSELr0; IOSTRBr <= IOSTRBr0; end /* Apple address bus */ /* Outputs: RACr, RAcur, nWEcur, RAdir */ input [15:0] RA; input nWE; reg RACr; reg [11:0] RAcur; reg nWEcur; output RAdir = 1; always @(posedge C25M) begin if (PSStart) begin RACr <= RA[15:12]==4'hC; RAcur[11:0] <= RA[11:0]; nWEcur <= nWE; end end /* Apple select signals */ /* Outputs: ROMSpecRD, RAMSpecSEL, RAMSpecRD, RAMSpecWR */ wire ROMSpecRD = RACr && RAcur[11:8]!=4'h0 && nWEcur; wire RAMSpecSEL = RACr && RAcur[11:8]==4'h0 && RAcur[7] && RAcur[3:0]==4'h3; wire RAMSpecRD = RAMSpecSEL && nWEcur; wire RAMSpecWR = RAMSpecSEL && ~nWEcur; /* IOROMEN and REGEN control */ reg IOROMEN = 0; reg REGEN = 0; always @(posedge C25M) begin if (~nRESr) begin IOROMEN <= 0; REGEN <= 0; end else if (PS==7 && IOSTRBr && RAcur[10:0]==11'h7FF) begin IOROMEN <= 0; end else if (PS==7 && IOSELr) begin IOROMEN <= 1; REGEN <= 1; end end /* Apple data bus */ inout [7:0] RD = RDdir ? 8'bZ : RDout[7:0]; reg [7:0] RDout; output RDdir = ~(PHI0 && PHI0r2 && nWE && nRESr && ((~nDEVSEL && REGEN) || ~nIOSEL || (~nIOSTRB && IOROMEN))); /* Slinky address registers */ reg [23:0] Addr = 0; wire AddrHSpecSEL = RAcur[3:0]==4'h2; wire AddrMSpecSEL = RAcur[3:0]==4'h1; wire AddrLSpecSEL = RAcur[3:0]==4'h0; always @(posedge C25M) begin if (~nRESr) begin Addr[23:20] <= SetFW[1] ? 4'h0 : 4'hF; Addr[19:0] <= 20'h00000; end else if (PS==7 && REGEN && DEVSELr) begin if (RAMSpecSEL) begin if (SetFW[1]) Addr[23:0] <= Addr[23:0]+1; else Addr[23:0] <= { 4'hF, Addr[19:0]+1 }; end else if (AddrLSpecSEL && ~nWEcur) begin Addr[7:0] <= RD[7:0]; if (~RD[7] && Addr[7]) begin if (SetFW[1]) Addr[23:8] <= Addr[23:8]+1; else Addr[23:8] <= { 4'hF, Addr[19:8]+1 }; end end else if (AddrMSpecSEL && ~nWEcur) begin Addr[15:8] <= RD[7:0]; if (~RD[7] && Addr[15]) begin if (SetFW[1]) Addr[23:16] <= Addr[23:16]+1; else Addr[23:16] <= { 4'hF, Addr[19:16]+1 }; end end else if (AddrHSpecSEL && ~nWEcur) begin if (SetFW[1]) Addr[23:16] <= RD[7:0]; else Addr[23:16] <= { 4'hF, RD[3:0] }; end end end /* ROM bank register */ reg [1:0] Bank = 0; wire BankSpecSEL = RAcur[3:0]==4'hF; always @(posedge C25M) begin if (~nRESr) Bank <= 0; else if (PS==7 && DEVSELr && BankSpecSEL && ~nWEcur) begin Bank[1:0] <= RD[1:0]; end end /* SPI flash */ output nFCS = ~FCS; reg FCS = 0; output reg FCK = 0; reg FCKEN = 0; output MOSI = MOSIOE ? MOSIout : 1'bZ; reg MOSIOE = 0; reg MOSIout; input MISO; /* SPI flash control */ always @(posedge C25M) begin FCK <= (FCKEN && LS[0]) || (nRESr && FCKEN); end always @(posedge C25M) begin if (InitActv) begin // Flash /CS enabled from init states $0FFB0 to $2FFFF if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FF90) FCS <= 1'b0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFA0) FCS <= 1'b1; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h30000) FCS <= 1'b0; // Pulse clock from init states $0FFC0 to $2FFFF if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FF90) FCKEN <= 1'b0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB0) FCKEN <= 1'b1; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h30000) FCKEN <= 1'b0; // Send command $3B (read) (MSB first) if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB0 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB1) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB2 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB3) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB4 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB5) MOSIout <= 1; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB6 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB7) MOSIout <= 1; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB8 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFB9) MOSIout <= 1; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFBA || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFBB) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFBC || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFBD) MOSIout <= 1; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFBE || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFBF) MOSIout <= 1; // Send 24-bit address (MSB first) else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC0 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC1) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC2 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC3) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC4 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC5) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC6 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC7) MOSIout <= SetFW; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC8 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFC9) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFCA || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFCB) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFCC || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFCD) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFCE || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFCF) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD0 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD1) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD2 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD3) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD4 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD5) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD6 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD7) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD8 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFD9) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFDA || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFDB) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFDC || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFDD) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFDE || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFDF) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE0 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE1) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE2 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE3) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE4 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE5) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE6 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE7) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE8 || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFE9) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFEA || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFEB) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFEC || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFED) MOSIout <= 0; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFEE || LS[17:0]==18'h0FFEF) MOSIout <= 0; else MOSIout <= 0; if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FF90) MOSIOE <= 1'b1; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFF0) MOSIOE <= 1'b0; end else if (nRESr) begin //TODO: control these with Apple II FCS <= 0; FCKEN <= 0; MOSIout <= 0; MOSIOE <= 0; end end /* UFM control */ reg ARCLK = 0; // UFM address register clock reg ARShift = 0; // 1 to Shift UFM address in, 0 to increment reg DRCLK = 0; // UFM data register clock reg DRDIn = 0; // UFM data register input reg DRShift = 0; // 1 to shift UFM out, 0 to load from current address reg UFMErase = 0; // Rising edge starts erase. UFM+RTP must not be busy reg UFMProgram = 0; // Rising edge starts program. UFM+RTP must not be busy wire UFMBusy; // 1 if UFM is doing user operation. Asynchronous wire RTPBusy; // 1 if real-time programming in progress. Asynchronous wire DRDOut; // UFM data output // UFM oscillator always enabled wire UFMOsc; // UFM oscillator output (3.3-5.5 MHz) UFM UFM_inst ( // UFM IP block (for Altera MAX II and MAX V) .arclk (ARCLK), .ardin (1'b0), .arshft (ARShift), .drclk (DRCLK), .drdin (DRDIn), .drshft (DRShift), .erase (UFMErase), .oscena (1'b1), .program (UFMProgram), .busy (UFMB), .drdout (DRDOut), .osc (UFMOsc), .rtpbusy (RTPB)); reg UFMBr0 = 0; // UFMBusy registered to sync with C25M reg UFMBr = 0; // UFMBusy registered to sync with C25M reg RTPBr0 = 0; // RTPBusy registered to sync with C25M reg RTPBr = 0; // RTPBusy registered to sync with C25M always @(negedge C25M) begin UFMBr0 <= UFMB; RTPBr0 <= RTPB; end always @(posedge C25M) begin UFMBr <= UFMBr0; RTPBr <= RTPBr0; end reg SetLoaded = 0; reg [1:0] SetFW; reg SetLim8M; always @(posedge C25M) begin if (~SetLoaded) begin if (LS[15:0]<=16'h0FB0) begin ARCLK <= 0; ARShift <= 1; DRCLK <= 0; DRShift <= 0; end else if (LS[15:0]<=16'h0FFF) begin ARCLK <= ~LS[1]; ARShift <= 1; DRCLK <= 0; DRShift <= 0; SetFW[1:0] <= 2'b11; SetLim8M <= 1'b1; end else if (LS[15:0]<=16'h1FFF) begin case (LS[3:1]) 3'h0: begin ARCLK <= 0; ARShift <= 0; DRCLK <= 1; DRShift <= 0; end 3'h1: begin ARCLK <= 0; ARShift <= 0; DRCLK <= 0; DRShift <= 1; end 3'h2: begin ARCLK <= 0; ARShift <= 0; DRCLK <= 1; DRShift <= 1; if (LS[3:0]==4'h2 && DRDOut) SetLoaded <= 1; end 3'h3: begin ARCLK <= 0; ARShift <= 0; DRCLK <= 0; DRShift <= 1; end 3'h4: begin ARCLK <= 0; ARShift <= 0; DRCLK <= 1; DRShift <= 1; if (LS[3:0]==4'h4) SetFW <= DRDOut; end 3'h5: begin ARCLK <= 0; ARShift <= 0; DRCLK <= 0; DRShift <= 1; end 3'h6: begin ARCLK <= 1; ARShift <= 0; DRCLK <= 0; DRShift <= 1; if (LS[3:0]==4'h6) SetLim8M <= DRDOut; end 3'h7: begin ARCLK <= 0; ARShift <= 0; DRCLK <= 0; DRShift <= 0; end endcase end else SetLoaded <= 1; DRDIn <= 0; end else if (PS==7 /* && ... FIXME */) begin ARCLK <= 0; ARShift <= 0; DRShift <= 1; DRCLK <= 0; DRDIn <= 0; end end /* SDRAM data bus */ inout [7:0] SD = SDOE ? WRD[7:0] : 8'bZ; reg [7:0] WRD; reg SDOE = 0; always @(posedge C25M) begin // Shift { MISO, MOSI } in when InitActv. When ready, synchronize RD if (InitActv && LS[1]) WRD[7:0] <= { MISO, MOSI, WRD[5:0] }; else if (PS==8) WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0]; // Output data on SDRAM data bus only during init and when writing SDOE <= InitActv || (RAMSpecWR && PS==8); end reg [2:0] PS = 0; wire PSStart = ~InitActv && nRESr && PS==0 && PHI0r1 && ~PHI0r2; always @(posedge C25M) begin if (PSStart) PS <= 1; else if (PS==0) PS <= 0; else PS <= PS+1; end reg [1:0] IS = 0; always @(posedge C25M) begin if (InitActv) begin if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFAF) IS <= 1; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFBF) IS <= 2; else if (LS[17:0]==18'h0FFFF) IS <= 3; end else IS <= 0; end /* Refresh state */ reg RefReqd = 0; reg RefReady = 0; always @(posedge C25M) begin if (LS[6:0]==7'h00) RefReqd <= SDRAMActv; // Reset RefDone every 128 C25M cycles (5.12 us) else if (PS==0 && ~RefReqd) RefReqd <= 0; end /* SDRAM address/command */ output [1:0] SBA; assign SBA[1:0] = Amux[2:0]==2'h0 ? 2'b00 : // mode register / "all" Amux[2:0]==2'h1 ? 2'b00 : // FIXME: init row / col Amux[2:0]==2'h2 ? 2'b10 : // ROM row / col /* 2'h3 */ { 1'b0, Addr[23] }; // RAM col output [12:0] SA; assign SA[12:0] = Amux[2:0]==3'h0 ? 13'b0001000100000 : // mode register Amux[2:0]==3'h1 ? 13'b0011000100000 : // "all" Amux[2:0]==3'h2 ? 13'b0011000100000 : // FIXME: init row Amux[2:0]==3'h3 ? 13'b0011000100000 : // FIXME: init col Amux[2:0]==3'h4 ? { 9'b000000000, Bank[1:0], RAcur[11:10] } : // ROM row Amux[2:0]==3'h5 ? { 4'b0000, RAcur[9:1]} : // ROM col Amux[2:0]==3'h6 ? { Addr[22:10] } : // RAM row /* 3'h7 */ { 4'b0000, Addr[9:1] }; // RAM col output DQML; assign DQML = Amux[2:0]==3'h0 ? 1'b1 : // mode register Amux[2:0]==3'h1 ? 1'b1 : // "all" Amux[2:0]==3'h2 ? 1'b1 : // FIXME: init row Amux[2:0]==3'h3 ? LS[3] : // FIXME: init col Amux[2:0]==3'h4 ? 1'b1 : // ROM row Amux[2:0]==3'h5 ? RAcur[0]: // ROM col Amux[2:0]==3'h6 ? 1'b1 : // RAM row /* 3'h7 */ Addr[0]; // RAM col output DQMH; assign DQMH = Amux[2:0]==3'h0 ? 1'b1 : // mode register Amux[2:0]==3'h1 ? 1'b1 : // "all" Amux[2:0]==3'h2 ? 