// cl65 -t apple2 --start-addr 0x4000 uploadfont.c #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/picopal.h" volatile uint16_t cardslot = 3; #define BASL 0x28 #define menutop 3 #define menuleft 2 v2mode_t v2mode = MODE_VGACARD; serialmux_t serialmux = SERIAL_PRINTER; uint16_t baud = 19200; usbmux_t usbmux = USB_GUEST_CDC; compat_t machine = MACHINE_APPLE_IIGS; wifimode_t wifimode = WIFI_AP; char wifi_ssid[32] = "V2RetroNet"; char wifi_psk[32] = "Analog"; char wifi_address[32] = "DHCP"; char jd_host[32] = ""; uint16_t jd_port = 9100; char config_data[1024]; uint16_t config_size = 0; uint8_t *config_cmdbuf; uint8_t *config_errbuf; uint8_t *upload_buf = (uint8_t *)(0xC800); char ERR_READY[8] = { 'R', 'E', 'A', 'D', 'Y', 0, 0, 0 }; char ERR_EOF[8] = { 'E', 'O', 'F', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char ERR_NOFILE[8] = { 'E', 'O', 'F', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; #define CARD_TIMEOUT 0x3fff uint16_t timeout = CARD_TIMEOUT; void default_config() { v2mode = MODE_VGACARD; serialmux = SERIAL_PRINTER; baud = 19200; usbmux = USB_GUEST_CDC; wifimode = WIFI_AP; strcpy(wifi_ssid, "V2RetroNet"); strcpy(wifi_psk, "Analog"); strcpy(wifi_address, "DHCP"); strcpy(jd_host, ""); jd_port = 9100; machine = MACHINE_AUTO; } void paint_backdrop(char *str) { int w, i; w = strlen(str); if(w > 20) { w = 20; } clrscr(); gotoy(0); gotox(1); cputs("V2 Analog"); gotoy(0); gotox(39 - w); if((w == 19) && str[19]) w = 16; for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { cputc(str[i]); } if((i == 17) && str[i]) cputs("..."); gotoy(1); gotox(0); cputs("----------------------------------------"); gotoy(22); gotox(0); cputs("----------------------------------------"); gotoy(23); gotox(4); cputs("https://www.v2retrocomputing.com"); } void message(char *str) { int w, x, i, c; if(strlen(str) > 34) { w = 34; } else { w = strlen(str); } x = 20 - ((w+6)/2); gotoy(9); gotox(x); cputs(" +-"); for(i = 0; i < (w); i++) { cputc('-'); } cputs("-+ "); gotoy(10); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(11); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(c = 0; c < w; c++) { cputc(str[c]); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(12); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(13); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(i = 0; i < ((w-4)/2); i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs("[OK]"); i += 4; for(; i < w; i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(14); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(15); gotox(x); cputs(" +-"); for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { cputc('-'); } cputs("-+ "); for(;;) { switch(cgetc()) { case 0x0A: case 0x0D: case 0x1B: case 'O': case 'o': return; } } } int confirm(char *str) { int w, x, i, c; if(strlen(str) > 34) { w = 34; } else { w = strlen(str); } x = 20 - ((w+6)/2); gotoy(9); gotox(x); cputs(" +-"); for(i = 0; i < (w); i++) { cputc('-'); } cputs("-+ "); gotoy(10); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(11); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(c = 0; c < w; c++) { cputc(str[c]); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(12); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(13); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(i = 0; i < ((w-12)/2); i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs("[YES] / [NO]"); i += 12; for(; i < w; i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(14); gotox(x); cputs(" ! "); for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { cputc(' '); } cputs(" ! "); gotoy(15); gotox(x); cputs(" +-"); for(i = 0; i < w; i++) { cputc('-'); } cputs("-+ "); for(;;) { switch(cgetc()) { case 0x0A: case 0x0D: case 'Y': case 'y': return 1; case 0x1B: case 'N': case 'n': return 0; } } } void cfg_cmd0(char *cmd) { char cfg_temp[32]; memset(cfg_temp, 0, 32); strncpy(cfg_temp, cmd, 32); memcpy(config_cmdbuf, cfg_temp, 32); } void cfg_cmd1(char *cmd, uint16_t param0) { uint8_t cfg_temp[32]; memset(cfg_temp, 0, 32); memcpy(cfg_temp, cmd, 2); cfg_temp[2] = param0 & 0xFF; cfg_temp[3] = (param0 >> 8) & 0xFF; memcpy(config_cmdbuf, cfg_temp, 32); } void cfg_cmd2(char *cmd, uint16_t param0, uint16_t param1) { uint8_t cfg_temp[32]; memset(cfg_temp, 0, 32); memcpy(cfg_temp, cmd, 2); cfg_temp[2] = param0 & 0xFF; cfg_temp[3] = (param0 >> 8) & 0xFF; cfg_temp[4] = param1 & 0xFF; cfg_temp[5] = (param1 >> 8) & 0xFF; memcpy(config_cmdbuf, cfg_temp, 32); } void parse_config(char *buffer) { if(!memcmp("C=", buffer, 2)) { if(!strcmp("DIAG", buffer+2)) { v2mode = MODE_DIAG; } else if(!strcmp("FS", buffer+2)) { v2mode = MODE_FS; } else if(!strcmp("VGA", buffer+2)) { v2mode = MODE_VGACARD; } else if(!strcmp("Z80", buffer+2)) { v2mode = MODE_APPLICARD; } else if(!strcmp("SER", buffer+2)) { v2mode = MODE_SERIAL; } else if(!strcmp("PAR", buffer+2)) { v2mode = MODE_PARALLEL; } else if(!strcmp("MIDI", buffer+2)) { v2mode = MODE_MIDI; } else if(!strcmp("SNES", buffer+2)) { v2mode = MODE_SNESMAX; } else if(!strcmp("NET", buffer+2)) { v2mode = MODE_ETHERNET; } } else if(!memcmp("H=", buffer, 2)) { if(!strcmp("AUTO", buffer+2)) { machine = MACHINE_AUTO; } else if(!strcmp("II", buffer+2)) { machine = MACHINE_APPLE_II; } else if(!strcmp("IIE", buffer+2)) { machine = MACHINE_APPLE_IIE; } else if(!strcmp("IIGS", buffer+2)) { machine = MACHINE_APPLE_IIGS; } } else if(!memcmp("M=", buffer, 2)) { if(!strcmp("USB", buffer+2)) { serialmux = SERIAL_USB; } else if(!strcmp("WIFI", buffer+2)) { serialmux = SERIAL_WIFI; } else if(!strcmp("PRN", buffer+2)) { serialmux = SERIAL_PRINTER; } else if(!strcmp("LOOP", buffer+2)) { serialmux = SERIAL_LOOP; } } else if(!memcmp("U=", buffer, 2)) { if(!strcmp("CG", buffer+2)) { usbmux = USB_GUEST_CDC; } else if(!strcmp("CH", buffer+2)) { usbmux = USB_HOST_CDC; } } else if(!memcmp("W=", buffer, 2)) { if(!strcmp("C", buffer+2)) { wifimode = WIFI_CLIENT; } else if(!strcmp("A", buffer+2)) { wifimode = WIFI_AP; } } else if(!memcmp("WS=", buffer, 3)) { strncpy(wifi_ssid, buffer+3, 25); } else if(!memcmp("WP=", buffer, 3)) { strncpy(wifi_psk, buffer+3, 26); } else if(!memcmp("IP=", buffer, 3)) { strncpy(wifi_address, buffer+3, 16); } else if(!memcmp("JDH=", buffer, 4)) { strncpy(jd_host, buffer+4, 16); } else if(!memcmp("JDP=", buffer, 4)) { jd_port = strtoul(buffer+4, NULL, 0); } else if(!memcmp("SB=", buffer, 3)) { baud = strtoul(buffer+3, NULL, 0); } } void build_config(void) { char *config_temp = config_data; memset(config_data, 0, sizeof(config_data)); switch(v2mode) { case MODE_FS: strcpy(config_temp, "C=FS"); config_temp += 32; break; case MODE_VGACARD: strcpy(config_temp, "C=VGA"); config_temp += 32; break; case MODE_APPLICARD: strcpy(config_temp, "C=Z80"); config_temp += 32; break; case MODE_SERIAL: strcpy(config_temp, "C=SER"); config_temp += 32; break; case MODE_PARALLEL: strcpy(config_temp, "C=PAR"); config_temp += 32; break; case MODE_MIDI: strcpy(config_temp, "C=MIDI"); config_temp += 32; break; case MODE_SNESMAX: strcpy(config_temp, "C=SNES"); config_temp += 32; break; case MODE_ETHERNET: strcpy(config_temp, "C=NET"); config_temp += 32; break; } switch(machine) { case MACHINE_AUTO: strcpy(config_temp, "H=AUTO"); config_temp += 32; break; case MACHINE_APPLE_II: strcpy(config_temp, "H=II"); config_temp += 32; break; case MACHINE_APPLE_IIE: strcpy(config_temp, "H=IIE"); config_temp += 32; break; case MACHINE_APPLE_IIGS: strcpy(config_temp, "H=IIGS"); config_temp += 32; break; } switch(serialmux) { case SERIAL_USB: strcpy(config_temp, "M=USB"); config_temp += 32; break; case SERIAL_WIFI: strcpy(config_temp, "M=WIFI"); config_temp += 32; break; case SERIAL_PRINTER: strcpy(config_temp, "M=PRN"); config_temp += 32; break; case SERIAL_LOOP: strcpy(config_temp, "M=LOOP"); config_temp += 32; break; } switch(usbmux) { case USB_GUEST_CDC: strcpy(config_temp, "U=CG"); config_temp += 32; break; case USB_HOST_CDC: strcpy(config_temp, "U=CH"); config_temp += 32; break; } switch(wifimode) { case WIFI_CLIENT: strcpy(config_temp, "W=C"); config_temp += 32; break; case WIFI_AP: strcpy(config_temp, "W=A"); config_temp += 32; break; } strcpy(config_temp, "WS="); strncpy(config_temp+3, wifi_ssid, 24); config_temp += 32; strcpy(config_temp, "WP="); strncpy(config_temp+3, wifi_psk, 24); config_temp += 32; strcpy(config_temp, "IP="); strncpy(config_temp+3, wifi_address, 16); config_temp += 32; strcpy(config_temp, "JDH="); strncpy(config_temp+4, jd_host, 16); config_temp += 32; sprintf(config_temp, "JDP=%d", jd_port); config_temp += 32; sprintf(config_temp, "SB=%d", baud); config_temp += 32; } void read_config(void) { int i; uint8_t dummy; timeout = CARD_TIMEOUT; // Release the $C800 region from any other card dummy = *(uint8_t*)0xCFFF; // Ask card to upload it's config to the Apple II host. // We only support Page0 in this version of the utility. cfg_cmd1("UC", 0); while(memcmp(config_errbuf, ERR_READY, 8) && (timeout > 0)) { timeout--; } if(timeout == 0) { // Release the $C800 region for use by other cards dummy = *(uint8_t*)0xCFFF; message("Communication Timeout"); default_config(); return; } else { memcpy(config_data, upload_buf, 1024); // Release the $C800 region for use by other cards dummy = *(uint8_t*)0xCFFF; } for(i = 0; i < sizeof(config_data); i+=32) { if(config_data[i] != 0) parse_config(config_data+i); } } int write_config(void) { uint8_t dummy; timeout = CARD_TIMEOUT; build_config(); paint_backdrop("Please Wait"); gotoy(11); gotox(10); cputs("Saving configuration,"); gotoy(12); gotox(8); cputs("your screen may flicker."); // Release the $C800 region from any other card dummy = *(uint8_t*)0xCFFF; // Ask card to download it's config from the Apple II host. // We only support Page0 in this version of the utility. cfg_cmd2("DC", (uint16_t)config_data, 0); while(memcmp(config_errbuf, ERR_READY, 8) && (timeout > 0)) { timeout--; } // Release the $C800 region for use by other cards dummy = *(uint8_t*)0xCFFF; return 1; } void apply_config(void) { uint8_t dummy; timeout = CARD_TIMEOUT; paint_backdrop("Please Wait"); gotoy(10); gotox(13); cputs("Rebooting card"); gotoy(11); gotox(9); cputs("to apply configuration,"); gotoy(12); gotox(8); cputs("your screen may flicker."); // Release the $C800 region from any other card dummy = *(uint8_t*)0xCFFF; // Ask card to reboot. cfg_cmd0("REBOOT"); // Release the $C800 region for use by other cards dummy = *(uint8_t*)0xCFFF; while(timeout--); } int format_card(void) { uint8_t dummy; timeout = CARD_TIMEOUT; paint_backdrop("Please Wait"); gotoy(11); gotox(13); cputs("Formatting card,"); gotoy(12); gotox(8); cputs("your screen may flicker."); // Release the $C800 region from any other card dummy = *(uint8_t*)0xCFFF; // Ask card to download it's config from the Apple II host. // We only support Page0 in this version of the utility. cfg_cmd0("FORMAT"); while(memcmp(config_errbuf, ERR_READY, 8) && (timeout > 0)) { timeout--; } // Release the $C800 region