*** Auto generated by docgen.cmd *** # Args2ArgV Expand String and convert to ArgV List ## C short int args2argv(char* args, char* argv[]) ## ASM `>PUSHW argv` `>LDYA args` `>SYSCALL Args2ArgV ## RETURN VALUE A = Arg count # ArgV ## ASM **In:** A = argument index. ## RETURN VALUE CC : success Y,A = PTR To Arg[A] CS : Out Of Bound # LoadDrv ## ASM **In:** Y,A = PTR to "NAME.DRV [PARAM]" C-String ## RETURN VALUE none # InsDrv ## C `void * insdrv (void * src, void * crvcsstart, void * drvcsend, void * drvend);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHW DRV.END` `>PUSHW DRV.CS.END` `>PUSHW DRV.CS.START` `>LDYA L.SRC` `SYSCALL insdrv` ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = Ptr to installed driver # GetDevByID A = DevID ## RETURN VALUE CC = OK, CS = ERROR Y,A = FD X = hFD # GetDevByName Y,A = Ptr to device name (C-String) ## RETURN VALUE CC = OK, CS = ERROR Y,A = FD X = DevID # GetDevStatus ## C `int getdevstatus(short int hFD, S.DIB* dstat);` ## ASM `>PUSHWI S.DIB` `lda DevID` `>SYSCALL GetDevStatus` ## RETURN VALUE # MKDev Create a hDEV ## C `hDEV mkdev (S.FD * fd)` ## ASM `>LDYA FD.DEV` `>SYSCALL mkdev ## RETURN VALUE A = hDEV # OpenDir ## C `int hDIR opendir (const char * dirpath);` ## ASM `>LDYA dirpath` `>SYSCALL opendir` ## RETURN VALUE CC : success A = hDIR CS : error A = EC # ReadDir ## C `int readdir (int hDIR, S.DIRENT * dirent);` ## ASM `>PUSHW dirent` `lda hDIR` `>SYSCALL readdir` ## RETURN VALUE CC : success X = hDIRENT Y,A = PTR to S.DIRENT CS : error A = EC note : A = 0 means no more entry # CloseDir ## C `void closedir(hDIR);` ## ASM `lda hDIR` `>SYSCALL closedir` ## RETURN VALUE none, always succeed. # ExpandStr **In:** Y,A = PTR to String to Expand (C-String) ## RETURN VALUE X = hMem to Expanded String (C-String) Y,A = PTR to Expanded String # FileSearch Search a file in the provided PATH list And return, if found, the full path to it. ## C `int filesearch ( char * filename, char * searchpath, char * fullpath, stat * filestat);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI filestat` `>PUSHWI fullpath` `>PUSHWI searchpath` `>LDYAI filename` ## RETURN VALUE CC : success DstBuf = FilePath DstStat = S.STAT CS : not found # PutEnv Change or add an environment variable, string is 'NAME=VALUE' ## C `int putenv(char *string);` ## ASM **In:** `>LDYA string` `>SYSCALL putenv` ## RETURN VALUE # SetEnv Change or add an environment variable ## C `int setenv(const char *name, const char *value);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHW value` `>LDYA name` `>SYSCALL setenv` ## RETURN VALUE # GetEnv searches the environment list to find the environment variable name, and returns a pointer to the corresponding value string. ## C `char *getenv(const char *name);` ## ASM **In:** `>LDYA name` `>SYSCALL getenv` ## RETURN VALUE CC : Y,A = PTR to VALUE (C-String) CS : not found # UnsetEnv Remove an environment variable ## C `int unsetenv(const char *name);` ## ASM **In:** `>LDYA name` `>SYSCALL unsetenv` ## RETURN VALUE # LoadTxtFile Load TXT a file in memory (with ending 0) **In:** Y,A = File Path ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = File Length (without ending 0) X = hMem of Loaded File # LoadFile Load a file in memory **In:** PUSHW = AUXTYPE (Handled by.... PUSHB = TYPE ... PUSHB = MODE ... LDYA = PATH ...FOpen) ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = File Length X = hMem of Loaded File # ChTyp Change The type of a ProDOS File ## C `int chtyp(const char *filepath, const char filetype);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHBI filetype` `>LDYA filepath` `>SYSCALL chtyp` ## RETURN VALUE # ChMod **In:** PUSHW = UID PUSHW = PATH # ChOwn **In:** PUSHW = mod PUSHW = PATH # ChGrp **In:** PUSHW = GID PUSHW = PATH # open ## C `hFD open(const