/** * Test hardware for ATMEL 28C series EEPROMs. * * The hardware uses two 74LS164 shift registers as the low and * high address registers. **/ #include "Configure.h" #define LED 13 PromDevice28C prom(32 * 1024L, 64, 10, true); /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * CLI parse functions */ const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; // Read a line of data from the serial connection. char * readLine(char * buffer, int len) { for (int ix = 0; (ix < len); ix++) { buffer[ix] = 0; } // read serial data until linebreak or buffer is full char c = ' '; int ix = 0; do { if (Serial.available()) { c = Serial.read(); if ((c == '\b') && (ix > 0)) { // Backspace, forget last character --ix; } buffer[ix++] = c; Serial.write(c); } } while ((c != '\n') && (ix < len)); buffer[ix - 1] = 0; return buffer; } /************************************************************ * convert a single hex character [0-9a-fA-F] to its value * @param char c single character (digit) * @return byte value of the digit (0-15) ************************************************************/ byte hexDigit(char c) { if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { return c - '0'; } else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) { return c - 'a' + 10; } else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) { return c - 'A' + 10; } else { return 0xff; } } /************************************************************ * Convert a hex string to a uint32_t value. * Skips leading spaces and terminates on the first non-hex * character. Leading zeroes are not required. * * No error checking is performed - if no hex is found then * defaultValue is returned. Similarly, a hex string of more than * 8 digits will return the value of the last 8 digits. * @param pointer to string with the hex value of the word (modified) * @return unsigned int represented by the digits ************************************************************/ uint32_t getHex32(char *& pData, uint32_t defaultValue=0) { uint32_t u32 = 0; while (isspace(*pData)) { ++pData; } if (isxdigit(*pData)) { while (isxdigit(*pData)) { u32 = (u32 << 4) | hexDigit(*pData++); } } else { u32 = defaultValue; } return u32; } void printByte(byte b) { char line[3]; line[0] = hex[b >> 4]; line[1] = hex[b & 0x0f]; line[2] = '\0'; Serial.print(line); } void printWord(word w) { char line[5]; line[0] = hex[(w >> 12) & 0x0f]; line[1] = hex[(w >> 8) & 0x0f]; line[2] = hex[(w >> 4) & 0x0f]; line[3] = hex[(w) & 0x0f]; line[4] = '\0'; Serial.print(line); } void zapTest(uint32_t start) { byte testData[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x7f, 0xbf, 0xdf, 0xef, 0xf7, 0xfb, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x55, 0xaa, '0', '1', '2', '3' }; if (!prom.writeData(testData, sizeof(testData), start)) { Serial.println("Write failed"); return; } delay(100); for (unsigned ix = 0; ix < sizeof(testData); ix++) { byte val = prom.readData(start + ix); if (val != testData[ix]) { Serial.print(F("Verify failed, addr=")); Serial.print(start + ix, HEX); Serial.print(F(", read=")); Serial.print(val, HEX); Serial.print(F(", expected=")); Serial.println(testData[ix], HEX); return; } } Serial.println("Write test successful"); } void pokeBytes(char * pCursor) { uint32_t val; uint32_t start; unsigned byteCtr = 0; enum { BLOCK_SIZE = 32 }; byte data[BLOCK_SIZE]; //first value returned is the starting address start = getHex32(pCursor, 0); while (((val = getHex32(pCursor, 0xffff)) != 0xffff) && (byteCtr < BLOCK_SIZE)) { data[byteCtr++] = byte(val); } if (byteCtr > 0) { if (!prom.writeData(data, byteCtr, start)) { Serial.println(F("Write failed")); return; } } else { Serial.println(F("Missing address or data")); return; } delay(100); for (unsigned ix = 0; ix < byteCtr ; ix++) { byte val = prom.readData(start + ix); if (val != data[ix]) { Serial.print(F("Verify failed, addr=")); Serial.print(start + ix, HEX); Serial.print(F(", read=")); Serial.print(val, HEX); Serial.print(F(", expected=")); Serial.println(data[ix], HEX); return; } } Serial.println("Poke successful"); } void dumpBlock(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { char line[81]; // 01234567891 234567892 234567893 234567894 234567895 234567896 234567897 23456789 // 01234: 01 23 45 67 89 ab cf ef 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef int