mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 18:31:09 +00:00
Cleanups on ASCII interface PCBs, 328P and 2560 versions
- Clean up diode positioning and numbering - Remove 3D models for devices that are not normally fitted - clean up labeling - update README files to match PCBs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(module D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal_bypassed (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5DF278C4)
(module D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal_bypassed (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5EBC782E)
(descr "Diode, DO-35_SOD27 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=7.62mm, , length*diameter=4*2mm^2, , http://www.diodes.com/_files/packages/DO-35.pdf")
(tags "Diode DO-35_SOD27 series Axial Horizontal pin pitch 7.62mm length 4mm diameter 2mm")
(fp_text reference REF** (at 3.81 -2.12) (layer F.SilkS)
@ -41,9 +41,4 @@
(fp_poly (pts (xy 7.239 0.127) (xy 0.381 0.127) (xy 0.381 0) (xy 7.239 0)) (layer F.Cu) (width 0.0508))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 0) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Diode_THT.3dshapes/D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 4
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
Sheet 2 2
Title "Unified Retro Keyboard ASCII Interface (2560)"
Date ""
Rev "3.2"
Comp ""
Comment1 "Keyboard connector pinout"
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
Text Label 2650 2700 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 2600 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 2500 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 2400 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 2800 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 2900 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 3000 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 3100 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 1600 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 1700 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 1800 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 1900 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 2000 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 2100 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 2200 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 2300 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2500 1800 3200 1800
Wire Wire Line
2500 1700 3200 1700
Wire Wire Line
2500 1600 3200 1600
Wire Wire Line
2500 3000 3200 3000
Wire Wire Line
2500 2900 3200 2900
Wire Wire Line
2500 2800 3200 2800
Wire Wire Line
2500 2600 3200 2600
Wire Wire Line
2500 2500 3200 2500
Wire Wire Line
2500 2400 3200 2400
Wire Wire Line
2500 2300 3200 2300
Wire Wire Line
2500 2200 3200 2200
Wire Wire Line
2500 2000 3200 2000
Wire Wire Line
2500 1900 3200 1900
Wire Wire Line
2500 2100 3200 2100
Text Label 3765 3200 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 3765 3300 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 3765 3400 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2500 3100 3200 3100
Text Label 3765 3500 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 3500 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 3300 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 3400 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 2650 3200 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2500 3200 3200 3200
