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synced 2025-02-11 15:31:09 +00:00
Kernel 0.94
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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ NEW
IO.D2.SeekTimeR .EQ 160 LIBBLKDEV Recalibration
IO.D2.SeekTimeF .EQ 85 LIBBLKDEV Track Formatter
IO.D2.SeekTimeB .EQ 85 LIBBLKDEV Boot Block
IO.D2.SeekTimeP .EQ 40 ProDOS.FX initial
IO.D2.SeekTimeP .EQ 60 ProDOS.FX initial
IO.D2.SeekTimeI .EQ 20 ProDOS.FX increment -> until > 128
IO.D2.Ph0Off .EQ $C080
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ jspare jmp * will be changed to point to dispatcher.
clockv rts changed to jmp ($4C) if clock present.
.DA XDOS.ClockDrv clock routine entry address.
GP.P8errv jmp XDOS.syserr error reporting hook.
sysdeath jmp sysdeath1 system failure hook.
GP.SysDeath jmp XDOS.SysDeath system failure hook.
p8error .DA #0
.DA nodevice
.DA nodevice
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ XDOS.IRQV ldx #$FA save 6 bytes of page 0
bne irqdone before system death.
lda #$01 bad irq so
jsr sysdeath kill the system.
jsr GP.SysDeath kill the system.
IRQ.FREE1 .EQ $ffc8-*
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ XDOS.syserr sta p8error P8 error code
sysdeath1 tax death error code.
XDOS.SysDeath tax death error code.
sta CLR80DISP disable 80 col hardware.
lda SETTEXT switch in text.
lda cortflag is this a Cortland?
@ -543,8 +543,7 @@ XDOS.GetFCBBufX lda FCBs+FCB.BUFID,x get page address of file buffer.
sta datptr index and data buffers always on
sta zpt page boundaries.
lda FCBs+FCB.DEVID,x also set up device #
sta devnum
jsr XDOS.FCBDevIDSelect
lda #VCB0
@ -563,7 +562,7 @@ nxtfvol tya adjust index to next vcb.
fcbdead lda #$0B fcb error so
jsr sysdeath kill the system.
jsr GP.SysDeath kill the system.
tstvopen lda VCBs,y make sure this vcb is open.
beq nxtfvol branch if it is not active.
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ H37C2 lda #MLI.E.INVPATH bad path (carry set)
lookfil0 stz nofree reset free entry indicator.
sec dir to be searched has header in this block.
L37C9 stz totent reset entry counter.
jsr XDOS.LookupNameInDirBlk look for name pointed to by pnptr.
@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ L37C9 stz totent reset entry counter.
bne L37EB or branch always.
L37E2 dec entcnth should be at least one
bpl L37EB so this should be branch always...
bra L37EB branch always...
errdir lda #MLI.E.BADDIR directory error
fnderr sec
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ XDOS.DeallocAX stx bmcnt high address of block.
lda bmcnt get map #
ldx vcbptr
sta VCBs+VCB.BMAPIDX,x and make it current.
sta VCBs+VCB.BMAPIDX,x and make it current.
lda bmadev
jsr gtbmap read it into buffer
bcs L3C8B
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ bmbufhi ora bmbuf,y this address + 2 is used as an absolute reference to bm
L3C7D lda #$80 mark bitmap as modified
tsb bmastat
inc deblock inc count of blocks deallocated
bne L3C8A
@ -190,14 +191,14 @@ L3D60 lda #MLI.E.VOLFULL request can't be filled
upbmap clc
lda bmastat is current map modified ?
bpl L3D5F no.
bpl .9 no.
jsr wrtbmap update device.
bcs L3D5F if error on writing.
bcs .9 if error on writing.
stz bmastat mark bitmap buffer as free
.9 rts
gtbmap sta bmadev read bitmap specified by dev and vcb.
@ -230,12 +231,10 @@ wrtbmap lda #$02 write command.
lda /bmbuf
* lda bmbufhi+2 address of the buffer (low = 0)
jsr XDOS.RWBlock
tax error code (if any).
pla restore current dev #
sta devnum
bcc L3DB6 and return it if no error.
txa error code
plx keep A=error code if CS
stx devnum
L3DB6 rts
@ -404,7 +403,7 @@ XDOS.PackGBuf.Bitmap .BS 2
XDOS.GetMark ldx fcbptr index to open fcb.
ldy #$02 index to user's mark parmeter.
ldy #$02 index to user's mark parameter.
.1 lda FCBs+FCB.MARK,x transfer current position
sta (A3L),y to user's parameter list
@ -499,7 +498,7 @@ L3E6B ldy fcbptr test to see if current index block
ldx levels is it a seed file ?
bne datlevel no, use current indexes.
bne datlevel1 no, use current indexes.
