#include "bios.h" #include "applevm.h" #include "physicalkeyboard.h" #include "teensy-keyboard.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "teensy-filemanager.h" #include "teensy-display.h" #include "globals.h" enum { ACT_EXIT = 0, ACT_RESET = 1, ACT_COLDBOOT = 2, ACT_MONITOR = 3, ACT_DISPLAYTYPE = 4, ACT_DEBUG = 5, ACT_DISK1 = 6, ACT_DISK2 = 7, ACT_HD1 = 8, ACT_HD2 = 9, ACT_VOLPLUS = 10, ACT_VOLMINUS = 11, NUM_ACTIONS = 12 }; const char *titles[NUM_ACTIONS] = { "Resume", "Reset", "Cold Reboot", "Drop to Monitor", "Display: %s", "Debug: %s", "%s Disk 1", "%s Disk 2", "%s HD 1", "%s HD 2", "Volume +", "Volume -" }; // FIXME: abstract the pin # rather than repeating it here #define RESETPIN 39 extern int16_t g_volume; // FIXME: external global. icky. extern uint8_t debugMode; // and another. :/ // FIXME: and these need abstracting out of the main .ino ! enum { D_NONE = 0, D_SHOWFPS = 1, D_SHOWMEMFREE = 2, D_SHOWPADDLES = 3, D_SHOWPC = 4, D_SHOWCYCLES = 5, D_SHOWBATTERY = 6, D_SHOWTIME = 7 }; const char *staticPathConcat(const char *rootPath, const char *filePath) { static char buf[MAXPATH]; strncpy(buf, rootPath, sizeof(buf)-1); strncat(buf, filePath, sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf)-1); return buf; } BIOS::BIOS() { strcpy(rootPath, "/A2DISKS/"); selectedFile = -1; for (int8_t i=0; iMonitor(); goto done; case ACT_DISPLAYTYPE: g_displayType++; g_displayType %= 4; // FIXME: abstract max # ((AppleDisplay*)g_display)->displayTypeChanged(); break; case ACT_DEBUG: debugMode++; debugMode %= 8; // FIXME: abstract max # break; case ACT_DISK1: if (((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(0)[0] != '\0') { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->ejectDisk(0); } else { if (SelectDiskImage()) { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->insertDisk(0, staticPathConcat(rootPath, fileDirectory[selectedFile]), false); goto done; } } break; case ACT_DISK2: if (((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(1)[0] != '\0') { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->ejectDisk(1); } else { if (SelectDiskImage()) { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->insertDisk(1, staticPathConcat(rootPath, fileDirectory[selectedFile]), false); goto done; } } break; case ACT_HD1: if (((AppleVM *)g_vm)->HDName(0)[0] != '\0') { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->ejectHD(0); } else { if (SelectDiskImage()) { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->insertHD(0, staticPathConcat(rootPath, fileDirectory[selectedFile])); goto done; } } break; case ACT_HD2: if (((AppleVM *)g_vm)->HDName(1)[0] != '\0') { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->ejectHD(1); } else { if (SelectDiskImage()) { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->insertHD(1, staticPathConcat(rootPath, fileDirectory[selectedFile])); goto done; } } break; case ACT_VOLPLUS: g_volume ++; if (g_volume > 15) { g_volume = 15; } volumeDidChange = true; break; case ACT_VOLMINUS: g_volume--; if (g_volume < 0) { g_volume = 0; } volumeDidChange = true; break; } } done: // Undo whatever damage we've done to the screen g_display->redraw(); g_display->blit({0, 0, 191, 279}); // return true if any persistent setting changed that we want to store in eeprom return volumeDidChange; } void BIOS::WarmReset() { g_cpu->Reset(); } void BIOS::ColdReboot() { g_vm->Reset(); g_cpu->Reset(); } uint8_t BIOS::GetAction(int8_t selection) { while (1) { DrawMainMenu(selection); while (!((TeensyKeyboard *)g_keyboard)->kbhit() && (digitalRead(RESETPIN) == HIGH)) { ; // Wait for either a keypress or the reset button to be pressed } if (digitalRead(RESETPIN) == LOW) { // wait until it's no longer pressed while (digitalRead(RESETPIN) == HIGH) ; delay(100); // wait long enough for it to debounce // then return an exit code return ACT_EXIT; } switch (((TeensyKeyboard *)g_keyboard)->read()) { case DARR: selection++; selection %= NUM_ACTIONS; break; case UARR: selection--; if (selection < 0) selection = NUM_ACTIONS-1; break; case RET: if (isActionActive(selection)) return selection; break; } } } bool BIOS::isActionActive(int8_t action) { // don't return true for disk events that aren't valid switch (action) { case ACT_EXIT: case ACT_RESET: case ACT_COLDBOOT: case ACT_MONITOR: case ACT_DISPLAYTYPE: case ACT_DEBUG: case ACT_DISK1: case ACT_DISK2: case ACT_HD1: case ACT_HD2: return true; case ACT_VOLPLUS: return (g_volume < 15); case ACT_VOLMINUS: return (g_volume > 0); } /* NOTREACHED */ return false; } void BIOS::DrawMainMenu(int8_t selection) { ((TeensyDisplay *)g_display)->clrScr(); g_display->drawString(M_NORMAL, 0, 0, "BIOS Configuration"); for (int i=0; iDiskName(i - ACT_DISK1)[0] ? "Eject" : "Insert"); } else if (i == ACT_HD1 || i == ACT_HD2) { sprintf(buf, titles[i], ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->HDName(i - ACT_HD1)[0] ? "Eject" : "Insert"); } else if (i == ACT_DISPLAYTYPE) { switch (g_displayType) { case m_blackAndWhite: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "B&W"); break; case m_monochrome: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "Mono"); break; case m_ntsclike: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "NTSC-like"); break; case m_perfectcolor: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "RGB"); break; } } else if (i == ACT_DEBUG) { switch (debugMode) { case D_NONE: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "off"); break; case D_SHOWFPS: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "Show FPS"); break; case D_SHOWMEMFREE: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "Show mem free"); break; case D_SHOWPADDLES: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "Show paddles"); break; case D_SHOWPC: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "Show PC"); break; case D_SHOWCYCLES: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "Show cycles"); break; case D_SHOWBATTERY: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "Show battery"); break; case D_SHOWTIME: sprintf(buf, titles[i], "Show time"); break; } } else { strcpy(buf, titles[i]); } if (isActionActive(i)) { g_display->drawString(selection == i ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } else { g_display->drawString(selection == i ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } } // draw the volume bar uint16_t volCutoff = 300.0 * (float)((float) g_volume / 15.0); for (uint8_t y=200; y<=210; y++) { ((TeensyDisplay *)g_display)->moveTo(10, y); for (uint16_t x = 0; x< 300; x++) { ((TeensyDisplay *)g_display)->drawNextPixel( x <= volCutoff ? 0xFFFF : 0x0010 ); } } } // return true if the user selects an image // sets selectedFile (index; -1 = "nope") and fileDirectory[][] (names of up to BIOS_MAXFILES files) bool BIOS::SelectDiskImage() { int8_t sel = 0; int8_t page = 0; while (1) { DrawDiskNames(page, sel); while (!((TeensyKeyboard *)g_keyboard)->kbhit()) ; switch (((TeensyKeyboard *)g_keyboard)->read()) { case DARR: sel++; sel %= BIOS_MAXFILES + 2; break; case UARR: sel--; if (sel < 0) sel = BIOS_MAXFILES + 1; break; case RET: if (sel == 0) { page--; if (page < 0) page = 0; // else sel = BIOS_MAXFILES + 1; } else if (sel == BIOS_MAXFILES+1) { page++; //sel = 0; } else { if (strcmp(fileDirectory[sel-1], "../") == 0) { // Go up a directory (strip a directory name from rootPath) stripDirectory(); page = 0; //sel = 0; continue; } else if (fileDirectory[sel-1][strlen(fileDirectory[sel-1])-1] == '/') { // Descend in to the directory. FIXME: file path length? strcat(rootPath, fileDirectory[sel-1]); sel = 0; page = 0; continue; } else { selectedFile = sel - 1; return true; } } break; } } } void BIOS::stripDirectory() { rootPath[strlen(rootPath)-1] = '\0'; // remove the last character while (rootPath[0] && rootPath[strlen(rootPath)-1] != '/') { rootPath[strlen(rootPath)-1] = '\0'; // remove the last character again } // We're either at the previous directory, or we've nulled out the whole thing. if (rootPath[0] == '\0') { // Never go beyond this strcpy(rootPath, "/"); } } void BIOS::DrawDiskNames(uint8_t page, int8_t selection) { uint8_t fileCount = GatherFilenames(page); ((TeensyDisplay *)g_display)->clrScr(); g_display->drawString(M_NORMAL, 0, 12, "BIOS Configuration - pick disk"); if (page == 0) { g_display->drawString(selection == 0 ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 50, ""); } else { g_display->drawString(selection == 0 ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 50, ""); } uint8_t i; for (i=0; idrawString((i == selection-1) ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 50 + 14 * (i+1), fileDirectory[i]); } else { g_display->drawString((i == selection-1) ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 50+14*(i+1), "-"); } } // FIXME: this doesn't accurately say whether or not there *are* more. if (fileCount == BIOS_MAXFILES || fileCount == 0) { g_display->drawString((i+1 == selection) ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 50 + 14 * (i+1), ""); } else { g_display->drawString(i+1 == selection ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 50 + 14 * (i+1), ""); } } uint8_t BIOS::GatherFilenames(uint8_t pageOffset) { uint8_t startNum = 10 * pageOffset; uint8_t count = 0; // number we're including in our listing while (1) { char fn[BIOS_MAXPATH]; int8_t idx = g_filemanager->readDir(rootPath, "dsk,.po,nib,img", fn, startNum + count, BIOS_MAXPATH); if (idx == -1) { return count; } idx++; strncpy(fileDirectory[count], fn, BIOS_MAXPATH); count++; if (count >= BIOS_MAXFILES) { return count; } } }