Wire Wire Line
3200 3300 2500 3300
Wire Wire Line
2500 3400 3200 3400
Wire Wire Line
3200 3500 2500 3500
Wire Wire Line
2500 2700 3200 2700
Wire Wire Line
3700 1700 4700 1700
Text Notes 4025 2500 0 50 ~ 0
Text Notes 4095 2090 0 50 ~ 0
Text Notes 4045 1690 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3700 3200 4700 3200
Wire Wire Line
3700 3300 4700 3300
Wire Wire Line
3700 3400 4700 3400
Wire Wire Line
3700 3500 4700 3500
Wire Wire Line
3700 2700 4700 2700
Wire Wire Line
3700 2400 4700 2400
Wire Wire Line
3700 2300 4700 2300
Wire Wire Line
3700 2000 4700 2000
Wire Wire Line
3700 1900 4700 1900
Wire Wire Line
3700 1600 4700 1600
NoConn ~ 3700 2800
NoConn ~ 3700 2900
NoConn ~ 3700 3000
NoConn ~ 3700 3100
Text Notes 4720 1630 0 50 ~ 0
Col 0
Text Notes 4720 1730 0 50 ~ 0
Row 0
Text Notes 4720 1830 0 50 ~ 0
LED1 +
Text Notes 4720 1930 0 50 ~ 0
LED1 -
Text Notes 4720 2030 0 50 ~ 0
Col 0
Text Notes 4720 2130 0 50 ~ 0
Row 7
Text Notes 4720 2230 0 50 ~ 0
LED2 +
Text Notes 4720 2330 0 50 ~ 0
LED2 -
Text Notes 4720 2630 0 50 ~ 0
LED3 +
Text Notes 4720 2730 0 50 ~ 0
LED3 -
Text Notes 4720 2430 0 50 ~ 0
Col 0
Text Notes 4720 2530 0 50 ~ 0
Row 1
Wire Wire Line
3700 2600 4700 2600
Wire Wire Line
3700 2200 4700 2200
Wire Wire Line
3700 1800 4700 1800
L Connector_Generic:Conn_02x20_Odd_Even J11
U 1 1 60C38260
P 3400 2500
F 0 "J11" H 3435 3525 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Keyboard Connector" H 3530 1310 100 0000 C CNN
F 2 "unikbd:PinHeader_2x20_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 3400 2500 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 3400 2500 50 0001 C CNN
1 3400 2500
1 0 0 -1
Text Notes 2235 6495 0 50 ~ 0
Special Keys:\n\nThe keys at (Row 7, Col 0), (Row 1, Col 0), and (Row7 , Col 0) are not\nwired into the matrix at the keyboard PCB, since these keys may have\nspecial handling for the OSI keyboard.\n\nFor OSI:\n(Row 7, Col 0) is Shift Lock. Since the original Push-ON/Push-OFF keys\nare not always available, a flip-flop circuit may be substituted for the\nphysical push-on/push-off mechanism. The row and column lines are\nbrought to the interface board for connection to the matrix.\n\n(Row1, Col 0) is BREAK, which is not wired into the matrix, but instead \ninitiates a RESET signal, after a time delay.\n\n(Row 0, Col 0) is not wired into the matrix by default\n\nFor Apple 2:\n(Row 7, Col 0) is LEFT ARROW, and is wired into the matrix.\n\n(Row1, Col 0) is not wired into the matrix\n\n(Row 0, Col 0) is the POWER indicator key, and is wired into the matrix.\n\nFor the Classic layout:\n\n(Row 7, Col 0) is “@“, and is wired into the matrix.\n\n(Row1, Col 0) is Rubout, and is wired into the matrix\n\n(Row 0, Col 0) is the POWER indicator key, and is wired into the matrix
NoConn ~ 2500 1600
NoConn ~ 2500 1700
NoConn ~ 2500 1800
NoConn ~ 2500 1900
NoConn ~ 2500 2000
NoConn ~ 2500 2100
NoConn ~ 2500 2200
NoConn ~ 2500 2300
NoConn ~ 2500 2400
NoConn ~ 2500 2500
NoConn ~ 2500 2600
NoConn ~ 2500 2700
NoConn ~ 2500 2800
NoConn ~ 2500 2900
NoConn ~ 2500 3000
NoConn ~ 2500 3100
NoConn ~ 2500 3200
NoConn ~ 2500 3300
NoConn ~ 2500 3400
NoConn ~ 2500 3500
