PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- S.BrkHandlerAuxLC bra * *-------------------------------------- * called directly by IRQ Vector $FFFE in AuxLC * Must keep: * A,X,Y * SETREADAUX * if we are here, Aux ZP/Stack already On * Exit with RTI * if A2osX Drivers cannot clear IRQ, * must call regular System Handler *-------------------------------------- K.IrqHandlerAuxLC sta K.IrqMgr.A pla pha and #$10 BRK? beq .10 lda K.IrqMgr.A .82 jmp (K.IrqMgrOldFFFE) .10 stx K.IrqMgr.X sty K.IrqMgr.Y lda $fe pha lda $ff pha lda RDREADAUX pha sta CLRREADAUX Make sure we can access DevMgr.Table >LDYAI DevMgr.Table >STYA $fe .1 lda ($fe) End Of Table ? sec beq .8 ldy #S.DEV.F lda ($fe),y and #S.DEV.F.IRQ beq .2 jsr K.IrqHandlerJMP bcc .8 CC, IRQ cleared by device .2 lda $fe CS, adc #S.DEV-1 sta $fe bcc .1 inc $ff bra .1 .8 pla Must keep Carry bpl .81 sta SETREADAUX .81 pla sta $ff pla sta $fe ldy K.IrqMgr.Y ldx K.IrqMgr.X lda K.IrqMgr.A bcs .82 rti K.IrqHandlerJMP ldx #DEVMGR.IRQ jmp ($fe) *-------------------------------------- K.IrqMgrOldFFFE .BS 2 K.IrqMgr.A .BS 1 K.IrqMgr.X .BS 1 K.IrqMgr.Y .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SYS/KERNEL.S.IRQ LOAD SYS/KERNEL.S ASM