#!/bin/bash # directory of PNG files (assume they are properly sized and named) PNGS="$HOME/Dropbox/a2/4cade/artwork/cropped-and-named-320x200/_4sports" # Python 3 export PYTHON="python" # https://github.com/KrisKennaway/ii-pix/ export CONVERT_PY="$HOME/Documents/a2/ii-pix/convert.py" # directories within Total Replay repository export SHR_SCORES="./res/ARTWORK.SHR.SCORES" export SHR_UNCOMPRESSED="./res/ARTWORK.SHR.UNCOMPRESSED" # convert.py flags: # --no-show-output to suppress focus-stealing popup window during conversion # --no-save-preview to suppress saving -preview.png file # --fixed-colours=1 to prevent visual glitches during transition from black # --show-final-score to get score so the score matching can work while true; do parallel ' tmp=$(mktemp) newscore=$("$PYTHON" "$CONVERT_PY" shr --no-show-output --no-save-preview --fixed-colours=1 --show-final-score {} "$tmp" | grep FINAL_SCORE | cut -d":" -f2) oldscore=$(<"$SHR_SCORES"/{/.}) if [ -z "$oldscore" ]; then oldscore=10000 fi if (( $(echo "$newscore < $oldscore" | bc) )); then cp "$tmp" "$SHR_UNCOMPRESSED/"{/.} echo "$newscore" > "$SHR_SCORES/"{/.} fi rm "$tmp"' ::: "$PNGS"/*.png done