mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 11:32:43 +00:00
Kernel 0.93+
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
AUTO 3,1
licode jsr MLI check for file 'atinit'
.DA gfi_list
bcc gfi_ok branch if 'atinit' file found
cmp #$46 file not found?
beq H23DF if so, continue loading interpreter
bne H23E2
gfi_ok lda gfi_type
cmp #$E2 is 'atinit' correct file type?
bne H23E2 error - wrong file type
jsr MLI open 'atinit' file
.DA #$C8
.DA atopen
bne H23E2 error
lda #$9F max size = 39.75k ($2000-$BF00)
sta rdlen+1
stz rdlen
jsr MLI read 'atinit' file to 'sysentry'
.DA #$CA
.DA rdparm
bne H23E2 error - too big
jsr MLI close 'atinit' file
.DA #$CC
.DA clparm
bne H23E2 error
lda RROMBNK2 enable ROM
jsr sysentry execute ATinit
H23DF jmp goloadint execute .system file
* fatal error
H23E2 ldx $23F0 BUG: should be ATINIT.ERR
H23E5 lda $23F0,x BUG: should be ATINIT.ERR
sta vline16,x
bne H23E5
beq *
ATINIT.ERR .DA #$1A length of message
.AS -"Unable to load ATInit file"
gfi_list .DA #$0A
.DA atinitname
.HS 00
gfi_type .HS 00000000
.HS 0000000000000000
.HS 0000
atopen .HS 03
.DA atinitname
.DA iobuf i/o buffer
.HS 01 ref# hard coded since no other files
atinitname .DA #06 length of name
.AS -"atinit" name of appletalk config file
lda /dbuf search directory buffer
sta idxl+1
lda #$04 start 1 entry past header
bne H2434 always.
H2432 lda idxl calc next entry position
H2434 clc
adc dbuf+35 inc to next entry address
sta idxl
bcs H2451 branch if page cross.
adc dbuf+35 test for end of block.
bcc H2453 branch if not page cross
lda idxl+1
lsr end of block?
bcc H2453 no.
cmp #$09 end of directory?
bne H244D no.
jmp nointrp no interpreter, go quit.
H244D lda #$04 reset index to 1st entry in next block.
sta idxl
H2451 inc idxl+1 inc to next page.
H2453 ldy #$10 check file type.
lda #$FF must be a prodos sys file
eor (idxl),y
bne H2432 if not sys.
tay see if active
lda (idxl),y
beq H2432 if deleted file.
and #$0F strip file 'kind'.
sta pbuf save length of name.
cmp #$08 must be at least 'x.system'
bcc H2432 else, ignore it.
tay compare last 7 chars for '.system'
ldx #$06
H246C lda (idxl),y
eor iterp,x
bne H2432 branch if something else
bpl H246C
ldy #$00
H247A iny
lda (idxl),y
sta pbuf,y
ora #$80 msb on so can be displayed if error
sta iomess+$11,y
cpy pbuf
bne H247A
lda #$A0 space after name
sta iomess+$12,y
tya error message length
adc #$13 (carry set)
sta ierlen
jsr MLI open interpreter file
.DA #$C8
.DA opparm
bne badlod
jsr MLI get eof (length of file)
.DA #$D1
.DA efparm
bne badlod
lda eof+2
bne toolong
lda eof+1
cmp #$9F max size = 39.75k ($2000-$BF00)
bcs toolong
sta rdlen+1
lda eof
sta rdlen (read entire file)
jsr MLI read interpreter file
.DA #$CA
.DA rdparm
beq H24C8 go close if successfully read.
cmp #$56 memory conflict?
beq toolong then too large
bne badlod else, unable to load.
H24C8 jsr MLI close interpreter file
.DA #$CC
.DA clparm
bne badlod hopefully never taken
* if booting on a //c then see if esc is in keyboard buffer
* and clear it. it may have been pressed to shift speed
* of accelerator chip
lda cflag
beq H24DF taken if not booting on a //c
lda kbd else, check for keypress
cmp #$9B escape?
bne H24DF if not.
sta KBDSTROBE clear keyboard
H24DF lda RROMBNK2 enable ROM
jmp sysentry go run interpreter
cflag .HS 00 set if a //c.
nointrp jsr MLI no interpreter found,so quit.
.DA #$65
.DA quitparm
badlod ldy ierlen center the error message
lda #$27
sbc ierlen
adc ierlen
H24FA lda iomess,y
sta vline16,x
bpl H24FA
bmi H2511
toolong ldy #$1E
H2508 lda lgmess,y
sta vline16+5,y
bpl H2508
H2511 bmi H2511
lgmess .AS -"** System program too large **"
iomess .AS -"** Unable to load"
.AS -" X.System *********"
ierlen .HS 00
opparm .HS 03
.DA pbuf
.DA iobuf
.HS 01
efparm .HS 02
.DA #01
eof .HS 000000 length of file.
rdparm .HS 04
.HS 01
.DA sysentry
rdlen .HS 0000
.HS 0000
clparm .HS 01
.HS 00
quitparm .HS 04
.HS 00
.HS 0000
.HS 00
.HS 0000
iterp .AS -".SYSTEM" interpreter suffix that is required
@ -1,27 +1,19 @@
AUTO 3,1
H2000 jmp prostart
jmp atalkset appletalk setup for network boot
jmp p16start GQuit setup for gs/os
LDR.MSG.AppleII .AS -"Apple II"
LDR.MSG.ProDOS .AS -"ProDOS 8 V2.0.3 "
.AS -"06-May-93"
H202F .AS -"A2osX Custom"
.AS -"Copyright Apple Computer, Inc., 1983-93"
.AS -"All Rights Reserved."