for use by other cards dummy = *(uint8_t*)0xCFFF; return 1; } void mode_menu(void) { int paint_menu = 1; for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("Firmware Mode"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("1. VGA Video"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft); cputs("2. PCPI Applicard"); gotoy(menutop+4); gotox(menuleft); #if 0 cputs("3. Serial"); gotoy(menutop+6); gotox(menuleft); cputs("4. Parallel"); #endif gotoy(menutop+17); gotox(menuleft); cputs("9. Back to Card Options"); paint_menu = 0; } switch(cgetc()) { case '1': v2mode = MODE_VGACARD; return; case '2': v2mode = MODE_APPLICARD; return; #if 0 case '3': v2mode = MODE_SERIAL; return; case '4': v2mode = MODE_PARALLEL; return; #endif case 0x1B: case '9': return; } } } void mux_menu(void) { int paint_menu = 1; for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("Serial Mux"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("1. Printer"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft); cputs("2. USB"); if(v2mode == MODE_SERIAL) { gotoy(menutop+4); gotox(menuleft); cputs("3. WiFi Modem"); gotoy(menutop+6); gotox(menuleft); cputs("4. Loopback"); } gotoy(menutop+17); gotox(menuleft); cputs("9. Back to Card Options"); } switch(cgetc()) { case '1': serialmux = SERIAL_PRINTER; return; case '2': serialmux = SERIAL_USB; return; case '3': if(v2mode == MODE_SERIAL) { serialmux = SERIAL_WIFI; return; } break; case '4': if(v2mode == MODE_SERIAL) { serialmux = SERIAL_LOOP; return; } break; case 0x1B: case '9': return; } } } void baud_menu(void) { int paint_menu = 1; for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("Baudrate"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("1. 75"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft); cputs("2. 300"); gotoy(menutop+4); gotox(menuleft); cputs("3. 600"); gotoy(menutop+6); gotox(menuleft); cputs("4. 1200"); gotoy(menutop+8); gotox(menuleft); cputs("5. 2400"); gotoy(menutop+10); gotox(menuleft); cputs("6. 4800"); gotoy(menutop+12); gotox(menuleft); cputs("7. 9600"); gotoy(menutop+14); gotox(menuleft); cputs("8. 19200"); gotoy(menutop+17); gotox(menuleft); cputs("9. Back to Card Options"); paint_menu = 0; } switch(cgetc()) { case '1': baud = 75; return; case '2': baud = 300; return; case '3': baud = 600; return; case '4': baud = 1200; return; case '5': baud = 2400; return; case '6': baud = 4800; return; case '7': baud = 9600; return; case '8': baud = 19200; return; case 0x1B: case '9': return; } } } void jdhost_edit(void) { char temp_host[32]; int c, l; int paint_menu = 1; strcpy(temp_host, jd_host); l = strlen(temp_host); for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("JetDirect"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("IP Address:"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs("_________________________"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs(temp_host); paint_menu = 0; } gotox(menuleft+4+l); (*(char**)BASL)[menuleft+4+l] = 95; c = cgetc(); if(c == 0x08) { if(l > 0) { // Remove flashing cursor gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); // Remove deleted character l--; gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); temp_host[l] = 0; } } else if((c == 0x0A) || (c == 0x0D)) { strcpy(jd_host, temp_host); return; } else if(c == 0x1B) { if(confirm("Go back without saving?")) { return; } paint_menu = 1; } else if(((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) || ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) || ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) || (c == '.')) { if(l < 24) { gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc(c); temp_host[l] = c; l++; temp_host[l] = 0; } } } } void jdport_edit(void) { char temp_port[8]; int c, l; int paint_menu = 1; sprintf(temp_port, "%i", jd_port); l = strlen(temp_port); for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("JetDirect"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("TCP Port:"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs("______"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs(temp_port); paint_menu = 0; } gotox(menuleft+4+l); (*(char**)BASL)[menuleft+4+l] = 95; c = cgetc(); if(c == 0x08) { if(l > 0) { // Remove flashing cursor gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); // Remove deleted character l--; gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); temp_port[l] = 0; } } else if((c == 0x0A) || (c == 0x0D)) { jd_port = strtoul(temp_port, NULL, 0); return; } else if(c == 0x1B) { gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); if(confirm("Go back without saving?")) { return; } paint_menu = 1; } else if((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { if(l < 5) { gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc(c); temp_port[l] = c; l++; temp_port[l] = 0; } } } } void ssid_edit(void) { char temp_ssid[32]; int c, l; int paint_menu = 1; strcpy(temp_ssid, wifi_ssid); l = strlen(temp_ssid); for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("WiFi"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("Network Name (SSID):"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs("_________________________"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs(temp_ssid); paint_menu = 0; } gotox(menuleft+4+l); (*(char**)BASL)[menuleft+4+l] = 95; c = cgetc(); if(c == 0x08) { if(l > 0) { // Remove flashing cursor gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); // Remove deleted character l--; gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); temp_ssid[l] = 0; } } else if((c == 0x0A) || (c == 0x0D)) { strcpy(wifi_ssid, temp_ssid); return; } else if(c == 0x1B) { gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); if(confirm("Go back without saving?")) { return; } paint_menu = 1; } else if(c >= 32) { if(l < 24) { gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc(c); temp_ssid[l] = c; l++; temp_ssid[l] = 0; } } } } void psk_edit(void) { char temp_psk[32]; int c, l; int paint_menu = 1; strcpy(temp_psk, wifi_psk); l = strlen(temp_psk); for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("WiFi"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("Passphrase (PSK):"); gotoy(menutop+1); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs("_________________________"); gotoy(menutop+1); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs(temp_psk); paint_menu = 0; } gotox(menuleft+4+l); (*(char**)BASL)[menuleft+4+l] = 95; c = cgetc(); if(c == 0x08) { if(l > 0) { // Remove flashing cursor gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); // Remove deleted character l--; gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); temp_psk[l] = 0; } } else if((c == 0x0A) || (c == 0x0D)) { strcpy(wifi_psk, temp_psk); return; } else if(c == 0x1B) { gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); if(confirm("Go back without saving?")) { return; } paint_menu = 1; } else if(c >= 32) { if(l < 24) { gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc(c); temp_psk[l] = c; l++; temp_psk[l] = 0; } } } } void address_edit(void) { char temp_address[32]; int c, l; int paint_menu = 1; strcpy(temp_address, wifi_address); l = strlen(temp_address); for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("WiFi"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("Enter