NEW AUTO 3,1 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- X.COPY.BUF.SIZE .EQ 4096 *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR ZPBIN ZS.START ZPPtr1 .BS 2 ZPPtr2 .BS 2 ZPFileName .BS 2 ZPFileStat .BS 2 bContinue .BS 1 bRecurse .BS 1 bQuiet .BS 1 .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 bNoConfirm .BS 1 .FIN ZS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- * File Header (16 Bytes) *-------------------------------------- CS.START cld jmp (.1,x) .DA #$61 6502,Level 1 (65c02) .DA #1 BIN Layout Version 1 .DA 0 .DA CS.END-CS.START CS .DA DS.END-DS.START DS .DA #64 SS .DA #ZS.END-ZS.START Zero Page Size .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Relocation Table *-------------------------------------- .1 .DA CS.INIT .DA CS.RUN .DA CS.DOEVENT .DA CS.QUIT L.MSG.USAGE .DA MSG.USAGE L.MSG.DIR .DA MSG.DIR L.MSG.REG .DA MSG.REG .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 L.MSG.OVERWRITE .DA MSG.OVERWRITE .FIN L.MSG.OK .DA MSG.OK L.MSG.ERR .DA MSG.ERR L.MSG.CRLF .DA MSG.CRLF L.MSG.DONE .DA MSG.DONE .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- CS.INIT .1 >INC.G ArgCount >SYSCALL ArgV bcs .7 >STYA ZPPtr1 lda (ZPPtr1) cmp #'-' bne .4 ldy #1 lda (ZPPtr1),y ldy #OptionVars-OptionList-1 .2 cmp OptionList,y beq .3 dey bpl .2 .99 >PUSHW L.MSG.USAGE >PUSHBI 0 >SYSCALL PrintF lda #E.SYN sec rts .3 ldx OptionVars,y * sec ror $0,x bra .1 .4 >LDA.G index .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 bne .5 Already have a Src dir... .ELSE bne .99 .FIN >LDYA ZPPtr1 jsr InitSrcDirYA bcc .1 success, scan for any other args .9 rts .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 .5 >LDA.G hDstBasePath bne .99 we already have a second arg....error! >LDYA ZPPtr1 jsr InitDstDirYA bcc .1 success, scan for any other args rts .FIN .7 >LDA.G index processed all args beq .99 , no src ? ERROR .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 >LDA.G hDstBasePath bne .8 we also have a Dst folder ldy #S.PS.hCWD no dst folder, use actual prefix lda (pPS),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtr jsr InitDstDirYA bcs .99 .FIN .8 >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMem bcs .9 txa >STA.G hSrcFullPath .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMem bcs .9 txa >STA.G hDstFullPath .FIN clc CS.INIT.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN ldy #S.PS.hStdIn lda (pPS),y >SYSCALL FEOF bcs CS.INIT.RTS I/O error tay bne .15 >SYSCALL GetChar bcs CS.INIT.RTS I/O error cmp #$03 Ctrl-C bne .10 sec rts Abort.... .10 cmp #$13 Ctrl-S bne .15 >LDA.G bPause eor #$ff sta (pData),y .15 >LDA.G bPause bpl .1 .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- .1 .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 >LDA.G bCopy beq .2 jsr CS.RUN.Copy >LDA.G bCopy Copy completed ? bne .8 no.....exit clc >LDA.G CopyRC .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=0 beq .20 no copy error sec jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr we have an error.... bcs .9 jmp CS.RUN.NEXT .20 jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr Success!! jsr CS.RUN.IncCount jmp CS.RUN.NEXT .ELSE beq .2 sec jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr we have an error.... bcc .21 rts .21 >STZ.G hToDelete Cancel delete if any jmp CS.RUN.NEXT .FIN .FIN .2 .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 >LDA.G hToDelete beq .3 lda #0 sta (pData),y ldy #hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.GetPathY >SYSCALL Remove bcs .22 jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr Success!!! jsr CS.RUN.IncCount jmp CS.RUN.NEXT .22 jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr bcs .9 jmp CS.RUN.NEXT .FIN *-------------------------------------- .3 jsr GetEntry bcs CS.RUN.LEAVE jsr FilterMatch bcs CS.RUN.NEXT no match, skip.... .4 ldy #S.STAT.MODE+1 lda (ZPFileStat),y and #$70 bne .5 REG file ? jsr CS.RUN.BuildFilePath jmp CS.RUN.REG .5 cmp /S.STAT.MODE.DIR DIR ? bne .7 bit bRecurse bpl CS.RUN.NEXT lda (ZPFileName) cmp #'.' beq CS.RUN.NEXT Skip "." & ".." jsr CS.RUN.BuildFilePath jmp CS.RUN.DIR .7 lda #MLI.E.UNSUPST sec .