module GR8RAM(C7M, C7M_2, Q3, PHI0in, PHI1in, nRES, nMode, A, RA, nWE, D, RD, nDEVSEL, nIOSEL, nIOSTRB, nINH, nRAS, nCAS0, nCAS1, nRCS, nROE, nRWE); /* Clock, Reset, Mode */ input C7M, C7M_2, Q3, PHI0in, PHI1in; // Clock inputs input nRES, nMode; // Reset, mode /* PHI1 Delay */ wire [8:0] PHI1b; wire PHI1; LCELL PHI1b0_MC (.in(PHI1in), .out(PHI1b[0])); LCELL PHI1b1_MC (.in(PHI1b[0]), .out(PHI1b[1])); LCELL PHI1b2_MC (.in(PHI1b[1]), .out(PHI1b[2])); LCELL PHI1b3_MC (.in(PHI1b[2]), .out(PHI1b[3])); LCELL PHI1b4_MC (.in(PHI1b[3]), .out(PHI1b[4])); LCELL PHI1b5_MC (.in(PHI1b[4]), .out(PHI1b[5])); LCELL PHI1b6_MC (.in(PHI1b[5]), .out(PHI1b[6])); LCELL PHI1b7_MC (.in(PHI1b[6]), .out(PHI1b[7])); LCELL PHI1b8_MC (.in(PHI1b[7]), .out(PHI1b[8])); LCELL PHI1b9_MC (.in(PHI1b[8] & PHI1in), .out(PHI1)); /* Address Bus, etc. */ input nDEVSEL, nIOSEL, nIOSTRB; // Card select signals input [15:0] A; // 6502 address bus input nWE; // 6502 R/W output [10:0] RA; // DRAM/ROM address assign RA[10:8] = CASel ? Addr[21:19] : Addr[10:8]; assign RA[7:0] = (~nIOSTRB & FullIOEN) ? Bank+1 : (~nIOSTRB & ~FullIOEN) ? {7'b0000001, Bank[0]} : (~CASel & nIOSEL & nIOSTRB) ? Addr[18:11] : (CASel & nIOSEL & nIOSTRB) ? Addr[7:0] : 8'h00; /* Select Signals */ wire BankSELA = A[3:0]==4'hF; wire SetSELA = A[3:0]==4'hE; wire RAMSELA = A[3:0]==4'h3; wire AddrHSELA = A[3:0]==4'h2; wire AddrMSELA = A[3:0]==4'h1; wire AddrLSELA = A[3:0]==4'h0; LCELL BankWR_MC (.in(BankSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(BankWR)); wire BankWR; LCELL SetWR_MC (.in(SetSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(SetWR)); wire SetWR; LCELL RAMSEL_MC (.in(RAMSELA & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(RAMSEL)); wire RAMSEL; LCELL AddrHWR_MC (.in(AddrHSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(AddrHWR)); wire AddrHWR; LCELL AddrMWR_MC (.in(AddrMSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(AddrMWR)); wire AddrMWR; LCELL AddrLWR_MC (.in(AddrLSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(AddrLWR)); wire AddrLWR; /* Data Bus Routing */ // DRAM/ROM data bus wire RDOE = DBEN & ~nWE; inout [7:0] RD = RDOE ? D[7:0] : 8'bZ; // Apple II data bus wire DOE = DBEN & nWE & ((~nDEVSEL & REGEN) | ~nIOSEL | (~nIOSTRB & IOROMEN)); wire [7:0] Dout = (nDEVSEL | RAMSELA) ? RD[7:0] : AddrHSELA ? {Addr[23:16]} : AddrMSELA ? Addr[15:8] : AddrLSELA ? Addr[7:0] : 8'h00; inout [7:0] D = DOE ? Dout : 8'bZ; /* Inhibit output */ output nINH = 1'bZ; /* DRAM and ROM Control Signals */ output nRCS = ~((~nIOSEL | (~nIOSTRB & IOROMEN)) & CSEN); // ROM chip select output nROE = ~nWE; // need this for flash ROM output nRWE = CASel ? nWE : 1'b1; // for ROM & DRAM output nRAS = ~(RASr | RASf); output nCAS0 = ~(CAS0f | (CASr & RAMSEL & ~Addr[22])); // DRAM CAS bank 0 output nCAS1 = ~(CAS1f | (CASr & RAMSEL & Addr[22])); // DRAM CAS bank 1 /* 6502-accessible Registers */ reg [7:0] Bank = 0; // Bank register for ROM access reg [23:0] Addr = 0; // RAM address register /* Increment Control */ reg IncAddrL = 0, IncAddrM = 0, IncAddrH = 0; /* CAS rising/falling edge components */ // These are combined to create the CAS outputs. reg CASr = 0, CAS0f = 0, CAS1f = 0; reg RASr = 0, RASf = 0; reg CASel = 0; // DRAM address multiplexer select /* State Counters */ reg PHI1reg = 0; // Saved PHI1 at last rising clock edge reg PHI0seen = 0; // Have we seen PHI0 since reset? reg [2:0] S = 0; // State counter reg [3:0] Ref = 0; // Refresh skip counter /* Misc. */ reg REGEN = 0; // Register enable reg IOROMEN = 0; // IOSTRB ROM enable reg FullIOEN = 0; // Set to enable full I/O ROM space reg DBEN = 0; // Data bus driver gating