IP Address or \"DHCP\":"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs("________________"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft+4); cputs(temp_address); paint_menu = 0; } gotox(menuleft+4+l); (*(char**)BASL)[menuleft+4+l] = 95; c = cgetc(); if(c == 0x08) { if(l > 0) { // Remove flashing cursor gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); // Remove deleted character l--; gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); temp_address[l] = 0; } } else if((c == 0x0A) || (c == 0x0D)) { strcpy(wifi_address, temp_address); return; } else if(c == 0x1B) { gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc('_'); if(confirm("Go back without saving?")) { return; } paint_menu = 1; } else if(c >= 32) { if(l < 15) { gotox(menuleft+4+l); cputc(c); temp_address[l] = c; l++; temp_address[l] = 0; } } } } void card_menu(void) { int paint_menu = 1; for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("Card Options"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("1. Mode: "); switch(v2mode) { case MODE_VGACARD: cputs("VGA Video"); break; case MODE_APPLICARD: cputs("Applicard"); break; case MODE_FS: cputs("Filesystem"); break; case MODE_MIDI: cputs("MIDI"); break; case MODE_SNESMAX: cputs("SNESMAX"); break; case MODE_ETHERNET: cputs("Ethernet"); break; case MODE_SERIAL: cputs("Serial"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft); printf("2. Baudrate: %i", baud); gotoy(menutop+4); gotox(menuleft); cputs("3. Device Mux: "); switch(serialmux) { case SERIAL_PRINTER: cputs("Printer"); gotoy(menutop+6); gotox(menuleft); printf("4. Host: %s", jd_host); gotoy(menutop+8); gotox(menuleft); printf("5. Port: %i", jd_port); break; case SERIAL_USB: cputs("USB"); gotoy(menutop+10); gotox(menuleft); cputs("6. USB Mode: "); switch(usbmux) { case USB_HOST_CDC: cputs("CDC Host"); break; case USB_GUEST_CDC: cputs("CDC Guest"); break; } break; break; case SERIAL_LOOP: cputs("Loopback"); break; case SERIAL_WIFI: cputs("WiFi Modem"); break; } break; case MODE_PARALLEL: cputs("Parallel"); gotoy(menutop+4); gotox(menuleft); cputs("3. Device Mux: "); switch(serialmux) { case SERIAL_PRINTER: cputs("Printer"); gotoy(menutop+6); gotox(menuleft); printf("4. Host: %s", jd_host); gotoy(menutop+8); gotox(menuleft); printf("5. Port: %i", jd_port); break; case SERIAL_USB: cputs("USB"); gotoy(menutop+10); gotox(menuleft); cputs("6. USB Mode: "); switch(usbmux) { case USB_HOST_CDC: cputs("CDC Host"); break; case USB_GUEST_CDC: cputs("CDC Guest"); break; } break; default: cputs(">NUL:"); } break; } gotoy(menutop+17); gotox(menuleft); cputs("9. Back to Main Menu"); paint_menu = 0; } switch(cgetc()) { case '1': mode_menu(); paint_menu = 1; break; case '2': if(v2mode == MODE_SERIAL) { baud_menu(); paint_menu = 1; } break; case '3': if((v2mode == MODE_SERIAL) || (v2mode == MODE_PARALLEL)) { mux_menu(); paint_menu = 1; } break; case '4': if(((v2mode == MODE_SERIAL) || (v2mode == MODE_PARALLEL)) && (serialmux == SERIAL_PRINTER)) { jdhost_edit(); paint_menu = 1; } break; case '5': if(((v2mode == MODE_SERIAL) || (v2mode == MODE_PARALLEL)) && (serialmux == SERIAL_PRINTER)) { jdport_edit(); paint_menu = 1; } break; case '6': if(((v2mode == MODE_SERIAL) || (v2mode == MODE_PARALLEL)) && (serialmux == SERIAL_USB)) { usbmux = (usbmux == USB_HOST_CDC) ? USB_GUEST_CDC : USB_HOST_CDC; paint_menu = 1; } break; case 0x1B: case '9': return; } } } void wifi_menu(void) { int paint_menu = 1; int c; for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("WiFi Options"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("1. WIFI