LDR.MSG.16 .AS -"Apple II"
LDR.MSG.12 .AS -"ProDOS 8 V2.0.3 06-May-93"
LDR.MSG.14 .AS -"A2osX Custom"
LDR.MSG.23 .AS -"Copyright Apple Computer, Inc., 1983-93"
LDR.MSG.10 .AS -"All Rights Reserved."
p16start inc setuprts set = 2 for GQuit rts
atalkset inc setuprts set = 1 for appletalk rts
prostart lda unitnum
jsr LDR.Splash
* test for at least a 65c02
lda #$99 a negative #
@ -29,17 +21,13 @@ prostart lda unitnum
bmi m48k if 6502 because will not clear N flag
* machine at least an m65c02
lda #$01 patch for the gs rom
trb statereg to force off intcxrom
ldx #H232B yx=232B location table
ldy /H232B
jsr reloc move interpreter loader to $800
bcs m48k error
* test for at least 64k
ldy #$00
lda #$FF
sta kversion at least 48k ?
@ -396,7 +384,7 @@ altdsptbl .DA #$01 move GQuit launcher
.DA dispadr to dispadr for gsos
.DA $0300 length (must be <= 3 pages)
.DA SEL2 source
.HS FF done
.HS FF done
* tables for moving 64k version of mli for execution
@ -445,212 +433,6 @@ cortclock .DA #$01 relocation table. 1=move src to dst
.DA CCLK source
.HS FF done
* load and run appletalk configuration file (atinit) if present
* or continue loading and running .system file
* loader origin $800
licode jsr MLI check for file 'atinit'
.DA gfi_list
bcc gfi_ok branch if 'atinit' file found
cmp #$46 file not found?
beq H23DF if so, continue loading interpreter
bne H23E2
gfi_ok lda gfi_type
cmp #$E2 is 'atinit' correct file type?
bne H23E2 error - wrong file type
jsr MLI open 'atinit' file
.DA #$C8
.DA atopen
bne H23E2 error
lda #$9F max size = 39.75k ($2000-$BF00)
sta rdlen+1
stz rdlen
jsr MLI read 'atinit' file to 'sysentry'
.DA #$CA
.DA rdparm
bne H23E2 error - too big
jsr MLI close 'atinit' file
.DA #$CC
.DA clparm
bne H23E2 error
lda RROMBNK2 enable ROM
jsr sysentry execute ATinit
H23DF jmp goloadint execute .system file
* fatal error
H23E2 ldx $23F0 BUG: should be ATINIT.ERR
H23E5 lda $23F0,x BUG: should be ATINIT.ERR
sta vline16,x
bne H23E5
beq *
ATINIT.ERR .DA #$1A length of message
.AS -"Unable to load ATInit file"
gfi_list .DA #$0A
.DA atinitname
.HS 00
gfi_type .HS 00000000
.HS 0000000000000000
.HS 0000
atopen .HS 03
.DA atinitname
.DA iobuf i/o buffer
.HS 01 ref# hard coded since no other files
atinitname .DA #06 length of name
.AS -"atinit" name of appletalk config file
lda /dbuf search directory buffer
sta idxl+1
lda #$04 start 1 entry past header
bne H2434 always.
H2432 lda idxl calc next entry position
H2434 clc
adc dbuf+35 inc to next entry address
sta idxl
bcs H2451 branch if page cross.
adc dbuf+35 test for end of block.
bcc H2453 branch if not page cross
lda idxl+1
lsr end of block?
bcc H2453 no.
cmp #$09 end of directory?
bne H244D no.
jmp nointrp no interpreter, go quit.
H244D lda #$04 reset index to 1st entry in next block.
sta idxl
H2451 inc idxl+1 inc to next page.
