/* blah blah blah */ #define DEBUG true // Load Wi-Fi library #include #include #include #include #include /**************/ /* ESP32 Pins */ /**************/ /* DATA BUS (numbers mean GPIO port) */ #define D0R 12 #define D1R 13 #define D2R 14 #define D3R 15 #define D4R 16 #define D5R 17 #define D6R 18 #define D7R 19 byte data_pins[] = {D0R, D1R, D2R, D3R, D4R, D5R, D6R, D7R}; #define DATA_BUS_SIZE 8 /* Address Bus */ #define A0R 21 #define A1R 22 #define A2R 23 #define A3R 25 #define A4R 26 #define A5R 27 #define A6R 32 #define A7R 33 byte address_pins[] = {A0R, A1R, A2R, A3R, A4R, A5R, A6R, A7R}; /* #define ADDRESS_BUS_SIZE 4 */ #define ADDRESS_BUS_SIZE 8 /* IDT7132S dual port ram chip enable */ #define RW_PIN 5 #define RW_WRITE LOW #define RW_READ HIGH #define INPUT_35 35 #define INPUT_34 34 unsigned int data_byte = 0; // fisrt bit is a flag for if the data is from Apple or from ESP32. // / // / last bit is a flag for "more data waiting to be sent". // / / #define COMMAND_FROM_APPLE 0 // 0_______ #define COMMAND_FROM_ESP 128 // 1_______ #define COMMAND_MORE_DATA_WAITING 1 // _0000001 #define COMMAND_NO_DATA_WAITING 0 // _0000001 #define COMMAND_GENERIC_MESSAGE 2 // _000001_ #define COMMAND_FETCH_WEATHER 4 // _000010_ #define COMMAND_SEND_LONG_STRING 12 // _000110_ #define COMMAND_FORMAT_RAM 126 // _111111_ #define ETX 3 // ASCII "End of Text" (ETX) character /************/ /* Interupt */ /************/ /* Variables shared between ISR and main code need to be volatile */ volatile bool isr_handled = false; volatile uint32_t raw_register_read; volatile uint16_t raw_register1_read; /**********************/ /* WiFi and Webserver */ /**********************/ // Replace with your network credentials //const char* wifi_ssid = "GSO"; //const char* wifi_password = "xerxes27"; const char* wifi_ssid = "Pixel_8985"; const char* wifi_password = "xerxes27"; AsyncWebServer web_server(80); //WebServer web_server(80); /*******************/ /* Weather Service */ /*******************/ const String weather_service_api_key= "0ab97bbbea58592d7c9d64067a34d2d0"; const String weather_url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?"; /*********/ /* Misc. */ /*********/ const long readLoopInterval = 10000; // millis unsigned long lastReadLoopTime = 0; //byte ram[ADDRESS_BUS_SIZE]; //byte ram[256]; byte ram[256]; volatile byte ram_busy=0; //const unsigned int RAM_BUSY=666; #define RAM_BUSY 666 /*################################################ # ISR # ################################################*/ void IRAM_ATTR isrDEVSEL(void) { raw_register_read = REG_READ(GPIO_IN_REG); raw_register1_read = REG_READ(GPIO_IN1_REG); isr_handled = true; } /*################################################ # Functions # ################################################*/ boolean set_address(int address) { if (ram_busy) { Serial.println("BUSY"); return false; } ram_busy = true; //Serial.print(" Setting address ("); //Serial.print(address); //Serial.println(")"); //delay(20); Serial.print(" A:"); for (byte i=0; i0; i--) { byte state = bitRead(address, i); digitalWrite(address_pins[i], !state); Serial.print(!state); } Serial.println(); return true; } unsigned int read_data(int address) { Serial.print("READ: "); Serial.println(address); byte data_bus_read = 0; if (set_address(address)) { digitalWrite(RW_PIN, RW_READ); // Should already be set to RW_READ, but just in case. Serial.print(" D:"); for (byte i=0; i 127) { //if (requested_byte_to_write < 0) { boolean write_data(byte address, byte byte_to_write) { Serial.print("WRITE: "); Serial.print(byte_to_write); Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(address); if (set_address(address)) { //set_address(address); Serial.print(" D:"); for (byte i=0; i> i) & 0b00000001; pinMode(data_pins[i], OUTPUT); digitalWrite(data_pins[i], bit_to_write); Serial.print(bit_to_write); } Serial.println(); digitalWrite(RW_PIN, RW_WRITE); delay(1); digitalWrite(RW_PIN, RW_READ); for (byte i=0; i 15 - 1) { // - 1 because of null character at end of string. } else { int c=0; for (c=0; c < string_to_send.length(); c++) { write_data(c, string_to_send[c]); } write_data(c+1, ETX); write_data(15, COMMAND_FROM_ESP + command_message + COMMAND_NO_DATA_WAITING); } } void fetch_weather(char* city_name) { HTTPClient http; //http.begin(String(weather_url) + "?q=Tucson,us&APPID=" + String(weather_service_api_key)); const String request_url = weather_url + "q=Tucson,us&APPID=" + weather_service_api_key; Serial.println(request_url); http.begin(request_url); int httpCode = http.GET(); //Make the request delay(10); if (httpCode > 0) { //Check for the returning code String payload = http.getString(); //Serial.println(httpCode); Serial.