PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 *-------------------------------------- * S.AddNetCfg * in : * PULLB = ProtocolID * PULLW = PTR to NetCfg Struct * out : * A = * cc,cs *-------------------------------------- S.AddNetCfg lda NetCfgCnt cmp #K.NETCFG.MAX beq .9 asl sta NetCfgIdx tax >PULLB NetCfgTbl,x save PROTOID >PULLW ZPQuickPtr1 >PUSHWI K.NETCFG.SIZE >PUSHBI 0 jsr S.GetMem bcs .99 >STYA ZPQuickPtr2 txa ldx NetCfgIdx sta NetCfgTbl+1,x ldy #K.NETCFG.SIZE .1 dey lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y sta (ZPQuickPtr2),y tya bne .1 lda NetCfgCnt inc NetCfgCnt clc rts .9 >PULLA discard parameters >PULLA >PULLA sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- * S.SetNetCfg * in : * PULLB = ProtocolID * PULLW = PTR to NetConfig * out : *-------------------------------------- S.SetNetCfg >PULLA pha >PULLW ZPQuickPtr1 pla ldx NetCfgCnt beq .9 ldy #0 .1 cmp NetCfgTbl,y beq .2 iny iny dex bne .1 .9 sec rts .2 lda NetCfgTbl+1,y jsr S.GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPQuickPtr2 ldy #K.NETCFG.SIZE .3 dey lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y sta (ZPQuickPtr2),y tya bne .3 clc rts *-------------------------------------- * S.GetNetCfgA * in : * A = ProtocolID * out : * Y,A = PTR to NetConfig *-------------------------------------- S.GetNetCfgA ldx NetCfgCnt beq .9 ldy #0 .1 cmp NetCfgTbl,y beq .2 iny iny dex bne .1 .9 sec rts .2 lda NetCfgTbl+1,y jsr S.GetMemPtrA clc rts *-------------------------------------- * S.ClrNetCfgA * in : * A = ProtocolID * out : * cc,cs *-------------------------------------- S.ClrNetCfgA ldx NetCfgCnt beq .9 ldy #0 .1 cmp NetCfgTbl,y beq .2 iny iny dex bne .1 .9 sec rts .2 lda NetCfgTbl+1,y jsr S.FreeMemA X,Y unmodified cpy #K.NETCFG.MAX*2-2 last slot? beq .4 .3 lda NetCfgTbl+2,y sta NetCfgTbl,y lda NetCfgTbl+3,y sta NetCfgTbl+1,y iny iny cpy #K.NETCFG.MAX*2-2 last slot? bne .3 .4 lda #0 sta NetCfgTbl+1,y sta NetCfgTbl,y clc rts *-------------------------------------- NetCfgCnt .HS 00 NetCfgIdx .BS 1 NetCfgTbl .BS K.NETCFG.MAX*2 *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SYS/KERNEL.S.NET LOAD SYS/KERNEL.S ASM