NEW PREFIX AUTO 4,1 *-------------------------------------- CURSOR.BLINK.SPEED .EQ 2 INBUF.MAXLEN .EQ 32 OUTBUF.MAXLEN .EQ 32 *-------------------------------------- ZPIOCTL .EQ ZPDRV ZPTTYEnvPtr .EQ ZPDRV+2 ZPTTYBufPtr .EQ ZPDRV+4 ZPBufPtr .EQ ZPDRV+10 ZPCount .EQ ZPDRV+12 ZPBufBaseL1 .EQ ZPDRV+14 ZPBufBaseL2 .EQ ZPDRV+16 ZPScrBaseL1 .EQ ZPDRV+18 ZPScrBaseL2 .EQ ZPDRV+20 ZPTmpWord .EQ ZPDRV+22 ZPTmpBool .EQ ZPDRV+24 *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM cld >STYA pIOCTL ldy #S.FD.DEV.BUFPTR lda (pFD),y sta ZPTTYEnvPtr iny lda (pFD),y sta ZPTTYEnvPtr+1 ldy #S.TTY.DEVID lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y cmp A2osX.ASCREEN beq .1 CS clc .1 ror bActive jmp (.8,x) .8 .DA DRV.TERM.STATUS .DA A2osX.BADCALL .DA A2osX.BADCALL .DA A2osX.BADCALL .DA DRV.TERM.CONTROL .DA A2osX.BADCALL .DA DRV.TERM.OPEN .DA DRV.TERM.CLOSE .DA DRV.TERM.READ .DA DRV.TERM.WRITE *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.STATUS ldy #S.IOCTL.BUFPTR lda (ZPIOCTL),y sta ZPBufPtr iny lda (ZPIOCTL),y sta ZPBufPtr+1 ldy #S.IOCTL.STATCODE lda (ZPIOCTL),y beq .1 cmp #S.IOCTL.STATCODE.GETDIB bne .9 ldy #S.DIB-1 .HS 2C bit abs .1 ldy #3 .2 lda DRV.TERM.DIB,y .3 sta (ZPBufPtr),y SELF MODIFIED dey bne .2 ldy #S.TTY.STATUS lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y clc rts .9 lda #MLI.E.BADCTL sec rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.OPEN ldx #0 .1 ldy A2osX.SCRNDEVS,x beq .2 inx cpx #K.SCR.MAX bne .1 lda #E.OOH sec rts .9 lda #MLI.E.OPEN sec rts .2 sta A2osX.SCRNDEVS,x DEV.ID in A ldy #S.TTY.DEVID sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y ldy #S.TTY.STATUS lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y bit #S.DIB.S.OPENED bne .9 ora #S.DIB.S.OPENED ora DRV.TERM.DIB+S.DIB.S sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y stz OutPtr stz OutCnt jsr RESET *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.CONTROL sta SETTEXT sta SETALTCHAR sta SET80DISP sta CLR80STORE sta CLRPAGE2 ldy #S.TTY.DEVID lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y sta A2osX.ASCREEN clc rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.CLOSE ldy #S.TTY.STATUS lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y bit #S.DIB.S.OPENED beq .9 lda DRV.TERM.DIB+S.DIB.S sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y ldx #0 ldy #S.TTY.DEVID .1 lda A2osX.SCRNDEVS,x cmp (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y bne .2 stz A2osX.SCRNDEVS,x .2 inx cpx #K.SCR.MAX bne .1 clc rts .9 lda MLI.E.IO sec rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.READ bit bActive is screen active? bpl .6 no....go check flush... lda A2osX.TIMER16 and #CURSOR.BLINK.SPEED ldy #S.TTY.bCURON eor (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y beq .1 jsr CURBLNK .1 lda OPENAPPLE bmi .6 Open apple key, not for us... lda KBD bpl .6 sta KBDSTROBE and #$7F ldx KeyRemapped .2 cmp KeyRemapped,x beq .3 dex bne .2 jsr Char.Out.Put no remap....send char.... bra .7 and flush .3 lda KeyRemappedIdx,x tay .4 lda KeyRemappedTbl,y beq .7 end of remap....flush jsr Char.Out.Put iny bra .4 .6 lda OutCnt beq .9 no char in output buffer... .7 stz .8+1 jsr GetPtrsAndCnt .70 inc ZPCount bne .71 inc ZPCount+1 beq .8 .71 jsr Char.Out.Get bcs .8 ldy .8+1 sta (ZPBufPtr),y iny sty .8+1 bra .70 .8 lda #$ff SELF MODIFIED ldy #S.IOCTL.BYTECNT sta (ZPIOCTL),y iny lda #0 sta (ZPIOCTL),y clc rts .9 lda #0 Error = char sec rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.WRITE jsr GetPtrsAndCnt .1 inc ZPCount bne .2 inc ZPCount+1 beq .8 .2 ldy #S.TTY.MODE lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y tax jsr .3 inc ZPBufPtr bne .1 inc ZPBufPtr+1 bra .1 .3 jmp (.4,x) .4 .DA DRV.TERM.COUT .DA DRV.TERM.ESC .DA DRV.TERM.CSI .DA DRV.TERM.IAC .