NEW AUTO 3,1 *-------------------------------------- .MA DEBUG :1 bit $C000 bpl :1 sta $C010 .EM *-------------------------------------- READCAT .EQ 0 Boot Block read Catalog at $C00 *-------------------------------------- H2000 jmp prostart jmp atalkset jmp p16start *-------------------------------------- LDR.MSG.0 .AT "PRODOS FX:" LDR.MSG.UNSUPP .AT "UNSUPPORTED HARDWARE" LDR.MSG.IIe .AT "//e" LDR.MSG.IIc .AT "//c" LDR.MSG.IIgs .AT "IIgs" LDR.MSG.Unknown .AT "Unknown" LDR.MSG.CLK .AT "Clk" LDR.MSG.RAM .AT "/RAM" LDR.MSG.ROOTERR .AT "ERR reading CATALOG" *-------------------------------------- p16start inc LDR.BootFlag set = 2 for GQuit rts atalkset inc LDR.BootFlag set = 1 for appletalk rts prostart lda unitnum sta LDR.MLIOL.P+1 .DO READCAT=1 sta LDR.MLIRB.P+1 .FIN cld bit RROMBNK2 sta CLR80DISP sta CLR80STORE jsr setnorm jsr init jsr setvid jsr setkbd jsr home lda #$20 ldx #39 .1 sta $400,x dex bpl .1 ldx #LDR.MSG.0 jsr LDR.PrintX sec jsr idroutine returns system info bcs .2 taken if not a //gs lda #$80 trb newvideo video mode select * test for at least a 65c02 .2 sed lda #$99 clc adc #$01 cld bmi LDR.UNSUPP.HW stz auxsp sta SETALTZP stz auxsp lda auxsp bne LDR.UNSUPP.HW dec auxsp init aux sp to $FF lda auxsp beq LDR.UNSUPP.HW sta CLRALTZP lda auxsp bne LDR.UNSUPP.HW NO 128k LDR.CheckROM ldx #LDR.MSG.IIE lda #MACHID.T.IIe+MACHID.M.128+MACHID.COL80 ldy $FBB3 check hardware id cpy #$06 apple //e? beq .1 if yes cpy #$EA apple //+ or ///? beq LDR.UNSUPP.HW ldx #LDR.MSG.UNKNOWN bra m128k machine is unknown, Assume //e Enh 128k .1 ldy $FBC0 //c ? bne .2 ldy kbd //c, check for keypress cpy #$9B escape? (to disable accelerator) bne .11 sta KBDSTROBE clear keyboard .11 lda #MACHID.T.IIc+MACHID.M.128+MACHID.COL80 ldx #LDR.MSG.IIC bra m128k .2 cpy #$EA beq LDR.UNSUPP.HW //e UNenh.... cpy #$E0 beq .3 ldx #LDR.MSG.UNKNOWN bra m128k not a //e Enh.... .3 sec jsr $FE1F //gs ???? bcs m128k no..... inc LDR.cortland ldx #LDR.MSG.IIGS lda #MACHID.T.IIe+MACHID.M.128+MACHID.COL80+MACHID.CLK bra m128k LDR.UNSUPP.HW ldx #LDR.MSG.UNSUPP jsr LDR.PrintX bra * *-------------------------------------- m128k sta idapple Save MACHID in temp location sta SETALTCHAR jsr LDR.PrintX sta CLRC3ROM ldx #$F .2 lda LDR.3F0,x sta $3F0,x dex bpl .2 lda #$01 patch for the gs rom trb statereg to force off intcxrom lda PAKME.ILDR sta ZPInBufPtr lda PAKME.ILDR+1 sta ZPInBufPtr+1 lda #ILDR.START sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /ILDR.START sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak lda PAKME.GP sta ZPInBufPtr lda PAKME.GP+1 sta ZPInBufPtr+1 lda #MLI sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /MLI sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak jsr lc1in switch in language card bank 1. lda PAKME.XRW sta ZPInBufPtr lda PAKME.XRW+1 sta ZPInBufPtr+1 lda #$D000 sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /$D000 sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak ldx #0 .1 * stz $D700,x stz $D800,x stz $D900,x stz $DA00,x stz $DB00,x stz $DC00,x stz $DD00,x inx bne .1 lda PAKME.XDOS sta ZPInBufPtr lda PAKME.XDOS+1 sta ZPInBufPtr+1 lda #$DE00 sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /$DE00 sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak ldx #XDOS.DATA.LEN0 .3 stz XDOS.DATA-1,x dex bne .3 lda PAKME.IRQ sta ZPInBufPtr lda PAKME.IRQ+1 sta ZPInBufPtr+1 lda #$FF9B sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /$FF9B sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak LDR.IRQ lda RROMWRAMBNK2 ldy irqv interrupt