2019-12-21 01:48:05 -05:00

221 lines
7.1 KiB

module Mouserial(C7M, Q3, PHI0in, nRES,
A, D, nWE, nINH, nIRQ,
Rclk, nRRST, nRIRQ, nKMode,
T0, Vbl0, Vbl1);
/* Apple II Clock, Reset */
input C7M, Q3, PHI0in; // Clock inputs
input nRES; // Reset
wire AIRQ = Vbl0 & ~Vbl1 & AIRQEN;
output nIRQ = AIRQ ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ;
/* PHI1 Delay */
wire [8:0] PHI1b;
wire PHI1;
LCELL PHI1b0_MC (.in(~PHI0in), .out(PHI1b[0]));
LCELL PHI1b1_MC (.in(PHI1b[0]), .out(PHI1b[1]));
LCELL PHI1b2_MC (.in(PHI1b[1]), .out(PHI1b[2]));
LCELL PHI1b3_MC (.in(PHI1b[2]), .out(PHI1b[3]));
LCELL PHI1b4_MC (.in(PHI1b[3]), .out(PHI1b[4]));
LCELL PHI1b5_MC (.in(PHI1b[4]), .out(PHI1b[5]));
LCELL PHI1b6_MC (.in(PHI1b[5]), .out(PHI1b[6]));
LCELL PHI1b7_MC (.in(PHI1b[6]), .out(PHI1b[7]));
LCELL PHI1b8_MC (.in(PHI1b[7]), .out(PHI1b[8]));
LCELL PHI1b9_MC (.in(PHI1b[8] & ~PHI0in), .out(PHI1));
/* Address Bus, etc. */
input nDEVSEL, nIOSEL, nIOSTRB; // Card select signals
input [15:0] A; // 6502 address bus
input nWE; // 6502 R/W
output [15:11] ROMA = ~nIOSTRB ? Bank+1 : 5'h00;
/* 6502 Select Signals */
wire ABankSELA = A[3:0]==4'hF; wire ABankWR;
LCELL ABankWR_MC (.in(ABankSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & S==5), .out(ABankWR));
wire ADataHSELA = A[3:0]==4'h3; wire ADataHWR;
LCELL ADataHWR_MC (.in(ADataHSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & S==5), .out(ADataHWR));
wire ADataLSELA = A[3:0]==4'h2; wire ADataLWR;
LCELL ADataLWR_MC (.in(ADataLSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & S==5), .out(ADataLWR));
wire ACmdSELA = A[3:0]==4'h1; wire ACmdWR;
LCELL ACmdWR_MC (.in(ACmdSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & S==5), .out(ACmdWR));
wire AStatSELA = A[3:0]==4'h0; wire AStatWR;
LCELL AStatWR_MC (.in(AStatSELA & ~nWE & ~nDEVSEL & S==5), .out(AStatWR));
/* AKeySEL signal true when should assert nINH and drive Key[7:0] */
wire AKeySEL;
LCELL AKeySEL_MC (.in(A[15:4]==12'hC00 & nWE & ~nKMode), .out(AKeySEL));
output nINH = AKeySEL ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ; // Inhibit keyboard data
/* 6502 Bus */
wire DOE = nRES & nWE & ((~nDEVSEL & CSDBEN) | (AKeySEL & PHI0in));
reg [7:0] Dout;
inout [7:0] D = DOE ? Dout : 8'bZ;
/* ROM control signals & bank register */
output nROE = ~nWE;
output nRCS = ~((~nIOSEL | (~nIOSTRB & IOROMEN)) & CSDBEN);
reg [4:0] Bank = 5'h00; // Bank register for ROM access
/* AVR Clock, Reset */
output Rclk = C7M; // Buffer 7 MHz clock to AVR
reg nRRSTreg = 0;
inout nRRST = nRRSTreg ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ; // AVR reset
reg PendRIRQEN;
reg ResetRIRQEN;
output nRIRQ = ~((CmdPending & PendRIRQEN) | (~nRES & ResetRIRQEN));
/* AVR Select Signals */
wire RKeySELA = RAreg[3:0]==4'h4; wire RKeyWR;
LCELL RKeyWR_MC (.in(RKeySELA & ~nRWR), .out(RKeyWR));
wire RDataHSELA = RAreg[3:0]==4'h3; wire RDataHWR;
LCELL RDataHWR_MC (.in(RDataHSELA & ~nRWR), .out(RDataHWR));
wire RDataLSELA = RAreg[3:0]==4'h2; wire RDataLWR;
LCELL RDataLWR_MC (.in(RDataLSELA & ~nRWR), .out(RDataLWR));
wire RCmdSELA = RAreg[3:0]==4'h1; wire RCmdWR;
LCELL RCmdWR_MC (.in(RStatusSELA & ~nRRD), .out(RCmdWR));
wire RStatusSELA = RAreg[3:0]==4'h0; wire RStatusWR;
LCELL RStatusWR_MC (.in(RStatusSELA & ~nRWR), .out(RStatusWR));
/* AVR Bus */
input nRALE, nRRD, nRWR;
reg [7:0] RDout;
inout [7:0] RAD = nRRD ? 8'bZ : RDout[7:0];
reg [3:0] RAreg;
/* AVR SPI */
input nSS, SCK, MISO, MOSI;
/* AVR Timer */
input Vbl0, Vbl1;
reg Vbl0reg;
output T0 = Q3;
/* State */
reg [2:0] S = 2'b00; // State counter
reg PHI1reg = 1'b0; // Saved PHI1 at last rising clock edge
reg PHI0seen = 1'b0; // Have we seen PHI0 since reset?