1'b1 : // FIXME: init row Amux[2:0]==3'h3 ? ~LS[3] : // FIXME: init col Amux[2:0]==3'h4 ? 1'b1 : // ROM row Amux[2:0]==3'h5 ? ~RAcur[0]: // ROM col Amux[2:0]==3'h6 ? 1'b1 : // RAM row /* 3'h7 */ ~Addr[0]; // RAM col reg [2:0] Amux = 0; output reg RCKE = 1; output reg nRCS = 1; output reg nRAS = 1; output reg nCAS = 1; output reg nSWE = 1; always @(posedge C25M) begin case (PS[2:0]) 0: begin if (InitActv) begin case (IS[1:0]) 0: begin // NOP CKE RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b000; end 1: begin if (LS[3:0]==4'h3) begin // PC all RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b0; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b0; Amux <= 3'b001; end else if (LS[3:0]==4'hB) begin // Load mode RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b0; nCAS <= 1'b0; nSWE <= 1'b0; Amux <= 3'b000; end else begin // NOP CKE RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b000; end end 2: begin if (LS[2:0]==3'h3) begin // AREF RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b0; nCAS <= 1'b0; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b000; end else begin // NOP CKE RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b000; end end 3: begin if (LS[2:0]==3'h3) begin // AREF RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b0; nCAS <= 1'b0; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b010; end else if (LS[2:0]==3'h5) begin // ACT RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b0; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b010; end else if (LS[2:0]==3'h7) begin // WR AP RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b0; nSWE <= 1'b0; Amux <= 3'b011; end else begin // NOP CKE RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b010; end end endcase end else if (PSStart) begin // NOP CKE RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b001; end else if (RefReqd) begin if (RCKE) begin // AREF RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b0; nCAS <= 1'b0; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b001; end else begin // NOP CKE RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b001; end end else begin // NOP CKD RCKE <= 1'b0; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b001; end end 1: begin if (ROMSpecRD || RAMSpecSEL) begin // ACT RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b0; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end else begin // NOP CKD RCKE <= 1'b0; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end if (ROMSpecRD) Amux <= 3'b100; else Amux <= 3'b110; end 2: begin if (ROMSpecRD || RAMSpecRD) begin // RD RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b0; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end else begin // NOP CKD RCKE <= 1'b0; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end if (ROMSpecRD) Amux <= 3'b101; else Amux <= 3'b111; end 3: begin if (ROMSpecRD || RAMSpecRD) begin // NOP CKE RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end else begin // NOP CKD RCKE <= 1'b0; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end Amux <= 3'b001; end 4: begin if (RAMSpecWR && DEVSELr) begin // NOP CKE RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end else begin // NOP CKD RCKE <= 1'b0; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end Amux <= 3'b001; end 5: begin if (RAMSpecWR && DEVSELr) begin // WR AP RCKE <= 1'b1; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b0; nSWE <= 1'b0; end else begin // NOP CKD RCKE <= 1'b0; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end Amux <= 3'b111; end 6: begin // NOP CKE if ACT'd, else CKD RCKE <= ROMSpecRD || RAMSpecSEL; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; Amux <= 3'b001; end 7: begin if (ROMSpecRD || RAMSpecSEL) begin // PC all CKD RCKE <= 1'b0; nRCS <= 1'b0; nRAS <= 1'b0; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b0; end else begin // NOP CKD RCKE <= 1'b0; nRCS <= 1'b1; nRAS <= 1'b1; nCAS <= 1'b1; nSWE <= 1'b1; end Amux <= 3'b001; end endcase end endmodule