

This is a very simple example of how to scan for wifi access points and then connect to one. It is a very basic example of how the Apple2Idiot card and the Apple II can work together. Practically, this example isn't very useful, because after you connect you can not really do anything except recscan. There's no code in 01_wifi_scan-basic.ino to do anything else.

Getting it to work

#. Load 01_wifi_scan-basic.dsk into your Apple II #. Load 01_wifi_scan-basic.ino into your apple2idiot card in slot 2.

At BASIC prompt on Apple II do...


CWIFISCAN tells the card to scan for access points.

WIFISCAN shows the results, and lets you choose an access point and enter a password

SHOWIP does just that.

Building the .dsk image

. ./make-disk.bash

Flashing card using arduino-cli

You can use the arduino ide to get the .ino file onto the Apple2Idiot card. Or you can use the arduino-cli which is explained here...

arduino-cli compile --fqbn esp32:esp32:nodemcu-32s .
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --fqbn esp32:esp32:esp32-poe-iso .