#include // isgraph #include "sdl-display.h" #include "bios-font.h" #include "display-bg.h" #include "globals.h" #include "applevm.h" // RGB map of each of the lowres colors const uint8_t loresPixelColors[16][3] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, // black { 195, 0, 48 }, // magenta { 0, 0, 130 }, // dark blue { 166, 52, 170 }, // purple { 0, 146, 0 }, // dark green { 105, 105, 105 }, // drak grey { 24, 113, 255 }, // medium blue { 12, 190, 235 }, // light blue { 150, 85, 40 }, // brown { 255, 24, 44 }, // orange { 150, 170, 170 }, // light gray { 255, 158, 150 }, // pink { 0, 255, 0 }, // green { 255, 255, 0 }, // yellow { 130, 255, 130 }, // aqua { 255, 255, 255 } // white }; SDLDisplay::SDLDisplay() { // FIXME: abstract constants screen = SDL_CreateWindow("Aiie!", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 320*2, 240*2, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); // SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE because, at least on my Mac, this has some // serious issues with hardware accelerated drawing (flashing and crashing). renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(screen, -1, SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255); // set to white SDL_RenderClear(renderer); // clear it to the selected color SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); // perform the render } SDLDisplay::~SDLDisplay() { SDL_Quit(); } void SDLDisplay::redraw() { // primarily for the device, where it's in and out of the // bios. Draws the background image. printf("redraw background\n"); for (int y=0; y<240; y++) { for (int x=0; x<320; x++) { uint8_t *p = &displayBitmap[(y * 320 + x)*3]; drawPixel(x, y, p[0], p[1], p[2]); } } if (g_vm) { drawDriveDoor(0, ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(0)[0] == '\0'); drawDriveDoor(1, ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(1)[0] == '\0'); } } void SDLDisplay::setDriveIndicator(uint8_t which, bool isRunning) { driveIndicator[which] = isRunning; driveIndicatorDirty = true; } void SDLDisplay::drawDriveDoor(uint8_t which, bool isOpen) { // location of drive door for left drive uint16_t xoff = 55; uint16_t yoff = 216; // location for right drive if (which == 1) { xoff += 134; } for (int y=0; y<20; y++) { for (int x=0; x<43; x++) { uint8_t *p = &driveLatch[(y * 43 + x)*3]; if (isOpen) { p = &driveLatchOpen[(y * 43 + x)*3]; } drawPixel(x+xoff, y+yoff, p[0], p[1], p[2]); } } } void SDLDisplay::drawBatteryStatus(uint8_t percent) { uint16_t xoff = 300; uint16_t yoff = 222; // the area around the apple is 12 wide // it's exactly 11 high // the color is 210/202/159 float watermark = ((float)percent / 100.0) * 11; for (int y=0; y<11; y++) { uint8_t bgr = 210; uint8_t bgg = 202; uint8_t bgb = 159; if (11-y > watermark) { // black... bgr = bgg = bgb = 0; } for (int x=0; x<11; x++) { uint8_t *p = &appleBitmap[(y * 10 + (x-1))*4]; // It's RGBA; blend w/ background color uint8_t r,g,b; float alpha = (float)p[3] / 255.0; r = (float)p[0] * alpha + (bgr * (1.0 - alpha)); g = (float)p[1] * alpha + (bgg * (1.0 - alpha)); b = (float)p[2] * alpha + (bgb * (1.0 - alpha)); drawPixel(x+xoff, y+yoff, r, g, b); } } } #define BASEX 36 #define BASEY 26 void SDLDisplay::blit(AiieRect r) { uint8_t *videoBuffer = g_vm->videoBuffer; // FIXME: poking deep for (uint8_t y=0; y<192; y++) { for (uint16_t x=0; x<280; x++) { uint16_t pixel = (y*320+x)/2; uint8_t colorIdx; if (x & 1) { colorIdx = videoBuffer[pixel] & 0x0F; } else { colorIdx = videoBuffer[pixel] >> 4; } for (uint8_t xoff=0; xoff<2; xoff++) { for (uint8_t yoff=0; yoff<2; yoff++) { // FIXME: validate BPP >= 3? SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, loresPixelColors[colorIdx][0], loresPixelColors[colorIdx][1], loresPixelColors[colorIdx][2], 255); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, x*2+xoff+BASEX, y*2+yoff+BASEY); } } } } if (overlayMessage[0]) { drawString(M_SELECTDISABLED, 1, 240 - 16 - 12, overlayMessage); } if (driveIndicatorDirty) { // location of status indicator for left drive uint16_t xoff = 125; uint16_t yoff = 213; for (int which=0; which<2; which++,xoff+=135) { // +135 for right drive for (int y=0; y<1; y++) { for (int x=0; x<6; x++) { drawPixel(x + xoff, y + yoff, driveIndicator[which] ? 0xF800 : 0x8AA9); } } } driveIndicatorDirty = false; } SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } inline void putpixel(SDL_Renderer *renderer, int x, int y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, r, g, b, 255); SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, x, y); } void SDLDisplay::drawPixel(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint16_t color) { uint8_t r = (color & 0xF800) >> 8, g = (color & 0x7E0) >> 3, b = (color & 0x1F) << 3; // Pixel-doubling for (int yoff=0; yoff<2; yoff++) { for (int xoff=0; xoff<2; xoff++) { putpixel(renderer, xoff+x*2, yoff+y*2, r, g, b); } } } void SDLDisplay::drawPixel(uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { // Pixel-doubling for (int yoff=0; yoff<2; yoff++) { for (int xoff=0; xoff<2; xoff++) { putpixel(renderer, xoff+x*2, yoff+y*2, r, g, b); } } } void SDLDisplay::drawCharacter(uint8_t mode, uint16_t x, uint8_t y, char c) { int8_t xsize = 8, ysize = 0x0C, offset = 0x20; uint16_t temp; c -= offset;// font starts with a space uint16_t offPixel, onPixel; switch (mode) { case M_NORMAL: onPixel = 0xFFFF; offPixel = 0x0010; break; case M_SELECTED: onPixel = 0x0000; offPixel = 0xFFFF; break; case M_DISABLED: default: onPixel = 0x7BEF; offPixel = 0x0000; break; case M_SELECTDISABLED: onPixel = 0x7BEF; offPixel = 0xFFE0; break; } temp=(c*ysize); for (int8_t y_off = 0; y_off <= ysize; y_off++) { uint8_t ch = BiosFont[temp]; for (int8_t x_off = 0; x_off <= xsize; x_off++) { if (ch & (1 << (7-x_off))) { drawPixel(x + x_off, y + y_off, onPixel); } else { drawPixel(x + x_off, y + y_off, offPixel); } } temp++; } } void SDLDisplay::drawString(uint8_t mode, uint16_t x, uint8_t y, const char *str) { int8_t xsize = 8; // width of a char in this font for (int8_t i=0; i