NoConn ~ 4700 1600
NoConn ~ 4700 1700
NoConn ~ 4700 1800
NoConn ~ 4700 1900
NoConn ~ 4700 2000
NoConn ~ 4700 2100
NoConn ~ 4700 2200
NoConn ~ 4700 2300
NoConn ~ 4700 2400
NoConn ~ 4700 2500
NoConn ~ 4700 2600
NoConn ~ 4700 2700
NoConn ~ 4700 3200
NoConn ~ 4700 3300
NoConn ~ 4700 3400
NoConn ~ 4700 3500
Wire Notes Line style solid
3826 1700 4026 1700
Wire Notes Line style solid
3976 1650 3976 1750
Wire Notes Line
3977 1700 3977 1693
Wire Notes Line
3977 1693 3963 1693
Wire Notes Line
3963 1693 3963 1684
Wire Notes Line
3963 1684 3956 1684
Wire Notes Line
3956 1684 3956 1676
Wire Notes Line
3956 1676 3949 1676
Wire Notes Line
3949 1676 3949 1665
Wire Notes Line
3949 1665 3938 1665
Wire Notes Line
3938 1665 3938 1656
Wire Notes Line
3938 1656 3928 1656
Wire Notes Line style solid
3928 1656 3928 1753
Wire Notes Line
3928 1753 3936 1753
Wire Notes Line
3936 1753 3936 1742
Wire Notes Line
3936 1742 3944 1742
Wire Notes Line
3944 1742 3944 1734
Wire Notes Line
3944 1734 3950 1734
Wire Notes Line
3950 1734 3950 1726
Wire Notes Line
3950 1726 3958 1726
Wire Notes Line
3958 1726 3958 1718
Wire Notes Line
3958 1718 3966 1718
Wire Notes Line
3966 1718 3966 1708
Wire Notes Line
3966 1708 3973 1708
Wire Notes Line
3973 1708 3973 1704
Wire Notes Line
3973 1704 3972 1704
Wire Notes Line style solid
3841 2098 4041 2098
Wire Notes Line style solid
3991 2048 3991 2148
Wire Notes Line
3992 2098 3992 2091
Wire Notes Line
3992 2091 3978 2091
Wire Notes Line
3978 2091 3978 2082
Wire Notes Line
3978 2082 3971 2082
Wire Notes Line
3971 2082 3971 2074
Wire Notes Line
3971 2074 3964 2074
Wire Notes Line
3964 2074 3964 2063
Wire Notes Line
3964 2063 3953 2063
Wire Notes Line
3953 2063 3953 2054
Wire Notes Line
3953 2054 3943 2054
Wire Notes Line style solid
3943 2054 3943 2151
Wire Notes Line
3951 2151 3951 2140
Wire Notes Line
3951 2140 3959 2140
Wire Notes Line
3959 2140 3959 2132
Wire Notes Line
3959 2132 3965 2132
Wire Notes Line
3965 2132 3965 2124
Wire Notes Line
3965 2124 3973 2124
Wire Notes Line
3973 2124 3973 2116
Wire Notes Line
3973 2116 3981 2116
Wire Notes Line
3981 2116 3981 2106
Wire Notes Line
3981 2106 3988 2106
Wire Notes Line
3988 2106 3988 2102
Wire Notes Line
3988 2102 3987 2102
Wire Notes Line style solid
3850 2499 4050 2499
Wire Notes Line style solid
4000 2449 4000 2549
Wire Notes Line
4001 2499 4001 2492
Wire Notes Line
4001 2492 3987 2492
Wire Notes Line
3987 2492 3987 2483
Wire Notes Line
3987 2483 3980 2483
Wire Notes Line
3980 2483 3980 2475
Wire Notes Line
3980 2475 3973 2475
Wire Notes Line
3973 2475 3973 2464
Wire Notes Line
3973 2464 3962 2464
Wire Notes Line
3962 2464 3962 2455
Wire Notes Line
3962 2455 3952 2455
Wire Notes Line style solid
3952 2455 3952 2552
Wire Notes Line
3960 2552 3960 2541
Wire Notes Line
3960 2541 3968 2541
Wire Notes Line
3968 2541 3968 2533
Wire Notes Line
3968 2533 3974 2533
Wire Notes Line
3974 2533 3974 2525
Wire Notes Line
3974 2525 3982 2525
Wire Notes Line
3982 2525 3982 2517
Wire Notes Line
3982 2517 3990 2517
Wire Notes Line
3990 2517 3990 2507
Wire Notes Line
3990 2507 3997 2507
Wire Notes Line
3997 2507 3997 2503
Wire Notes Line
3997 2503 3996 2503
Wire Wire Line
3700 2100 4700 2100
Wire Wire Line
3700 2500 4700 2500
@ -47,11 +47,8 @@ input stream from another source to send to the host as parallel ASCII data.
