A2osX/.Docs/Command Guide.md

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2019-03-24 00:36:51 +00:00
# A2osX Command Guide
This Guide provides information on all the A2osX commands and utilities. This Guide helps you not only learn the purpose of each command but also what options a command supports and what arguments it either supports or requires.
A2osX comes with a nice variety of system, file, network and data utilities or what we refer to as external commands. This just means that each of the following commands or utilities is built as a separate BIN or executable file that runs under A2osX. The source for all of these external commands is readily available, so you can make your own as your needs dictate. Note, that there are some **internal** commands that are build into the shell (the interactive prompt) such CD (change directory) or PWD (print working directory). Those commands are discussed in-depth in the **[Shell Developers Guide](.Docs/Shell%20Developers%20Guide.md).**
## System Commands
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Typcically, you will not directly use the System group commands; they are more commonly found in A2osX system scripts such as ./ETC/INIT or they are launched by the A2osX Kernel itself. All of these commands are found in ./SBIN/ letting you know they are special system commands.
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| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| GETTY | -E : Exit upon disconnect |
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GETTY, short for "get tty", is a system process for A2osX that manages physical or virtual terminals (TTYs). When it detects a connection, it prompts for a username and then loads the system process LOGIN to authenticate the user. Each GETTY process creates a pseudo file such as /DEV/TTY1 /DEV/TTY2 to allow A2osX pass input/output streams between processes and connected users.
GETTY handles 3 types of connections:
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- for virtual terminals presented and controlled by your Apple Screen and Keyboard. One GETTY process serves one virtual terminal. You can configure the number of virtual terminals on your A2osX system using the KCONFIG utility. Please see **[KCONFIG](###kconfig)**.
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- for serial terminals (or emulated terminals i.e. a PC running a VT-100 emulator) connected to your Apple via a Super Serial Card. One GETTY process serves one terminal. See the User Guide for setup and configuration information on connecting Physical Terminals.
- for internet terminals connected to your Apple via via the internet using A2osX TCP networking suite. This suite includes a TELNETD server process that listens for requests from the internet and when such a request is initiated, TELNETD will launch a GETTY process to support that user. One GETTY process will launch for each TELNET user and will exit when then user disconnects (the TELNETD process calls GETTY with the -E option).
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| Command |
| ---- |
| INSDRV Driver |
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INSDRV, short for "install driver", is a system process that loads and initializes hardware drivers for A2osX. Drivers are available for the Apple Mouse, Super Serial Card, and a range of Ethernet cards. Please see the Hardware section of the User Guide for more complete information on the drivers available for A2osX and enabling them in your system.
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| Command |
| ---- |
2019-03-24 16:56:03 +00:00
KCONFIG, short for "Kernel Configuration" Utility, is a system programs that allows the A2osX administrator to configure various settings of their A2osX system. Any changes to your system configuration are stored in ${ROOT}/A2OSX.KCONFIG. When A2osX boots and loads the KERNEL process, it looks for this file, and if not present it initialized the KERNEL with A2osX defaults.
In KCONFIG you can set:
- Machine Timing, either 60 (Default) or 50Hz. If you change this RGXX will happen.
- CHRoot to /RAMx, either Disabled (Default) or Enabled. Enabling does RGXX.
- Preemptive Mode, either Disabled (Default) or Enabled. Enabling does RGXX.
- TTYs, between 1 and 4, default is 2. This is the number of Virtual Terminals configured on your system. Please note, increasing and decreasing the number of virtual terminals can have a significant impact on the amount of memory used by the system, which in turns impacts the amount of free memory available to run your A2osX programs and scripts.
- Slots 1-7, Enabled (Default) or Disabled. If you disable a slot this RGXX will happen.
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| Command |
| ---- |
| INSDRV Driver |
### SH
| Command |
| ---- |
| SH Script |
| Command |
| ---- |
| INITD InitLevel |
## BIN,External Shell commands:
### CAT
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| CAT | -A : Show All non printable caracters <br> -N : Number all output lines <br> -S : Suppress repeated empty output lines |
The CAT command is used to display the contents of files stored on any ProDOS volume. While the primary use of this tool is to display the contents of TEXT or TXT files, it can be used to display the contents of other files by using the -A option, which will substitute non-printable characters with readable and displayable values such as [EOF] for End of File (Hex x04) or [LF] for Line Feed (Hex x0A).