char *pathname, short int flags);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHB flags` `>LDYA pathname` `>SYSCALL open` ## RETURN VALUE A = hFD REG File created on ProDOS : T=TXT,X=$0000 # close ## C `int close(hFD fd);` ## ASM **In:** `lda fd` `>SYSCALL close` # read ## C `int read(hFD fd, void *buf, int count);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI count` `>PUSHW buf` `lda fd` `>SYSCALL read` ## RETURN VALUE CC: Y,A = bytes read CS: A = EC # write ## C `int write(hFD fd, const void *buf, int count);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI count` `>PUSHW buf` `lda fd` `>SYSCALL write` ## RETURN VALUE CC: Y,A = bytes written CS: A = EC # IOCTL ## C `int ioctl(short int hFD, int request, void * param );` ## ASM `PUSHWI param` `PUSHBI request` `lda hFD` `>SYSCALL IOCTL` ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = ... # pipe ## C `int pipe(int pipefd[2]);` ## ASM # FAdd,FSub,FMult,FDiv,FPwr Return X+Y, X-Y, X*Y, X/Y, X^Y ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHF X (float)` `>PUSHF Y (float)` `>SYSCALL fadd` `>SYSCALL fsub` `>SYSCALL fmult` `>SYSCALL fdiv` `>SYSCALL fpwr` ## RETURN VALUE On stack (float) # Log,Sqr,Exp,Cos,Sin,Tan,ATan Return Log(x), Sqr(x), E^X, Cos(x), Sin(X), Tan(x), ATan(x) ## C `float log ( float x);` `float sqr ( float x);` `float exp ( float x);` `float cos ( float x);` `float sin ( float x);` `float tan ( float x);` `float atan ( float x);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHF x (Float)` `>SYSCALL log` ## RETURN VALUE On stack (Float) # float Return 'floated' long ## C `float f = (float)12345678; ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHL X` (long) ## RETURN VALUE On stack (float) # lrintf Return float rounded into a long ## C `long int lrintf (float x);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHF x` `>SYSCALL lrintf` ## RETURN VALUE On stack (long) # GetMem0 Y,A = Size Requested ## RETURN VALUE CC : success YA = PTR to Mem (ZERO Initialised) * X = hMem CS : A = EC # GetMem Y,A = Size Requested ## RETURN VALUE CC : success YA = PTR to Mem (Uninitialised) * X = hMem CS : A = EC # FreeMem A = hMem To Free ## RETURN VALUE none. (X unmodified) # GetMemPtr A = hMem ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = PTR to MemBlock (X unmodified) # GetMemByID A = hMem ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = ZPMemMgrSPtr = PTR to S.MEM (X unmodified) # GetMemStat **In:** Y,A = Ptr to 24 bytes buffer ## RETURN VALUE Buffer filled with memory stats # NewStr Create a new copy of this C-String Y,A = Ptr to source C-String ## RETURN VALUE CC : success Y,A = PTR to String X = hMem (PSTR) CS : error A = SYS error code # SListGetByID PUSHB = hSList PUSHW = KeyID PUSHW = Data Ptr PUSHW = Key Ptr ## RETURN VALUE X,Y = Next KeyID # SListUpdateByID PUSHB = hSList PUSHW = KeyID PUSHW = Data Ptr ## RETURN VALUE A = Key Length X,Y = KeyID # SListAdd PUSHB = hSList PUSHW = Key Ptr PUSHW = Data Ptr ## RETURN VALUE A = Key Length X,Y = KeyID # SListLookup PUSHB = hSList PUSHW = Key Ptr PUSHW = Data Ptr ## RETURN VALUE A = Key Length X,Y = KeyID # SListNew ## RETURN VALUE A=hSList # SListFree A=hSList ## RETURN VALUE # GetStkObjProp A = hObject (AUX Memory) Y = Property Index ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = Property Value # NewStkObj Y,A = Size Requested ## RETURN VALUE CC : success YA = PTR to Mem (Uninitialised) * X = hMem CS : A = EC # FreeStkObj A = hMem To Free (AUX Memory) ## RETURN VALUE none. (X,Y unmodified) # LoadStkObj Load a file in AUX memory (Stock Objects) PUSHW = AUXTYPE (Handled by.... PUSHB = TYPE ... PUSHB = MODE ... PUSHW = PATH ...FOpen) ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = File Length X = hMem of Loaded Object in AUX mem # GetPSStat **In:** Y,A = Ptr to K.PS.MAX*2+1 bytes buffer ## RETURN VALUE Buffer filled with PS stats # ExecL ## C `int execl(const char* cmdline, short int flags);` ## ASM `>PUSHB flags` `>LDYA cmdline` `>SYSCALL execl` ## RETURN VALUE A = Child PSID # ExecV ## C `int exec(const char* argv[], short int flags);` ## ASM `>PUSHB flags` `>LDYA argv` `>SYSCALL execv` ## RETURN VALUE A = Child PSID # GetPSStatus **In:** A = PID ## RETURN VALUE A = Status Byte # Stat Return information about a file ## C `int stat(const char *pathname, struct stat *statbuf);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHW statbuf` `>LDYA pathname` `>SYSCALL stat` ## RETURN VALUE # MKDir create a directory ## C `int mkdir(const char *pathname, int mode);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHW mode` `>LDYA pathname` `>SYSCALL mkdir` ## RETURN VALUE CC : success CS : error A = EC # MkNod Create a special or ordinary file. (CDEV, BDEV, DSOCKS, SSOCK, PIPE) ## C `hFILE mknod(const char *pathname, int mode, hFD fd);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHB fd` `>PUSHW mode` `>LDYA pathname` `>SYSCALL mknod` ## RETURN VALUE CC = OK, CS = ERROR A = hFILE # MKFIFO return a hFILE to a new FIFO ## C `hFILE mkfifo(const char *pathname, int mode);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHW mode` `>LDYA pathname` `>SYSCALL mkfifo` ## RETURN VALUE CC = OK, CS = ERROR A = hFILE # PutChar Print A (char) to StdOut ## C `int putchar ( int character );` ## ASM **In:** `lda caracter` `>SYSCALL putchar` ## RETURN VALUE CC = success # FPutC Print A (char) to hFILE ## C `int fputc ( hFILE stream , int character );` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHB character` `lda stream` `>SYSCALL fputc` ## RETURN VALUE CC = success # PutS Write Str to StdOut, appends '\r\n' ## C `int puts ( const char * str );` **In:** ## ASM `>LDYAI str` `>SYSCALL puts` ## RETURN VALUE CC = success # FPutS Write Str to FILE ## C `int fputs (hFILE stream, const char * str );` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHW str` `lda stream` `>SYSCALL fputs` ## RETURN VALUE CC = success # PrintF/SPrintF/FPrintF Prints C-Style String ## C `int printf ( const char * format, ... );` `int fprintf ( hFILE stream, const char * format, ... );` `int sprintf ( char * str, const char * format, ... );` ## ASM **In:** PrintF : (example is for printing Y,A as integer : format="%I", 2 bytes) `>PUSHYA` `...` `>PUSHBI bytecount` `>LDYAI format` `>SYSCALL printf` SPrintF : `>PUSHYA` `...` `>PUSHBI bytecount` `>PUSHWI format` `>LDYAI str` `>SYSCALL sprintf` FPrintF : `>PUSHYA` `...` `>PUSHBI bytecount` `>PUSHWI format` `lda hFILE` `>SYSCALL fprintf` ## RETURN VALUE CC : success, Y,A = bytes sent CS : error, A = code from Output Specifiers : + %b : pull 1 byte to Print BIN + %B : pull 2 bytes to Print BIN + %d : pull 1 byte unsigned DEC 0..255 + %D : pull 2 bytes unsigned DEC 0..65535 + %u : pull 4 bytes long unsigned DEC 0..4294967295 + %e : pull 5 Bytes float (-)1.23456789e+12 + %f : pull 5 Bytes float (-)3.1415 + %h : pull 1 byte to Print HEX + %H : pull 2 bytes to Print HEX + %i : pull 1 byte to Print signed DEC -128..127 + %I : pull 2 bytes to Print signed DEC -32768..32767 + %L : pull 4 bytes signed DEC -2147483648..2147483647 + %n : pull 1 byte to Print low Nibble HEX + %N : pull 1 byte to Print high Nibble HEX + %s : pull 2 bytes ptr to C-Style String + %S : pull 2 bytes ptr to P-Style String + \b : Print 'BS' (08) + \e : Print 'ESC' ($1B,27) + \f : Print 'FF' ($0C,12) + \n : Print 'LF' ($0A,10) + \r : Print 'CR' ($0D,13) + \\\\ : Print \ + \\% : Print % Modifiers for len and padding : + %d : '9' '12' + %2d : ' 9' '12' + %02d : '09' '12' + %11s : 'ABCDEFGH ' + %011s : 'ABCDEFGH000' + %2f : '3.14' # FGetS read bytes from stream into the array pointed to by s, until