From 8088c0e1574dda45f3fc7e3eaf4d28593e214b59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dave Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2021 20:23:32 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Convert more keymaps to new scheme (untested) - Replace asdf_keymap_defs_xxx.h files with asdf_keymap_xxx.[c,h] modules - add _clang_format in keymaps directory --- firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/_clang-format | 46 +++ .../asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.c | 106 +++++++ .../asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.h | 298 ++++++++++++++++++ .../asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.c | 211 +++++++++++++ .../asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.h | 102 ++++++ firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_sol.c | 170 ++++++++++ 6 files changed, 933 insertions(+) create mode 100644 firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/_clang-format create mode 100644 firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.c create mode 100644 firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.h create mode 100644 firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.c create mode 100644 firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.h create mode 100644 firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_sol.c diff --git a/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/_clang-format b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/_clang-format new file mode 100644 index 0000000..878ce29 --- /dev/null +++ b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/_clang-format @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +BasedOnStyle: Mozilla +AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align +AlignOperands: 'true' +AlignTrailingComments: 'true' +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: 'false' +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: 'false' +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: 'true' +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty +AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: 'false' +AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: 'true' +AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: 'true' +BinPackArguments: 'true' +BinPackParameters: 'true' +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: NonAssignment +BreakBeforeBraces: Stroustrup +ColumnLimit: '100' +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: '2' +ContinuationIndentWidth: '2' +DerivePointerAlignment: 'false' +DisableFormat: 'false' +IncludeBlocks: Preserve +IndentCaseLabels: 'true' +IndentPPDirectives: None +IndentWidth: '2' +IndentWrappedFunctionNames: 'false' +KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: 'true' +Language: Cpp +MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: '2' +PointerAlignment: Right +ReflowComments: 'true' +SortIncludes: 'false' +SpaceAfterCStyleCast: 'true' +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: 'true' +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpaceInEmptyParentheses: 'false' +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: '1' +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: 'false' +SpacesInParentheses: 'false' +SpacesInSquareBrackets: 'false' +TabWidth: '8' +UseTab: Never + +... diff --git a/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.c b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..344fa24 --- /dev/null +++ b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.c @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +// -*- mode: C; tab-width: 2 ; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- +// +// Unified Keyboard Project +// ASDF keyboard firmware +// +// asdf_keymap_apple2.c +// +// set up keymaps for Apple II keyboards +// +// Copyright 2019 David Fenyes +// +// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under +// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software +// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later +// version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS +// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more +// details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with +// this program. If not, see . +// + + +#include "asdf_keymap_apple2.h" +#include "asdf_keymap_defs_dipswitch.h" + +// PROCEDURE: +// INPUTS: +// OUTPUTS: +// +// DESCRIPTION: +// +// SIDE EFFECTS: +// +// NOTES: +// +// SCOPE: +// +// COMPLEXITY: +// + + + +// PROCEDURE: apple_add_map + +// INPUTS: asdf_keycode_t (*matrix) - a SOL_NUM_ROWS x SOL_NUM_COLS matrix of +// keycodes for each physical row/column pair +// modifier_index_t modifier index - the modifier state corresponding to +// the keycode matrix +// +// OUTPUTS: none +// DESCRIPTION: Passes the keycode matrix and modifier state through to +// asdf_keymaps_add_map(), along with the row/column dimensions. +// +// SIDE EFFECTS: the matrix is added to the keymap +// +// SCOPE: private +// +// COMPLEXITY: 1 +// +static void apple_add_map(const asdf_keycode_t (*matrix)[APPLE_NUM_COLS], + modifier_index_t modifier_index) +{ + asdf_keymaps_add_map(&matrix[0][0], modifier_index, (uint8_t) APPLE_NUM_ROWS, + (uint8_t) APPLE_NUM_COLS); +} + +void setup_classic_keymap(void) +{ + apple_add_map(apple_plain_map, MOD_PLAIN_MAP); + apple_add_map(apple_caps_map, MOD_CAPS_MAP); + apple_add_map(apple_shift_map, MOD_SHIFT_MAP); + apple_add_map(apple_ctrl_map, MOD_CTRL_MAP); + + asdf_virtual_init(); + + + // Attach the physical POWER LED as the CAPS LED. Assign no triggered + // function, and initialize to initial state of the CAPS logic. The CAPS LED + // will be