NEW AUTO 3,1 .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 .OR $2000 .TF bin/who *-------------------------------------- .INB inc/macros.i .INB inc/io.i .INB inc/mli.i .INB inc/a2osx.i .INB inc/kernel.i *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR ZPBIN ZS.START SessionID .BS 1 hSession .BS 1 ZPSessionPtr .BS 2 ZS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- * File Header (16 Bytes) *-------------------------------------- CS.START cld jmp (.1,x) .DA #$61 6502,Level 1 (65c02) .DA #1 BIN Layout Version 1 .DA 0 .DA CS.END-CS.START Code Size (without Constants) .DA DS.END-DS.START Data SegmentSize .DA #64 Stack Size .DA #ZS.END-ZS.START Zero Page Size .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Relocation Table *-------------------------------------- .1 .DA CS.INIT .DA CS.RUN .DA CS.EVENT .DA CS.QUIT L.MSG0 .DA MSG0 L.MSG1 .DA MSG1 .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- CS.INIT clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN >LDYA L.MSG0 >SYSCALL PutS ldx #1 stx SessionID .1 lda S.Table.hSID-1,x beq .7 >SYSCALL GetStkObj >STYA ZPSessionPtr stx hSession >PUSHW L.MSG1 format >PUSHB SessionID 1 byte SID ldx SessionID lda S.Table.hSID-1,x >PUSHA 1 byte hSession >PUSHB (ZPSessionPtr) 1 byte PRIVILEGE ldy #S.SESSION.UID >PUSHB (ZPSessionPtr),y 1 byte UID iny #S.SESSION.UID >PUSHB (ZPSessionPtr),y 1 byte GID lda ZPSessionPtr clc adc #S.SESSION.NAME tay lda ZPSessionPtr+1 adc /S.SESSION.NAME >PUSHYA 2 bytes NAME ldx SessionID lda S.Table.hFile-1,x jsr CS.RUN.GetDevName >PUSHYA 2 bytes DEV >PUSHBI 9 total = 9 ... bytes >SYSCALL PrintF lda hSession >SYSCALL FreeMem .7 inc SessionID ldx SessionID cpx #K.USR.MAX+1 beq .8 jmp .1 .8 lda #0 tell TSKMGR that all done ok, but sec we do not want to stay in memory .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.GetDevName tax lda hFDs.hName-1,x bne .8 lda hFDs-1,x >SYSCALL GetMemPtr pha tya clc adc #S.FD.DEV tay pla adc /S.FD.DEV * clc rts .8 >SYSCALL GetMemPtr rts *-------------------------------------- CS.EVENT sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.QUIT clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.END MSG0 .AZ "SID hSD Privilege UID GID Name Dev" MSG1 .AZ "%3d $%0h %b %3d %3d %16s %s\r\n" *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR 0 DS.START DS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE usr/src/bin/who.s ASM