n-1 bytes are read, or a is read and transferred to s, or an end-of-file condition is encountered. The string is then terminated with a null byte. ## C `char *fgets(hFILE stream, char * s, int n);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHW n` `>PUSHW s` `lda hFILE` `>SYSCALL fgets` ## RETURN VALUE Y,A: s CC = success # GetChar Get char from StdIn ## C `int getchar ();` ## ASM **In:** `>SYSCALL getchar` ## RETURN VALUE CC = success A = char # GetC Get char from Node ## C `int getc ( hFILE stream );` ## ASM **In:** `lda stream` `>SYSCALL getc` ## RETURN VALUE CC = success A = char # SScanF Read formatted data from string ## C `int sscanf ( const char * s, const char * format, ... );` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHW ptr` `...` `>PUSHBI bytecount` `>PUSHWI format` + %i : short int + %d : byte + %I : int + %D : word + %L : long int + %U : dword + %h : HEX byte + %H : HEX word + %s : string TODO : %10s `>LDYA s` `>SYSCALL sscanf` ## RETURN VALUE A = Number of arguments filled. # FOpen Open a file ## C `hFILE fopen ( const char * filename, short int flags, short int ftype, int auxtype );` **In:** ## ASM `>PUSHWI auxtype` `>PUSHBI ftype` `>PUSHBI flags` + O.RDONLY : if R and exists -> ERROR + O.WRONLY : if W and exists -> CREATE + O.TRUNC : Reset Size To 0 + O.APPEND : Append + O.TEXT : Open/Append in Text mode + O.CREATE : Create if not exists TODO: replace flags/ftype/auxtype with mode="w+,t=TYP,x=AUXTYPE" + r = O_RDONLY + r+ = O_RDWR + w = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC + w+ = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC + a = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND + a+ = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND + ,t=123 or t=$ff or t=TXT + ,x=12345 or x=$ffff `>LDYAI filename` ## RETURN VALUE CC : A = hFILE CS : A = EC # FClose Close a file ## C int fclose ( hFILE stream ); ## ASM **In:** `lda stream` `>SYSCALL fclose` ## RETURN VALUE # FRead Read bytes from file ## C int fread (hFILE stream, void * ptr, int count ); ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI count` `>PUSHW ptr` `lda stream` `>SYSCALL fread` ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = Bytes Read # FWrite Write bytes to file ## C `int fwrite (hFILE stream, const void * ptr, int count );` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI count` `>PUSHW ptr` `lda stream` `>SYSCALL fwrite` ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = Bytes Written # FFlush ## C int fflush(hFILE stream); ## ASM **In:** `lda stream` `>SYSCALL fflush` # FSeek Set the file-position indicator for hFILE ## C `int fseek(hFILE stream, long offset, short int whence);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHBI whence` `>PUSHL offset` `lda stream` `>SYSCALL fseek` # FEOF Test the end-of-file indicator for hFILE ## C `int feof(hFILE stream);` ## ASM **In:** `lda stream` `>SYSCALL feof` ## RETURN VALUE CC : A=0 EOF A =0 NOT EOF CS : # FTell Return the current value of the file-position indicator ## C `long ftell(hFILE stream);` ## ASM **In:** `lda stream` `>SYSCALL ftell` ## RETURN VALUE On stack (long) # Remove Remove a file or directory ## C int remove(const char *pathname); ## ASM **In:** `>LDYA pathname` `>SYSCALL remove` ## RETURN VALUE # Rename Rename a file ## C `int rename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHW newpath` `>LDYA oldpath` `>SYSCALL rename` ## RETURN VALUE # strtof Convert String to 40 bits Float ## C `float strtof (const char* str, char** endptr);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI EndPtr` `>LDYA str` `>SYSCALL strtof` ## RETURN VALUE On stack (float) # AToF Convert String to 40 bits Float ## C `float atof (const char* str);` ## ASM **In:** `>LDYA str` `>SYSCALL atof` ## RETURN VALUE On stack (float) # StrToL/StrToUL Convert String to 32 bits (unsigned) int ## C `long strtol (const char* str, char** endptr, int base);` `unsigned long strtoul (const char* str, char** endptr, int base);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHB Base` `>PUSHWI EndPtr` `>LDYAI str` `>SYSCALL strtol` ## RETURN VALUE On stack (long) # atol Convert String to 32 bits long ## C `long atol ( const char * str );` ## ASM **In:** `>LDYA str` `>SYSCALL atol` ## RETURN VALUE On stack (long) # atoi Convert String to 16 bits int ## C `int atoi ( const char * str );` ## ASM **In:** `>LDYAI str` `>SYSCALL atoi` ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = int # RealPath Return the canonicalized absolute pathname ## C `unsigned short int realpath (const char* str);` ## ASM **In:** `>LDYA str` `>SYSCALL realpath` ## RETURN VALUE CC : success Y,A = Ptr to Full Path (C-String) X = hMem of Full Path CS : A = Error Code # StrMatch Compare a String against pattern (e.g. '*test?.txt') ## C `int * strmatch ( char * s, const char * pattern );` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI pattern` `>LDYAI s` `>SYSCALL strmatch` ## RETURN VALUE CC : match CS : no match # StrLen Returns Length of C-String ## C `int strlen ( char * str);` ## ASM `>LDYAI str` `>SYSCALL strlen` ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = String length # StrCat Concatenate strings ## C `char * strcat ( char * destination, const char * source );` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI source` `>LDYAI destination` `>SYSCALL strcat` ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = destination # StrCpy Copy string ## C `char * strcpy ( char * destination, const char * source );` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI source` `>LDYAI destination` `>SYSCALL strcpy` ## RETURN VALUE Y,A = destination # StrUpr/StrLwr Convert string to UPPERCASE/lowercase ## C `int strupr ( char * str);` `int strlwr ( char * str);` ## ASM **In:** `>LDYAI str` `>SYSCALL strupr` `>SYSCALL strlwr` ## RETURN VALUE Uppercased/lowercased String in Buffer Y,A = str # StrCmp Compare 2 strings ## C `int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI s2` `>LDYAI s1` `>SYSCALL strcmp` ## RETURN VALUE CC : match CS : no match CC, Y,A=0 CS, Y,A > 0 or < 0 # StrCaseCmp Compare 2 strings, ignoring case ## C `int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);` ## ASM **In:** `>PUSHWI s2` `>LDYAI s1` `>SYSCALL strcasecmp` ## RETURN VALUE CC : match CS : no match CC, Y,A=0 CS, Y,A > 0 or < 0 # Time Get System Time in Buffer ## C `time_t time (S.TIME* timer);` ## ASM `>LDYA timer` `>SYSCALL time` ## RETURN VALUE S.TIME filled with System date/time # PTime2Time Convert ProDOS Time To S.TIME ## C `int PTime2Time (long* ptime, S.TIME* timer);` ## ASM `>PUSHW timer` `>LDYA ptime` `>SYSCALL PTime2Time` ## RETURN VALUE # CTime2Time Convert CTime Time To S.TIME ## C `int CTime2Time (long* ctime, S.TIME* timer);` ## ASM `>PUSHW timer` `>LDYA ctime` `>SYSCALL CTime2Time` ## RETURN VALUE # StrFTime ## C Convert S.TIME struct to CSTR `size_t strftime (char* ptr, const char* format, const struct S.TIME* timeptr );` ## ASM `PUSHW timeptr` `PUSHW format` + %a : Abbreviated weekday name : Thu + %A : Full weekday name : Thursday + %b : Abbreviated month name : Aug + %B : Full month name : August + %d : Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31) + %H : Hour in 24h format (00-23) 14 + %I : Hour in 12h format (01-12) 02 + %m : Month as a decimal number (01-12) 08 + %M : Minute (00-59) 55 + %p : AM or PM designation PM + %S : Second (00-61) 02 + %w : Weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6) + %y : Year, last two digits (00-99) + %Y : Year four digits 2001 `>LDYA ptr` `>SYSCALL strftime` ## RETURN VALUE none. always succeed.