H2453 ldy #$10 check file type.
lda #$FF must be a prodos sys file
eor (idxl),y
bne H2432 if not sys.
tay see if active
lda (idxl),y
beq H2432 if deleted file.
and #$0F strip file 'kind'.
sta pbuf save length of name.
cmp #$08 must be at least 'x.system'
bcc H2432 else, ignore it.
tay compare last 7 chars for '.system'
ldx #$06
H246C lda (idxl),y
eor iterp,x
bne H2432 branch if something else
bpl H246C
ldy #$00
H247A iny
lda (idxl),y
sta pbuf,y
ora #$80 msb on so can be displayed if error
sta iomess+$11,y
cpy pbuf
bne H247A
lda #$A0 space after name
sta iomess+$12,y
tya error message length
adc #$13 (carry set)
sta ierlen
jsr MLI open interpreter file
.DA #$C8
.DA opparm
bne badlod
jsr MLI get eof (length of file)
.DA #$D1
.DA efparm
bne badlod
lda eof+2
bne toolong
lda eof+1
cmp #$9F max size = 39.75k ($2000-$BF00)
bcs toolong
sta rdlen+1
lda eof
sta rdlen (read entire file)
jsr MLI read interpreter file
.DA #$CA
.DA rdparm
beq H24C8 go close if successfully read.
cmp #$56 memory conflict?
beq toolong then too large
bne badlod else, unable to load.
H24C8 jsr MLI close interpreter file
.DA #$CC
.DA clparm
bne badlod hopefully never taken
* if booting on a //c then see if esc is in keyboard buffer
* and clear it. it may have been pressed to shift speed
* of accelerator chip
lda cflag
beq H24DF taken if not booting on a //c
lda kbd else, check for keypress
cmp #$9B escape?
bne H24DF if not.
sta KBDSTROBE clear keyboard
H24DF lda RROMBNK2 enable ROM
jmp sysentry go run interpreter
cflag .HS 00 set if a //c.
nointrp jsr MLI no interpreter found,so quit.
.DA #$65
.DA quitparm
badlod ldy ierlen center the error message
lda #$27
sbc ierlen
adc ierlen
H24FA lda iomess,y
sta vline16,x
bpl H24FA
bmi H2511
toolong ldy #$1E
H2508 lda lgmess,y
sta vline16+5,y
bpl H2508
H2511 bmi H2511
lgmess .AS -"** System program too large **"
iomess .AS -"** Unable to load"
.AS -" X.System *********"
ierlen .HS 00
opparm .HS 03
.DA pbuf
.DA iobuf
.HS 01
efparm .HS 02
.DA #01
eof .HS 000000 length of file.
rdparm .HS 04
.HS 01
.DA sysentry
rdlen .HS 0000
.HS 0000
clparm .HS 01
.HS 00
quitparm .HS 04
.HS 00
.HS 0000
.HS 00
.HS 0000
iterp .AS -".SYSTEM" interpreter suffix that is required
licode.end .EP
* 16 bytes moved to $03F0 vectors
H257B .DA breakv
@ -741,6 +523,584 @@ H2620 clc
LDR.Test128.len .EQ *-LDR.Test128
LDR.Splash cld
sta CLR80DISP disable 80 col hardware
sta CLR80STORE disable 80 col store
jsr setnorm set normal text mode
jsr init init text screen
jsr setvid reset output to screen
jsr setkbd reset input to keyboard
jsr home
ldx #$07
.1 lda LDR.MSG.16,x
sta vline10+16,x
bpl .1
ldx #$1D
.2 lda LDR.MSG.12,x
sta vline12+5,x
bpl .2
ldx #$0B
.3 lda LDR.MSG.14,x
sta vline14+14,x
bpl .3
ldx #$26
.4 lda LDR.MSG.23,x
sta vline23,x
bpl .4
ldx #$13
.5 lda LDR.MSG.10,x
sta vline24+10,x
bpl .5
jsr idroutine returns system info
bcs .8 taken if not a //gs
lda #$80
trb newvideo video mode select
.8 bit $C000
bpl .8
sta $C010
* find all disk devices in system slots and set up address
* and device table in prodos global page. if there is a disk
* card in slot 2 then limit the # of devices in slot 5
* smartport to only 2
numdev2 .HS 0000000000000000 8 bytes for smartport call
driveradr .DA 0
d2idx .DA #0
diskins2 .DA #0 msb clear if drive in slot 2
devsrch stz dst
stz dst+1
stz idxl
ldx #$FF init to no active devices.
stx numdevs count (-1) active devices.
lda #$0E start disk // area at end of devlist.
sta d2idx
* check slot 2. if there is a disk card then clear the msb of diskins2. this
* will limit the # of devices in any slot 5 spartport card to 2.
lda #$C2
sta idxl+1 check slot 2
jsr cmpid is there a disk in slot 2 ?
ror diskins2 if so, clear msb else set it.
lda #$C7 search slots from high to low
sta idxl+1
H26AB jsr cmpid
bcs H270C if no ProDOS device in this slot.
lda (idxl),y check last byte of $Cn rom (y = $ff)
beq diskii branch if 16 sector disk II.
cmp #$FF if = $FF then 13 sector disk II.
bcs H270C ignore if 13 sector boot ROM
sta driveradr else assume it's an intelligent disk.
ldy #$07 check for a smartport device.
lda (idxl),y
bne H26C4 no smartport
jmp smartprt
H26C4 ldy #$FE
lda (idxl),y get attributes.
and #$03 verify it provides read and status calls.
cmp #$03
sec assume it's an off-brand disk
bne H270C
jsr setdevid set up the devid byte from attributes
php remember that it's not a disk //.
lsr move # of units (0=1, 1=2) to carry.