L3E89 lda tposlh is new position < 512 ?
@ -542,7 +541,7 @@ L3EA9 ldx levels be sure there is a top index
lda bloknml+1
sta FCBs+FCB.IBLK+1,y
bcc datlevel branch always
datlevel1 bra datlevel branch always
L3ED4 rts
@ -570,8 +569,22 @@ saplevel sta bloknml read in next lower index block.
lda (zpt),y (high address)
sta bloknml+1
dec zpt+1
jsr rfcbidx read in sapling level
bcs L3ED4
* jsr rfcbidx read in sapling level
lda #$01 prepare to read index block : read command
sta A4L
ldx #zpt address of current index buffer.
jsr fileio1 go read index block.
bcs L3ED4 error
ldy fcbptr
lda bloknml
sta FCBs+FCB.IBLK,y save block address of this index in fcb
lda bloknml+1
sta FCBs+FCB.IBLK+1,y
datlevel lda tposhi get block address of data block
@ -589,32 +602,16 @@ datlevel lda tposhi get block address of data block
lda #$01 show data block as never been allocated
dec zpt+1
L3F18 ldy fcbptr set status to show what's missing
ora FCBs+FCB.F,y
sta FCBs+FCB.F,y
L3F18 jsr XDOS.SetFCBStatus set status to show what's missing
lsr discard bit that says data block
lsr unallocated because carry indicates if
jsr zipdata index block is invalid and needs to be
bcc svmark zeroed. branch if it doesn't need zeroed
jsr zipdata index block is invalid and needs to be zeroed.
bcc svmark branch if it doesn't need zeroed
jsr zeroindex zero index block in user's i/o buffer
bra svmark
zeroindex lda #$00
L3F30 sta (zpt),y zero out the index half of the user's
iny i/o buffer
bne L3F30
inc zpt+1
L3F37 sta (zpt),y
bne L3F37
dec zpt+1 restore proper address
zipdata lda #$00
L3F42 sta (datptr),y zero out data area
@ -644,6 +641,7 @@ svmark ldy fcbptr update position in fcb
ldx #$02
L3F68 lda FCBs+FCB.MARK,y save old mark in case calling routine
sta oldmark,x fails later.
lda tposll,x
@ -670,8 +668,13 @@ dirmark cmp #$0D is it a directory ?
L3F9C lda scrtch recover results of previous subtraction.
lsr use difference as counter for how many
sta cntent blocks must be read to get to new pos'n.
lda FCBs+FCB.MARK+1,y test for positive direction
cmp tposlh indicated by carry.
lda FCBs+FCB.MARK+2,y
sbc tposhi
bcc L3FB9 if set, position forward. otherwise,
L3FAB ldy #$00 read directory file in reverse order.
@ -691,7 +694,7 @@ L3FB9 ldy #$02 position is forward from current.
bne L3FB9 loop if position not found in this block
beq svmark branch always.
dirpos1 lda (datptr),y get link address of previous or next
sta bloknml directory block.
cmp #$01 test for null byte into carry
@ -726,23 +729,23 @@ XDOS.ReadFCB.DBLK
L3FF2 rts
rfcbidx lda #$01 prepare to read index block : read command
sta A4L
*rfcbidx lda #$01 prepare to read index block : read command
* sta A4L
ldx #zpt address of current index buffer.
* ldx #zpt address of current index buffer.
jsr fileio1 go read index block.
bcs L400C error
* jsr fileio1 go read index block.
* bcs L400C error
ldy fcbptr
lda bloknml
sta FCBs+FCB.IBLK,y save block address of this index in fcb
lda bloknml+1
sta FCBs+FCB.IBLK+1,y
* ldy fcbptr
* lda bloknml
* sta FCBs+FCB.IBLK,y save block address of this index in fcb
* lda bloknml+1
* sta FCBs+FCB.IBLK+1,y
* clc
** clc
L400C rts
*L400C rts
wfcbfst jsr upbmap update the bitmap and write file's 1st block.
@ -752,33 +755,35 @@ wfcbfst jsr upbmap update the bitmap and write file's 1st block.
rfcbfst lda #$01 read command.
pha save the command
lda #$0C
lda #FCB.1stBLK
ora fcbptr add offset to fcbptr
ldx #$48 rd block into index portion of file buf
ldx #zpt rd block into index portion of file buf
dofileio sta A4L command
lda FCBs,y get disk block address from fcb.
sta bloknml block 0 not legal
bne L4031
cmp #$00 are both bytes 0 ?
bne L4031 no, continue request
bne .1
lda FCBs+1,y high address of disk block
bne .2
lda #$0C otherwise, allocation error.
jsr sysdeath doesn't return...
