
74 lines
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2022-08-25 02:31:23 +00:00
;(c) 2022 by 4am
!cpu 6502
!to "build/FX.INDEXED/THIN.DISSOLVE",plain
row1 = $fe
row2 = $ff
src = $3c
dst = $26
2022-08-26 01:56:29 +00:00
!source "src/fx/macros.a"
2022-08-25 02:31:23 +00:00
lda #$00
sta row1
lda #$BF
sta row2
@loop lda row1
jsr HGRCalc
ldy #$27
- tya
and #$03
lda (src),y
eor (dst),y ; merge source and destination bits
and mask1,x ; isolate the bits to replace, zero the rest
eor (dst),y ; unmerge source and destination bits, leaves 'to keep' destination bits intact
sta (dst),y ; write the result
bpl -
lda row2
jsr HGRCalc
ldy #$27
- tya
and #$03
lda (src),y
eor (dst),y
and mask3,x
eor (dst),y
sta (dst),y
bpl -
lda #$30
jsr WaitForKeyWithTimeout
bmi @exit
!if 0 {
ldx mask1
ldy mask3
stx mask3
sty mask1
ldx mask2
ldy mask4
stx mask4
sty mask2
inc row1
dec row2
lda row1
cmp #$C0
bne @loop
@exit rts
!source "src/wait.a"
mask1 !byte %10110011
mask2 !byte %11100110
mask3 !byte %11001100
mask4 !byte %10011001
!byte %10110011
!byte %11100110