1. Solder the surface-mount microcontroller first. Be sure to match pin 1 to the
dot on the silk-screen layer.
1. Next, install the surface mount crysta, Y1. The orientation is not important.
1. Next, solder in the Diodes D1-D3 and D4-D11
1. Do not populate diodes D12-D27. These diodes are jumpered short. If you are
using a key matrix with no diodes, then cut the jumpers with an x-acto knife
and populate the diodes.
1. Next, install the surface mount crystal, Y1. The orientation is not important.
1. Next, solder in the Diodes D17-D19 and D20-D27
1. Install all the capacitors. These are all 0.1 uF ceramic capacitors with 0.1"
lead spacing. Many capacitors with 0.2" lead spacing are actually 0.1"
emerging from the body, bent to 0.2", and can be straightened back to 0.1".
@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ input stream from another source to send to the host as parallel ASCII data.
1. (Optional) If you will be the digital outputs, or if you will be attaching
switches or other sources of open-collector signals (such as RESET), then
install connector J4 (right-angle, 1x5 0.100")
install connector J4 (riginht-angle, 1x5 0.100")
1. (Optional) If you will be using the serial port, install the serial header
J3. (right angle, 1x4 0.100")
1. If you will be using the Apple 1 connector, install the DIP socket J1 (16-pin
@ -74,6 +71,12 @@ input stream from another source to send to the host as parallel ASCII data.
dip). The note for the Apple 1 connector selection applies here as well.
1. If you will be using the SOL-20 connector, install connector J5 (vertical
2x10 0.100")
1. Do not populate diodes D1-D16. These diodes are jumpered short. If you are
using a key matrix with no diodes, then cut the jumpers with an x-acto knife
and populate the diodes.
1. Do not populate RN1. The Microprocessor uses internal pullups, so this
network is not required. The footprint is left in place in case a stronger
pullup (in the 1K-10K range) is needed.
configuration or only a serial configuration, then you can jumper these
resistors with a piece of wire.
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 312 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 279 KiB |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ EELAYER 30 0
$Descr USLedger 17000 11000
encoding utf-8
Sheet 1 2
Sheet 1 1
Title "Unified Retro Keyboard ASCII Interface (2560)"
Date "2020-04-16"
Rev "3.2"
@ -1926,12 +1926,6 @@ NoConn ~ 11800 1650
NoConn ~ 11800 1550
NoConn ~ 11800 1450
NoConn ~ 11800 1350
S 4600 9150 1000 800
U 60C30592
F0 "Pinouts" 50
F1 "Pinouts.sch" 50
Connection ~ 5600 2700
Wire Wire Line
5600 3400 5600 2700
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ those diodes. Otherwise the diodes do nothing.
If you are attaching a keyboard with a diode per key, then the diodes on the keys perform the same function, in addition to preventing "ghosting", so the per-row diodes do not need to be installed.
### DIP switch and associated diodes
The DIP switch is optional. If you don't want to be able to set options via the
If you don't want to select keymaps or options via the DIP switch, then you may omit the DIP switch and diodes. If you do this, then you will have to set the keymap and all preferences in the firmware.
DIP switches, you can set all your preferences in the firmware, or just accept
the default behavior, and skip the DIP switch and Diodes D17-D20 and D24-D27.
