Zane Kaminski 686fac229e idk
2021-03-15 13:40:59 -04:00

514 lines
14 KiB

module GR8RAM(C25M, PHI0, nPBOD, nBOD, nRES,
RA, nWE, nWEout, Adir,
RD, Ddir,
DMAin, DMAout, INTin, INTout,
nDMA, nRDY, nNMI, nIRQ, nINH, nRESout
/* Clock signals */
/* Outputs: C25M, PHI0r1, PHI0r2, */
input C25M, PHI0;
reg PHI0r0, PHI0r1, PHI0r2;
always @(negedge C25M) begin PHI0r0 <= PHI0; end
always @(posedge C25M) begin PHI0r1 <= PHI0r0; PHI0r2 <= PHI0r1; end
/* Reset/brown-out detect synchronized inputs */
/* Outputs: nRESr, nPBODr, nBODf */
input nRES, nPBOD, nBOD;
reg nRESr0, nRESr;
reg nPBODr0, nPBODr;
reg nBODr0, nBODr, nBODf0, nBODf;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
// Double-synchronize nBOD, nPBOD, nRES
nPBODr0 <= nPBOD; nBODr0 <= nBOD; nRESr0 <= nRES;
nPBODr <= nPBODr0; nBODr <= nBODr0; nRESr <= nRESr0;
// Filter nBODr to get nBODf. Output hi when hi for $5E0F-$10000 cycles
if (LS[15:0]==16'h5E0F) begin // When LS low-order is $5E0F
nBODf0 <= nBODr; // "Precharge" nBODf0
nBODf <= nBODf0; // "Evaluate" computed nBODf0 into nBODf
end else if (nBODr2) begin // Else AND nBODf0 with nBODr
nBODf0 <= nBODf0 && nBODr;
/* Long state counter: counts from 0 to $5F5E0F (6,249,999) *
* CSec: 1/2 Hz clock */
/* Outputs: LS, CSec */
reg [22:0] LS = 0;
reg [1:0] CSec = 0;
reg LSEN = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
// Allow LS to fully count once nBODf active
if (nBODf) LSEN <= 1;
// LS rolls over at 24'h5F5E0F or at 16'h5E0F when LSEN is 0
if ((LS[22:16]==7'h5F || ~LSEN) && LS[15:0]==16'h5E0F) LS <= 0;
else LS <= LS+1;
// Flip 1/2 Hz clocks when LS==23'h5F5E0F
if (LS[22:0]==23'h5F5E0F) CSec <= CSec+1;
/* Init state */
output reg nRESout = 0;
reg InitActv = 0;
reg InitIntr = 0;
reg SDRAMActv = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if (~nBODf) begin
nRESout <= 0;
InitActv <= 0;
InitIntr <= 1;
end else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFF10) begin
InitActv <= ~AppleActive;
InitIntr <= 0;
end else if (LS[22:0]==23'h504010) begin
nRESout <= InitActv && ~InitIntr;
InitActv <= 0;
SDRAMActv <= InitActv && ~InitIntr;
/* Apple IO area select signals */
/* Outputs: DEVSELr */
always @(negedge C25M) begin DEVSELr0 <= ~nDEVSEL; end
always @(posedge C25M) begin DEVSELr <= DEVSELr0; end
/* DMA/IRQ daisy chain */
input DMAin, INTin;
output DMAout = DMAin;
output INTout = INTin;
/* Apple open-drain outputs */
output nDMA = 1;
output nRDY = 1;
output nNMI = 1;
output nIRQ = ~(TIRQEN && TIRQMask);
output nINH = 1;
/* Apple address bus */
/* Outputs: RAr1, nWEr1 */
input [15:0] RA;
input nWE;
output RAdir = 1;
output nWEout = 1;
reg [15:0] RAr0; reg nWEr0;
reg [15:0] RAcur; reg nWEcur;
always @(negedge C25M) begin RAr0 <= RA; nWEr0 <= nWE; end
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if (S==0 && PHI0r1 && ~PHI0r2) begin
RAcur[15:0] <= RAr0[15:0];
nWEcur <= nWEr0;
/* Apple select signals */
/* Outputs: ROMSpecRD, RAMSpecSEL, RAMSpecRD, RAMSpecWR, RAMSEL */
wire ROMSpecRD = RAcur[15:12]==4'hC && RAcur[11:8]!=4'h0 && nWEcur;
wire RAMSpecSEL = RAcur[15:12]==4'hC && RAcur[11:8]==4'h0 && RAcur[7] && RAcur[7:4]!=4'h8 && RAcur[3:0]==4'h3;
wire RAMSpecRD = RAMSpecSEL && nWEcur;
wire RAMSpecWR = RAMSpecSEL && ~nWEcur;
reg RAMSEL = 0;
wire RAMWR = RAMSEL && ~nWEcur;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if (S==5) RAMSEL <= RAMSpecSEL && DEVSELr;
else if (S==0) RAMSEL <= 0;
/* Apple data bus */
inout [7:0] RD = RDdir ? 8'bZ : RDout[7:0];
reg [7:0] RDout;
reg RDOE = 0;
output RDdir = ~((~nDEVSEL || ~nIOSEL || (~nIOSTRB && IOEN)) &&
PHI0 && PHI0r2 && nWE && RDOE && ~BODf);
/* Slinky address registers */
reg [24:0] Addr;
wire AddrHSpecSEL = RAcur[3:0]==4'h2;
wire AddrMSpecSEL = RAcur[3:0]==4'h1;
wire AddrLSpecSEL = RAcur[3:0]==4'h0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if (~nRESr) begin
Addr[24] <= 1'b0;
Addr[23:20] <= SetFW[1] ? 4'h0 : 4'hF;
Addr[19:0] <= 20'h00000;
end else if (S==7 && DEVSELr) begin
if (AddrHSpecSEL || AddrMSpecSEL || AddrLSpecSEL) begin
Addr[24] <= 1'b0;
if (AddrHSpecSEL) begin
Addr[23:16] <= { SetFW[1] ? RD[7:4] : 4'hF, RD[3:0] };
end else if ((RAMSEL && Addr[15:0]==16'hFFFF) ||
(AddrMSpecSEL && Addr[15] && ~RD[7]) ||
(AddrLSpecSEL && Addr[7] && ~RD[7] && Addr[15:8]==8'hFF)) begin
Addr[23:16] <= Addr[23:16]+1;
if (AddrMSpecSEL) begin
Addr[15:8] <= RD[7:0];
end else if ((RAMSEL && Addr[7:0]==8'hFF) ||
(AddrLSpecSEL && Addr[7] && ~RD[7])) begin
Addr[15:8] <= Addr[15:8]+1;
if (AddrLSpecSEL) begin
Addr[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
end else if (RAMSEL) begin
Addr[7:0] <= Addr[7:0]+1;