L4031 lda FCBs+FCB.DEVID,y high address of disk block
sta bloknml+1
lda #$0C Block = $0000, allocation error.
jsr GP.SysDeath doesn't return...
.1 lda FCBs+1,y
.2 sta bloknml+1
fileio1 lda $00,x get memory address of buffer from
sta buf page zero pointed to by x register
lda $01,x
sta buf+1 and pass address to device handler
ldy fcbptr
sta devnum along with device #.
jsr XDOS.FCBDevIDSelect
lda #$FF also, set to indicate reg call made to
sta ioaccess device handler.
lda devnum transfer device # for dispatcher
@ -787,18 +792,20 @@ fileio1 lda $00,x get memory address of buffer from
jmp XDOS.DevCall call the driver.
wfcbdat ldx #datptr point at memory address with x and
lda #$10 disk address with y.
lda #FCB.DBLK disk address with y.
ora fcbptr add offset to fcbptr
tay and put in y.
lda #$02 write data block.
jsr dofileio
bcs L4096 if errors.
lda #$BF mark data status as current.
bra L408D
bra XDOS.ResetFCBStatus
wfcbidx jsr upbmap update bitmap.
ldx #$48 point to address of index buffer
lda #$0E and block address of that index block.
ldx #zpt point to address of index buffer
lda #FCB.IBLK and block address of that index block.
ora fcbptr
lda #$02
@ -806,10 +813,12 @@ wfcbidx jsr upbmap update bitmap.
bcs L4096 if errors.
lda #$7F mark index status as current.
ldx fcbptr
and FCBs+FCB.F,x
sta FCBs+FCB.F,x
L408D ldy fcbptr change status byte to reflect
and FCBs+FCB.F,y successful disk file update.
sta FCBs+FCB.F,y (carry is unaffected)
L4096 rts
XDOS.Open jsr XDOS.FindFileOrVol look up the file.
@ -933,16 +942,17 @@ L4163 ldx vcbptr index to vcb.
inc VCBs+VCB.OFCNT,x add 1 to # of files currently open
ldx fcbptr index to fcb.
lda FCBs,x return ref # to user.
lda FCBs+FCB.ID,x return ref # to user.
ldy #$05
sta (A3L),y
* clc open is successful
tstopen lda #$00
sta cntent returns the ref # of a free fcb.
sta totent flag to indicate file already open.
sta fcbflg flag indicates a free fcb is available.
tstopen stz cntent returns the ref # of a free fcb.
stz totent flag to indicate file already open.
stz fcbflg flag indicates a free fcb is available.
lda #$00
L4188 tay index to next fcb.
ldx fcbflg test for free fcb found.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ L421F jsr rdposn set up data pointer.
beq L421F
sta cmdtemp save bulk block count.
jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus make sure current data area doesn't
jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus make sure current data area doesn't
and #$40 need writing before resetting ptr to
bne L421F read into user's area. branch if data
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ errfix1 pha save error code
sec error
rwdone ldy #$06 return total # of bytes actually read
sec derived from cbytes-rwreq.
lda cbytes
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ rwdone ldy #$06 return total # of bytes actually read
sbc rwreqh
sta (A3L),y
jmp rdposn leave with valid position in fcb.
preprw ldy fcbptr adj pointer to user's buffer to make
sec the transfer
lda usrbuf
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ L42F9 ldy tposll index to 1st data.
sta sos beginning of page.
ldx rwreql get low order count of requested bytes.
rts return statuses.
readpart txa x = low count of bytes to move.
bne L430F branch if request is not an even page.
@ -174,7 +174,9 @@ readpart txa x = low count of bytes to move.
beq L435D branch if nothing to do.
dec rwreqh
L430F dex
L4310 lda (sos),y move data to user's buffer
sta (usrbuf),y
bcs tstnewl test for newline 1st !
@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ L4366 stx rwreql and remainder of request count.