controlled by the state of the CAPSLOCK logic. + { .virtual_device = VCAPS_LED, .physical_device = APPLE_POWER_LED, .initial_value = 0 }, \ + asdf_virtual_assign(VCAPS_LED, APPLE_POWER_LED, V_NOFUNC, APPLE_POWER_LED_INIT_VALUE); + + // Assign CAPS LED to virtual CAPS LED, and initialize to the INIT value, to + // match the initial CAPSLOCK state. The capslock state code will alter the + // virtual LED according to the state. + asdf_virtual_assign(VCAPS_LED, APPLE_CAPS_LED, V_NOFUNC, APPLE_CAPS_LED_INIT_VALUE); + { .virtual_device = APPLE_VIRTUAL_DISABLED_LED, \ + .physical_device = APPLE_DISABLED_LED, \ + .initial_value = 0 }, \ + + // assign RESET output to the virtual RESET output, configure to produce a short pulse when activated + asdf_virtual_assign(APPLE_VIRTUAL_RESET, APPLE_RESET_OUTPUT, V_PULSE_SHORT, !APPLE_RESET_ACTIVE_VALUE); + + // assign the CLRSCR output to the virtual CLRSCR output, configure to produce a long pulse when activated + asdf_virtual_assign(APPLE_VIRTUAL_CLR_SCR, APPLE_CLR_SCR_OUTPUT, V_PULSE_LONG, !APPLE_CLR_SCR_ACTIVE_VALUE); +} + + + +//-------|---------|---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ +// Above line is 80 columns, and should display completely in the editor. + diff --git a/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.h b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b91dcfc --- /dev/null +++ b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_apple2.h @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +// -*- mode: C; tab-width: 4 ; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- +// +// Unfified Keyboard Project +// ASDF keyboard firmware +// +// asdf_keymap_apple2.h +// +// Apple 2 keymaps +// +// Copyright 2019 David Fenyes +// +// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under +// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software +// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later +// version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS +// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more +// details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with +// this program. If not, see . + + +// This file supplies the Apple 2 ASCII keyboard keymap. Two variants are provided: +// +// 1) An Upper/Lowercase variant. This variant moves the @ and ^ symbols from +// the P and N keys to the REPEAT key, since the P and N keys need to reserve +// the shifted value for the uppercase characters. Also, the "Power" key +// doubles as a caps-lock key. +// +// 2) A CAPS only keyboard, following the standard Apple II conventions and +// layout, with ^ above the N key and @ above the P key, and a functioning +// REPEAT key. +// +// For both variants, CTRL+RESET is required for a system reset. + +#if !defined(ASDF_KEYMAP_DEFS_APPLE2_H) +#define ASDF_KEYMAP_DEFS_APPLE2_H + +// Edit the number of rows and columns used in this map. If the number is less +// than the maxium, the unused elements will be initialized to 0. + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_NUM_ROWS 9 // DIP switches are row 8 (zero-based) +#define ASDF_APPLE2_NUM_COLS 8 + +#define APPLE_ACTION_RESET ACTION_VOUT1 +#define APPLE_VIRTUAL_RESET VOUT1 +#define APPLE_RESET_OUTPUT PHYSICAL_OUT3_OPEN_HI +#define APPLE_RESET_ACTIVE_VALUE 0 + +#define APPLE_ACTION_CLEAR ACTION_VOUT2 +#define APPLE_VIRTUAL_CLR_SCR VOUT2 +#define APPLE_CLR_SCR_OUTPUT PHYSICAL_OUT1_OPEN_LO +#define APPLE_CLR_SCR_ACTIVE_VALUE 1 + +#define APPLE_VIRTUAL_POWER_LED VLED1 +#define APPLE_POWER_LED PHYSICAL_LED1 +#define APPLE_POWER_LED_INIT_VALUE 1 + +#define APPLE_VIRTUAL_DISABLED_LED VLED2 +#define APPLE_DISABLED_LED PHYSICAL_LED3 +#define APPLE_DISABLED_INIT_VALUE 0 + +// The PLAIN map uses the "power" button as a caps-lock, so map the CAPS LED to +// the power button LED. +#define ASDF_APPLE2_PLAIN_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER \ + { \ + { .virtual_device = VCAPS_LED, .physical_device = APPLE_POWER_LED, .initial_value = 0 }, \ + { .virtual_device = APPLE_VIRTUAL_DISABLED_LED, \ + .physical_device = APPLE_DISABLED_LED, \ + .initial_value = 0 }, \ + { .virtual_device = APPLE_VIRTUAL_RESET, \ + .physical_device = APPLE_RESET_OUTPUT, \ + .function = V_PULSE_SHORT, \ + .initial_value = !APPLE_RESET_ACTIVE_VALUE }, \ + { \ + .virtual_device = APPLE_VIRTUAL_CLR_SCR, .physical_device = APPLE_CLR_SCR_OUTPUT, \ + .function = V_PULSE_LONG, .initial_value = !APPLE_CLR_SCR_ACTIVE_VALUE \ + } \ + } + +// The ALL CAPS map is the classic Apple II/II+ map. There is no CAPS LED, since +// CAPS doesn't matter in the ALL CAPS keymap. +#define ASDF_APPLE2_CAPS_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER \ + { \ + { .virtual_device = APPLE_VIRTUAL_POWER_LED, \ + .physical_device = APPLE_POWER_LED, \ + .initial_value = APPLE_POWER_LED_INIT_VALUE }, \ + { .virtual_device = APPLE_VIRTUAL_DISABLED_LED, \ + .physical_device = APPLE_DISABLED_LED, \ + .initial_value = 0 }, \ + { .virtual_device = APPLE_VIRTUAL_RESET, \ + .physical_device = APPLE_RESET_OUTPUT, \ + .function = V_PULSE_SHORT, \ + .initial_value = !APPLE_RESET_ACTIVE_VALUE }, \ + { \ + .virtual_device = APPLE_VIRTUAL_CLR_SCR, .physical_device = APPLE_CLR_SCR_OUTPUT, \ + .function = V_PULSE_LONG, .initial_value = !APPLE_CLR_SCR_ACTIVE_VALUE \ + } \ + } + + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER \ + ASDF_APPLE2_PLAIN_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER, ASDF_APPLE2_CAPS_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER + +// Structure to initialize hooks. No hook functions are needed for APPLE2 keyboard. +#define ASDF_APPLE2_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER_LENGTH 0 +#define ASDF_APPLE2_PLAIN_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER \ + { \ + } +#define ASDF_APPLE2_CAPS_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER \ + { \ + } +#define ASDF_APPLE2_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER \ + ASDF_APPLE2_PLAIN_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER, ASDF_APPLE2_CAPS_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER + + +// Key Matrix for combination of ASCII controller and Classic ASCII matrix +// +// Col-> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +// Row 0 POWER R-Shift L-Shift (no key) ESC TAB CTRL \(backslash) +// Row 1 Rubout P ; / SPACEBAR Z A Q +// Row 2 Break ,(comma) M N B V C X +// Row 3 Spare K J H G F D A +// Row 4 Rt arrow I U Y T R E W +// Row 5 LT arrow Repeat CapsLock Return LineFeed O(alpha) L .