/* SPI flash */
output reg nFCS = 1;
output reg FCK = 0;
output reg MOSI = MOSIOE ? MOSIout : 1'bZ;
reg MOSIOE = 0;
reg MOSIout;
input MISO;
/* SPI flash control */
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if (InitActv) begin
// Pulse clock from init states $0FFFC0 to $907FFF
if (LS[22:0]>=23'h0FFFC0 && LS[22:0]<=23'h907FFF) FCK <= LS[0];
end else FCK <= 0;
// Flash /CS enabled from init states $0FFFB0 to s$90800F
if (LS[22:0]>=23'h0FFFB0 && LS[22:0]<=23'h90800F) nFCS <= 0;
end else nFCS <= 1;
// Send command $3B (read) (MSB first)
if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB0 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB1) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB2 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB3) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB4 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB5) MOSIout <= 1;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB6 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB7) MOSIout <= 1;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB8 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFB9) MOSIout <= 1;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFBA || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFBB) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFBC || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFBD) MOSIout <= 1;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFBE || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFBF) MOSIout <= 1;
// Send 24-bit address (MSB first)
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC0 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC1) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC2 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC3) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC4 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC5) MOSIout <= SetFW[1];
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC6 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC7) MOSIout <= SetFW[0];
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC8 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFC9) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFCA || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFCB) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFCC || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFCD) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFCE || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFCF) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD0 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD1) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD2 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD3) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD4 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD5) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD6 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD7) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD8 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFD9) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFDA || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFDB) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFDC || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFDD) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFDE || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFDF) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE0 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE1) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE2 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE3) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE4 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE5) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE6 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE7) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE8 || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFE9) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFEA || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFEB) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFEC || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFED) MOSIout <= 0;
else if (LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFEE || LS[22:0]==23'h0FFFEF) MOSIout <= 0;
else MOSIout <= 0;
MOSIOE <= LS[22:0]<23'h0FFFF0;
end else if (AppleActive) begin
//TODO: control these with Apple II
nFCS <= 1;
FCK <= 0;
MOSIout <= 0;
MOSIOE <= 0;
//TODO? sample nMenu when MOSI not outputting?