L4374 plp restore return statuses.
setvflg rts this byte ($60) is used to set v flag.
fxdatptr lda datptr put current user buffer address back to normal
sta usrbuf
lda datptr+1
@ -277,7 +279,6 @@ XDOS.ReadDir jsr rdposn
L43A6 lda FCBs+FCB.DBLK,x
sta (datptr),y
stz FCBs+FCB.DBLK,x mark current block as impossible
iny inc indexes to do both hi and low bytes
@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ L43B6 clc no error
L43B7 rts
L43B8 jmp errfix1 report how much xfer'd before error.
mvcbytes ldy #$04 move request count to a more accessable location
lda (A3L),y
sta cbytes
@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ mvcbytes ldy #$04 move request count to a more accessable location
lda FCBs+FCB.ACCESS,y a = attributes
clc and carry clear...
mvdbufr ldy #$02 move the pointer to user's buffer
lda (A3L),y to the block file manager
sta usrbuf z-page area
@ -312,14 +313,14 @@ mvdbufr ldy #$02 move the pointer to user's buffer
gfcbstyp ldy fcbptr return storage type
* this subroutine adds the requested byte count to mark and returns sum
* in scrtch and also returns mark in tpos and oldmark.
* on exit:
* y,x,a is unknown
* carry set indicates scrtch > eof
calcmrk ldx #$00
ldy fcbptr
@ -346,7 +347,7 @@ eoftest lda scrtch,x new mark in scrtch.
bpl eoftest no, test next lowest
L4414 rts
werreof jsr plus2fcb reset eof to pre-error position.
L4418 lda oldeof,x place oldeof back into fcb
@ -426,7 +427,7 @@ L4487 iny indexes and data block ?
jsr tstfrblk
bcs L44A2 pass back any errors.
jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus now get more specific.
jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus now get more specific.
and #$04 are we lacking a tree top ?
beq L44AC no, test for lack of sapling level index
@ -589,9 +590,22 @@ L457A jsr alcwblk get another block address for the sap
jsr wfcbfst save new top of tree
bcs L45B1
zeroindex lda #$00
L3F30 sta (zpt),y zero out the index half of the user's
iny i/o buffer
bne L3F30
jmp zeroindex zero index block in user's i/o buffer.
inc zpt+1
L3F37 sta (zpt),y
bne L3F37
dec zpt+1 restore proper address
sapdown jsr gfcbstyp find out if dealing with a tree.
cmp #$01 if seed then adj to file type is needed.
beq swapdown branch if seed
@ -651,8 +665,7 @@ tstwprot jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus check for 'never been modified' condition
and #$F0
bne tstwprot.8 ordinary rts if known write ok.
lda FCBs+FCB.DEVID,x get file's dev #.
sta devnum get current status of block device.
jsr XDOS.FCBDevIDSelect
twrprot1 sta unitnum make the device status call
@ -44,12 +44,10 @@ close2 ldx fcbptr
jsr relbuffr
bcs L46B6
* lda #$00
ldx fcbptr
jsr XDOS.FCBDevIDSelect
stz FCBs,x free fcb too
sta devnum go look for associated vcb
jsr XDOS.FindVCBForDevNum get vcb pointer.
dec VCBs+VCB.OFCNT,x indicate one less file open.
@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ L46F1 lda FCBs+FCB.ACCESS,x test to see if file is modified.
lda FCBs+FCB.DIRTY,x has eof been modified ?
bmi L4704 if yes.
jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus has data been modified ?
jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus has data been modified ?
and #$70 (was written to while it's been open?)
beq L46D9 if not.
@ -113,18 +111,16 @@ L4704 jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus
jsr wfcbdat if so, go write it.
bcs L46E6 if error.
L4710 jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus check to see if the index block (tree
L4710 jsr XDOS.GetFCBStatus check to see if the index block (tree
and #$80 files only) needs to be written.
beq L471C branch if not.
jsr wfcbidx
bcs L46E6 return any errors.
L471C ldx fcbptr
sta devnum A = d_dev
ldy #0
L471C ldy #0
jsr XDOS.FCBDevIDSelect X = FCBPtr
L4723 lda FCBs+FCB.DEVID,x note: this code depends on the defined
sta d_dev,y order of the file control block and the
@ -223,6 +219,12 @@ glberr ldy #$01
L47C1 pla
ldx fcbptr
sta devnum
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ detree lda stortyp which kind of tree ?
bcc L4C59 branch if it is.
lda #$0C block allocation error.
jsr sysdeath P8 system death vector
jsr GP.SysDeath P8 system death vector
* seedling file type - make sure first desirable block is the only
* block available in a seedling file.
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ cmembit txa page address
tay return it in y.
pla restore bit mask. return bit position
rts in a & y, pointer to memtabl in x.
valdbuf lda usrbuf+1 high address of user's buffer
cmp #$02 must be greater than page 2.
bcc L4E1E report bad buffer
@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ K.ReadDir.DIR1 lda (ZPPtr2) X = EntryCount In This Block
bcc .3
inc K.ReadDir.BufSize+1
.3 inx
bne .7
Reference in New Issue
Block a user