Zane Kaminski 79dd794f45 New PLD revision
For write operations, register data is latched and CAS signal becomes in the middle of S6, 70ns before the end of PHI0. This gives more write data setup time, which may be needed on the Apple II with the 1 MHz 6502.
2019-10-18 15:07:38 -04:00

220 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File

module GR8RAM(C7M, C7M_2, Q3, PHI0in, PHI1in, nRES, nMode,
A, RA, nWE, D, RD,
nRAS, nCAS0, nCAS1, nRCS, nROE, nRWE);
/* Clock, Reset, Mode */
input C7M, C7M_2, Q3, PHI0in, PHI1in; // Clock inputs
input nRES, nMode; // Reset, mode
/* PHI1 Delay */
wire [8:0] PHI1b;
wire PHI1;
LCELL PHI1b0_MC (.in(PHI1in), .out(PHI1b[0]));
LCELL PHI1b1_MC (.in(PHI1b[0]), .out(PHI1b[1]));
LCELL PHI1b2_MC (.in(PHI1b[1]), .out(PHI1b[2]));
LCELL PHI1b3_MC (.in(PHI1b[2]), .out(PHI1b[3]));
LCELL PHI1b4_MC (.in(PHI1b[3]), .out(PHI1b[4]));
LCELL PHI1b5_MC (.in(PHI1b[4]), .out(PHI1b[5]));
LCELL PHI1b6_MC (.in(PHI1b[5]), .out(PHI1b[6]));
LCELL PHI1b7_MC (.in(PHI1b[6]), .out(PHI1b[7]));
LCELL PHI1b8_MC (.in(PHI1b[7]), .out(PHI1b[8]));
LCELL PHI1b9_MC (.in(PHI1b[8] & PHI1in), .out(PHI1));
/* Address Bus, etc. */
input nDEVSEL, nIOSEL, nIOSTRB; // Card select signals
input [15:0] A; // 6502 address bus
input nWE; // 6502 R/W
output [10:0] RA; // DRAM/ROM address
assign RA[10:8] = ASel ? Addr[21:19] : Addr[10:8];
assign RA[7:0] = (~nIOSTRB & FullIOEN) ? Bank+1 :
(~nIOSTRB & ~FullIOEN) ? {7'b0000001, Bank[0]} :
(~ASel & nIOSEL & nIOSTRB) ? Addr[18:11] :
(ASel & nIOSEL & nIOSTRB) ? Addr[7:0] : 8'h00;
/* Select Signals */
wire BankSELA = A[3:0]==4'hF;
wire SetSELA = A[3:0]==4'hE;
wire RAMSELA = A[3:0]==4'h3;
wire AddrHSELA = A[3:0]==4'h2;
wire AddrMSELA = A[3:0]==4'h1;
wire AddrLSELA = A[3:0]==4'h0;
LCELL BankWR_MC (.in(BankSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(BankWR)); wire BankWR;
wire SetWR = SetSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN;
LCELL AddrHWR_MC (.in(AddrHSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(AddrHWR)); wire AddrHWR;
LCELL AddrMWR_MC (.in(AddrMSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(AddrMWR)); wire AddrMWR;
LCELL AddrLWR_MC (.in(AddrLSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & REGEN), .out(AddrLWR)); wire AddrLWR;
/* Data Bus Routing */
// DRAM/ROM data bus
wire RDOE = CSDBEN & ~nWE;
inout [7:0] RD = RDOE ? D[7:0] : 8'bZ;
// Apple II data bus
wire DOE = CSDBEN & nWE &
wire [7:0] Dout = (nDEVSEL | RAMSELA) ? RD[7:0] :
AddrHSELA ? {Addr[23:16]} :
AddrMSELA ? Addr[15:8] :
AddrLSELA ? Addr[7:0] : 8'h00;
inout [7:0] D = DOE ? Dout : 8'bZ;
/* Inhibit output */
LCELL AROMSEL_MC (.in(/*(A[15:12]==4'hD | A[15:12]==4'hE | A[15:12]==4'hF) & nWE & ~MODE*/0), .out(AROMSEL));
output nINH = AROMSEL ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
/* DRAM and ROM Control Signals */
output nRCS = ~((~nIOSEL | (~nIOSTRB & IOROMEN)) & CSDBEN); // ROM chip select
output nROE = ~nWE; // need this for flash ROM
output nRWE = nWE | (nDEVSEL & nIOSEL & nIOSTRB); // for ROM & DRAM
output nRAS = ~(RASr | RASf);
output nCAS0 = ~(CAS0f | (CASr & RAMSEL & ~Addr[22])); // DRAM CAS bank 0
output nCAS1 = ~(CAS1f | (CASr & RAMSEL & Addr[22])); // DRAM CAS bank 1
/* 6502-accessible Registers */
reg [7:0] Bank = 0; // Bank register for ROM access
reg [23:0] Addr = 0; // RAM address register
/* Increment Control */
reg IncAddrL = 0, IncAddrM = 0, IncAddrH = 0;
/* CAS rising/falling edge components */
reg CASr = 0, CAS0f = 0, CAS1f = 0;
reg RASr = 0, RASf = 0;
/* State Counters */
reg PHI1reg = 0; // Saved PHI1 at last rising clock edge
reg PHI0seen = 0; // Have we seen PHI0 since reset?
reg [2:0] S = 0; // State counter
reg [3:0] Ref = 0; // Refresh skip counter
/* Misc. */
reg REGEN = 0; // Register enable
reg IOROMEN = 0; // IOSTRB ROM enable
reg CSDBEN = 0; // ROM CS, data bus driver gating
reg ASel = 0; // DRAM address multiplexer select
reg FullIOEN = 0;
// Apple II Bus Compatibiltiy Rules:
// Synchronize to PHI0 or PHI1. (PHI1 here)
// PHI1's edge may be -20ns,+10ns relative to C7M.