vector ldx irqv+1 x = high byte jsr lc1in set language card bank 1 to r/w sta SETALTZP stx irqv+1 interrupt vector sty irqv save irq vector in aux lc sta CLRALTZP stx irqv+1 save irq vector in main lc sty irqv lda #calldisp sta jspare+1 P8 system death vector lda /calldisp sta jspare+2 lda kversion sta xdosver save current version for dir use lda idapple sta MACHID lda LDR.cortland beq LDR.II branch if // family *-------------------------------------- LDR.IIGS sta cortflag lda #calldisp sta cortdisp lda /calldisp sta cortdisp+1 * lda RROMWRAMBNK2 * stz vmode force setvid to reset cursor * jsr setvid reset output to screen * jsr lc1in set language card bank 1 to r/w lda #'C' ldx PAKME.CCLK ldy PAKME.CCLK+1 jsr LDR.SetupCLK ldx PAKME.SEL2 ldy PAKME.SEL2+1 stx ZPInBufPtr sty ZPInBufPtr+1 lda #$1000 sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /$1000 sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak ldx PAKME.SEL2 ldy PAKME.SEL2+1 jsr LDR.SetupQC *-------------------------------------- lda LDR.BootFlag bne .1 branch if prodos 8 alone * running from gs/os shell so zero out os_boot for appletalk sta OS_BOOT indicates O/S initially booted. jsr patch101 patch for gs/os - rev note #101 .1 bra LDR.Common *-------------------------------------- LDR.II ldx PAKME.SEL1 ldy PAKME.SEL1+1 jsr LDR.SetupQC jsr LDR.ClkDevScan *-------------------------------------- LDR.Common jsr LDR.BlkDevScan jsr LDR.SetupRAM *-------------------------------------- lda LDR.BootFlag get setup entry point flag beq LDR.ReadRoot taken if normal boot. lda RROMBNK2 rts return to caller at setup entry point. *-------------------------------------- LDR.ReadRoot lda LDR.MLIOL.P+1 place boot devnum in globals sta devnum last device used jsr MLI .DA #MLIONLINE .DA LDR.MLIOL.P bcs .9 lda pbuf+1 get volume name length. and #$0F strip devnum beq .9 inc add 1 for leading '/' sta pbuf save prefix length. lda #'/' place leading '/' in prefix buffer sta pbuf+1 jsr MLI .DA #MLISETPREFIX .DA LDR.MLISETP.P bcs .9 .DO READCAT=1 stz dst lda /dbuf ldy #$02 read directory into buffer ldx #0 .1 sta dst+1 sta LDR.MLIRB.P+3 Data buf HI sty LDR.MLIRB.P+4 Blk Num LO stx LDR.MLIRB.P+5 Blk Num HI jsr MLI .DA #MLIREADBLOCK .DA LDR.MLIRB.P bcs .9 ldy #$03 get next block# from link lda (dst),y tax dey ora (dst),y 00 00 -> Last Block beq .8 lda (dst),y tay lda dst+1 inc inc add $200 to buffer pointer cmp /dbuf+$800 until it points past end of buffer. bcc .1 if ok, read next block. .FIN .8 jmp $800 jmp to "load interpreter" code .9 ldx #LDR.MSG.ROOTERR jsr LDR.PrintX bmi * *-------------------------------------- LDR.SetupQC bit RRAMWRAMBNK2 read/write RAM bank 2 bit RRAMWRAMBNK2 stx ZPInBufPtr sty ZPInBufPtr+1 lda #$D100 sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /$D100 sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak lda #$EE byte to distinguish LC bank 2 sta $D000 jmp lc1in switch in LC bank 1 *-------------------------------------- DS1216E.DATA1 .EQ $10 DS1216E.DATA2 .EQ A1L *-------------------------------------- LDR.ClkDevScan php sei lda $CFFF pha sta $C300 ldx #7 .1 ldy #8 .2 lda $C304 lsr ror DS1216E.DATA1,x dey bne .2 dex bpl .1 lda $C304 Reset DS1216E comparison register with READ A2=1 ldx #7 Read 8 bytes... .3 lda DS1216E.PATTERN,x phx ldx #8 ....of 8 bits .4 ldy #0 lsr bcc .5 iny .5 pha lda $C300,y Write Pattern bit in A0, with A2=0 pla dex bne .4 plx dex bpl .3 ldx #7 .6 ldy #8 .7 lda $C304 lsr ror DS1216E.DATA2,x dey bne .7 dex bpl .6 pla bmi .8 sta $CFFF .8 plp ldx #7 .9 