/* SDRAM address/command */
output reg [1:0] SBA;
output reg [12:0] SA;
output reg RCKE = 1;
output reg nRCS = 1;
output reg nRAS = 1;
output reg nCAS = 1;
output reg nSWE = 1;
output reg DQMH = 1;
output reg DQML = 1;
/* SDRAM data bus */
inout [7:0] SD = SDOE ? WRD[7:0] : 8'bZ;
reg [7:0] WRD;
reg SDOE = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
// Shift { MISO, MOSI } in when InitActv. When ready, synchronize RD
if (InitActv) if (LS[1]) WRD[7:0] <= { MISO, MOSI, WRD[5:0] };
end else WRD[7:0] <= RD[7:0];
// Output data on SDRAM data bus only during init and when writing
SDOE <= InitActv || (RAMSEL && nWEcur && S==6);
/* State counters */
reg [2:0] S = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if ( ~InitActv && SDRAMActv && S==0 && PHI0r1 && ~PHI0r2 && nRESr && nBODf) S <= 1;
else if (S==0) S <= 0;
else S <= S+1;
/* Refresh state */
reg RefReady = 0;
reg RefDone = 0;
always @(posedge C25M) begin
// Ready to refresh when init inactive, SDRAM active, S0 and refresh not already done
RefReady <= ~InitActv && SDRAMActv && S==0 && ~RefDone;
if (LS[6:0]==7'h00) RefDone <= 0; // Reset RefDone every 128 C25M cycles (5.12 us)
else if (~InitActv && SDRAMActv && S==0 && ~RefDone && RefReady && ~(PHI0r1 && ~PHI0r2)) RefDone <= 1;
/* SDRAM control */
always @(posedge C25M) begin
if (S==0 && InitActv) begin
if (LS[22:0]==23'h000000) begin
end else if (S==0 && ~SDRAMActv) begin
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==0 && PHI0r1 && ~PHI0r2) begin
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==0 && ~RefDone) begin
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==0 && RefReady) begin
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRAS <= 1'b0;
nCAS <= 1'b0;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==0) begin
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==4'h1) begin
if (ROMSpecRD || RAMSpecRD) begin
// ACT
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRAS <= 1'b0;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
if (RAMSpecRD) begin
RBA[1] <= Addr[24];
RBA[0] <= Addr[23] & ~SetLim8M;
RA[12:0] <= Addr[22:10];
end else begin
RBA[1] <= 1'b1;
RBA[0] <= 1'b0;
RA[12:10] <= 3'b000;
if (RAcur[11]) begin // IOSTRB
RA[9] <= 1'b0;
RA[8:1] <= Bank[7:0];
RA[0] <= RAcur[10];
end else begin // IOSEL
RA[9] <= 1'b1;
RA[8:1] <= 8'h00;
RA[0] <= RAcur[10];
end else begin
// NOP ckdis
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==4'h2) begin
if (ROMSpecRD || RAMSpecRD) begin
// RD auto-PC
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b0;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
A[12:11] <= 1'b0; // don't care
A[10] <= 1'b1; // auto-precharge
A[9] <= 1'b0; // don't care
if (RAMSpecRD) begin
RBA[1] <= Addr[24];
RBA[0] <= Addr[23];
RA[8:0] <= Addr[9:1];
DQMH <= ~Addr[0];
DQML <= Addr[0];
end else /* ROMSpecRD */ begin
RBA[1] <= 1'b1;
RBA[0] <= 1'b0;
RA[8:0] <= RAcur[9:1];
DQMH <= ~RAcur[0];
DQML <= RAcur[0];
end else begin
// NOP ckdis
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==4'h3) begin
if (ROMSpecRD || RAMSpecRD) begin
// NOP cken
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else begin
// NOP ckdis
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==4'h4) begin
if (RAMSpecWR) begin
// NOP cken
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else begin
// NOP ckdis
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==4'h5) begin
if (RAMSpecWR && DEVSELr) begin
// ACT
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRAS <= 1'b0;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
BA[1] <= Addr[24];
BA[0] <= Addr[23];
A[12:0] <= Addr[22:10];
end else begin
// NOP ckdis
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (s==4'h6) begin
if (RAMWR) begin
// WR auto-PC
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b0;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b0;
nSWE <= 1'b0;
BA[1] <= Addr[24];
BA[0] <= Addr[23];
A[12:11] <= 1'b0; // don't care
A[10] <= 1'b1; // auto-precharge
A[9:0] <= Addr[9:0];
DQMH <= ~Addr[10];
DQML <= Addr[10];
end else begin
// NOP ckdis
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else if (S==4'h7) begin
if (RAMSpecWR) begin
// NOP cken
RCKE <= 1'b1;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;
end else begin
// NOP ckdis
RCKE <= 1'b0;
nRCS <= 1'b1;
nRAS <= 1'b1;
nCAS <= 1'b1;
nSWE <= 1'b1;
DQMH <= 1'b1;
DQML <= 1'b1;