### CUT
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| CUT | CUT \<opt\> "line" or CMD\|CUT \<opt\> <br> -H : This help screen <br> -F nn : Output field nn <br> -M nn : Output starting at nn <br> -N nn : Output Ending at nn <br> -S ch : Change default SPACE separator to 'ch' |
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| CHGRP | In Progress | -C : Continue On Error <br> -R : Recurse subdirectories | - |
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| CHMOD | In Progress | -C : Continue On Error <br> -R : Recurse subdirectories | - |
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| CHOWN | In Progress | -C : Continue On Error <br> -R : Recurse subdirectories | - |
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| CHTYP | Working | -C : Continue On Error <br> -R : Recurse subdirectories | 0.92 |
### CP
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| CP | Working | -C : Continue On Error <br> -Q : Quiet <br> -R : Recurse subdirectories <br> -Y : Dont't Prompt For Override | 0.93 |
### EDIT
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| EDIT | Working | still missing : find/replace | 0.93 |
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| FORMAT | In Progress | FORMAT \<BLOCKDEV\> [VOLUME.NAME] <br> -L : Low-Level Format *not currently supported <br> -1..9 : Catalog Size (block count) | 0.92 |
### GREP
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| GREP | Working | GREP \<opt\> PATTERN FILE or CMD\|GREP \<opt\> PATTERN <br> -H : This help screen <br> -I : Ignore Case <br> -N : Print line Number | 0.93 |
### KILL
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| KILL | Working | KILL \<signal\> PID <br> -0 : No Signal <br> -1 : SIGQUIT | 0.93 |
### LS
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| LS -A : Print . & .. <br> -C : Single column listing <br> -F : Single column, includes full path <br> -L : long listing with size/date... <br> -R : Recurse subdirectories |
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| LSDEV | Working | Dump device Drivers
### LSOF
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| LSOF | Working | List Open Files
### MD5
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| MD5 | Working | MD5 \[ -D : String \| file \]
### MEM
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| MEM | Working | Old dump behavior is now MEMDUMP. New MEM command displays MEMSTAT (Main, Aux & Kernel Memory)
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| MKDIR | Working | Make Directory
### MORE
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| MORE | Working | MORE \<File\> or CMD\|MORE \<opt\> <br> -H : This help screen <br> -N : Number all output lines <br> -P : Page mode, no scroll <br> -S : Process ESC codes
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| NSCUTIL | Working | NSCUTIL DD/MM/YY,hh:mm:ss <br> Tool for setting time in NSC/DL1216E
### MV
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| MV | Working | -C : Continue On Error <br> -Q : Quiet <br> -R : Recurse subdirectories <br> -Y : Dont't Prompt For Override
### PS
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| PS | Working | List Processes
### RM
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
| RM | Working | RM \[File/Dir, *,? wildcards allowed\] <br> -C : Continue On Error <br> -Q : Quiet <br> -R : Recurse subdirectories
## Network Tools
| Command |
| ----- |
| ARP |
Dump ARP cache, setup a static ARP entry
| Command |
| ----- |
| DNSINFO -a option to add host???? |
dump DNS cache, setup a static DNS entry
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
|HTTPGET <ip\|host> [port]| -U Url <br> -F UrlFile|
| Command | Options |
| --- | --- |
|IPCONFIG |-D : Try to get IP address from DHCP <br> -E : Read ETC files <br> -S : Set/Reset TCPIP configuration (-E, then -D if required) |
| Command |
| ----- |
Display socket status
### PING
| Command |
| ----- |
| PING <ip\|host> <br> -1..9 : Ping Count |
| Command |
| ----- |
| TELNET <ip\|host> [port] |
| Command |
| ----- |
| Command |
| ----- |
| Command |
| ----- |
| Command |
| ----- |
| TELNETD -d [port]??? |
## Developer Tools
While almost every command and program that comes with A2osX can be considered a developer tool, there are a few that are very specifically created to be used for developer. This section discusses those tools.
### ASM
| Command |
| ----- |
| ASM |
S-C MASM based multi CPU assembler
| Command |
| ----- |
Tool to track memory leak
| Command |
| ----- |
Tool based on UDP socket API, renamed from RPCINFO <br> RPCDUMP <ip\|host>