lda DS1216E.DATA1,x cmp DS1216E.DATA2,x bne LDR.ClkDevTCLK dex bpl .9 lda #'N' ldx PAKME.NCLK ldy PAKME.NCLK+1 bra LDR.SetupCLK *-------------------------------------- LDR.ClkDevTCLK lda CLRC8ROM switch out $C8 ROMs stz idxl lda #$C1 sta idxl+1 .1 ldy #6 .2 lda (idxl),y compare id bytes cmp dskid,y bne .3 dey dey bpl .2 lda #'T' ldx PAKME.TCLK ldy PAKME.TCLK+1 jsr LDR.SetupCLK lda idxl+1 sta TCLK.Cx1+2 sta TCLK.Cx2+2 rts .3 inc idxl+1 lda idxl+1 cmp #$C8 bne .1 rts *-------------------------------------- LDR.SetupCLK stx ZPInBufPtr sty ZPInBufPtr+1 jsr LDR.PrintA ldx #LDR.MSG.CLK jsr LDR.PrintX lda #$D742 sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /$D742 sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak lda #$4C enable clock routine by putting a jmp sta clockv in front of clock vector lda #MACHID.CLK tsb MACHID LDR.SetupCLK.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- LDR.SetupRAM lda DEVCNT cmp #13 bcs LDR.SetupCLK.RTS jsr lc1in ldx PAKME.RAM ldy PAKME.RAM+1 stx ZPInBufPtr sty ZPInBufPtr+1 lda #$FF00 sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /$FF00 sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak sta SETWRITEAUX ldx PAKME.RAMX ldy PAKME.RAMX+1 stx ZPInBufPtr sty ZPInBufPtr+1 lda #$0200 sta ZPOutBufPtr lda /$0200 sta ZPOutBufPtr+1 jsr X.Unpak sta CLRWRITEAUX lda #RAMDRV put driver address into sta DEVPTRS3D2 lda /RAMDRV sta DEVPTRS3D2+1 inc DEVCNT count (-1) active devices ldx DEVCNT lda #$BF unit num of /RAM sta DEVLST,x ldx #LDR.MSG.RAM jmp LDR.PrintX *-------------------------------------- * find all disk devices in system slots and set up address * and device table in prodos global page. *-------------------------------------- LDR.BlkDevScan stz idxl lda #$C7 search slots from high to low sta idxl+1 lda #7 sta LDR.SlotIdx .1 lda LDR.SlotIdx jsr LDR.CheckDiskID bcs .8 if no ProDOS device in this slot. ldy #$ff lda (idxl),y check last byte of $Cn rom (y = $ff) bne .2 branch if 16 sector disk II. sta devid =0 since disk ii's have null attributes lda #RWTS sta driveradr lda /RWTS sta driveradr+1 sec 2 devices jsr LDR.AddBlkDevs bra .7 .2 cmp #$FF if = $FF then 13 sector disk II. beq .8 ignore if 13 sector boot ROM ldy #$07 check for a smartport device. lda (idxl),y bne .3 no smartport jsr LDR.AddSPDevs bra .7 .3 ldy #$FE BLK device... lda (idxl),y get attributes. and #$03 verify it provides read and status calls. cmp #$03 bne .7 assume it's an off-brand disk lda (idxl),y get back ID byte lsr lsr lsr lsr sta devid ->DEV LIST NIBBLE and #$3 Device count minus 1 inc ldx LDR.SlotIdx sta LDR.SlotDevCnt-1,x tax iny $CnFF lda (idxl),y sta driveradr lda idxl+1 store hi entry addr (low already done) sta driveradr+1 cpx #2 CS if 2 devs or more jsr LDR.AddBlkDevs install 1 or 2 devices from this slot. .7 ldx LDR.SlotIdx lda sltbit,x tsb rommap mark bit to flag rom present .8 dec idxl+1 next lower slot. dec LDR.SlotIdx have all slots been checked ? bne .1 *-------------------------------------- LDR.AddExtraDevs stz idxl lda #$C7 sta idxl+1 lda #7 sta LDR.SlotIdx .1 ldx LDR.SlotIdx lda LDR.SlotDevCnt-1,x cmp #3 bcc .8 ldy LDR.SlotDevType-1,x bne .2 jsr LDR.AddExtraBlkDevs bra .8 .2 jsr LDR.AddExtraSPDevs .8 dec LDR.SlotIdx bne .1 LDR.AddExtraDevs.