lda idxl+1 store hi entry addr (low already done)
bne H26E6 branch always.
diskii sta devid =0 since disk ii's have null attributes
php remember it's a disk //
lda #RWTS
sta driveradr
lda /RWTS
H26E6 sta driveradr+1
jsr installdev install 1 or 2 devices from this slot.
plp get back if it's a disk // (carry).
bcc nxtdsk2 if not disk //.
dex move the list pointer back by 2 devices
stx numdevs count (-1) active devices
dec d2idx increase the disk two index
dec d2idx
ldy d2idx
inx adj since device count starts with $FF.
lda devlist+1,x get entries for disk //
sta devlist,y move then toward the end of the list
lda devlist,x
sta devlist+1,y
dex back to numdevs again
nxtdsk2 clc
H270C jsr sltrom test for ROM in given slot and set flags
dec idxl+1 next lower slot.
lda idxl+1
and #$07 have all slots been checked ?
bne H26AB no.
* perform the new device search, mapping unmounted smartport devices
* to empty slots in the device table.
jsr newmount
* now copy the disk // list to the end of the regular list.
* start by making the device count include disk //'s
ldx numdevs current device count - 1
lda #$0E
sbc d2idx
beq H2747 if there were no disk //'s then done.
adc numdevs sum of disk //'s and others.
sta numdevs
inx move to open space in regular list.
ldy #$0D first disk // entry.
H272F lda devlist,y
lda devlist,x
sta devlist,y
sta devlist,x
sty d2idx use as a temp
cpx d2idx
bcc H272F continue until indexes cross
H2747 ldy #$00
ldx numdevs now change the device order so that
H274C lda devlist,x the boot device will have highest
pha priority.
and #$7F strip off high bit
eor devnum for comparison.
bne H275A
H275A dex
bpl H274C
ldx numdevs now reverse order of search, hi to lo.
tya was boot device found ?
beq H2777
lda devnum make boot device 1st in search order.
sta devlist,x
bmi H277E branch if only one device.
dey is this a 2 drive device ?
beq H2777 branch if not.
eor #$80 make boot device, drive 2 next.
sta devlist,x
bmi H277E branch if only 1 device, 2 drives.
H2777 pla
sta devlist,x
bpl H2777
H277E jsr fndtrd save accumulated machine id.
beq H2787
sta machid machine ID byte
H2787 jmp H25B6
stadrv ora devid combine with attributes.
ldx numdevs
inx put device # into device list.
sta devlist,x
asl now form drive 2 device number, if any.
sltrom bcc H27F3 branch if disk drive
* test for clock card
ldy #$06
H2799 lda (idxl),y
cmp dskid,y
bne H27BA no clock
bpl H2799
lda idxl+1 transfer hi slot address
sbc #$C1 minus $C1 (default) to relocate
sta clock64 references to clock rom.
lda #$4C enable jump vector in globals.
sta clockv P8 clock vector.
lda idapple mark clock as present.
beq H277E
ora #$01
sta idapple xxxxxxx1 = clock present.
bne H27F3 always taken.
* test for 80 col card
H27BA ldy #$05
lda (idxl),y
cmp #$38
bne H27E4
ldy #$07
lda (idxl),y
cmp #$18
bne H27E4
ldy #$0B
lda (idxl),y
dec must = 1
bne H27E4
lda (idxl),y
and #$F0 mask off low nibble.
cmp #$80 generic for 80-col card.
bne H27E4
lda idapple
beq H277E
ora #$02
sta idapple xxxxxx1x = 80 col card.
bne H27F3 always taken.
* test for any other rom
H27E4 ldx #$00
lda (idxl)
cmp #$FF apple /// non-slot?
beq H2801 invalid rom
H27EC cmp (idxl) look for floating bus
bne H2801 no rom
bne H27EC
H27F3 lda idxl+1 mark a bit in slot byte
and #$07 to indicate rom present.
lda sltbit,x
ora rommap mark bit to flag rom present
sta rommap slot ROM bit map
H2801 rts
* id bytes: evens for clock, odds for disk
dskid .HS 082028005803703C
* slot bits
sltbit .HS 0002040810204080
fndtrd clc
ldy sltbit
H2818 lda (lookptr),y
and #$DF
adc sltbit
sta sltbit
rol sltbit
cpy sltbit+3
bne H2818
eor sltbit
adc #$0B
bne H283B
lda idapple
H283B lda #$00
installdev php how many drives (carry).
lda idxl+1 get index to global device table
and #$07 for this slot...
tay into y reg.
asl now form device # = slot #
asl in high nibble.
jsr stadrv OR in low nibble, store in dev list.
plp restore # of devices in carry.
ror if 2 drives, then bit 7=1.
bpl H2853 branch if a 1 drive device (e.g. hard drive)
inx else presume that 2nd drive is present.
sta devlist,x active device list.
H2853 stx numdevs save updated device count.
asl shift # of drives back into carry.
lda driveradr get high address of device driver.
sta drivertbl1,y device driver table 1.
bcc H2862 branch if single drive.
sta drivertbl2,y device driver table 2.