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CR.NEXT jsr CS.RUN.CR CS.RUN.NEXT jsr GetNextEntry bcs CS.RUN.LEAVE rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.LEAVE jsr LeaveSubDir exit this sub dir.... bcs .99 base, we are done, exit jsr BasePath.. .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 * .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=0 jsr GetEntry jsr CS.RUN.BuildFilePath jsr CS.RUN.DIR.MSG bcs CS.RUN.LEAVE.RTS ldy #hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.GetPathY >SYSCALL Remove jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr bcs .99 * .FIN .FIN jmp CS.RUN.NEXT .99 bit bQuiet bmi .91 >PUSHW L.MSG.DONE ldy #Count+1 >PUSHB (pData),y dey >PUSHB (pData),y >PUSHBI 2 >SYSCALL PrintF .91 ldy #RC lda (pData),y get global RC in case of bContinue sec CS.RUN.LEAVE.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DIR .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 jsr CS.RUN.DIR.MSG bcs CS.RUN.LEAVE.RTS jsr CS.RUN.StatDst bcs .3 File Not exists...go create bit bNoConfirm bmi .21 no prompt, nothing to create, enter subdir jsr CS.RUN.OVERWRITE.MSG bcs CS.RUN.DIR.RTS .1 >SLEEP >SYSCALL GetChar bcs .1 cmp #3 beq .99 abort jsr CS.RUN.ToUpper cmp #'N' bne .2 jmp CS.RUN.CR.NEXT no overwrite, nothing to do, no recurse .2 cmp #'Y' beq .21 no create, but recurse cmp #'A' bne .1 * sec ror bNoConfirm .21 clc lda #0 bra .4 .3 ldy #hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY ldy #S.STAT.MODE+1 lda (ZPFileStat),y >PUSHA dey lda (ZPFileStat),y >PUSHA >SYSCALL MKDir .4 jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr bcs CS.RUN.DIR.RTS jsr CS.RUN.IncCount .FIN >LDYA ZPFileName jmp EnterSubDirYA .99 ldy #RC lda (pData),y get global RC in case of bContinue sec CS.RUN.DIR.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.REG ldx #2 jsr CS.RUN.REG.MSG bcs CS.RUN.DIR.RTS .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 jsr CS.RUN.StatDst bcs .2 File Not exists...go create bit bNoConfirm bmi .2 no prompt, overwrite jsr CS.RUN.OVERWRITE.MSG bcs .9 .1 >SLEEP >SYSCALL GetChar bcs .1 cmp #3 beq .99 abort jsr CS.RUN.ToUpper cmp #'N' bne .11 jmp CS.RUN.CR.NEXT no overwrite exit .90 rts .11 cmp #'Y' beq .12 copy cmp #'A' bne .1 * sec ror bNoConfirm .12 jsr GetEntry get back current entry corrupted by SLEEP .2 .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 mv file, check if srcbase=dstbase ldy #hSrcBasePath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY ldy #hDstBasePath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY >SYSCALL StrCaseCmp bcs .3 not same dir, go copy/delete jsr CS.RUN.Rename jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr bcs .9 jmp CS.RUN.NEXT .FIN .3 jsr CS.RUN.CopyStart bcc .4 jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr bcs .9 jmp CS.RUN.NEXT .FIN .4 .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 ldy #hSrcFullPath lda (pData),y ldy #hToDelete sta (pData),y .FIN clc .9 rts .99 >LDA.G RC get global RC in case of bContinue sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DIR.MSG ldx #0 CS.RUN.REG.MSG bit bQuiet bmi .8 >PUSHW L.MSG.DIR,x ldy #hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 ldy #hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY >PUSHBI 4 .ELSE >PUSHBI 2 .FIN >SYSCALL PrintF rts .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 CS.RUN.OVERWRITE.MSG bit bQuiet bmi .1 jsr CS.RUN.CR .1 >PUSHW L.MSG.OVERWRITE ldy #hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY >PUSHBI 2 >SYSCALL PrintF rts .FIN *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CR >PUSHW L.MSG.CRLF >PUSHBI 0 >SYSCALL PrintF rts *-------------------------------------- .