NEW AUTO 3,1 */-------------------------------------- * # OpenDir * ## C * `int hDIR opendir (const char * dirpath);` * ## ASM * `>LDYA dirpath` * `>SYSCALL opendir` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC : success * A = hDIR * CS : error * A = EC *\-------------------------------------- K.OpenDir jsr PFT.CheckPathYA bcs K.ReadDir.RTS ldx #1 jsr IO.MkFD bcs K.ReadDir.RTS lda K.Buf256+1 One char ("/") ? beq .8 No, Go open dir.... >MLICALL MLIGETFILEINFO bcs .98 file/dir does not exists....quit lda K.MLI.PARAMS+4 cmp #$0F Directory ? bne .98 jsr IO.MLI.OPEN bcs .98 .8 lda IO.hFD jsr STDIO.NewHFile bcc K.ReadDir.RTS .98 jmp IO.OPEN.ERR */-------------------------------------- * # ReadDir * ## C * `int readdir (int hDIR, S.DIRENT * dirent);` * ## ASM * `>PUSHW dirent` * `lda hDIR` * `>SYSCALL readdir` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC : success * X = hDIRENT * Y,A = PTR to S.DIRENT * CS : error * A = EC * note : A = 0 means no more entry *\-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR ZPTMP 8 Bytes K.ReadDir.hMem .BS 1 K.ReadDir.BufSize .BS 2 K.ReadDir.ECIB .BS 1 K.ReadDir.EL .BS 1 K.ReadDir.EPB .BS 1 K.ReadDir.EC .BS 2 .ED *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir jsr PFT.CheckNodeA bcs K.ReadDir.RTS ldy #S.FD.REG.REF lda (pFD),y beq K.ReadDir.ROOT jmp K.ReadDir.DIR K.ReadDir.NoMore lda #MLI.E.EOF sec K.ReadDir.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.ROOT ldy #S.FD.DIR.FC did we already returned something ? lda (pFD),y bne K.ReadDir.NoMore stz K.MLI.PARAMS+1 All Volumes >LDYAI K.Buf256 >STYA K.MLI.PARAMS+2 >STYA ZPPtr2 >MLICALL MLIONLINE bcs K.ReadDir.RTS * pass #1 compute BufSize..... lda #1 +1 for Ending 0 sta K.ReadDir.BufSize stz K.ReadDir.BufSize+1 stz K.ReadDir.EC ldy #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr2),y and #$0F beq .2 inc K.ReadDir.EC increase entry count sec Add Filelen +1 adc #S.STAT will ends with CC adc K.ReadDir.BufSize sta K.ReadDir.BufSize bcc .2 inc K.ReadDir.BufSize+1 .2 tya clc adc #16 tay bcc .1 loop until 256 bytes scanned * pass #2 Fill Buffer... jsr K.ReadDir.GetBuf bcs K.ReadDir.RTS .3 lda (ZPPtr2) and #$0F beq .88 tax inc sta K.MLI.PATH lda #'/' sta K.MLI.PATH+1 ldy #1 .4 lda (ZPPtr2),y sta K.MLI.PATH+1,y jsr K.ReadDir.AddToBuf iny dex bne .4 txa Add ending 0 for C String jsr K.ReadDir.AddToBuf jsr SHARED.ClrStat lda (ZPPtr2) asl DRIVE in Carry pha lda #0 rol inc sta K.S.STAT+S.STAT.P.DRIVE pla lsr CC lsr lsr lsr lsr sta K.S.STAT+S.STAT.P.SLOT >LDYAI K.MLI.PATH >STYA K.MLI.PARAMS+1 >MLICALL MLIGETFILEINFO sta K.S.STAT+S.STAT.P.DEVSTATUS bcs .80 >LDYA K.MLI.PARAMS+5 AUXTYPE=TOTAL BLOCKS >STYA K.S.STAT+S.STAT.P.DEVBLOCKS >LDYA K.MLI.PARAMS+8 >STYA K.S.STAT+S.STAT.BLOCKS .80 jsr K.ReadDir.ADDSTAT dec K.ReadDir.EC beq .5 .88 lda ZPPtr2 clc adc #16 sta ZPPtr2 bcc .3 inc ZPPtr2+1 bra .3 * lda #0 done by S.MEM.F.INIT0 * sta (ZPPtr4) Ending 0 .5 ldy #S.FD.DIR.FC lda #16 sta (pFD),y Flag that we returned somthing for next time