name: asdf-firmware push: branches: asdf-release asdf-build-test jobs: build_firmware: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: { image: alpine } defaults: run: shell: sh steps: - name: install_git_and_bash run: apk add bash git rsync - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - run: apk add gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc - run: apk add cmake make - run: apk add python3 py3-pip - run: pip install -U sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx-autodoc-typehints - run: pip install -U sphinxcontrib-napoleon - run: pip install -U toml # Create the build directories, make all targets, and copy # hex files to sphinx source directory for download links - run: cd firmware/asdf; /bin/bash ./ -a -i -s - run: mkdir public; touch public/.nojekyll - run: sphinx-build -b html firmware/asdf/docs/source public - name: Deploy uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4 with: folder: public