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 CS.RUN.Rename ldy #hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY ldy #hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY >SYSCALL Rename bcs .9 jsr CS.RUN.IncCount .9 rts .FIN .FIN *-------------------------------------- .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 CS.RUN.CopyStart >STZ.G hSrcFile >STA.G hDstFile >STA.G hCopyBuf >STA.G CopyRC Reset RC >LDYAI X.COPY.BUF.SIZE >SYSCALL GetMem bcs .99 >STYA ZPPtr1 txa >STA.G hCopyBuf ldy #hSrcFullPath lda #O.RDONLY jsr CS.RUN.Open bcs CS.RUN.CopyEnd >STA.G hSrcFile ldy #hDstFullPath lda #O.WRONLY+O.CREATE jsr CS.RUN.Open bcs CS.RUN.CopyEnd >STA.G hDstFile lda #$ff >STA.G bCopy * clc .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.Copy >PUSHB.G hSrcFile >PUSHW ZPPtr1 Dst Ptr >PUSHWI X.COPY.BUF.SIZE Bytes To Read >SYSCALL FRead bcc .1 cmp #MLI.E.EOF bne .9 lda #0 clc bra CS.RUN.CopyEnd .1 phy pha >PUSHB.G hDstFile >PUSHW ZPPtr1 Src Ptr pla ply >PUSHYA Bytes To Write >SYSCALL FWrite bcs CS.RUN.CopyEnd bit bQuiet bmi .8 lda #'.' >SYSCALL PutChar .8 rts .9 sec *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CopyEnd >STA.G CopyRC php pha >LDA.G hDstFile beq .1 >SYSCALL FClose .1 >LDA.G hSrcFile beq .2 >SYSCALL FClose .2 >LDA.G hCopyBuf beq .3 >SYSCALL FreeMem .3 >STZ.G bCopy pla plp rts .FIN *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.Open pha Save open mode jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY pla >PUSHA ldy #S.STAT.P.TYPE >PUSHB (ZPFileStat),y ldy #S.STAT.P.AUXTYPE+1 >PUSHB (ZPFileStat),y dey >PUSHB (ZPFileStat),y >SYSCALL FOpen rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckErr bcs .1 bit bQuiet bmi .8 >LDYA L.MSG.OK >SYSCALL PutS .8 rts .1 pha >PUSHW L.MSG.ERR pla pha >PUSHA >PUSHBI 1 >SYSCALL PrintF lda bContinue eor #$80 asl pla rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.BuildFilePath ldy #hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY ldy #hSrcBasePath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY >SYSCALL StrCpy ldy #hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY >PUSHW ZPFileName >SYSCALL StrCat .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 ldy #hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY ldy #hDstBasePath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY >SYSCALL StrCpy ldy #hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY >LDA.G hDstFileName beq .1 >SYSCALL GetMemPtr >PUSHYA bra .2 .1 >PUSHW ZPFileName .2 >SYSCALL StrCat .FIN rts *-------------------------------------- .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 CS.RUN.StatDst ldy #hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathY >PUSHEA.G STATBUF >SYSCALL Stat rts .FIN *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.GetPathY sec .HS 90 BCC CS.RUN.PushPathY clc php lda (pData),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtr plp bcs .8 >PUSHYA .8 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.IncCount >INCW.G Count rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.ToUpper cmp #'a' bcc .8 cmp #'z'+1 bcs .8 eor #$20 .8 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.DOEVENT sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.QUIT jsr LeaveSubDir bcc CS.QUIT .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 >LDA.G bCopy bpl .1 jsr CS.RUN.CopyEnd .1 ldy #hDstFullPath jsr .7 ldy #hDstFileName jsr .7 .FIN ldy #hSrcFullPath jsr .7 ldy #hFilter jsr .7 ldy #hExclude .7 lda (pData),y beq .9 >SYSCALL FreeMem .9 clc rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE usr/src/shared/x.cpmvrm.s LOAD usr/src/bin/cp.s ASM