2024-04-13 15:52:26 -04:00

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Printed Circuit Boards /docs/pcb Printed Circuit Boards

Although TommyPROM was originally designed as a one-off programmer to be used on a breadboard, there are now some PCB versions. The original TommyPROM PCB for 28C256 chips is described here, and the TommyPROM32 PCB, for handling a variety of chips, has its own page.


28C256 PCB

A PCB version for the 28C256 and 28C64 chips was built to support a SAP-1 TTL breadboard computer. This project required a lot of burns for its microcode and the PCB version with the ZIF socket was much quicker than prying the chips out of a breadboard without disturbing any of the wires.

The KiCad design files are in the project repo.


TommyPROM schematic