// Delay the rising edge of PHI1 to get enough hold time:
// PHI1modified = PHI1 & PHI1delayed;
// Only sample /DEVSEL, /IOSEL at these times:
// 2nd and 3rd rising edge of C7M in PHI0 (S4, S5)
// all 3 falling edges of C7M in PHI0 (S4, S5, S6)
// Can sample /IOSTRB at same times as /IOSEL, plus:
// 1st rising edge of C7M in PHI0 (S3)
always @(posedge C7M, negedge nRES) begin
if (~nRES) begin // Reset
PHI1reg <= 0;
PHI0seen <= 0;
S <= 0;
Ref <= 0;
REGEN <= 0;
CSDBEN <= 0;
end else begin
// Synchronize state counter to S1 when just entering PHI1
PHI1reg <= PHI1; // Save old PHI1
if (~PHI1) PHI0seen <= 1; // PHI0seen set in PHI0
S <= (PHI1 & ~PHI1reg & PHI0seen) ? 4'h1 :
S==0 ? 3'h0 :
S==7 ? 3'h7 : S+1;
// Refresh counter allows DRAM refresh once every 13 cycles
if (S==3) Ref <= (Ref[3:2]==2'b11) ? 4'h0 : Ref+1;
// Disable IOSTRB ROM when accessing 0xCFFF.
if (S==3 & ~nIOSTRB & A[10:0]==11'h7FF) IOROMEN <= 1'b0;
// Registers enabled at end of S4 by any IOSEL access (Cn00-CnFF).
if (S==4 & ~nIOSEL) REGEN <= 1;
// Enable IOSTRB ROM when accessing CnXX in IOSEL ROM.
if (S==4 & ~nIOSEL) IOROMEN <= 1'b1;
// Only drive Apple II data bus after state 4 to avoid bus fight.
// Thus we wait 1.5 7M cycles (210 ns) into PHI0 before driving.
// Same for driving the ROM/SRAM data bus (RD).
// Similarly, only select the ROM chip starting at the end of S4.
// This provides address setup time for write operations and
// minimizes power consumption.
CSDBEN <= S==4 | S==5 | S==6 | S==7;
always @(negedge C7M, negedge nRES) begin
if (~nRES) begin
Addr <= 0;
Bank <= 0;
FullIOEN <= 0;
IncAddrL <= 0;
IncAddrM <= 0;
IncAddrH <= 0;
end else begin
// Increment address register
if (S==1 & IncAddrL) begin
Addr[7:0] <= Addr[7:0]+1;
IncAddrL <= 0;
IncAddrM <= Addr[7:0] == 8'hFF;
if (S==2 & IncAddrM) begin
Addr[15:8] <= Addr[15:8]+1;
IncAddrM <= 0;
IncAddrH <= Addr[15:8] == 8'hFF;
if (S==3 & IncAddrH) begin
IncAddrH <= 0;
Addr[23:16] <= Addr[23:16]+1;
// Set register in middle of S6 if accessed.
if (S==6) begin
if (BankWR) Bank[7:0] <= D[7:0]; // Bank
if (SetWR) FullIOEN <= D[7:0] == 8'hE5;
IncAddrL <= RAMSEL;
IncAddrM <= AddrLWR & Addr[7] & ~D[7];
IncAddrH <= AddrMWR & Addr[15] & ~D[7];
if (AddrHWR) Addr[23:16] <= D[7:0]; // Addr hi
if (AddrMWR) Addr[15:8] <= D[7:0]; // Addr mid
if (AddrLWR) Addr[7:0] <= D[7:0]; // Addr lo
always @(posedge C7M, negedge nRES) begin
if (~nRES) begin
RASr <= 1'b0; ASel <= 1'b0; CASr <= 1'b0;
end else begin
RASr <= (S==1 & Ref==0) | // Refresh
(S==4 & RAMSEL & nWE) | // Read: Early RAS
(S==5 & RAMSEL & ~nWE); // Write: Late RAS
// Multiplex DRAM address in at end of S4 through S6.
ASel = (RAMSEL & nWE & S==4) | // Read: mux address early
(RAMSEL & ~nWE & S==5); // Write: mux address late
// Read: long, early CAS, gated later by RAMSEL
CASr <= (RAMSEL & ~nWE & (S==5 | S==6 | S==7));
always @(negedge C7M, negedge nRES) begin
if (~nRES) begin RASf <= 1'b0; CAS0f <= 1'b0; CAS1f <= 1'b0;
end else begin
RASf <= (S==4 & RAMSEL & nWE) | // Read: Early RAS
(S==5 & RAMSEL & ~nWE); // Write: Late RAS
CAS0f <= (S==1 & Ref==0) | // Refresh
(S==6 & RAMSEL & ~Addr[22] & ~nWE); // Write: Late CAS
CAS1f <= (S==1 & Ref==0) | // Refresh
(S==6 & RAMSEL & Addr[22] & ~nWE); // Write: Late CAS