NEW PREFIX AUTO 4,1 #!/BIN/SH # # This is a test of passing args # This script calls ARGTEST2 passing a known set # of arguments which ARGTEST2 checks to verify # arg passing works. # # Note that $$ is passed which is this process id # and can be checked in ARGTEST2 to compare with # parent process id, this will validate both are working. # # This script is part of the BUILDTEST suite, as such # we first make sure it was called from that suite by # checking for $LOG # IF [ $LOG = "" ] ECHO "Log Empty True" ELSE ECHO "Log Empty False" FI PAUSE # # Now call Argtest Sub Script # ARGTEST2 A 1 B 2 C 3 Hello $$ 82 Tenth MAN TEXT /MAKE/USR/SHARE/TESTS/ARGTEST