(period) +// Row 6 ~(tilde) ] [ -(dash) :(colon) 0(numeral) 9 8 +// Row 7 @(at) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +// +// Row 15 DIP switches 0-7 +// +// Notes: +// +// 1) The keys above correspond to the silk screen on the PCB. For the OSI and +// Apple layouts, the keys may not all match the silk screen. When creating a +// layout different from the silk screen, look up the row and column for the +// silk screen label at the desired position, and then place the desired +// function in the keymap definition at the desired row and column. For +// example, the Apple 2 keymap places the "RESET" key at the "[" silk-screen +// position, Row 6, Col 2. The keymap places ACTION_RESET at Row 6, Col 2 in +// the "ASDF_APPLE2_CTRL_MAP" to map the RESET function to the CTRL-RESET key +// combination. +// +// 2) To ensure consistent DIP switch operation within the keymap, a +// ASDF_ASCII_DIP_SWITCHES macro is defined. Keeping the ACTION_MAPSEL0-3 +// definitions in positions 0-3 ensures consistent map selection among all +// keymaps. + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_DIP_SWITCHES ASDF_KEYMAP_DIP_SWITCHES + +#define APPLE_LEFT_ARROW ASCII_CTRL_H +#define APPLE_RIGHT_ARROW ASCII_CTRL_U + +// clang-format off +#define ASDF_APPLE2_PLAIN_MAP \ + { \ + [0] = { ACTION_CAPS, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_NOTHING, \ + ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_ESC, ACTION_CTRL, APPLE_RIGHT_ARROW }, \ + [1] = { ASCII_DEL, 'p', ';', '/', ASCII_SPACE, 'z', 'a', 'q' }, \ + [2] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_COMMA, 'm', 'n', 'b', 'v', 'c', 'x' }, \ + [3] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'k', 'j', 'h', 'g', 'f', 'd', 's' }, \ + [4] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'i', 'u', 'y', 't', 'r', 'e', 'w' }, \ + [5] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CR, '^', 'o', 'l', ASCII_PERIOD }, \ + [6] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, '-', ':', ASCII_ZERO, '9', '8' }, \ + [7] = { APPLE_LEFT_ARROW, '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1' }, \ + ASDF_APPLE2_DIP_SWITCHES \ + } + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_SHIFT_MAP \ + { \ + [0] = { ACTION_CAPS, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_NOTHING, \ + ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_ESC, ACTION_CTRL, APPLE_RIGHT_ARROW }, \ + [1] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'P', '+', '?', ASCII_SPACE, 'Z', 'A', 'Q' }, \ + [2] = { ACTION_NOTHING, '<', 'M', 'N', 'B', 'V', 'C', 'X' }, \ + [3] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'K', 'J', 'H', 'G', 'F', 'D', 'S' }, \ + [4] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'I', 'U', 'Y', 'T', 'R', 'E', 'W' }, \ + [5] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CR, ASCII_AT, 'O', 'L', '>' }, \ + [6] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, APPLE_ACTION_CLEAR, '=', \ + '*', ASCII_ZERO, ASCII_RT_PAREN, ASCII_LT_PAREN }, \ + [7] = { APPLE_LEFT_ARROW, ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE, '&', '%', '$', '#', ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE, '!' }, \ + ASDF_APPLE2_DIP_SWITCHES \ + } + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_CAPS_MAP \ + { \ + [0] = { ACTION_CAPS, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_NOTHING, \ + ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_ESC, ACTION_CTRL, APPLE_RIGHT_ARROW }, \ + [1] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'P', ';', '/', ASCII_SPACE, 'Z', 'A', 'Q' }, \ + [2] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_COMMA, 'M', 'N', 'B', 'V', 'C', 'X' }, \ + [3] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'K', 'J', 'H', 'G', 'F', 'D', 'S' }, \ + [4] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'I', 'U', 'Y', 'T', 'R', 'E', 'W' }, \ + [5] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CR, ACTION_REPEAT, 'O', 'L', ASCII_PERIOD }, \ + [6] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, '-', ':', ASCII_ZERO, '9', '8' }, \ + [7] = { APPLE_LEFT_ARROW, '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1' }, \ + ASDF_APPLE2_DIP_SWITCHES \ + } + + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_SHIFT_CAPS_MAP \ + { \ + [0] = { ACTION_CAPS, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_NOTHING, \ + ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_ESC, ACTION_CTRL, APPLE_RIGHT_ARROW }, \ + [1] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_AT, '+', '?', ASCII_SPACE, 'Z', 'A', 'Q' }, \ + [2] = { ACTION_NOTHING, '<', 'M', '^', 'B', 'V', 'C', 'X' }, \ + [3] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'K', 'J', 'H', 'G', 'F', 'D', 'S' }, \ + [4] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'I', 'U', 'Y', 'T', 'R', 'E', 'W' }, \ + [5] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CR, ACTION_REPEAT, 'O', 'L', '>' }, \ + [6] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, APPLE_ACTION_CLEAR, '=', \ + '*', ASCII_ZERO, ASCII_RT_PAREN, ASCII_LT_PAREN }, \ + [7] = { APPLE_LEFT_ARROW, ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE, '&', '%', '$', '#', ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE, '!' }, \ + ASDF_APPLE2_DIP_SWITCHES \ + } + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_CTRL_MAP \ + { \ + [0] = { ACTION_CAPS, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_NOTHING, \ + ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_ESC, ACTION_CTRL, APPLE_RIGHT_ARROW }, \ + [1] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CTRL_P, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, \ + ASCII_SPACE, ASCII_CTRL_Z, ASCII_CTRL_A, ASCII_CTRL_Q }, \ + [2] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_COMMA, ASCII_CTRL_M, ASCII_CTRL_N, \ + ASCII_CTRL_B, ASCII_CTRL_V, ASCII_CTRL_C, ASCII_CTRL_X }, \ + [3] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CTRL_K, ASCII_CTRL_J, ASCII_CTRL_H, \ + ASCII_CTRL_G, ASCII_CTRL_F, ASCII_CTRL_D, ASCII_CTRL_S }, \ + [4] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CTRL_I, ASCII_CTRL_U, ASCII_CTRL_Y, \ + ASCII_CTRL_T, ASCII_CTRL_R, ASCII_CTRL_E, ASCII_CTRL_W }, \ + [5] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CR, \ + ACTION_REPEAT, ASCII_CTRL_O, ASCII_CTRL_L, ACTION_NOTHING }, \ + [6] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, APPLE_ACTION_RESET, ACTION_NOTHING, \ + ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_FN_10, ACTION_FN_9, ACTION_FN_8 }, \ + [7] = { APPLE_LEFT_ARROW, ACTION_FN_7, ACTION_FN_6, ACTION_FN_5, \ + ACTION_FN_4, ACTION_FN_3, ACTION_FN_2, ACTION_FN_1 }, \ + ASDF_APPLE2_DIP_SWITCHES \ + } +// clang-format on + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_MAP_DECLARATIONS \ + static const FLASH keycode_matrix_t apple2_plain_matrix = ASDF_APPLE2_PLAIN_MAP; \ + static const FLASH keycode_matrix_t apple2_shift_matrix = ASDF_APPLE2_SHIFT_MAP; \ + static const FLASH keycode_matrix_t apple2_caps_matrix = ASDF_APPLE2_CAPS_MAP; \ + static const FLASH keycode_matrix_t apple2_caps_shift_matrix = ASDF_APPLE2_SHIFT_CAPS_MAP; \ + static const FLASH keycode_matrix_t apple2_ctrl_matrix = ASDF_APPLE2_CTRL_MAP; + + +// Here, you can specify which maps are associated with which modifier keys. +// There can be multiple definitions. For example, as shown here, an ALL CAPS +// keymap can be made by assigning the caps map to the "no modifier" position. +// Or, more additional keymaps can be defined above, and keymap sets can be +// defined below that pick and choose between them. The modifiers are assigned as follows: +// +// [0]: plain (no modifiers) +// [1]: shift (shift key or shift lock active) +// [2]: caps (caps lock active) +// [3]: ctrl: (control key active) + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_PLAIN_MAP_DEFS \ + { \ + [MOD_PLAIN_MAP] = &apple2_plain_matrix, [MOD_SHIFT_MAP] = &apple2_shift_matrix, \ + [MOD_CAPS_MAP] = &apple2_caps_matrix, [MOD_CTRL_MAP] = &apple2_ctrl_matrix \ + } + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_CAPS_MAP_DEFS \ + { \ + [MOD_PLAIN_MAP] = &apple2_caps_matrix, [MOD_SHIFT_MAP] = &apple2_caps_shift_matrix, \ + [MOD_CAPS_MAP] = &apple2_caps_matrix, [MOD_CTRL_MAP] = &apple2_ctrl_matrix \ + } + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_ALL_MAPS ASDF_APPLE2_PLAIN_MAP_DEFS, ASDF_APPLE2_CAPS_MAP_DEFS + +#define ASDF_APPLE2_ALL_MAPS_COUNT 2 + +#if !defined(ASDF_NUM_ROWS) || (ASDF_NUM_ROWS < ASDF_APPLE2_NUM_ROWS) +#undef ASDF_NUM_ROWS +#define ASDF_NUM_ROWS ASDF_APPLE2_NUM_ROWS +#endif + +#if !defined(ASDF_NUM_COLS) || (ASDF_NUM_COLS < ASDF_APPLE2_NUM_COLS) +#undef ASDF_NUM_COLS +#define ASDF_NUM_COLS ASDF_APPLE2_NUM_COLS +#endif + +#if !defined(ASDF_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER_LENGTH) \ + || (ASDF_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER_LENGTH < ASDF_APPLE2_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER_LENGTH) +#undef ASDF_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER_LENGTH +#define ASDF_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER_LENGTH ASDF_APPLE2_KEYMAP_INITIALIZER_LENGTH +#endif + +#if !defined(ASDF_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER_LENGTH) \ + || (ASDF_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER_LENGTH < ASDF_APPLE2_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER_LENGTH) +#undef ASDF_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER_LENGTH +#define ASDF_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER_LENGTH ASDF_APPLE2_KEYMAP_HOOK_INITIALIZER_LENGTH +#endif + +#endif /* !defined (ASDF_KEYMAP_DEFS_APPLE2_H) */ + +//-------|---------|---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ +// Above line is 80 columns, and should display completely in the editor. diff --git a/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.c b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c990a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.c @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +// -*- mode: C; tab-width: 2 ; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- +// +// Unified Keyboard Project +// ASDF keyboard firmware +// +// asdf_keymap_classic.c +// +// Implements the "classic" ADM 3A style keymaps +// +// Copyright 2019 David Fenyes +// +// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under +// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software +// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later +// version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS +// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more +// details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with +// this program. If not, see . +// + +#include "asdf_keymap_classic.h" + +// Key Matrix for combination of ASCII controller and Classic ASCII matrix +// +// Col-> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +// Row 0 POWER R-Shift L-Shift (no key) ESC TAB CTRL \(backslash) +// Row 1 Rubout P ; / SPACEBAR Z A Q +// Row 2 Break ,(comma) M N B V C X +// Row 3 Spare K J H G F D A +// Row 4 Rt arrow I U Y T R E W +// Row 5 LT arrow Repeat CapsLock Return LineFeed O(alpha) L .