PR#3 PREFIX /DATA/A2OSX NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 .OR $2000 .TF SBIN/SHELL *-------------------------------------- .INB INC/MACROS.I .INB INC/A2OSX.I .INB INC/PRODOS.I .INB INC/LIBSTR.I *-------------------------------------- ZPPTR1 .EQ ZPBIN ZPPTR2 .EQ ZPBIN+2 ZPPTR3 .EQ ZPBIN+4 *-------------------------------------- CmdBuffer.MAX .EQ 127 *-------------------------------------- * Main entry point *-------------------------------------- * Code signature and INIT table *-------------------------------------- * CLD $D8 * JMP (*,x) $7C * #JMPTABLE * /JMPTABLE *-------------------------------------- CS.START cld jmp (.1,x) .1 .DA CS.INIT .DA CS.RUN .DA CS.DOEVENT .DA CS.QUIT *-------------------------------------- L.LIBSTR .DA LIBSTR L.CmdBuffer .DA CmdBuffer L.MSG.GREETINGS .DA MSG.GREETINGS L.MSG.UNKNOWN .DA MSG.UNKNOWN L.MSG.SYNERR .DA MSG.SYNERR L.CMDS .DA CMDS T.INTCMDS .DA EXEC.CMD.CD .DA EXEC.CMD.SET .DA EXEC.CMD.DATE .DA EXEC.CMD.TIME .DA EXEC.CMD.ECHO .DA EXEC.CMD.TYPE .DA EXEC.CMD.EXIT .DA 0 .DA CS.END-CS.START Code Length To Relocate .DA DS.END-DS.START Data Segment to Allocate *-------------------------------------- CS.INIT stz bEXIT stz CmdHistory stz CmdHistory.IDX stz CmdHistory.END >LIBLOADP L.LIBSTR bcs .99 sta hLIBSTR ldy #S.PS.ID lda (pPsContext),y >PUSHA ldy #S.PS.hOUTDEV lda (pPsContext),y >PUSHA ldy #S.PS.hINDEV lda (pPsContext),y >PUSHA >PUSHW L.MSG.GREETINGS >LIBCALL hLIBSTR,LIBSTR.PRINTF lda (pPsContext) ora #S.PS.F.EVENT Now accept events sta (pPsContext) clc .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN stz CmdBuffer lda #"$" jsr COUT lda #" " jsr COUT .1 lda CmdBuffer bmi .2 jsr A2osX.SLEEP bra .1 .2 and #$7F sta CmdBuffer beq CS.RUN Empty line >PUSHW L.CmdBuffer >SYSCALL SYS.NewPStr bcs .99 sta hCMDLINE jsr HISTORY.ADD jsr EXEC.CMD bcc .3 pha lda #"[" jsr COUT pla jsr PRBYTE lda #"]" jsr COUT jsr CROUT .3 lda hCMDLINE >SYSCALL SYS.FreeMemA stz hCMDLINE lda bEXIT bne .99 clc rts .99 sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.DOEVENT >PULLW pEvent ldy #S.EVT.hDEV is Event from active IN device? lda (pEvent),y ldy #S.PS.hINDEV cmp (pPsContext),y bne .9 lda (pEvent) and #S.EVT.F.KEY is it a KEY event? beq .9 ldy #S.EVT.DATAHI is it an O or SAPPLE key ? lda (pEvent),y bne .9 ldy #S.EVT.DATALO lda (pEvent),y cmp #$1F bpl .1 jsr CS.EVENT.CTRL.CHAR bra .8 .1 cmp #$7f bne .2 jsr CmdBuffer.DEL bra .8 .2 ldx CmdBuffer cpx #CmdBuffer.MAX beq .8 inx sta CmdBuffer,x inc CmdBuffer ora #$80 jsr COUT .8 >SYSCALL SYS.DestroyEvent clc rts .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.EVENT.CTRL.CHAR cmp #13 CR bne .10 jsr CROUT lda CmdBuffer ora #$80 sta CmdBuffer clc rts .10 cmp #3 bne .1 jsr CmdBuffer.CLR clc rts .1 cmp #8 BS (left arrow) bne .2 jsr CmdBuffer.DEL clc rts .2 cmp #10 LF (down arrow) bne .3 jsr HISTORY.GETNEXT clc rts .3 cmp #11 VT (up arrow) bne .4 jsr HISTORY.GETPREV clc rts .4 cmp #21 NAK (right arrow) bne .8 clc rts .8 jsr PRBYTE clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.QUIT lda hLIBSTR >SYSCALL SYS.UnloadLibA clc rts *-------------------------------------- * PRIVATE *-------------------------------------- EXEC.CMD >PUSHB hCMDLINE >PUSHBI $20 Push SEP=' ' >PUSHBI 0 Push 0 for getting CMD & ARGS >SYSCALL SYS.PStrGetTkn bcs .99 sta hCMD stx hARGS >SYSCALL SYS.GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA >PUSHYA >LIBCALL hLIBSTR,LIBSTR.UCASEP >PUSHW L.CMDS >SYSCALL SYS.GetPStrIndex bcs .1 Not An internal command jsr EXEC.CMD.INT bcs .98 jsr .98 clc rts .1 jsr .98 Discard CMD & ARGS lda hCMDLINE >SYSCALL SYS.ExecProcessA rts .98 pha lda hCMD >SYSCALL SYS.FreeMemA lda hARGS >SYSCALL SYS.FreeMemA pla sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- EXEC.CMD.INT asl tax jmp (T.INTCMDS,x) *-------------------------------------- EXEC.CMD.CD lda hARGS bne EXEC.CMD.CD.C ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX lda (pPsContext),y >SYSCALL SYS.GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA >LIBCALL hLIBSTR,LIBSTR.PRINTP jsr CROUT clc rts EXEC.CMD.CD.C >SYSCALL SYS.GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPPTR2 ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX lda (pPsContext),y >SYSCALL SYS.GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPPTR1 >PUSHWI MLI.MAXPATH+1 Get a buffer for new PATH >PUSHBI 0 no particular Option >SYSCALL SYS.GetMem bcs .99 stx hNEWPATH >STYA ZPPTR3 lda #0 sta (ZPPTR3) ldy #1 lda (ZPPTR2),y cmp #'/' Full Path? beq .3 cmp #'.' ".." ? bne .2 lda (ZPPTR2) cmp #2 bne .97 iny lda (ZPPTR2),y cmp #'.' bne .97 lda (ZPPTR1) tay .1 dey beq .97 lda (ZPPTR1),y cmp #'/' bne .1 tya sta (ZPPTR3) .11 lda (ZPPTR1),y sta (ZPPTR3),y dey bne .11 bra .4 .97 lda #SYSMGR.ERRSYN .98 pha lda hNEWPATH >SYSCALL SYS.FreeMemA pla sec .99 rts .2 >PUSHW ZPPTR1 >PUSHW ZPPTR3 >LIBCALL hLIBSTR,LIBSTR.STRCPYP .3 >PUSHW ZPPTR2 >PUSHW ZPPTR3 >LIBCALL hLIBSTR,LIBSTR.STRCATP lda (ZPPTR3) tay lda #'/' Ending with '/'? cmp (ZPPTR3),y beq .4 iny sta (ZPPTR3),y tya sta (ZPPTR3) .4 lda hNEWPATH >SYSCALL SYS.CheckPrefixA bcs .98 ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX lda (pPsContext),y pha lda hNEWPATH sta (pPsContext),y pla >SYSCALL SYS.FreeMemA clc rts *-------------------------------------- EXEC.CMD.SET clc rts *-------------------------------------- EXEC.CMD.DATE jsr MLI .DA #MLIGETTIME .DA 0 bcs .9 >PUSHW DATELO >LIBCALL hLIBSTR,LIBSTR.PRINTDATE jsr CROUT clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- EXEC.CMD.TIME jsr MLI .DA #MLIGETTIME .DA 0 bcs .9 >PUSHW TIMELO >LIBCALL hLIBSTR,LIBSTR.PRINTTIME jsr CROUT clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- EXEC.CMD.ECHO lda #$DD sec rts *-------------------------------------- EXEC.CMD.TYPE lda hARGS beq .98 >SYSCALL SYS.LoadFileA bcs .99 >STYA ZPPTR2 store file len phx txa >SYSCALL SYS.GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPPTR1 .1 lda ZPPTR2 bne .2 lda ZPPTR2+1 beq .3 dec ZPPTR2+1 .2 dec ZPPTR2 lda (ZPPTR1) ora #$80 jsr COUT inc ZPPTR1 bne .1 inc ZPPTR1+1 bra .1 .3 pla >SYSCALL SYS.FreeMemA clc rts .98 lda #SYSMGR.ERRSYN .99 rts *-------------------------------------- EXEC.CMD.EXIT lda #$FF sta bEXIT clc rts *-------------------------------------- HISTORY.ADD lda CmdHistory.END ending 0 inc keep room for new ending 0 sec add len+1 adc CmdBuffer bcc .2 enough room ldx CmdHistory get len of oldest string ldy #0 .1 inx iny lda CmdHistory,x move back until 0 found sta CmdHistory-1,y bne .1 sty CmdHistory.END mark new end of history bra HISTORY.ADD retry.... .2 ldx CmdHistory.END ldy #$FF .3 iny lda CmdBuffer,y sta CmdHistory,x inx cpy CmdBuffer bne .3 stz CmdHistory,x set ending 0 stx CmdHistory.IDX stx CmdHistory.END .9 rts *-------------------------------------- HISTORY.GETPREV lda CmdHistory.END beq HISTORY.RTS empty history,nothing to do lda CmdHistory.IDX beq HISTORY.RTS already oldest,nothing to do lda #0 .1 tax save current index sec adc CmdHistory,x cmp CmdHistory.IDX bne .1 not yet reached current index stx CmdHistory.IDX set new index bra HISTORY.SETBUF HISTORY.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- HISTORY.GETNEXT ldx CmdHistory.END beq HISTORY.RTS empty history,nothing to do cpx CmdHistory.IDX beq HISTORY.RTS ldx CmdHistory.IDX lda CmdHistory,x sec adc CmdHistory.IDX cmp CmdHistory.END sta CmdHistory.IDX beq CmdBuffer.CLR end of history, just blank buffer *-------------------------------------- HISTORY.SETBUF jsr CmdBuffer.CLR ldx CmdHistory.IDX ldy #$ff .1 iny lda CmdHistory,x inx sta CmdBuffer,y cpy CmdBuffer bne .1 bra CmdBuffer.PRINT *-------------------------------------- CmdBuffer.PRINT ldx #0 .1 inx lda CmdBuffer,x ora #$80 phx jsr COUT plx cpx CmdBuffer bne .1 rts *-------------------------------------- CmdBuffer.CLR jsr CmdBuffer.DEL bne CmdBuffer.CLR .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CmdBuffer.DEL lda CmdBuffer beq .9 lda #8 jsr COUT dec CmdBuffer .9 rts *-------------------------------------- PRBYTE pha lsr lsr lsr lsr ora #$B0 cmp #$BA bcc .1 adc #6 .1 jsr COUT pla and #$0F ora #$B0 cmp #$BA bcc COUT adc #6 bra COUT *-------------------------------------- CROUT lda #13 *-------------------------------------- COUT phx phy >PUSHA ldy #S.PS.hOUTDEV lda (pPsContext),y >SYSCALL SYS.DevOutA ply plx rts *-------------------------------------- CS.END *-------------------------------------- CMDS >PSTRING "CD" CMDS1 >PSTRING "SET" CMDS2 >PSTRING "DATE" CMDS3 >PSTRING "TIME" CMDS4 >PSTRING "ECHO" CMDS5 >PSTRING "TYPE" CMDS6 >PSTRING "EXIT" .DA #0 *-------------------------------------- LIBSTR >PSTRING "libstr.o" MSG.GREETINGS >CSTRING "\nA2osX-Shell on Dev=(%h:%h),PS=%h\n\n" MSG.UNKNOWN >CSTRING "Command Not Found\n" MSG.SYNERR >CSTRING "Syntax Error Or Invalid Pathname\n" *-------------------------------------- DS.START *-------------------------------------- hLIBSTR .BS 1 bEXIT .BS 1 hCMDLINE .BS 1 hCMD .BS 1 hARGS .BS 1 hNEWPATH .BS 1 CmdBuffer .BS CmdBuffer.MAX+1 CmdBuffer.POS .BS 1 CmdHistory .BS 256 CmdHistory.IDX .BS 1 CmdHistory.END .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- DS.END *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SBIN/SHELL.S ASM