H2862 lda driveradr+1
sta drivertbl1+1,y
bcc H286D
sta drivertbl2+1,y
H286D rts
* query smartport status to determine # of devices
* and install up to 4 units in table if card is in slot 5
* otherwise only 2 units. this includes a patch #74
smartprt jsr setdevid setup the devid byte from attributes
lda idxl+1
sta driveradr+1
lda driveradr
sta pscall+1 modify operand
adc #$03
sta spvect+1
lda driveradr+1
sta spvect+2
sta pscall+2 modify operand
asl convert $Cn to $n0
sta unitnum unit number
stz A4L force a prodos status call
stz buf dummy pointer
stz bloknml # of bytes to transfer
stz bloknml+1
lda #$10
sta buf+1 dummy pointer should be <> 0
* do a prodos status call patched in from above
pscall jsr $0000 self modifying code
ldy #$FB
lda (idxl),y check device id
and #$02 SCSI?
beq H28B1 no, no need to init Cocoon
sta statunit device = 2 for SCSI
* initialize SCSI Cocoon to build internal device tables
* and report true # of devices attached
jsr spvect status of Cocoon
.HS 00
.DA spcparms ignore any errors.
H28B1 stz statunit set unit# = 0
jsr spvect call to get the device count.
.HS 00 this is a status call
.DA spcparms
lda numdev2
beq donesp no devices, so done.
cmp #$02 carry set if 2,3,4
jsr installdev do the 1st and 2nd device if exists.
lda idxl+1
cmp #$C5
bne donesp if not slot 5
* for slot 5, if there is a disk card in slot 2
* then only install 2 devices otherwise map
* extra devices as slot 2
bit diskins2 disk in slot 2 ?
bpl donesp yes - so done
lda numdev2
cmp #$03 carry set if 3,4,...
bcc donesp
cmp #$04 carry set if 4,5,6,...
lda #$C2 map extra devices as slot 2
sta idxl+1
jsr installdev
lda #$C5
sta idxl+1
donesp jmp nxtdsk2 it's a disk device.
setdevid ldy #$FE check attributes byte.
lda (idxl),y
lsr move hi nibble to lo nibble for
lsr device table entries.
sta devid
* check unknown card to see if disk id = $Cn00:nn 20 nn 00 nn 03
cmpid lda CLRC8ROM switch out $C8 ROMs
ldy #$05
H28F6 lda (idxl),y compare id bytes
cmp dskid,y
sec set if no disk card
bne H2903
bpl H28F6 loop until all 4 id bytes match.
clc clear if disk card
H2903 rts
* smartport call parameters
spcparms .DA #$03 # of parms
statunit .DA #$00 unit number (code for smartport stat)
.DA numdev2
.DA #00 status code (0 = general status)
* indexes into driver table
driveridx .DA #$06
.DA #$1E
.DA #$0E
.DA #$1C
.DA #$0C
.DA #$1A
.DA #$0A
.DA #$14
.DA #$04
.DA #$12
.DA #$02
.DA #$18
.DA #$08
* self modifying jmp = smartport entry address
spvect jmp $0000 self modifying
newmount stz idxl
lda #$C7 start with slot 7 ($C700)
sta idxl+1
H291F jsr H29EB is there a smartport device here?
bcs H2974 no, next device.
ldy #$FF get smartport address.
lda (idxl),y
adc #$03 add 3 for smartport call
sta spvect+1
lda idxl+1
sta spvect+2
jsr setdevid set up device attributes
stz statunit
jsr spvect do a status call on smartport itself
.HS 00
.DA spcparms
lda numdev2 # of devices on smartport
cmp #$03
bcc H2974 only 2 devices,skip to next one.
inc add 1 for comparisons.
sta driveradr # of devices + 1.
lda #$03 start at unit #3 (non-slot 5)
ldx spvect+2
cpx #$C5 is this slot 5?
bne H295B no, start at 3.
bit diskins2 disk controller in slot 2?
bpl H295B yes, so allow remapping of s5 devices
lda #$05 else start looking at unit #5
* find block devices on this smartport
H295B cmp driveradr have we done all units in this slot?
bcs H2974 yes, skip to next slot.
sta statunit store the unit#.
jsr spvect do status call
.HS 00
.DA spcparms
lda numdev2 is this a block device?
bmi mount yes, so mount it.
H296E lda statunit go check the next unit#
bra H295B
H2974 dec idxl+1
lda idxl+1
cmp #$C0 searched down to slot 0?
bne H291F if not.
mount ldx #$0C
H297F ldy driveridx,x
lda drivertbl1,y device driver table 1
cmp #nodevice
bne H2990
lda drivertbl1+1,y
cmp /nodevice
beq H2994
H2990 dex
bpl H297F
rts ran out of space for devices, exit.