(period) +// Row 6 ~(tilde) ] [ -(dash) :(colon) 0(numeral) 9 8 +// Row 7 @(at) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +// +// Row 15 DIP switches 0-7 +// +// Notes: +// +// 1) The keys above correspond to the silk screen on the PCB. For the OSI and +// Apple layouts, the keys may not all match the silk screen. When creating a +// layout different from the silk screen, look up the row and column for the +// silk screen label at the desired position, and then place the desired +// function in the keymap definition at the desired row and column. For +// example, the Apple 2 keymap places the "RESET" key at the "[" silk-screen +// position, Row 6, Col 2. The keymap places ACTION_RESET at Row 6, Col 2 in +// the "ASDF_APPLE2_CTRL_MAP" to map the RESET function to the CTRL-RESET key +// combination. +// +// 2) To ensure consistent DIP switch operation within the keymap, a +// ASDF_ASCII_DIP_SWITCHES macro is defined. Keeping the ACTION_MAPSEL0-3 +// definitions in positions 0-3 ensures consistent map selection among all +// keymaps. + +#define ASDF_CLASSIC_DIP_SWITCHES ASDF_KEYMAP_DIP_SWITCHES + +static const FLASH keycode_matrix_t ascii_plain_matrix = { + [0] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_NOTHING, CLASSIC_ESC, ASCII_TAB, + ACTION_CTRL, ASCII_BACKSLASH }, + [1] = { ASCII_DEL, 'p', ';', '/', ASCII_SPACE, 'z', 'a', 'q' }, + [2] = { ASCII_ACTION_BREAK, ASCII_COMMA, 'm', 'n', 'b', 'v', 'c', 'x' }, + [3] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'k', 'j', 'h', 'g', 'f', 'd', 's' }, + [4] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'i', 'u', 'y', 't', 'r', 'e', 'w' }, + [5] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_REPEAT, ACTION_CAPS, ASCII_CR, ASCII_LF, 'o', 'l', ASCII_PERIOD }, + [6] = { ASCII_TILDE, ASCII_RT_SQUARE_BRACE, ASCII_LT_SQUARE_BRACE, '-', ':', ASCII_ZERO, '9', + '8' }, + [7] = { ASCII_AT, '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1' }, + ASDF_CLASSIC_DIP_SWITCHES +}; + +static const FLASH keycode_matrix_t ascii_shift_matrix = { + [0] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_ESC, ASCII_TAB, + ACTION_CTRL, ASCII_VERT_BAR }, + [1] = { ASCII_DEL, 'P', '+', '?', ASCII_SPACE, 'Z', 'A', 'Q' }, + [2] = { ASCII_ACTION_CLEAR, '<', 'M', 'N', 'B', 'V', 'C', 'X' }, + [3] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'K', 'J', 'H', 'G', 'F', 'D', 'S' }, + [4] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'I', 'U', 'Y', 'T', 'R', 'E', 'W' }, + [5] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_REPEAT, ACTION_CAPS, ASCII_CR, ASCII_LF, 'O', 'L', '>' }, + [6] = { ASCII_TILDE, ASCII_RT_CURLY_BRACE, ASCII_LT_CURLY_BRACE, '=', '*', ASCII_ZERO, + ASCII_RT_PAREN, ASCII_LT_PAREN }, + [7] = { ASCII_GRAVE_ACCENT, ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE, '&', '%', '$', '#', ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE, '!' }, + ASDF_CLASSIC_DIP_SWITCHES +}; + +static const FLASH keycode_matrix_t ascii_caps_matrix = { + [0] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_ESC, ASCII_TAB, + ACTION_CTRL, ASCII_BACKSLASH }, + [1] = { ASCII_DEL, 'P', ';', '/', ASCII_SPACE, 'Z', 'A', 'Q' }, + [2] = { ASCII_ACTION_BREAK, ASCII_COMMA, 'M', 'N', 'B', 'V', 'C', 'X' }, + [3] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'K', 'J', 'H', 'G', 'F', 'D', 'S' }, + [4] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 'I', 'U', 'Y', 'T', 'R', 'E', 'W' }, + [5] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_REPEAT, ACTION_CAPS, ASCII_CR, ASCII_LF, 'O', 'L', ASCII_PERIOD }, + [6] = { ASCII_TILDE, ASCII_RT_SQUARE_BRACE, ASCII_LT_SQUARE_BRACE, '-', ':', ASCII_ZERO, '9', + '8' }, + [7] = { ASCII_AT, '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1' }, + ASDF_CLASSIC_DIP_SWITCHES +}; + +static const FLASH keycode_matrix_t ascii_ctrl_matrix = { + [0] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_SHIFT, ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_ESC, ASCII_TAB, + ACTION_CTRL, 0x1c }, + [1] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CTRL_P, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_SPACE, ASCII_CTRL_Z, + ASCII_CTRL_A, ASCII_CTRL_Q }, + [2] = { ASCII_ACTION_RESET, ASCII_COMMA, ASCII_CTRL_M, ASCII_CTRL_N, ASCII_CTRL_B, ASCII_CTRL_V, + ASCII_CTRL_C, ASCII_CTRL_X }, + [3] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CTRL_K, ASCII_CTRL_J, ASCII_CTRL_H, ASCII_CTRL_G, ASCII_CTRL_F, + ASCII_CTRL_D, ASCII_CTRL_S }, + [4] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ASCII_CTRL_I, ASCII_CTRL_U, ASCII_CTRL_Y, ASCII_CTRL_T, ASCII_CTRL_R, + ASCII_CTRL_E, ASCII_CTRL_W }, + [5] = { ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_REPEAT, ACTION_CAPS, ASCII_CR, ASCII_LF, ASCII_CTRL_O, + ASCII_CTRL_L, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [6] = { ACTION_NOTHING, 0x1d, ASCII_ESC, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_FN_10, + ACTION_FN_9, ACTION_FN_8 }, + [7] = { ASCII_NULL, ACTION_FN_7, ACTION_FN_6, ACTION_FN_5, ACTION_FN_4, ACTION_FN_3, ACTION_FN_2, + ACTION_FN_1 }, + ASDF_CLASSIC_DIP_SWITCHES +}; + + +// PROCEDURE: +// INPUTS: +// OUTPUTS: +// +// DESCRIPTION: +// +// SIDE EFFECTS: +// +// NOTES: +// +// SCOPE: +// +// COMPLEXITY: +// + +// PROCEDURE: classic_add_map +// INPUTS: asdf_keycode_t (*matrix) - a SOL_NUM_ROWS x SOL_NUM_COLS matrix of keycodes for each physical row/column pair +// modifier_index_t modifier index - the modifier state corresponding to the keycode matrix +// OUTPUTS: none +// DESCRIPTION: Passes the keycode matrix and modifier state through to +// asdf_keymaps_add_map(), along with the row/column dimensions. +// +// SIDE EFFECTS: the matrix is added to the keymap +// +// SCOPE: private +// +// COMPLEXITY: 1 +// +static void classic_add_map(const asdf_keycode_t (*matrix)[CLASSIC_NUM_COLS], + modifier_index_t modifier_index) +{ + asdf_keymaps_add_map(&matrix[0][0], modifier_index, (uint8_t) CLASSIC_NUM_ROWS, + (uint8_t) CLASSIC_NUM_COLS); +} + + +void setup_classic_keymap(void) +{ + classic_add_map(classic_plain_map, MOD_PLAIN_MAP); + classic_add_map(classic_caps_map, MOD_CAPS_MAP); + classic_add_map(classic_shift_map, MOD_SHIFT_MAP); + classic_add_map(classic_ctrl_map, MOD_CTRL_MAP); + + asdf_virtual_init(); + + // Assign power LED to virtual power LED, and initialize to ON + asdf_virtual_assign(CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_POWER_LED, CLASSIC_POWER_LED, V_NOFUNC, CLASSIC_POWER_LED_INIT_VALUE); + + // Assign CAPS LED to virtual CAPS LED, and initialize to the INIT value, to + // match the initial CAPSLOCK state. The capslock state code will alter the + // virtual LED according to the state. + asdf_virtual_assign(VCAPS_LED, CLASSIC_CAPS_LED, V_NOFUNC, CLASSIC_CAPS_LED_INIT_VALUE); + + // assign RESET output to the virtual RESET output, configure to produce a short pulse when activated + asdf_virtual_assign(CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_RESET, CLASSIC_RESET_OUTPUT, V_PULSE_SHORT, !CLASSIC_RESET_ACTIVE_VALUE); + + // assign the CLRSCR output to the virtual CLRSCR output, configure to produce a long pulse when activated + asdf_virtual_assign(CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_CLR_SCR, CLASSIC_CLR_SCR_OUT, V_PULSE_LONG, !CLASSIC_CLR_SCR_ACTIVE_VALUE); +} + +void setup_classic_caps_keymap(void) +{ + // for the ALL CAPS keymap, the "plain" mode is the same as "all caps" mode: + classic_add_map(classic_caps_map, MOD_PLAIN_MAP); + classic_add_map(classic_caps_map, MOD_CAPS_MAP); + classic_add_map(classic_shift_map, MOD_SHIFT_MAP); + classic_add_map(classic_ctrl_map, MOD_CTRL_MAP); + + asdf_virtual_init(); + + // Assign power LED to virtual power LED, and initialize to ON + asdf_virtual_assign(CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_POWER_LED, CLASSIC_POWER_LED, V_NOFUNC, CLASSIC_POWER_LED_INIT_VALUE); + + // Because the virtual power LED never changes, also assign the CAPSLOCK + // physical LED to the virtual Power LED, and intialize to OFF (or can change + // to ON depending on preference) + asdf_virtual_assign(CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_POWER_LED, CLASSIC_CAPS_LED, V_NOFUNC, CLASSIC_CAPS_LED_INIT_VALUE); + + // assign RESET output to the virtual RESET output, configure to produce a short pulse when activated + asdf_virtual_assign(CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_RESET, CLASSIC_RESET_OUTPUT, V_PULSE_SHORT, !CLASSIC_RESET_ACTIVE_VALUE); + + // assign the CLRSCR output to the virtual CLRSCR output, configure to produce a long pulse when activated + asdf_virtual_assign(CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_CLR_SCR, CLASSIC_CLR_SCR_OUT, V_PULSE_LONG, !CLASSIC_CLR_SCR_ACTIVE_VALUE); +} + + +//-------|---------|---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ +// Above line is 80 columns, and should display completely in the editor. diff --git a/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.h b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3513da3 --- /dev/null +++ b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_classic.h @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +// -*- mode: C; tab-width: 4 ; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- +// +// Unfified Keyboard Project +// ASDF keyboard firmware +// +// asdf_keymap_classic.h +// +// Ascii keymaps +// +// Copyright 2019 David Fenyes +// +// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under +// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software +// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later +// version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS +// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more +// details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with +// this program. If not, see . + + +// To use this ascii for a new keymap, edit the keymaps definitions as +// desired. The keymaps are organized from row 0, counting upward, and each row +// includes the columns from 0-NUM_COLS. +// + +#if !defined(ASDF_KEYMAP_DEFS_CLASSIC_H) +#define ASDF_KEYMAP_DEFS_CLASSIC_H + +// include DIP switch definitions +#include "asdf_keymap_defs_dipswitch.h" + +// Edit the number of rows and columns used in this map. If the number is less +// than the maxium, the unused elements will be initialized to 0. + +#define ASDF_CLASSIC_NUM_ROWS 9 // DIP switches are row 8 (zero based) +#define ASDF_CLASSIC_NUM_COLS 8 + +#define CLASSIC_ACTION_BREAK ACTION_NOTHING + +#define CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_RESET VOUT1 +#define CLASSIC_ACTION_RESET ACTION_VOUT1 +#define CLASSIC_RESET_OUTPUT PHYSICAL_OUT3_OPEN_HI +#define CLASSIC_RESET_ACTIVE_VALUE 0 + +#define CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_CLR_SCR VOUT2 +#define CLASSIC_ACTION_CLEAR ACTION_VOUT2 +#define CLASSIC_CLR_SCR_OUT PHYSICAL_OUT1_OPEN_LO +#define CLASSIC_CLR_SCR_ACTIVE_VALUE 1 + +#define CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_POWER_LED VLED1 +#define CLASSIC_POWER_LED PHYSICAL_LED1 +#define CLASSIC_POWER_LED_INIT_VALUE 1 + +#define CLASSIC_CAPS_LED PHYSICAL_LED3 +#define CLASSIC_CAPS_LED_INIT_VALUE 0 + + + +// Key Matrix for combination of ASCII controller and Classic ASCII matrix +// +// Col-> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +// Row 0 POWER R-Shift L-Shift (no key) ESC TAB CTRL \(backslash) +// Row 1 Rubout P ; / SPACEBAR Z A Q +// Row 2 Break ,(comma) M N B V C X +// Row 3 Spare K J H G F D A +// Row 4 Rt arrow I U Y T R E W +// Row 5 LT arrow Repeat CapsLock Return LineFeed O(alpha) L .