PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- * S.InsDrv * pDrv = .DRV File Loaded Address *-------------------------------------- S.InsDrv ldy #H.BIN.DRV.CODE.LEN lda (pDrv),y sta R.AL iny lda (pDrv),y sta R.AH ldy #H.BIN.DRV.CODE.O lda (pDrv),y clc adc S.LoadBin.AuxType sta R.BL iny lda (pDrv),y adc S.LoadBin.AuxType+1 sta R.BH set BX=End Of Code lda S.LoadBin.AuxType clc adc S.LoadBin.FileLen sta R.CL lda S.LoadBin.AuxType+1 adc S.LoadBin.FileLen+1 sta R.CH set CX=End Of Range ldy #H.BIN.DRV.CODE.O lda S.LoadBin.FileLen sec sbc (pDrv),y sta S.InsDrv.DRVLen iny lda S.LoadBin.FileLen+1 sbc (pDrv),y sta S.InsDrv.DRVLen+1 Compute DRV Len lda DevMgr.Free clc adc S.InsDrv.DRVLen sta S.InsDrv.DRVEnd lda DevMgr.Free+1 adc S.InsDrv.DRVLen+1 sta S.InsDrv.DRVEnd+1 bcs .98 we crossed $FFFF, out of mem lda S.InsDrv.DRVEnd sec sbc #DevMgr.HiMem lda S.InsDrv.DRVEnd+1 sbc /DevMgr.HiMem bcs .98 No More Room to load Driver.... lda DevMgr.LastDevID inc cmp #K.DEV.MAX beq .99 No Device Handle Left sta DevMgr.LastDevID ldy #H.BIN.DEV.HEADER.O lda (pDrv),y clc adc pDrv sta ZPQuickPtr1 iny lda (pDrv),y adc pDrv+1 sta ZPQuickPtr1+1 ldy #S.DEV.JMP lda DevMgr.Free sec sbc (ZPQuickPtr1),y sta R.DL lda DevMgr.Free+1 iny sbc (ZPQuickPtr1),y sta R.DH set DX=Offset ldy #H.BIN.DRV.CODE.O lda (pDrv),y clc adc pDrv pha iny lda (pDrv),y adc pDrv+1 ply jsr S.DrvRelocateYA jsr S.InsDrv.Move >LDYA S.InsDrv.DrvEnd >STYA DevMgr.Free clc rts .98 lda #DEVMGR.ERROOM sec rts .99 lda #DEVMGR.ERROOH sec rts *-------------------------------------- S.InsDrv.Move ldy #H.BIN.DEV.HEADER.O lda (pDrv),y clc adc pDrv sta ZPQuickPtr1 iny lda (pDrv),y adc pDrv+1 sta ZPQuickPtr1+1 ldy #S.DEV.JMP Relocate Main JMP lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y clc adc R.DL sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y iny lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y adc R.DH sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y lda DevMgr.LastDevID jsr S.GetDevByIDA >STYA pDev ldy #S.DEV.SIZE Make sure DevMgr.Table Ends with 0 lda #0 sta (pDev),y dey .1 lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y Copy DRV.Header sta (pDev),y dey bpl .1 lda DevMgr.LastDevID Save Dev.ID in the driver for SELECT ldy #S.DEV.ID sta (pDev),y ldy #H.BIN.DRV.CODE.O lda (pDrv),y clc adc pDrv sta ZPQuickPtr1 iny lda (pDrv),y adc pDrv+1 sta ZPQuickPtr1+1 Make ZPQuickPtr1=DRV.CODE lda DevMgr.Free sta ZPQuickPtr2 lda DevMgr.Free+1 sta ZPQuickPtr2+1 Make ZPQuickPtr2=Dest Ram Location ldy S.InsDrv.DrvLen ldx S.InsDrv.DrvLen+1 .2 lda (ZPQuickPtr1) sta (ZPQuickPtr2) inc ZPQuickPtr1 bne .3 inc ZPQuickPtr1+1 .3 inc ZPQuickPtr2 bne .4 inc ZPQuickPtr2+1 .4 tya bne .5 txa beq .8 dex .5 dey bra .2 .8 rts *-------------------------------------- S.InsDrv.DrvLen .BS 2 S.InsDrv.DrvEnd .BS 2 *-------------------------------------- * S.BinRelocateYA : * YA = Ptr to Code * R.AX = Code Length * R.BX = Range Start address to relocate * R.CX = Range End address to relocate * R.DX = offset to apply to all abs addresses between R.BX and R.CX *-------------------------------------- S.BinRelocateYA >STYA ZPQuickPtr1 ldy #H.BIN.JMP relocate Main JMP lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y clc adc R.DL sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y iny lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y adc R.DH sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y ldy #H.BIN.RELOC.TABLE skip Header, CS.SIZE & DS.SIZE... (16 bytes) bra S.JmpRelocate S.DrvRelocateYA >STYA ZPQuickPtr1 ldy #0 S.JmpRelocate lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y Start Relocate JMP table tax iny ora (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq S.CodeRelocate $0000 = end of table dey txa clc adc R.DL sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y iny lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y adc R.DH sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y iny bra S.JmpRelocate S.CodeRelocate lda ZPQuickPtr1 clc adc R.AL Make ZPQuickPtr2=End of code sta ZPQuickPtr2 =ZPQuickPtr1+AX (code len) lda ZPQuickPtr1+1 adc R.AH sta ZPQuickPtr2+1 iny tya add current offset in Y to Ptr clc adc ZPQuickPtr1 sta ZPQuickPtr1 bcc .5 inc ZPQuickPtr1+1 ZPQuickPtr1=Current Code PTR clc .5 lda (ZPQuickPtr1) get OPCODE tax lda OPCODES,x get OPCODE definition bpl .7 abs addressing? and #3 save Opcode length... pha ldy #1 lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y Get LO sec sbc R.BL iny lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y Get HI sbc R.BH bcc .6 addr < AX, out of range dey lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y Get LO sec sbc R.CL iny lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y Get HI sbc R.CH bcs .6 addr > CX, out of range dey lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y Get LO clc adc R.DL add DX to abs address sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y store relocated addr LO iny lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y Get HI adc R.DH sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y store relocated addr HI .6 pla .7 clc A = OPCODE length adc ZPQuickPtr1 sta ZPQuickPtr1 bcc .8 inc ZPQuickPtr1+1 .8 lda ZPQuickPtr1 is Current PTR < Code Limit ? sec sbc ZPQuickPtr2 lda ZPQuickPtr1+1 sbc ZPQuickPtr2+1 bcc .5 yes, continue relocating clc rts *-------------------------------------- * 65C02 OPCODES * Bit 7 : 1 absolute addressing * Bit 1-0 : opcode + @ length *-------------------------------------- * x0.x1.x2.x3.x4.x5.x6.x7.x8.x9.xA.xB.xC.xD.xE.xF OPCODES .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS .HS *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SYS/KERNEL.S.REL LOAD SYS/KERNEL.S ASM