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++"); Serial.println(payload); Serial.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++"); StaticJsonDocument<200> filter; filter["weather"][0]["main"] = true; filter["weather"][0]["description"] = true; filter["main"]["humidity"] = true; filter["main"]["temp"] = true; filter["wind"]["speed"] = true; filter["wind"]["deg"] = true; StaticJsonDocument<400> doc; DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, payload, DeserializationOption::Filter(filter)); //DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, payload); if (error) { Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed: ")); Serial.println(error.f_str()); } else { //const char* main = doc["main"]; Serial.println("----------------------"); serializeJsonPretty(doc, Serial); Serial.println("----------------------"); serializeJsonPretty(doc["wind"], Serial); Serial.println("----------------------"); int temp = doc["main"]["humidity"]; int humidity = doc["main"]["humidity"]; float wind_speed = doc["wind"]["speed"]; int wind_deg = doc["wind"]["speed"]; String weather_description = doc["weather"][0]["description"]; write_data(0, round(temp-273.15)); write_data(1, round(humidity)); write_data(2, round(wind_deg/10)); // divide by twn because 360 is too big for 8 bits write_data(3, round(wind_speed)); } } else { Serial.println("Error on HTTP request"); } http.end(); //Free the resources } void read_ram() { //for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) { for (int i=0; i < 256; i++) { unsigned int foo = read_data(i); ram[i] = foo; } } String html_template_processor(const String& var) { Serial.println("html_template_processor()"); String return_string = ""; if (var == "RAM_TABLE") { read_ram(); //for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) { for (int i=0; i < 256; i++) { return_string += ""+String(i)+"" + String(ram[i]) + "\n"; } return return_string; } return var; } void www_weather(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { fetch_weather("Tucson"); request->send(SPIFFS, "/ram.htm", String(), false, html_template_processor); } void www_root(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { request->send(SPIFFS, "/index.htm", String(), false, html_template_processor); } void www_ram(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { request->send(SPIFFS, "/ram.htm", String(), false, html_template_processor); } void www_write_byte(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { Serial.println("www_write_byte()"); String address; String data_byte; if (request->hasParam("address")) { address = request->getParam("address")->value(); //Serial.println("Found address: "+address); if (request->hasParam("data")) { data_byte = request->getParam("data")->value(); //Serial.println("Found data: "+data_byte); write_data(address.toInt(), data_byte.toInt()); } } request->send(SPIFFS, "/ram.htm", String(), false, html_template_processor); } void www_css(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { request->send(SPIFFS, "/a2i.css", "text/css"); } void prefill_ram_with_pattern_data() { write_data(15, 0); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(14, 123); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(13, 1); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(12, 123); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(11, 2); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(10, 123); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(9, 3); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(8, 123); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(7, 4); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(6, 123); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(5, 5); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(4, 123); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(3, 6); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(2, 123); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(1, 7); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte write_data(0, 123); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte } /*################################################ # Setup # ################################################*/ void setup() { /* Configure ESP32 Pins */ pinMode(A0R, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A0R, LOW); pinMode(A1R, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A1R, LOW); pinMode(A2R, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A2R, LOW); pinMode(A3R, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A3R, LOW); pinMode(A4R, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A4R, LOW); pinMode(A5R, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A5R, LOW); pinMode(A6R, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A6R, LOW); pinMode(A7R, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A7R, LOW); pinMode(D0R, INPUT); pinMode(D1R, INPUT); pinMode(D2R, INPUT); pinMode(D3R, INPUT); pinMode(D4R, INPUT); pinMode(D5R, INPUT); pinMode(D6R, INPUT); pinMode(D7R, INPUT); pinMode(RW_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(RW_PIN, RW_READ); pinMode(INPUT_34, INPUT); pinMode(INPUT_35, INPUT); delay(10); //wifi_scan(); /* Connect to wifi */ Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Starting wifi..."); Serial.print(" connecting to: "); Serial.println(wifi_ssid); WiFi.begin(wifi_ssid, wifi_password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(900); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected successfully"); Serial.print("Got IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); //Show ESP32 IP on serial prefill_ram_with_pattern_data(); store_ip_to_ram(0); //store_ip_to_ram(4); /* Start webserver */ if(!SPIFFS.begin()){ Serial.println("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS"); } web_server.on("/", HTTP_GET, www_root); web_server.on("/a2i.css", HTTP_GET, www_css); web_server.on("/ram", HTTP_GET, www_ram); web_server.on("/write_byte", HTTP_GET, www_write_byte); web_server.on("/weather", HTTP_GET, www_weather); web_server.on("/heap", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){ request->send(200, "text/plain", "Free Heap: " + String(ESP.getFreeHeap()) + " bytes."); }); //web_server.on("/hello", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){ //request->send(200, "text/plain", "Hello World"); //}); //web_server.on("/", www_root); web_server.begin(); Serial.println("HTTP server started"); delay(10); /* Display file system contents */ Serial.println("-----------------------------------------"); File root_filesystem = SPIFFS.open("/"); File f = root_filesystem.openNextFile(); while(f){ Serial.print("FILE: "); Serial.println(f.name()); f = root_filesystem.openNextFile(); } Serial.println("-----------------------------------------"); //attachInterrupt(DEVSEL_PIN, isrDEVSEL, LOW); } /*################################################ # Main # ################################################*/ void loop() { //if (isr_handled) { //data_byte = raw_register_read >> 12 & 0b00000000000011111111; //isr_handled = false; //} if ((millis() - lastReadLoopTime) > readLoopInterval) { //Serial.println("+++"); unsigned int command_byte = read_data(15); if (command_byte == RAM_BUSY) { Serial.println("Command Read: RAM BUSY"); } else if (command_byte < COMMAND_FROM_ESP) { // command came from apple (or webform). Serial.print("Command Read: "); Serial.println(command_byte); //write_data(15, 1); // notify Apple IIe we are processing command byte switch(command_byte) { case COMMAND_FETCH_WEATHER: Serial.println("Fetch Weather"); fetch_weather("Tucson"); break; case COMMAND_SEND_LONG_STRING: //send_string_to_apple("This is a long string", COMMAND_GENERIC_MESSAGE); send_string_to_apple("ABCDE", COMMAND_GENERIC_MESSAGE); case COMMAND_FORMAT_RAM: Serial.println("Calling prefill_ram_with_pattern_data()"); prefill_ram_with_pattern_data(); write_data(15, 0); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte break; } /* byte c = 0; while (ram_busy && (c < 10)) { delay(10); c = c+1; Serial.print("_"); } Serial.println("^^^^"); write_data(15, 0); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte read_data(15); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte */ } lastReadLoopTime = millis(); } }