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- LDR.AddSPDevs jsr LDR.SetDevID setup the devid byte from attributes iny #$ff lda (idxl),y sta driveradr sta .1+1 modify operand clc adc #$03 sta spvect+1 lda idxl+1 sta driveradr+1 sta spvect+2 sta .1+2 modify operand asl convert $Cn to $n0 asl asl asl sta unitnum unit number stz A4L force a prodos status call stz buf dummy pointer lda #$10 sta buf+1 dummy pointer should be <> 0 stz bloknml # of bytes to transfer stz bloknml+1 .1 jsr $0000 SELF MODIFIED ldy #$FB lda (idxl),y check device id and #$02 SCSI? beq .2 no, no need to init Cocoon sta LDR.SPStatus.U device = 2 for SCSI jsr spvect status of Cocoon .HS 00 .DA LDR.SPStatus.P ignore any errors. .2 stz LDR.SPStatus.U set unit# = 0 jsr spvect call to get the device count. .HS 00 this is a status call .DA LDR.SPStatus.P lda LDR.SPStatus.Buf beq LDR.AddExtraDevs.RTS no devices, so done. sta LDR.DevCnt ldx LDR.SlotIdx inc LDR.SlotDevType-1,x set as smartport .3 inc LDR.SPStatus.U jsr spvect call to get the device status .HS 00 this is a status call .DA LDR.SPStatus.P bcs .7 lda LDR.SPStatus.Buf bpl .7 not a block device ldx LDR.SlotIdx inc LDR.SlotDevCnt-1,x .7 dec LDR.DevCnt bne .3 ldx LDR.SlotIdx lda LDR.SlotDevCnt-1,x beq LDR.AddBlkDevs.RTS cmp #2 CC/CS, add 1 or 2 devs *-------------------------------------- LDR.AddBlkDevs php how many drives (carry). lda idxl+1 get index to global device table and #$07 for this slot... asl tay into y reg. asl asl now form device # = slot # asl in high nibble. ora devid combine with attributes. ldx DEVCNT inx put device # into device list. sta DEVLST,x asl now form drive 2 device number, if any. plp restore # of devices in carry. ror if 2 drives, then bit 7=1. bpl .1 branch if a 1 drive device (e.g. hard drive) inx else presume that 2nd drive is present. sta DEVLST,x active device list. .1 stx DEVCNT save updated device count. asl shift # of drives back into carry. lda driveradr get high address of device driver. sta DEVPTRS,y device driver table 1. bcc .2 branch if single drive. sta DEVPTRS+16,y device driver table 2. .2 lda driveradr+1 sta DEVPTRS+1,y bcc .3 sta DEVPTRS+17,y .3 LDR.AddBlkDevs.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- LDR.AddExtraBlkDevs rts *-------------------------------------- LDR.AddExtraSPDevs ldy #$FF get smartport address. lda (idxl),y clc adc #$03 add 3 for smartport call sta spvect+1 lda idxl+1 sta spvect+2 jsr LDR.SetDevID set up device attributes stz LDR.SPStatus.U jsr spvect do a status call on smartport itself .HS 00 .DA LDR.SPStatus.P lda LDR.SPStatus.Buf # of devices on smartport cmp #$03 bcc .8 only 2 devices,skip to next one. dec dec sta LDR.DevCnt lda #3 sta LDR.SPStatus.U .1 jsr spvect do status call .HS 00 .DA LDR.SPStatus.P lda LDR.SPStatus.Buf is this a block device? bpl .2 jsr LDR.MountSPDevs bcs .8 .2 inc LDR.SPStatus.U dec LDR.DevCnt bne .1 .8 rts *-------------------------------------- LDR.MountSPDevs ldx #LDR.DEVPTRS.CNT-1 .1 ldy LDR.DEVPTRS.IDX,x lda DEVPTRS,y device driver table 1 cmp #nodevice bne .2 lda DEVPTRS+1,y cmp /nodevice beq .3 .2 dex bpl .1 sec rts .3 jsr lc1in write enable LC ram bank 1. tya divide index by 2 lsr tax lda LDR.SPStatus.U sta spunit-1,x store the smartport unit # lda spvect+1 and entry address. sta spvectlo-1,x lda spvect+2 sta spvecthi-1,x lda RROMBNK2 write protect lc ram. inc DEVCNT ldx DEVCNT tya asl convert to DSSS0000 asl asl ora devid include device attributes sta DEVLST,x in the active device list. lda #XDOS.SPREMAP sta DEVPTRS,y device driver table 1 lda /XDOS.SPREMAP sta DEVPTRS+1,y clc rts *-------------------------------------- * self modifying jmp = smartport entry address *-------------------------------------- spvect jmp $0000 self modifying *-------------------------------------- LDR.CheckDiskID