* empty slot found
H2994 lda idxl+1
tya which slot is empty?
lsr shift into slot#
and #$07 now 1-7
ora #$C0 now $C1-$C7
sta idxl+1
jsr H29EB smartport interface in this slot?
sta idxl+1
bcc H2990 yes, can't use to mirror the device.
jsr lc1in write enable LC ram bank 1.
tya divide index by 2
lda statunit
sta spunit-1,x store the smartport unit #
lda spvect+1 and entry address.
sta spvectlo-1,x
lda spvect+2
sta spvecthi-1,x
lda RROMBNK2 write protect lc ram.
inc numdevs
ldx numdevs
cmp #$08
bcc nodev2 drive 2 mount
sbc #$08
ora #$08
nodev2 asl
ora devid include device attributes
sta devlist,x in the active device list.
lda #remap_sp
sta drivertbl1,y device driver table 1
lda /remap_sp
sta drivertbl1+1,y
bra H296E
H29EB jsr cmpid is it a disk controller?
bcs H29F8 no, so return.
sec assume no smartport
ldy #$07
lda (idxl),y is it a smartport?
bne H29F8 if not.
clc smartport found
H29F8 rts
@ -1,589 +1,6 @@
AUTO 3,1
LDR.Splash cld
sta CLR80DISP disable 80 col hardware
sta CLR80STORE disable 80 col store
jsr setnorm set normal text mode
jsr init init text screen
jsr setvid reset output to screen
jsr setkbd reset input to keyboard
jsr home
ldx #$07
.1 lda LDR.MSG.AppleII,x
sta vline10+16,x
bpl .1
ldx #$1D
.2 lda LDR.MSG.ProDOS,x
sta vline12+5,x
bpl .2
ldx #$0B
.3 lda H202F,x
sta vline14+14,x
bpl .3
ldx #$26
.4 lda LDR.MSG.Copyright,x
sta vline23,x
bpl .4
ldx #$13
.5 lda LDR.MSG.Reserved,x
sta vline24+10,x
bpl .5
jsr idroutine returns system info
bcs .8 taken if not a //gs
lda #$80
trb newvideo video mode select
.8 bit $C000
bpl .8
sta $C010
* find all disk devices in system slots and set up address
* and device table in prodos global page. if there is a disk
* card in slot 2 then limit the # of devices in slot 5
* smartport to only 2
numdev2 .HS 0000000000000000 8 bytes for smartport call
driveradr .DA 0
d2idx .DA #0
diskins2 .DA #0 msb clear if drive in slot 2
devsrch stz dst
stz dst+1
stz idxl
ldx #$FF init to no active devices.
stx numdevs count (-1) active devices.
lda #$0E start disk // area at end of devlist.
sta d2idx
* check slot 2. if there is a disk card then clear the msb of diskins2. this
* will limit the # of devices in any slot 5 spartport card to 2.
lda #$C2
sta idxl+1 check slot 2
jsr cmpid is there a disk in slot 2 ?
ror diskins2 if so, clear msb else set it.
lda #$C7 search slots from high to low
sta idxl+1
H26AB jsr cmpid
bcs H270C if no ProDOS device in this slot.
lda (idxl),y check last byte of $Cn rom (y = $ff)
beq diskii branch if 16 sector disk II.
cmp #$FF if = $FF then 13 sector disk II.
bcs H270C ignore if 13 sector boot ROM
sta driveradr else assume it's an intelligent disk.
ldy #$07 check for a smartport device.
lda (idxl),y
bne H26C4 no smartport
jmp smartprt
H26C4 ldy #$FE
lda (idxl),y get attributes.
and #$03 verify it provides read and status calls.
cmp #$03
sec assume it's an off-brand disk
bne H270C
jsr setdevid set up the devid byte from attributes
php remember that it's not a disk //.
lsr move # of units (0=1, 1=2) to carry.
lda idxl+1 store hi entry addr (low already done)
bne H26E6 branch always.
diskii sta devid =0 since disk ii's have null attributes
php remember it's a disk //
lda #RWTS
sta driveradr
lda /RWTS
H26E6 sta driveradr+1
jsr installdev install 1 or 2 devices from this slot.
plp get back if it's a disk // (carry).
bcc nxtdsk2 if not disk //.
dex move the list pointer back by 2 devices
stx numdevs count (-1) active devices
dec d2idx increase the disk two index
dec d2idx
ldy d2idx
inx adj since device count starts with $FF.
lda devlist+1,x get entries for disk //
sta devlist,y move then toward the end of the list
lda devlist,x
sta devlist+1,y
dex back to numdevs again
nxtdsk2 clc
H270C jsr sltrom test for ROM in given slot and set flags
dec idxl+1 next lower slot.
lda idxl+1
and #$07 have all slots been checked ?
bne H26AB no.
* perform the new device search, mapping unmounted smartport devices
* to empty slots in the device table.
jsr newmount
* now copy the disk // list to the end of the regular list.
* start by making the device count include disk //'s
ldx numdevs current device count - 1
lda #$0E
sbc d2idx
beq H2747 if there were no disk //'s then done.
adc numdevs sum of disk //'s and others.
sta numdevs
inx move to open space in regular list.
ldy #$0D first disk // entry.