Mode:"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(8); switch(wifimode) { case WIFI_AP: cputs("Access Point"); break; case WIFI_CLIENT: cputs("Client"); break; default: cputs("Unknown"); } gotoy(menutop+4); gotox(menuleft); cputs("2. Network Name:"); gotoy(menutop+6); gotox(8); cputs(wifi_ssid); gotoy(menutop+8); gotox(menuleft); cputs("3. Pre-Shared Key:"); gotoy(menutop+10); gotox(8); for(c = 0; c < strlen(wifi_psk); c++) { cputc('*'); } gotoy(menutop+12); gotox(menuleft); cputs("4. IP Address:"); gotoy(menutop+14); gotox(8); if(wifimode == WIFI_AP) { cputs(""); } else { cputs(wifi_address); } gotoy(menutop+17); gotox(menuleft); puts("9. Back to Main Menu"); paint_menu = 0; } switch(cgetc()) { case '1': wifimode = (wifimode == WIFI_AP) ? WIFI_CLIENT : WIFI_AP; paint_menu = 1; break; case '2': ssid_edit(); paint_menu = 1; break; case '3': psk_edit(); paint_menu = 1; break; case '4': if(wifimode == WIFI_AP) { message("Address is fixed in this mode."); paint_menu = 1; } else { address_edit(); paint_menu = 1; } break; case 0x1B: case '9': return; } } } void machine_menu(void) { int paint_menu = 1; for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("Machine Options"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("1. Host Type:"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(8); switch(machine) { case MACHINE_AUTO: cputs("Auto Detect"); break; case MACHINE_APPLE_IIGS: cputs("Apple IIgs"); break; case MACHINE_APPLE_IIE: cputs("Apple IIe"); break; default: cputs("Apple II / II+"); } gotoy(menutop+17); gotox(menuleft); puts("9. Back to Main Menu"); paint_menu = 0; } switch(cgetc()) { case '1': machine = (machine + 1); if(machine >= MACHINE_MAXVALUE) machine = 0; paint_menu = 1; break; case 0x1B: case '9': return; } } } int prompt_slot(void) { int c; paint_backdrop("Config Utility"); gotoy(11); gotox(2); cputs("Which slot is the card installed in?"); gotoy(13); gotox(14); printf("Default = %i", cardslot); for(;;) { c = cgetc(); if((c >= '1') && (c <= '7')) { cardslot = c - '0'; return 1; } else if((c == 0x0A) || (c == 0x0D)) { return 1; } else if(c == 0x1B) { return 0; } } } void main (void) { int paint_menu = 1; if(!prompt_slot()) { return; } config_cmdbuf = (uint8_t *)(0xC0F0 | (cardslot << 8)); config_errbuf = (uint8_t *)(0xC0F8 | (cardslot << 8)); paint_backdrop("Please Wait"); gotoy(11); gotox(9); cputs("Reading configuration,"); gotoy(12); gotox(8); cputs("your screen may flicker."); read_config(); for(;;) { if(paint_menu) { paint_backdrop("Main Menu"); gotoy(menutop+0); gotox(menuleft); cputs("1. Card options"); gotoy(menutop+2); gotox(menuleft); cputs("2. Machine options"); #if 0 gotoy(menutop+4); gotox(menuleft); cputs("3. WIFI options"); gotoy(menutop+9); gotox(menuleft); cputs("5. Backup settings"); gotoy(menutop+11); gotox(menuleft); cputs("6. Restore settings"); #endif gotoy(menutop+13); gotox(menuleft); cputs("7. Format card storage"); gotoy(menutop+15); gotox(menuleft); cputs("8. Quit without saving"); gotoy(menutop+17); gotox(menuleft); cputs("9. Save & Exit"); paint_menu = 0; } switch(cgetc()) { case '1': card_menu(); paint_menu = 1; break; case '2': machine_menu(); paint_menu = 1; break; #if 0 case '3': wifi_menu(); paint_menu = 1; break; case '5': case '6': message("Function Not Implemented"); paint_menu = 1; break; #endif case '7': if(confirm("Format Card?")) { format_card(); clrscr(); rebootafterexit(); return; } paint_menu = 1; break; case '8': if(confirm("Quit without saving?")) { clrscr(); return; } paint_menu = 1; break; case '9': if(confirm("Save and exit?")) { write_config(); clrscr(); rebootafterexit(); return; } paint_menu = 1; break; } } }