PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- ZPPtr1 .EQ ZPBIN ZPPtr2 .EQ ZPBIN+2 *-------------------------------------- * File Header (16 Bytes) *-------------------------------------- CS.START cld jmp (.1,x) .DA #$61 6502,Level 1 (65c02) .DA #1 BIN Layout Version 1 .DA 0 .DA CS.END-CS.START Code Length To Relocate .DA DS.END-DS.START Data Segment to Allocate .DA 0 .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Relocation Table *-------------------------------------- .1 .DA CS.INIT .DA CS.RUN .DA CS.DOEVENT .DA CS.QUIT L.MSG.USAGE .DA MSG.USAGE L.MSG.DIR .DA MSG.DIR L.MSG.FILE .DA MSG.FILE L.MSG.OK .DA MSG.OK L.MSG.ERR .DA MSG.ERR L.STAT .DA STAT .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- CS.INIT >SYSCALL GetArgC sta ArgCount cmp #1 beq .99 stz ArgIndex .1 dec ArgCount beq .7 inc ArgIndex lda ArgIndex >SYSCALL GetArgA >STYA ZPPtr1 lda (ZPPtr1) cmp #2 bne .4 ldy #1 lda (ZPPtr1),y cmp #'-' bne .4 iny lda (ZPPtr1),y ldx OptionList .2 cmp OptionList,x beq .3 dex bne .2 .99 >LDYA L.MSG.USAGE >SYSCALL CPrintFYA lda #SYSMGR.ERRSYN sec rts .3 ldy OptionVars-1,x lda #$80 sta (pData),y bra .1 .4 ldy #index lda (pData),y bne .5 Already have a Src dir... >LDYA ZPPtr1 jsr InitSrcDirYA bcc .1 success, scan for any other args rts .5 ldy #hDstBasePath lda (pData),y bne .99 we already have a second arg....error! >LDYA ZPPtr1 jsr InitDstDirYA bcc .1 success, scan for any other args rts .7 ldy #index processed all args lda (pData),y beq .99 , no src ? ERROR ldy #hDstBasePath lda (pData),y bne .8 we also have a Dst folder ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX no dst folder, use actual prefix lda (pPs),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA jsr InitDstDirYA bcs .99 .8 lda (pPs) ora #S.PS.F.EVENT Now accept events sta (pPs) clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN ldy #bCANCEL lda (pData),y bmi .99 ldy #bSTOP lda (pData),y bmi .8 jsr GetNextEntry bcs .9 ldy #hFilter lda (pData),y beq .4 No filter.... >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >SYSCALL PStrMatch bcs .8 no match, skip.... .4 ldy #S.STAT.PRODOS.DRIVE lda (ZPPtr2),y ProDOS Device ? bne .5 ldy #S.STAT.PRODOS.TYPE lda (ZPPtr2),y cmp #$0F Directory ? bne .6 jmp CS.RUN.DIR .5 jmp CS.RUN.DEV .6 jmp CS.RUN.FILE .9 jsr LeaveSubDir bcs .99 ldy #bRecurse lda (pData),y bpl .8 .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 jsr CS.RUN.DELETE.DIR jsr CS.RUN.PRINT.RC bcs .99 .FIN jsr BasePath.. .8 clc rts .99 lda #0 sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DEV >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >LDYA L.MSG.FILE >SYSCALL CPrintFYA bcs .9 ldy #bRecurse lda (pData),y bpl .8 jsr CS.RUN.PRINT.FILE bcs .9 lda #0 clc jsr CS.RUN.PRINT.RC >LDYA ZPPtr1 jmp EnterSubDirYA .8 clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DIR ldy #bRecurse lda (pData),y bpl .8 ldy #1 lda (ZPPtr1),y cmp #'.' beq .8 jsr CS.RUN.PRINT.DIR bcs .9 jsr CS.RUN.COPY.DIR jsr CS.RUN.PRINT.RC bcs .9 >LDYA ZPPtr1 jmp EnterSubDirYA .8 clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.FILE jsr CS.RUN.PRINT.FILE bcs .9 jsr CS.RUN.COPY.FILE jsr CS.RUN.PRINT.RC bcs .9 .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 jsr CS.RUN.DELETE.FILE jsr CS.RUN.PRINT.RC bcs .9 .FIN .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.PRINT.DIR jsr CS.RUN.GET.SRC.DST >LDYA L.MSG.DIR bra CS.RUN.PRINT CS.RUN.PRINT.FILE jsr CS.RUN.GET.SRC.DST >LDYA L.MSG.FILE CS.RUN.PRINT >SYSCALL CPrintFYA rts CS.RUN.GET.SRC.DST ldy #hDstBasePath lda (pData),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA >PUSHW ZPPtr1 ldy #hSrcBasePath lda (pData),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.COPY.DIR ldy #hDstBasePath lda (pData),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL PStrCpy >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL PStrCat >LDYAI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL MKDirYA rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.COPY.FILE jsr CS.RUN.MAKE.SRC clc rts *-------------------------------------- .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DELETE.DIR jsr CS.RUN.GET.BASE.PATH bra CS.RUN.DELETE *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DELETE.FILE jsr CS.RUN.GET.BASE.PATH >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL PStrCat CS.RUN.DELETE >LDYAI UsrBuf256 * >SYSCALL RemoveYA clc rts *-------------------------------------- .FIN *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.GET.BASE.PATH ldy #hSrcBasePath lda (pData),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL PStrCpy rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.MAKE.SRC ldy #hSrcBasePath .HS 2C bit abs CS.RUN.MAKE.DST ldy #hDstBasePath lda (pData),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL PStrCpy >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL PStrCat >LDYAI UsrBuf256 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.PRINT.RC pha php bcs .1 >LDYA L.MSG.OK bra .8 .1 >PUSHA >LDYA L.MSG.ERR .8 >SYSCALL CPrintFYA bcs .9 plp bcc .81 ldy #bContinue lda (pData),y eor #$80 asl .81 pla rts .9 plx plx rts *-------------------------------------- CS.DOEVENT ldy #S.EVT.hDEV is Event from active IN device? lda (pEvent),y ldy #S.PS.hINDEV cmp (pPs),y bne .9 lda (pEvent) and #S.EVT.F.KEY is it a KEY event? beq .9 ldy #S.EVT.DATAHI is it an O or SAPPLE key ? lda (pEvent),y bne .9 ldy #S.EVT.DATALO lda (pEvent),y cmp #$03 Ctrl-C bne .1 lda #$FF ldy #bCANCEL sta (pData),y bra .8 .1 cmp #$13 Ctrl-S bne .8 ldy #bSTOP lda (pData),y eor #$FF sta (pData),y .8 clc rts .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.QUIT jsr LeaveSubDir bcc CS.QUIT ldy #hFilter lda (pData),y beq .3 >SYSCALL FreeMemA .3 clc rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE BIN/X.CPMV.S LOAD BIN/CP.S ASM