H272F lda devlist,y
lda devlist,x
sta devlist,y
sta devlist,x
sty d2idx use as a temp
cpx d2idx
bcc H272F continue until indexes cross
H2747 ldy #$00
ldx numdevs now change the device order so that
H274C lda devlist,x the boot device will have highest
pha priority.
and #$7F strip off high bit
eor devnum for comparison.
bne H275A
H275A dex
bpl H274C
ldx numdevs now reverse order of search, hi to lo.
tya was boot device found ?
beq H2777
lda devnum make boot device 1st in search order.
sta devlist,x
bmi H277E branch if only one device.
dey is this a 2 drive device ?
beq H2777 branch if not.
eor #$80 make boot device, drive 2 next.
sta devlist,x
bmi H277E branch if only 1 device, 2 drives.
H2777 pla
sta devlist,x
bpl H2777
H277E jsr fndtrd save accumulated machine id.
beq H2787
sta machid machine ID byte
H2787 jmp H25B6
stadrv ora devid combine with attributes.
ldx numdevs
inx put device # into device list.
sta devlist,x
asl now form drive 2 device number, if any.
sltrom bcc H27F3 branch if disk drive
* test for clock card
ldy #$06
H2799 lda (idxl),y
cmp dskid,y
bne H27BA no clock
bpl H2799
lda idxl+1 transfer hi slot address
sbc #$C1 minus $C1 (default) to relocate
sta clock64 references to clock rom.
lda #$4C enable jump vector in globals.
sta clockv P8 clock vector.
lda idapple mark clock as present.
beq H277E
ora #$01
sta idapple xxxxxxx1 = clock present.
bne H27F3 always taken.
* test for 80 col card
H27BA ldy #$05
lda (idxl),y
cmp #$38
bne H27E4
ldy #$07
lda (idxl),y
cmp #$18
bne H27E4
ldy #$0B
lda (idxl),y
dec must = 1
bne H27E4
lda (idxl),y
and #$F0 mask off low nibble.
cmp #$80 generic for 80-col card.
bne H27E4
lda idapple
beq H277E
ora #$02
sta idapple xxxxxx1x = 80 col card.
bne H27F3 always taken.
* test for any other rom
H27E4 ldx #$00
lda (idxl)
cmp #$FF apple /// non-slot?
beq H2801 invalid rom
H27EC cmp (idxl) look for floating bus
bne H2801 no rom
bne H27EC
H27F3 lda idxl+1 mark a bit in slot byte
and #$07 to indicate rom present.
lda sltbit,x
ora rommap mark bit to flag rom present
sta rommap slot ROM bit map
H2801 rts
* id bytes: evens for clock, odds for disk
dskid .HS 082028005803703C
* slot bits
sltbit .HS 0002040810204080
fndtrd clc
ldy sltbit
H2818 lda (lookptr),y
and #$DF
adc sltbit
sta sltbit
rol sltbit
cpy sltbit+3
bne H2818
eor sltbit
adc #$0B
bne H283B
lda idapple
H283B lda #$00
installdev php how many drives (carry).
lda idxl+1 get index to global device table
and #$07 for this slot...
tay into y reg.
asl now form device # = slot #
asl in high nibble.
jsr stadrv OR in low nibble, store in dev list.
plp restore # of devices in carry.
ror if 2 drives, then bit 7=1.
bpl H2853 branch if a 1 drive device (e.g. hard drive)
inx else presume that 2nd drive is present.
sta devlist,x active device list.
H2853 stx numdevs save updated device count.
asl shift # of drives back into carry.
lda driveradr get high address of device driver.
sta drivertbl1,y device driver table 1.
bcc H2862 branch if single drive.
sta drivertbl2,y device driver table 2.
H2862 lda driveradr+1
sta drivertbl1+1,y
bcc H286D
sta drivertbl2+1,y
H286D rts
* query smartport status to determine # of devices
* and install up to 4 units in table if card is in slot 5
* otherwise only 2 units. this includes a patch #74
smartprt jsr setdevid setup the devid byte from attributes
lda idxl+1
sta driveradr+1
lda driveradr
sta pscall+1 modify operand
adc #$03
sta spvect+1
lda driveradr+1
sta spvect+2
sta pscall+2 modify operand
asl convert $Cn to $n0
sta unitnum unit number
stz A4L force a prodos status call
stz buf dummy pointer
stz bloknml # of bytes to transfer
stz bloknml+1
lda #$10
sta buf+1 dummy pointer should be <> 0
* do a prodos status call patched in from above
pscall jsr $0000 self modifying code
ldy #$FB
lda (idxl),y check device id
and #$02 SCSI?
beq H28B1 no, no need to init Cocoon
sta statunit device = 2 for SCSI
* initialize SCSI Cocoon to build internal device tables
* and report true # of devices attached
jsr spvect status of Cocoon
.HS 00
.DA spcparms ignore any errors.
H28B1 stz statunit set unit# = 0
jsr spvect call to get the device count.