jmp K.ReadDir.EXIT *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.DIR sta K.MLI.PARAMS+1 A=#S.DIR.PRODOS.REF >LDYAI 512 Get a 512 bytes buffer for reading dir... jsr K.GetMem bcs .99 stx K.ReadDir.hMem >STYA K.MLI.PARAMS+2 For reading pha tya * clc CC from K.GetMem adc #4 Skip 4 bytes linked list sta ZPPtr2 PTR to Buffer for PASS #1 sta ZPPtr3 PTR to Buffer for PASS #2 pla adc #0 sta ZPPtr2+1 PTR to Buffer for PASS #1 sta ZPPtr3+1 PTR to Buffer for PASS #2 >LDYAI 512 >STYA K.MLI.PARAMS+4 >MLICALL MLIREAD Read A block from directory bcs .98 ldy #S.FD.DIR.EL Check if first run.... lda (pFD),y bne .2 no, we have all we need.... ldy #$1f+3 ldx #3 .1 lda (ZPPtr2),y Get K.ReadDir.EL.... From Block sta K.ReadDir.EL,x dey dex bpl .1 inc K.ReadDir.EC Add one to EC because we include VOL/DIR Header bne .4 inc K.ReadDir.EC+1 ...and ProDOS does NOT include header entry in EC bra .4 .98 jsr K.ReadDir.CLN sec .99 rts .2 ldy #S.FD.DIR.EL+3 ldx #3 .3 lda (pFD),y get this session parameters from S.DIR sta K.ReadDir.EL,x dey dex bpl .3 .4 lda K.ReadDir.EC eor #$ff tax lda K.ReadDir.EC+1 eor #$ff tay inx Any entry remaining ? bne .5 iny beq .98 no...exit * pass #1 compute BufSize... .5 lda K.ReadDir.EPB sta K.ReadDir.ECIB lda #1 For Ending 0 sta K.ReadDir.BufSize stz K.ReadDir.BufSize+1 K.ReadDir.DIR1 lda (ZPPtr2) X = EntryCount In This Block beq .7 Free slot....goto next and #$F0 get storage_type cmp #$F0 Volume header ? beq .1 cmp #$E0 directory header ? beq .2 lda (ZPPtr2) regular DIR or File, get LEN and #$F compute filename len sec add "#" + S.STAT adc #S.STAT .HS 2C bit abs .1 lda #2+S.STAT add "1." string + S.STAT .HS 2C bit abs .2 lda #2+S.STAT+3+S.STAT add "1." + S.STAT + "2.." + S.STAT... clc adc K.ReadDir.BufSize sta K.ReadDir.BufSize bcc .3 inc K.ReadDir.BufSize+1 .3 inx bne .7 iny bra K.ReadDir.DIR2 we reached last entry in whole DIR .7 lda ZPPtr2 clc adc K.ReadDir.EL sta ZPPtr2 bcc .8 inc ZPPtr2+1 .8 dec K.ReadDir.ECIB bne K.ReadDir.DIR1 * pass #2 Fill Buffer...(ZPPtr1 & Ptr2 can now be trashed) K.ReadDir.DIR2 jsr K.ReadDir.GetBuf bcs .9 lda K.ReadDir.EPB sta K.ReadDir.ECIB .1 lda (ZPPtr3) beq .7 Empty slot, skip and #$F0 cmp #$F0 Vol Header ? bne .2 jsr K.ReadDir.ADD. bra .6 .2 cmp #$E0 Dir Header ? bne .3 jsr K.ReadDir.ADD. jsr K.ReadDir.ADD.. bra .6 .3 jsr K.ReadDir.AddFNToBuf jsr SHARED.ClrStat lda (ZPPtr3) and #$F0 cmp #$D0 Directory ? bne .5 jsr K.ReadDir.ADDD bra .6 .5 jsr K.ReadDir.ADDF .6 lda K.ReadDir.EC decrease global counter... sec sbc #1 sta K.ReadDir.EC lda K.ReadDir.EC+1 sbc #0 sta K.ReadDir.EC+1 ora K.ReadDir.EC beq .8 0! no more files in DIR .7 dec K.ReadDir.ECIB 0! no more file in block beq .8 lda ZPPtr3 clc adc K.ReadDir.EL sta ZPPtr3 bcc .1 inc ZPPtr3+1 bra .1 .9 jsr K.ReadDir.CLN sec rts .8 ldx #3 ldy #S.FD.DIR.EL+3 .81 lda K.ReadDir.EL,x Store back this session prameters to S.DIR sta (pFD),y dey dex bpl .81 jsr K.ReadDir.CLN Discard READBUFFER K.ReadDir.EXIT ldx #$ff Self Modified : hDIRENT txa jmp K.GetMemPtr *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.CLN pha lda K.ReadDir.hMem jsr K.FreeMem pla rts *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.GetBuf >LDYA K.ReadDir.BufSize Get a BufSize bytes buffer for storing results jsr K.GetMem0 make sure 0 filled bcs .9 stx K.ReadDir.EXIT+1 >STYA ZPPtr4 .9 rts *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.ADD. ldx #1 filename="1." .HS 2C bit abs K.ReadDir.ADD.. ldx #2 filename="2.." lda #'.' .1 jsr K.ReadDir.AddToBuf Add X dot(s) dex bne .1 txa jsr K.ReadDir.AddToBuf Add Ending 0 jsr SHARED.ClrStat * ldy #$25 total_blocks * lda (ZPPtr3),y * sta K.S.STAT+S.STAT.BLOCKS * iny * lda (ZPPtr3),y * sta K.S.STAT+S.STAT.BLOCKS+1 *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.ADDD lda #$0F sta K.S.STAT+S.STAT.P.TYPE lda /S.STAT.MODE.DIR sta K.S.STAT+S.STAT.MODE+1 bra K.ReadDir.AddAccess *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.ADDF * lda /S.STAT.MODE.REG 0 * sta K.S.STAT+S.STAT.MODE+1 ldx #ADDF.DST-ADDF.SRC .1 ldy ADDF.SRC-1,x lda (ZPPtr3),y ldy ADDF.DST-1,x sta K.S.STAT,y dex bne .1 *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.AddAccess lda CORE.FSID sta K.S.STAT+S.STAT.FSID ldy #$1E ProDOS Access lda (ZPPtr3),y jsr SHARED.Stat.Access2Mode *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.AddTime lda #$18 creation Date/time clc adc ZPPtr3 tay lda ZPPtr3+1 adc #0 >PUSHYA >PUSHWI K.S.STAT+S.STAT.CTIME >SYSCALL2 PTime2Time lda #$21 mod Date/time clc adc ZPPtr3 tay lda ZPPtr3+1 adc #0 >PUSHYA >PUSHWI K.S.STAT+S.STAT.MTIME >SYSCALL2 PTime2Time *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.AddStat ldy #0 .1 lda K.S.STAT,y jsr K.ReadDir.AddToBuf iny cpy #S.STAT bne .1 rts *-------------------------------------- ADDF.SRC .HS 1013141516171f20 ADDF.DST .DA #S.STAT.P.TYPE .DA #S.STAT.BLOCKS,#S.STAT.BLOCKS+1 .DA #S.STAT.SIZE,#S.STAT.SIZE+1,#S.STAT.SIZE+2 .DA #S.STAT.P.AUXTYPE,#S.STAT.P.AUXTYPE+1 *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.AddFNToBuf ldy #$1C version/min_version for lowercase bitmap lda (ZPPtr3),y check bxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx... bpl .7 not set, no lowercase bitmap present pha iny lda (ZPPtr3),y pha lda #$1 sta .2+1 ldy #15 .1 pla .2 bit #$ff pha beq .3 lda (ZPPtr3),y ora #$20 convert a-z to A-Z adding from $4x to $6x sta (ZPPtr3),y .3 asl .2+1 bne .4 rol .2+1 pla .4 dey bne .1 pla .7 lda (ZPPtr3) and #$0F get filename len tax ldy #1 .8 lda (ZPPtr3),y jsr K.ReadDir.AddToBuf iny dex bne .8 txa * jsr K.ReadDir.AddToBuf * rts *-------------------------------------- K.ReadDir.AddToBuf sta (ZPPtr4) inc ZPPtr4 bne .8 inc ZPPtr4+1 .8 rts */------------------------------------- * # CloseDir * ## C * `void closedir(hDIR);` * ## ASM * `lda hDIR` * `>SYSCALL closedir` * ## RETURN VALUE * none, always succeed. *\------------------------------------- *K.CloseDir .EQ K.FClose *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S.DIRENT LOAD USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S ASM