lda CLRC8ROM switch out $C8 ROMs ldy #$05 .1 lda (idxl),y compare id bytes cmp dskid,y sec set if no disk card bne .2 dey dey bpl .1 loop until all 4 id bytes match. clc clear if disk card .2 rts *-------------------------------------- LDR.SetDevID ldy #$FE check attributes byte. lda (idxl),y lsr move hi nibble to lo nibble for lsr device table entries. lsr lsr sta devid rts *-------------------------------------- LDR.PrintA ldy LDR.Print.CX and #$7F cmp #$60 bcs .2 and #$3F .2 sta $400,y inc LDR.Print.CX rts *-------------------------------------- LDR.PrintX ldy LDR.Print.CX .1 lda $2000,x pha and #$7F cmp #$60 bcs .2 and #$3F .2 sta $400,y inx iny pla bpl .1 * lda #$20 * sta $400,y iny Add a Space sty LDR.Print.CX rts *-------------------------------------- DS1216E.SIG .HS 5CA33AC55CA33AC5 Reverted 7->0 *-------------------------------------- * id bytes: evens for clock, odds for disk dskid .HS 082028005803703C sltbit .HS 0002040810204080 *-------------------------------------- LDR.MLIOL.P .DA #2 .DA #$60 .DA pbuf+1 LDR.MLISETP.P .DA #1 .DA pbuf .DO READCAT=1 LDR.MLIRB.P .DA #3 .DA #0 unit number .DA 0 2 byte data buffer .DA 0 2 byte block number .FIN LDR.SPStatus.P .DA #$03 # of parms LDR.SPStatus.U .DA #$00 unit number (code for smartport stat) .DA LDR.SPStatus.Buf .DA #00 status code (0 = general status) LDR.DEVPTRS.CNT .EQ 14 LDR.DEVPTRS.IDX .DA #$16 S3D2 .DA #$06 S3D1 .DA #$1E S7D2 .DA #$0E S7D1 .DA #$1C S6D2 .DA #$0C S6D1 .DA #$1A S5D2 .DA #$0A S5D1 .DA #$14 S2D2 .DA #$04 S2D1 .DA #$12 S1D2 .DA #$02 S1D1 .DA #$18 S4D2 .DA #$08 S4D1 *-------------------------------------- LDR.Print.CX .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- LDR.SPStatus.Buf .BS 8 8 bytes for smartport call driveradr .BS 2 LDR.SlotIdx .BS 1 LDR.DevCnt .BS 1 LDR.SlotDevCnt .BS 7 LDR.SlotDevType .BS 7 LDR.cortland .DA #0 cortland loader flag (1 = Cortland) LDR.BootFlag .DA #0 0 = normal boot, <>0 = return *-------------------------------------- * 16 bytes moved to $03F0 vectors *-------------------------------------- LDR.3F0 .DA breakv .DA oldrst .DA #$5A powerup byte jmp oldrst '&' vector jmp oldrst ctrl-y vector .HS 004000 .DA GP.IRQV global page interrupt vector lc1in lda RRAMWRAMBNK1 lda RRAMWRAMBNK1 rts *-------------------------------------- * patch to gsos vectors so error is returned for os calls - rev note #101 *-------------------------------------- patch101 php sei disable interrupts clc xce full native mode >LONGMX phb save DBR pha pha pea $0000 length of patch pea $0010 0000/0010 = 16 bytes pea $3101 user id for prodos 8 pea $8018 attributes (locked/nospec/nocross) pha pha >IIGS NewHandle lda $01,s retrieve handle tax lda $03,s tay pea $0000 copy the code into the handle pea L2C4D phy phx pea $0000 length of patch = 0000/0010 pea $0010 >IIGS PtrToHand plx low word of handle plb set DBR to handle's bank lda >1,x get upper 16 bits of 24 bit address tay save in y lda >0,x get low 8 bits of address and ##$00FF clear high byte xba put address in high byte ora ##$005C include JML opcode sta GSOS2 store in gsos vectors clc adc ##$000B sta GSOS tya store upper 16 bits too sta GSOS2+2 adc ##$0000 adj for possible page crossing sta GSOS+2 plb remove garbage byte from stack plb restore DBR. sec xce back to emulation mode plp rts * copy of the code that goes in the handle L2C4D lda 1,s sta 7,s lda 2,s sta 8,s pla pla pla lda ##$00FF #NoOS sec rtl *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/PRODOS.FX/PRODOS.S.LDR LOAD USR/SRC/PRODOS.FX/PRODOS.S ASM