(period) +// Row 6 ~(tilde) ] [ -(dash) :(colon) 0(numeral) 9 8 +// Row 7 @(at) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +// +// Row 15 DIP switches 0-7 +// +// Notes: +// +// 1) The keys above correspond to the silk screen on the PCB. For the OSI and +// Apple layouts, the keys may not all match the silk screen. When creating a +// layout different from the silk screen, look up the row and column for the +// silk screen label at the desired position, and then place the desired +// function in the keymap definition at the desired row and column. For +// example, the Apple 2 keymap places the "RESET" key at the "[" silk-screen +// position, Row 6, Col 2. The keymap places ACTION_RESET at Row 6, Col 2 in +// the "ASDF_APPLE2_CTRL_MAP" to map the RESET function to the CTRL-RESET key +// combination. +// +// 2) To ensure consistent DIP switch operation within the keymap, a +// ASDF_ASCII_DIP_SWITCHES macro is defined. Keeping the ACTION_MAPSEL0-3 +// definitions in positions 0-3 ensures consistent map selection among all +// keymaps. + +#define ASDF_CLASSIC_DIP_SWITCHES ASDF_KEYMAP_DIP_SWITCHES + + + +#endif /* !defined (ASDF_KEYMAP_DEFS_ASCII_H) */ + +//-------|---------|---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ +// Above line is 80 columns, and should display completely in the editor. diff --git a/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_sol.c b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_sol.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d42935 --- /dev/null +++ b/firmware/asdf/src/Keymaps/asdf_keymap_sol.c @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +// -*- mode: C; tab-width: 2 ; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- +// +// Unified Keyboard Project +// ASDF keyboard firmware +// +// asdf_keymap_sol.c +// +// Implements the keymap definition and setup routines for the sol-20 keymap +// +// Copyright 2019 David Fenyes +// +// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under +// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software +// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later +// version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS +// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more +// details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with +// this program. If not, see . +// + + +static const FLASH asdf_keycode_t sol_plain_map[ASDF_SOL_NUM_ROWS][ASDF_SOL_NUM_COLS] = { + [0] = { ACTION_CTRL, SOL_KBD_SHIFTLOCK_ACTION, 'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h' }, + [1] = { 'j', 'k', 'l', ';', ':', ASCII_DEL, ACTION_REPEAT, ACTION_CTRL }, + [2] = { ACTION_CAPS, ACTION_SHIFT, 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n' }, + [3] = { 'm', ASCII_COMMA, ASCII_PERIOD, '/', ACTION_SHIFT, SOL_ASCII_MODE_SELECT, ACTION_NOTHING, + ACTION_NOTHING }, + [4] = { ASCII_ESC, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' }, + [5] = { '8', '9', ASCII_ZERO, '-', '^', ASCII_LT_SQUARE_BRACE, ASCII_BACKSLASH, + ASCII_RT_SQUARE_BRACE }, + [6] = { SOL_KBD_BREAK_ACTION, ASCII_TAB, 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y' }, + [7] = { 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p', ASCII_AT, ASCII_CR, ASCII_LF, SOL_ASCII_LOAD }, + [9] = { SOL_KBD_LOCAL_ACTION, SOL_ASCII_UP_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_LT_ARROW, ASCII_SPACE, + SOL_ASCII_RT_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_DN_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_HOME, SOL_ASCII_CLEAR }, + [10] = { '-', '7', '*', '8', '/', '9', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [11] = { '4', '1', '5', '2', '6', '3', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [12] = { '0', ASCII_PERIOD, '+', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, + ACTION_NOTHING }, + ASDF_SOL_DIP_SWITCHES, +}; + +static const FLASH asdf_keycode_t sol_caps_map[ASDF_SOL_NUM_ROWS][ASDF_SOL_NUM_COLS] = { + [0] = { ACTION_CTRL, SOL_KBD_SHIFTLOCK_ACTION, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H' }, + [1] = { 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', ASCII_DEL, ACTION_REPEAT, ACTION_CTRL }, + [2] = { ACTION_CAPS, ACTION_SHIFT, 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N' }, + [3] = { 'M', ASCII_COMMA, ASCII_PERIOD, '/', ACTION_SHIFT, SOL_ASCII_MODE_SELECT, ACTION_NOTHING, + ACTION_NOTHING }, + [4] = { ASCII_ESC, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' }, /**/ + [5] = { '8', '9', ASCII_ZERO, '-', '^', ASCII_LT_SQUARE_BRACE, ASCII_BACKSLASH, + ASCII_RT_SQUARE_BRACE }, + [6] = { SOL_KBD_BREAK_ACTION, ASCII_TAB, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y' }, + [7] = { 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', ASCII_AT, ASCII_CR, ASCII_LF, SOL_ASCII_LOAD }, + [9] = { SOL_KBD_LOCAL_ACTION, SOL_ASCII_UP_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_LT_ARROW, ASCII_SPACE, + SOL_ASCII_RT_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_DN_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_HOME, SOL_ASCII_CLEAR }, + [10] = { '-', '7', '*', '8', '/', '9', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [11] = { '4', '1', '5', '2', '6', '3', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [12] = { '0', ASCII_PERIOD, '+', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, + ACTION_NOTHING }, + ASDF_SOL_DIP_SWITCHES, +}; + + +static const FLASH asdf_keycode_t sol_shift_map[ASDF_SOL_NUM_ROWS][ASDF_SOL_NUM_COLS] = { + [0] = { ACTION_CTRL, SOL_KBD_SHIFTLOCK_ACTION, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H' }, + [1] = { 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', ASCII_UNDERSCORE, ACTION_REPEAT, ACTION_CTRL }, + [2] = { ACTION_CAPS, ACTION_SHIFT, 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N' }, + [3] = { 'M', '<', '>', '?', ACTION_SHIFT, SOL_ASCII_MODE_SELECT, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [4] = { ASCII_ESC, '!', ASCII_DOUBLE_QUOTE, '#', '$', '%', '&', ASCII_SINGLE_QUOTE }, + [5] = { ASCII_LT_PAREN, ASCII_RT_PAREN, ASCII_SPACE, '=', ASCII_TILDE, ASCII_LT_SQUARE_BRACE, + ASCII_BACKSLASH, ASCII_RT_SQUARE_BRACE }, + [6] = { SOL_KBD_BREAK_ACTION, ASCII_TAB, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y' }, + [7] = { 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', ASCII_GRAVE_ACCENT, ASCII_CR, ASCII_LF, SOL_ASCII_LOAD }, + [9] = { SOL_KBD_LOCAL_ACTION, SOL_ASCII_UP_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_LT_ARROW, ASCII_SPACE, + SOL_ASCII_RT_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_DN_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_HOME, SOL_ASCII_CLEAR }, + [10] = { '-', '7', '*', '8', '/', '9', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [11] = { '4', '1', '5', '2', '6', '3', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [12] = { '0', ASCII_PERIOD, '+', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, + ACTION_NOTHING }, + ASDF_SOL_DIP_SWITCHES, +}; + + +static const FLASH asdf_keycode_t sol_ctrl_map[ASDF_SOL_NUM_ROWS][ASDF_SOL_NUM_COLS] = { + [0] = { ACTION_CTRL, SOL_KBD_SHIFTLOCK_ACTION, ASCII_CTRL_A, ASCII_CTRL_S, ASCII_CTRL_D, + ASCII_CTRL_F, ASCII_CTRL_G, ASCII_CTRL_H }, + [1] = { ASCII_CTRL_J, ASCII_CTRL_K, ASCII_CTRL_L, ASCII_VT, ASCII_LF, ASCII_DEL, + SOL_KBD_RESET_ACTION, ACTION_CTRL }, + [2] = { ACTION_CAPS, ACTION_SHIFT, ASCII_CTRL_Z, ASCII_CTRL_X, ASCII_CTRL_C, ASCII_CTRL_V, + ASCII_CTRL_B, ASCII_CTRL_N }, + [3] = { ASCII_CTRL_M, ASCII_FF, ASCII_SO, ASCII_SI, ACTION_SHIFT, SOL_ASCII_MODE_SELECT, + ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [4] = { ASCII_ESC, ASCII_SOH, ASCII_STX, ASCII_ETX, ASCII_EOT, ASCII_ENQ, ASCII_ACK, ASCII_BEL }, + [5] = { ASCII_BS, ASCII_TAB, ASCII_NULL, ASCII_CR, ASCII_RS, ASCII_ESC, ASCII_FS, ASCII_GS }, + [6] = { SOL_KBD_BREAK_ACTION, ASCII_TAB, ASCII_CTRL_Q, ASCII_CTRL_W, ASCII_CTRL_E, ASCII_CTRL_R, + ASCII_CTRL_T, ASCII_CTRL_Y }, + [7] = { ASCII_CTRL_U, ASCII_CTRL_I, ASCII_CTRL_O, ASCII_CTRL_P, ASCII_NULL, ASCII_CR, ASCII_LF, + SOL_ASCII_LOAD }, + [9] = { SOL_KBD_LOCAL_ACTION, SOL_ASCII_UP_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_LT_ARROW, ASCII_SPACE, + SOL_ASCII_RT_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_DN_ARROW, SOL_ASCII_HOME, SOL_ASCII_CLEAR }, + [10] = { '-', '7', '*', '8', '/', '9', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [11] = { '4', '1', '5', '2', '6', '3', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING }, + [12] = { '0', ASCII_PERIOD, '+', ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, ACTION_NOTHING, + ACTION_NOTHING }, + ASDF_SOL_DIP_SWITCHES, +}; + + +// PROCEDURE: sol_add_map +// INPUTS: asdf_keycode_t (*matrix) - a SOL_NUM_ROWS x SOL_NUM_COLS matrix of keycodes for each physical row/column pair +// modifier_index_t modifier index - the modifier state corresponding to the keycode matrix +// OUTPUTS: none +// DESCRIPTION: Passes the keycode matrix and modifier state through to +// asdf_keymaps_add_map(), along with the row/column dimensions. +// +// SIDE EFFECTS: the matrix is added to the keymap +// +// SCOPE: private +// +// COMPLEXITY: 1 +// +static void sol_add_map(const asdf_keycode_t (*matrix)[SOL_NUM_COLS], + modifier_index_t modifier_index) +{ + asdf_keymaps_add_map(&matrix[0][0], modifier_index, (uint8_t) SOL_NUM_ROWS, + (uint8_t) SOL_NUM_COLS); +} + + +void setup_sol_keymap(void) +{ + sol_add_map(sol_plain_map, MOD_PLAIN_MAP); + sol_add_map(sol_caps_map, MOD_CAPS_MAP); + sol_add_map(sol_shift_map, MOD_SHIFT_MAP); + sol_add_map(sol_ctrl_map, MOD_CTRL_MAP); + + asdf_virtual_init(); + + // Set up the ALL CAPS LED, default = off + asdf_virtual_assign(VCAPS_LED, SOL_KBD_LED_UPPERCASE, V_NOFUNC, SOL_KBD_LED_OFF); + + // Set up the SHIFT LED, default = off + asdf_virtual_assign(VSHIFT_LED, SOL_KBD_LED_SHIFTLOCK, V_NOFUNC, SOL_KBD_LED_OFF); + + // Set up the LOCAL LED and output, default LED=OFF, TTL output HIGH. Both LED + // and TTL out are bound to the save virtual device. + asdf_virtual_assign(SOL_KBD_VLOCAL, SOL_KBD_TTLOUT_LOCAL, V_TOGGLE, SOL_KBD_TTL_HIGH); + asdf_virtual_assign(SOL_KBD_VLOCAL, SOL_KBD_LED_LOCAL, V_TOGGLE, SOL_KBD_LED_OFF); + + // Set up the RESET output, produce a short pulse when activated. Default output HIGH + asdf_virtual_assign(SOL_KBD_VRESET, SOL_KBD_TTLOUT_RESET, V_PULSE_SHORT, SOL_KBD_TTL_HIGH); + + // Set up the BREAK output, produce a long pulse when activated, default output high + asdf_virtual_assign(SOL_KBD_VBREAK, V_PULSE_LONG, SOL_KBD_TTL_HIGH); + + + // Activate the ALL CAPS mode to emulate the original keyboard: + asdf_modifier_capslock_activate(); + + // Configure negative strobe + asdf_arch_set_neg_strobe(); +} + + +//-------|---------|---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ +// Above line is 80 columns, and should display completely in the editor.