Here you can see the *mem* command in action, listing the contents on multiple ProDOS volumes. Note in this release, over 27K is available for user programs!
Many development tools are included with A2osX, included a utility to see how memory has been allocated and to which running process.
Admin tools are included as well, such as those needed to see running processes (remember this is a multi-tasking system).
or how about seeing what devices are available/defined or which files are currently open.
A2osX includes a complete TCP/IP Stack. Here you can see that a network device driver has been loaded and an IP address obtained.
>Note many libraries such as the one for networking, output admin messages as they are initialized or run. A2osX's console captures these messages as can be seen here. You can switch to the console at any time by using Open Apple-0.
And here you can see that standard IP utilities are included in A2osX.
Lastly, A2osX fully supports Color ANSI/VT-100 Terminals. While an Apple may not show these colors on its screen, if you connect to A2osX from terminal emulator such as PuTTY, you can see the full color support.