reg CSEN = 0; // ROM CS enable gating // Apple II Bus Compatibiltiy Rules: // Synchronize to PHI0 or PHI1. (PHI1 here) // PHI1's edge may be -20ns,+10ns relative to C7M. // Delay the rising edge of PHI1 to get enough hold time: // PHI1modified = PHI1 & PHI1delayed; // Only sample /DEVSEL, /IOSEL at these times: // 2nd and 3rd rising edge of C7M in PHI0 (S4, S5) // all 3 falling edges of C7M in PHI0 (S4, S5, S6) // Can sample /IOSTRB at same times as /IOSEL, plus: // 1st rising edge of C7M in PHI0 (S3) /* State counters */ always @(posedge C7M) begin // Synchronize state counter to S1 when just entering PHI1 PHI1reg <= PHI1; // Save old PHI1 if (~PHI1) PHI0seen <= 1; // PHI0seen set in PHI0 S <= (PHI1 & ~PHI1reg & PHI0seen) ? 4'h1 : S==0 ? 3'h0 : S==7 ? 3'h7 : S+1; // Refresh counter allows DRAM refresh once every 13 cycles if (S==3) Ref <= (Ref[3:2]==2'b11) ? 4'h0 : Ref+1; end /* State-based data bus and ROM CS gating */ always @(posedge C7M, negedge nRES) begin if (~nRES) begin DBEN <= 0; CSEN <= 0; end else begin // Only drive Apple II data bus after S4 to avoid bus fight. // Thus we wait 1.5 7M cycles (210 ns) into PHI0 before driving. // Same for driving the ROM/SRAM data bus (RD). DBEN <= S==4 | S==5 | S==6 | S==7; // Similarly, only select the ROM chip starting at // the end of S4 for reads and the end of S5 for writes. // This ensures that write data is valid for // the entire time that the ROM is selected, // and minimizes power consumption. CSEN <= (S==4 & nWE) | S==5 | S==6 | S==7; end end /* DEVSEL register and IOSTRB ROM enable */ always @(posedge C7M, negedge nRES) begin if (~nRES) begin REGEN <= 0; IOROMEN <= 0; end else begin // Enable registers at end of S4 when IOSEL accessed (Cn00-CnFF). if (S==4 & ~nIOSEL) REGEN <= 1'b1; // Enable IOSTRB ROM when accessing CnXX in IOSEL ROM. if (S==4 & ~nIOSEL) IOROMEN <= 1'b1; // Disable IOSTRB ROM when accessing 0xCFFF. if (S==4 & ~nIOSTRB & A[10:0]==11'h7FF) IOROMEN <= 1'b0; end end always @(negedge C7M, negedge nRES) begin if (~nRES) begin Addr <= 0; Bank <= 0; FullIOEN <= 0; IncAddrL <= 0; IncAddrM <= 0; IncAddrH <= 0; end else begin // Increment address register if (S==1 & IncAddrL) begin Addr[7:0] <= Addr[7:0]+1; IncAddrL <= 0; IncAddrM <= Addr[7:0] == 8'hFF; end if (S==2 & IncAddrM) begin Addr[15:8] <= Addr[15:8]+1; IncAddrM <= 0; IncAddrH <= Addr[15:8] == 8'hFF; end if (S==3 & IncAddrH) begin IncAddrH <= 0; Addr[23:16] <= Addr[23:16]+1; end // Set register in middle of S6 if accessed. if (S==6) begin if (BankWR) Bank[7:0] <= D[7:0]; // Bank if (SetWR) FullIOEN <= D[7:0] == 8'hE5; IncAddrL <= RAMSEL; IncAddrM <= AddrLWR & Addr[7] & ~D[7]; IncAddrH <= AddrMWR & Addr[15] & ~D[7]; if (AddrHWR) Addr[23:16] <= D[7:0]; // Addr hi if (AddrMWR) Addr[15:8] <= D[7:0]; // Addr mid if (AddrLWR) Addr[7:0] <= D[7:0]; // Addr lo end end end /* DRAM RAS/CAS */ always @(posedge C7M) begin RASr <= (S==1 & Ref==0) | // Refresh (S==4 & RAMSEL & nWE) | // Read: Early RAS (S==5 & RAMSEL & ~nWE); // Write: Late RAS CASel = (RAMSEL & nWE & S==4) | // Read: mux address early (RAMSEL & ~nWE & S==5); // Write: mux address late // Read: long, early CAS, gated later by RAMSEL CASr <= (nWE & (S==5 | S==6 | S==7)); end always @(negedge C7M) begin RASf <= (S==4 & RAMSEL & nWE) | // Read: Early RAS (S==5 & RAMSEL & ~nWE); // Write: Late RAS CAS0f <= (S==1 & Ref==0) | // Refresh (S==5 & RAMSEL & ~Addr[22] & nWE) | // Read: Early CAS (S==6 & RAMSEL & ~Addr[22] & ~nWE); // Write: Late CAS CAS1f <= (S==1 & Ref==0) | // Refresh (S==5 & RAMSEL & Addr[22] & nWE) | // Read: Early CAS (S==6 & RAMSEL & Addr[22] & ~nWE); // Write: Late CAS end endmodule