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 168 KiB |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ $Descr USLetter 11000 8500
encoding utf-8
Sheet 1 1
Title "ASCII Interface for Unified Retro Keyboard"
Date "2020-04-25"
Rev "2.6"
Date "2020-05-13"
Rev "2.7"
Comp "OSIWeb.org"
Comment1 "Main Keyboard Interface"
Comment2 ""
@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ Col0
Text Label 9750 1350 0 50 ~ 0
L Diode:1N4148 D21
L Diode:1N4148 D25
U 1 1 5D9CCE74
P 9350 1350
F 0 "D21" H 9485 1315 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "D25" H 9485 1315 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "1N4148" H 9350 1195 40 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Diode_THT:D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal" H 9350 1175 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9350 1350 50 0001 C CNN
@ -1098,10 +1098,10 @@ Entry Wire Line
Entry Wire Line
9975 6400 10075 6300
L Diode:1N4148 D27
L Diode:1N4148 D24
U 1 1 5DFACD33
P 9635 6500
F 0 "D27" H 9480 6550 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "D24" H 9480 6550 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "1N4148" H 9455 6600 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Diode_THT:D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal" H 9635 6325 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9635 6500 50 0001 C CNN
@ -1109,10 +1109,10 @@ F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9635
1 0 0 1
L Diode:1N4148 D26
L Diode:1N4148 D23
U 1 1 5DF9A8E3
P 9635 6300
F 0 "D26" H 9520 6260 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "D23" H 9520 6260 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "1N4148" H 9433 6340 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Diode_THT:D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal" H 9635 6125 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9635 6300 50 0001 C CNN
@ -1120,10 +1120,10 @@ F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9635
1 0 0 1
L Diode:1N4148 D25
L Diode:1N4148 D22
U 1 1 5DF87A8E
P 9635 6100
F 0 "D25" H 9510 6060 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "D22" H 9510 6060 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "1N4148" H 9433 6140 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Diode_THT:D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal" H 9635 5925 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9635 6100 50 0001 C CNN
@ -1175,10 +1175,10 @@ F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9325
1 0 0 1
L Diode:1N4148 D24
L Diode:1N4148 D21
U 1 1 5DF29274
P 9625 5900
F 0 "D24" H 9500 5860 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "D21" H 9500 5860 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "1N4148" H 9423 5940 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Diode_THT:D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal" H 9625 5725 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9625 5900 50 0001 C CNN
@ -1509,10 +1509,10 @@ Row7
Text Label 9745 1650 0 50 ~ 0
L Diode:1N4148 D22
L Diode:1N4148 D26
U 1 1 5D9C0280
P 9355 1750
F 0 "D22" H 9490 1720 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "D26" H 9490 1720 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "1N4148" H 9530 1790 40 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Diode_THT:D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal" H 9355 1575 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9355 1750 50 0001 C CNN
@ -1520,10 +1520,10 @@ F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9355
-1 0 0 1
L Diode:1N4148 D23
L Diode:1N4148 D27
U 1 1 5EB56F93
P 9355 2150
F 0 "D23" H 9490 2120 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "D27" H 9490 2120 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "1N4148" H 9530 2185 40 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Diode_THT:D_DO-35_SOD27_P7.62mm_Horizontal" H 9355 1975 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/1N4148_1N4448.pdf" H 9355 2150 50 0001 C CNN
@ -2117,6 +2117,12 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line
9060 1550 9975 1550
Connection ~ 5785 4350
Text Notes 2055 6585 0 50 ~ 0
SOL-20:\n~RESET~ = OUT3\nLOCAL = OUT1\nBREAK = OUT2\n\nApple 1:\nD7 on socket is tied high\n~RESET~ = OUT3\nCLRSCR = OUT1\n\nApple 2:\n~RESET~ = OUT3\n\n
Text Label 1260 2685 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1260 2585 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Bus Line
5200 3850 5200 6640
Wire Bus Line
@ -2125,10 +2131,4 @@ Wire Bus Line
1975 875 1975 6640
Wire Bus Line
7800 1350 7800 6705
Text Notes 2055 6585 0 50 ~ 0
SOL-20:\n~RESET~ = OUT3\nLOCAL = OUT1\nBREAK = OUT2\n\nApple 1:\nD7 on socket is tied high\n~RESET~ = OUT3\nCLRSCR = OUT1\n\nApple 2:\n~RESET~ = OUT3\n\n
Text Label 1260 2685 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1260 2585 0 50 ~ 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user