reg CSDBEN = 0; // ROM CS, data bus driver gating
reg IOROMEN = 1'b0; // IOSTRB ROM enable
reg AIRQEN = 1'b0; // Enable this to assert IRQ to 6502
input nKMode; // Keyboard inhibit jumper
/* Shared Registers and State */
reg [15:0] Data;
reg [6:0] Cmd = 7'h00;
reg [7:0] Key = 8'h00;
reg CmdPending = 1'b0;
// Apple II Bus Compatibiltiy Rules:
// Synchronize to PHI0 or PHI1. (PHI1 here)
// PHI1's edge may be -20ns,+10ns relative to C7M.
// Delay the rising edge of PHI1 to get enough hold time:
// PHI1modified = PHI1 & PHI1delayed;
// Only sample /DEVSEL, /IOSEL at these times:
// 2nd and 3rd rising edge of C7M in PHI0 (S4, S5)
// all 3 falling edges of C7M in PHI0 (S4, S5, S6)
// Can sample /IOSTRB at same times as /IOSEL, plus:
// 1st rising edge of C7M in PHI0 (S3)
always @(posedge C7M, negedge nRES) begin
if (~nRES) begin // Reset
PHI1reg <= 1'b0;
PHI0seen <= 1'b0;
S <= 3'h0;
IOROMEN <= 1'b0;
CSDBEN <= 1'b0;
Bank[4:0] <= 5'h0;
Key[7:0] <= 8'h00;
Cmd[6:0] <= 7'h00;
CmdPending <= 1'b0;
AIRQEN <= 1'b0;
nRRSTreg <= 1'b0;
end else begin
// Synchronize state counter to S1 when just entering PHI1
PHI1reg <= PHI1; // Save old PHI1
if (~PHI1) PHI0seen <= 1; // PHI0seen set in PHI0
S <= (PHI1 & ~PHI1reg & PHI0seen) ? 4'h1 :
S==0 ? 3'h0 :
S==7 ? 3'h7 : S+1;
// Disable IOSTRB ROM when accessing 0xCFFF.
if (S==3 & ~nIOSTRB & A[10:0]==11'h7FF) IOROMEN <= 1'b0;
// Enable IOSTRB ROM when accessing CnXX in IOSEL ROM.
if (S==4 & ~nIOSEL) IOROMEN <= 1'b1;
// Only drive Apple II data bus after state 4 to avoid bus fight.
// Thus we wait 1.5 7M cycles (210 ns) into PHI0 before driving.
// Same for driving the ROM/SRAM data bus (RD).
// Similarly, only select the ROM chip starting at the end of S4.
// This provides address setup time for write operations and
// minimizes power consumption.
CSDBEN <= S==4 | S==5 | S==6 | S==7;
// Latch video data in S2, near the end of PHI1.
// This is kept when 6502 reads the status register.
if (S==2) Dout[6] <= D[7];
// Register 6502 read data in S4
if (S==4) Dout <= AKeySEL ? Key[7:0] :
ADataHSELA ? Data[15:8] :
ADataLSELA ? Data[7:0] :
AStatSELA ? { CmdPending, Dout[6], Vbl0, 5'h00 } : 8'h00;
// 6502 write non-shared registers
if (ABankWR) Bank[4:0] <= D[4:0];
if (AStatWR) begin
AIRQEN <= D[1];
nRRSTreg <= D[0];
// Register AVR read data when not reading
if (nRRD) RDout[7:0] <=
RCmdSELA ? {~nRES, Cmd[6:0]} :
RDataHSELA ? Data[15:8] :
RDataLSELA ? Data[7:0] : 8'h00;
// AVR write non-shared registers
if (RStatusWR) begin
PendRIRQEN <= RAD[1];
ResetRIRQEN <=RAD[0];
// AVR write key register
if (RKeyWR) Key[7:0] <= RAD[7:0];
// Write shared data hi register.
// AVR has priority if simultaneous write
if (RDataHWR) Data[15:8] <= RAD[7:0];
else if (ADataHWR) Data[15:8] <= D[7:0];
// Write shared data lo register.
// AVR has priority if simultaneous write
if (RDataLWR) Data[7:0] <= RAD[7:0];
else if (ADataLWR) Data[7:0] <= D[7:0];
// Submit & clear command.
// 6502 submits command and sets pending.
// AVR clears command and pending by writing.
// Command submission has precedence over clear pending.
if (ACmdWR) begin
Cmd[6:0] <= D[6:0]; // Set command code
CmdPending <= 1'b1; // Submit command
end else if (RCmdWR) begin
Cmd[6:0] <= 7'h00; // Clear command
CmdPending <= 1'b0; // Command done
// Latch AVR address on nRALE falling edge
always @(negedge nRALE) begin
RAreg[3:0] <= RAD[3:0];