2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
AUTO 3,1
* object code = mli_1
* global page
ofsG .EQ H2E00-MLI offset to global org
H2E00 jmp mlient1 $2E00-2EFF moved to $BF00
jspare .EQ *-ofsG
jmp jspare will be changed to point to dispatcher.
clockv .EQ *-ofsG P8 clock vector
rts changed to jmp ($4C) if clock present.
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA tclk_in' clock routine entry address.
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
p8errv .EQ *-ofsG error reporting hook.
jmp syserr1
sysdeath .EQ *-ofsG
jmp sysdeath1 system failure hook.
p8error .EQ *-ofsG P8 error code
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA #00'
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
drivertbl1 .EQ *-ofsG device driver table 1
dc i2'nodevice' slot 0 reserved
dc i2'nodevice' s1, d1
dc i2'nodevice' s2, d1
dc i2'nodevice' s3, d1
dc i2'nodevice' s4, d1
dc i2'nodevice' s5, d1
dc i2'nodevice' s6, d1
dc i2'nodevice' s7, d1
drivertbl2 .EQ *-ofsG device driver table 2
dc i2'nodevice' slot 0 reserved
dc i2'nodevice' s1, d2
dc i2'nodevice' s2, d2
dc i2'nodevice' s3, d2
dc i2'nodevice' s4, d2
dc i2'nodevice' s5, d2
dc i2'nodevice' s6, d2
dc i2'nodevice' s7, d2
devnum .EQ *-ofsG most recent accessed device
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA #00'
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
numdevs .EQ *-ofsG count (-1) active devices
dc h'FF'
devlist .EQ *-ofsG active device list
dc h'00000000000000' up to 14 units may be active
dc h'00000000000000'
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA #00'
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
msb off
dc c'(C)APPLE '
mlient1 .EQ *-ofsG
jmp mlicont
aftirq .EQ *-ofsG irq returns here.
sta ramin read/write RAM bank 1
jmp fix45 restore $45 after interrupt in LC
oldacc .EQ *-ofsG
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA #00'
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
afbank .EQ *-ofsG
dc h'00'
* memory map of lower 48k. each bit represents 1 page.
* protected pages = 1, unprotected = 0
memmap .EQ *-ofsG P8 memory bitmap
dc h'C000000000000000'
dc h'0000000000000000'
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA #0000000000000001'
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
* table of buffer addresses for currently open files.
* these can only be changed thru the mli call setbuf.
buftbl .EQ *-ofsG
dc h'0000' file #1
dc h'0000' file #2
dc h'0000' file #3
dc h'0000' file #4
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA #0000' file #5
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
dc h'0000' file #6
dc h'0000' file #7
dc h'0000' file #8
* table of interrupt vectors. these can only be changed
* by the mli call allocate_interrupt. values of the registers
* at the time of the most recent interrupt are stored here along
* with the address interrupted.
inttbl .EQ *-ofsG interrupt table
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA #0000' int #1
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
dc h'0000' int #2
dc h'0000' int #3
dc h'0000' int #4
p8areg .EQ *-ofsG A register savearea
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA #00'
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
p8xreg .EQ *-ofsG X register savearea
dc h'00'
p8yreg .EQ *-ofsG Y register savearea
dc h'00'
p8sreg .EQ *-ofsG S register savearea
dc h'00'
p8preg .EQ *-ofsG P register savearea
dc h'00'
bankid .EQ *-ofsG bank ID byte (ROM/RAM)
dc h'01'
intadr .EQ *-ofsG interrupt return address
dc h'0000'
p8date .EQ *-ofsG bits 15-9=yr, 8-5=mo, 4-0=day
dc h'0000'
p8time .EQ *-ofsG bits 12-8=hr, 5-0=min, low-hi format
dc h'0000'
flevel .EQ *-ofsG current file level
dc h'00'
bubit .EQ *-ofsG backup bit disable, setfileinfo only
dc h'00'
spare1 .EQ *-ofsG used to save acc
dc h'00'
newpfxptr .EQ *-ofsG appletalk alternate prefix ptr
dc h'00'
machid .EQ *-ofsG machine ID byte
dc h'00'
rommap .EQ *-ofsG slot ROM bit map
dc h'00'
preflag .EQ *-ofsG prefix active flag
dc h'00'
mliact .EQ *-ofsG MLI active flag
dc h'00'
mliretn .EQ *-ofsG last MLI call return address
dc h'0000'
mlix .EQ *-ofsG MLI X register savearea
dc h'00'
mliy .EQ *-ofsG MLI Y register savearea
dc h'00'
* language card bank switching routines which must reside at $BFA0 because
* workstation software patches this area
HBFA0 .EQ *-ofsG
eor $E000 test for rom enable
beq L2EAA taken if ram enabled
sta romin read ROM
bne L2EB5 always
L2EAA lda bnkbyt2 for alternate ram
eor $D000 test
beq L2EB5 branch if not alternate ram
lda altram else enable alt $D000
L2EB5 pla return code
rti re-enable interrupts and return
mlicont .EQ *-ofsG
ror mliact notify interrupt routines MLI active.
lda $E000 preserve language card/rom orientation
sta bnkbyt1 for proper restoration when mli exits.
lda $D000
sta bnkbyt2
lda ramin force ram card on
lda ramin with write allowed
jmp xdosmli
irqexit .EQ *-ofsG
lda bankid determine state of ram card (ROM/RAM)
irqxit0 .EQ *-ofsG
beq L2EE2 branch if ram card enabled.
bmi L2EDF branch if alternate $D000 enabled.
lsr a determine if no ram card present.
bcc L2EE7 branch if rom only system.
lda romin1 enable rom
bcs L2EE7 always taken
L2EDF lda altram enable alternate $D000
L2EE2 lda #$01 preset bankid for rom.
sta bankid (reset if ram card interrupt)
L2EE7 lda p8areg restore acc
rti exit
irqent .EQ *-ofsG this entry only used when rom
bit ramin was enabled at time of interrupt.
bit ramin
jmp irqrecev
bnkbyt1 .EQ *-ofsG
dc h'00'
bnkbyt2 .EQ *-ofsG
dc h'00'
dc h'00000000' pad to before $BFFA
dc h'04' gsos compatibility byte ($BFFA)
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
.DA #00' pad
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00
dc h'00' reserved
dc h'00' version # of running interpreter
dc h'00' preserved for System Utilities
kversion .EQ *-ofsG kernal version
dc h'23' represents release 2.0.3
* end of obj mli_1
2019-05-07 13:18:47 +02:00
2019-04-29 22:36:58 +02:00