count = 0; memset(line, ' ', sizeof(line)); char * pHex = line; char * pChar = line + 59; for (uint32_t addr = start; (addr <= end); addr++) { if (count == 0) { //print out the address at the beginning of the line pHex = line; pChar = line + 59; *pHex++ = hex[(addr >> 16) & 0x0f]; *pHex++ = hex[(addr >> 12) & 0x0f]; *pHex++ = hex[(addr >> 8) & 0x0f]; *pHex++ = hex[(addr >> 4) & 0x0f]; *pHex++ = hex[(addr) & 0x0f]; *pHex++ = ':'; *pHex++ = ' '; } byte data = prom.readData(addr); *pHex++ = hex[data >> 4]; *pHex++ = hex[data & 0x0f]; *pHex++ = ' '; *pChar++ = ((data < 32) | (data >= 127)) ? '.' : data; if ((count & 3) == 3) { *pHex++ = ' '; } if ((count & 7) == 7) { *pChar++ = ' '; } if ((++count >= 16) || (addr == end)) { *pChar = '\0'; Serial.println(line); memset(line, ' ', sizeof(line)); count = 0; } } if (count) { Serial.println(); } } /************************************************ * MAIN *************************************************/ word addr = 0; void setup() { // Do this first so that it initializes all of the hardware pins into a // non-harmful state. The Arduino or the target EEPROM could be damaged // if both writing to the data bus at the same time. prom.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { commandLoop(); } static void commandLoop() { byte b; uint32_t arg; const uint32_t noValue = uint32_t(-1); char line[120]; char * cursor = line + 1; unsigned long timeStart; unsigned long timeEnd; bool cmdError = false; bool unknownCmd = false; Serial.print("\n#"); Serial.flush(); readLine(line, sizeof(line)); byte c = tolower(line[0]); if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) { c |= 0x20; } switch (c) { case 'a': if ((arg = getHex32(cursor, noValue)) != noValue) { prom.setAddress(word(arg)); } else cmdError = true; break; case 'd': if ((arg = getHex32(cursor, noValue)) != noValue) { prom.disableOutput(); prom.setDataBusMode(OUTPUT); prom.writeDataBus(byte(arg)); } else cmdError = true; break; case 'c': case 'o': case 'w': if ((line[1] != 'd') && (line[1] != 'e')) { cmdError = true; } else { bool enable = line[1] == 'e'; if (c == 'c') { if (enable) prom.enableChip(); else prom.disableChip(); } else if (c == 'w') { if (enable) prom.enableWrite(); else prom.disableWrite(); } else { // c == 'o' if (enable) { // Don't allow the prom and the data bus to output at the same time prom.setDataBusMode(INPUT); prom.enableOutput(); } else { prom.disableOutput(); } } } break; case 'r': prom.setDataBusMode(INPUT); prom.enableOutput(); b = prom.readDataBus(); printByte(b); Serial.println(); prom.disableOutput(); break; case 'l': Serial.println(F("Writing the lock code to enable Software Write Protect mode.")); prom.enableSoftwareWriteProtect(); break; case 'u': Serial.println(F("Writing the unlock code to disable Software Write Protect mode.")); timeStart = micros(); prom.disableSoftwareWriteProtect(); timeEnd = micros(); Serial.print("Unlock command time in uSec="); Serial.println(timeEnd - timeStart); break; case 'p': pokeBytes(line+1); break; case 's': if ((arg = getHex32(cursor, noValue)) != noValue) { dumpBlock(arg, arg + 63); } else cmdError = true; break; case 'z': if ((arg = getHex32(cursor, noValue)) != noValue) { zapTest(arg); } else cmdError = true; break; default: unknownCmd = true; break; } if (cmdError) { Serial.println(F("Missing or invalid command argument")); } else if (unknownCmd) { Serial.print(F("Hardware Verifier - ")); Serial.println(prom.getName()); Serial.println(); Serial.println(F("Valid commands are:")); Serial.println(F(" Axxxx - Set address bus to xxxx")); Serial.println(F(" Dxx - Set Data bus to xx")); Serial.println(F(" Cs - Set Chip enable to state (e=enable, d=disable)")); Serial.println(F(" Os - Set Output enable to state (e=enable, d=disable)")); Serial.println(F(" Ws - Set Write enable to state (e=enable, d=disable)")); Serial.println(F(" R - Read and print the value on the data bus")); Serial.println(F(" L - Send Lock sequence to enable device Software Data Protection")); Serial.println(F(" U - Send Unlock sequence to disable device Software Data Protection")); Serial.println(""); Serial.println(F(" Pxxxx dd dd... - Poke (write) values to EEPROM (up to 32 values)")); Serial.println(F(" Sxxxx - Show (dump) bytes from EEPROM to terminal")); Serial.println(F(" Zxxxx - Zap (burn) a 32 byte test pattern")); } }