.HS 00 this is a status call
.DA spcparms
lda numdev2
beq donesp no devices, so done.
cmp #$02 carry set if 2,3,4
jsr installdev do the 1st and 2nd device if exists.
lda idxl+1
cmp #$C5
bne donesp if not slot 5
* for slot 5, if there is a disk card in slot 2
* then only install 2 devices otherwise map
* extra devices as slot 2
bit diskins2 disk in slot 2 ?
bpl donesp yes - so done
lda numdev2
cmp #$03 carry set if 3,4,...
bcc donesp
cmp #$04 carry set if 4,5,6,...
lda #$C2 map extra devices as slot 2
sta idxl+1
jsr installdev
lda #$C5
sta idxl+1
donesp jmp nxtdsk2 it's a disk device.
setdevid ldy #$FE check attributes byte.
lda (idxl),y
lsr move hi nibble to lo nibble for
lsr device table entries.
sta devid
* check unknown card to see if disk id = $Cn00:nn 20 nn 00 nn 03
cmpid lda CLRC8ROM switch out $C8 ROMs
ldy #$05
H28F6 lda (idxl),y compare id bytes
cmp dskid,y
sec set if no disk card
bne H2903
bpl H28F6 loop until all 4 id bytes match.
clc clear if disk card
H2903 rts
* smartport call parameters
spcparms .DA #$03 # of parms
statunit .DA #$00 unit number (code for smartport stat)
.DA numdev2
.DA #00 status code (0 = general status)
* indexes into driver table
driveridx .DA #$06 s3, d1
.DA #$1E s7, d2
.DA #$0E s7, d1
.DA #$1C s6, d2
.DA #$0C s6, d1
.DA #$1A s5, d2
.DA #$0A s5, d1
.DA #$14 s2, d2
.DA #$04 s2, d1
.DA #$12 s1, d2
.DA #$02 s1, d1
.DA #$18 s4, d2
.DA #$08 s4, d1
* self modifying jmp = smartport entry address
spvect jmp $0000 self modifying
newmount stz idxl
lda #$C7 start with slot 7 ($C700)
sta idxl+1
H291F jsr H29EB is there a smartport device here?
bcs H2974 no, next device.
ldy #$FF get smartport address.
lda (idxl),y
adc #$03 add 3 for smartport call
sta spvect+1
lda idxl+1
sta spvect+2
jsr setdevid set up device attributes
stz statunit
jsr spvect do a status call on smartport itself
.HS 00
.DA spcparms
lda numdev2 # of devices on smartport
cmp #$03
bcc H2974 only 2 devices,skip to next one.
inc add 1 for comparisons.
sta driveradr # of devices + 1.
lda #$03 start at unit #3 (non-slot 5)
ldx spvect+2
cpx #$C5 is this slot 5?
bne H295B no, start at 3.
bit diskins2 disk controller in slot 2?
bpl H295B yes, so allow remapping of s5 devices
lda #$05 else start looking at unit #5
* find block devices on this smartport
H295B cmp driveradr have we done all units in this slot?
bcs H2974 yes, skip to next slot.
sta statunit store the unit#.
jsr spvect do status call
.HS 00
.DA spcparms
lda numdev2 is this a block device?
bmi mount yes, so mount it.
H296E lda statunit go check the next unit#
bra H295B
H2974 dec idxl+1
lda idxl+1
cmp #$C0 searched down to slot 0?
bne H291F if not.
mount ldx #$0C
H297F ldy driveridx,x
lda drivertbl1,y device driver table 1
cmp #nodevice
bne H2990
lda drivertbl1+1,y
cmp /nodevice
beq H2994
H2990 dex
bpl H297F
rts ran out of space for devices, exit.
* empty slot found
H2994 lda idxl+1
tya which slot is empty?
lsr shift into slot#
and #$07 now 1-7
ora #$C0 now $C1-$C7
sta idxl+1
jsr H29EB smartport interface in this slot?
sta idxl+1
bcc H2990 yes, can't use to mirror the device.
jsr lc1in write enable LC ram bank 1.
tya divide index by 2
lda statunit
sta spunit-1,x store the smartport unit #
lda spvect+1 and entry address.
sta spvectlo-1,x
lda spvect+2
sta spvecthi-1,x
lda RROMBNK2 write protect lc ram.
inc numdevs
ldx numdevs
cmp #$08
bcc nodev2 drive 2 mount
sbc #$08
ora #$08
nodev2 asl
ora devid include device attributes
sta devlist,x in the active device list.
lda #remap_sp
sta drivertbl1,y device driver table 1
lda /remap_sp
sta drivertbl1+1,y
bra H296E
H29EB jsr cmpid is it a disk controller?
bcs H29F8 no, so return.
sec assume no smartport
ldy #$07
lda (idxl),y is it a smartport?
bne H29F8 if not.
clc smartport found
H29F8 rts
* relocation subroutine. on entry, regs yx = address of parameter table
* with the following parameters:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ NEW
.OP 65816
.OR $2000
@ -176,9 +176,14 @@ gbuf .EQ $DC00 general purpose 512 byte block buffer
ILDR .PH $800
Reference in New Issue
Block a user