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.COUT lda (ZPBufPtr) cmp #IAC bne .1 lda #S.TTY.MODE.IAC sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y stz InBuffer clc rts .1 pha jsr CUROFF pla cmp #C.DEL beq DEL cmp #C.SPACE bcc COUT.Ctrl ldy #S.TTY.bINVERSE ora (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y jsr SetCharAtCurPos *-------------------------------------- FS ldy #S.TTY.CH lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y cmp #79 bne .1 ldy #S.TTY.bLINEWRAP lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y bpl FS.8 ldy #S.TTY.CH lda #0 sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y jmp LF .1 inc sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y FS.8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- DEL ldy #S.TTY.CH lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y beq .1 dec sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y bra .3 .1 iny S.TTY.CV lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y beq FS.8 dec sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y dey lda #79 sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y S.TTY.CH .3 lda #$20 ldy #S.TTY.bINVERSE ora (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y jmp SetCharAtCurPos *-------------------------------------- COUT.Ctrl ldx #CtrlChars.Cnt-1 .1 cmp CtrlChars,x beq .2 dex bpl .1 clc rts .2 txa asl tax jmp (J.CtrlChars,x) *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.ESC lda (ZPBufPtr) cmp #'[' bne .1 lda #S.TTY.MODE.CSI sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y stz InBuffer clc rts .1 lda #0 sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y ldx #EscCodes.Cnt-1 .2 cmp EscCodes,x beq .3 dex bpl .2 clc rts .3 txa asl tax jmp (J.EscCodes,x) *-------------------------------------- J.EscCodes .DA Scroll.Dn M .DA Scroll.Up D .DA RESET c *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.CSI inc InBuffer ldx InBuffer lda (ZPBufPtr) sta InBuffer,x cmp #64 End of Seq ? bcs COUT.ExecEscSeq cpx #INBUF.MAXLEN too long? bne .8 lda #0 sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y .8 clc rts COUT.ExecEscSeq stz EscSeqParamCnt stz bEscSeqInNum ldx #0 EscSeq Ptr .10 stz ZPTmpWord stz ZPTmpWord+1 .1 inx lda InBuffer,x cmp #'0' bcc .2 cmp #'9'+1 bcs .2 dec bEscSeqInNum and #$0F pha lda ZPTmpWord ldy ZPTmpWord+1 asl ZPTmpWord param=param*10 rol ZPTmpWord+1 asl ZPTmpWord rol ZPTmpWord+1 clc adc ZPTmpWord sta ZPTmpWord tya adc ZPTmpWord+1 sta ZPTmpWord+1 asl ZPTmpWord rol ZPTmpWord+1 pla clc adc ZPTmpWord sta ZPTmpWord bcc .1 inc ZPTmpWord+1 bra .1 .2 bit bEscSeqInNum bpl .3 stz bEscSeqInNum lda #255 ldy ZPTmpWord+1 bne .21 lda ZPTmpWord .21 ldy EscSeqParamCnt sta EscSeqParam,y inc EscSeqParamCnt .3 lda InBuffer,x cmp #';' beq .10 lda #0 ldy #S.TTY.MODE sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y ldx #EscSeqCmds.Cnt-1 .4 cmp EscSeqCmds,x beq .5 dex bne .4 clc rts .5 txa asl tax jmp (J.EscSequences,x) *-------------------------------------- J.EscSequences .DA Esc.LWEnable h .DA Esc.LWDisable l .DA Esc.DispAttr m .DA Esc.Query n .DA Esc.Scroll r .DA Esc.Erase K .DA Esc.Home H *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.IAC inc InBuffer ldx InBuffer cpx #INBUF.MAXLEN beq * lda (ZPBufPtr) sta InBuffer,x cpx #1 CMD ? beq .8 yes, wait for additional bytes ldy InBuffer+1 get back CMD cpy #SB bne .1 not a SB/SE....stop with CMD/SUBCMD cmp #SE bne .8 wait for ending SE....keep bIACMode .1 cpy #IAC beq .9 tya sec sbc #SB bcc .9 asl tax lda InBuffer+2 Get SUBCMD in A cpx #10 bcs * jmp (J.COUT.IAC.CMDS,x) .9 bra RESET.MODE .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- J.COUT.IAC.CMDS .DA COUT.IAC.SB .DA COUT.IAC.WILL .DA COUT.IAC.WONT .DA COUT.IAC.DO .DA COUT.IAC.DONT .DA 0 end of relocation *-------------------------------------- COUT.IAC.SB cmp #TELOPT.TTYPE bne .9 lda InBuffer+3 cmp #SB.SEND bne .9 ldy #0 .1 lda SB.IS.TTYPE,y jsr Char.Out.Put iny cpy #SB.IS.TTYPE.LEN bne .1 .9 bra RESET.MODE *-------------------------------------- COUT.IAC.WILL ldx #WILLDO.CNT-1 .1 cmp WILLDO,x beq .7 dex bpl .1 ldx #WILLDONT.CNT-1 .2 cmp WILLDONT,x beq .8 dex bpl .2 bra .9 .7 ldx #DO .HS 2C BIT ABS .8 ldx #DONT bra COUT.IAC.SendAX .9 bra RESET.MODE *-------------------------------------- COUT.IAC.WONT bra RESET.MODE *-------------------------------------- COUT.IAC.DO ldx #DOWILL.CNT-1 .1 cmp DOWILL,x beq .7 dex bpl .1 ldx #DOWONT.CNT-1 .2 cmp DOWONT,x beq .8 dex bpl .2 bra COUT.IAC.SendAX.9 .7 ldx #WILL .HS 2C BIT ABS .8 ldx #WONT *-------------------------------------- COUT.IAC.SendAX pha push CMD phx lda #IAC jsr Char.Out.Put pla jsr Char.Out.Put pla jsr Char.Out.Put COUT.IAC.SendAX.9 bra RESET.MODE *-------------------------------------- COUT.IAC.DONT bra RESET.MODE *-------------------------------------- RESET.MODE lda #0 ldy #S.TTY.MODE sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y clc rts *-------------------------------------- RESET jsr RESET.MODE ldy #S.TTY.bCURON sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y dec ldy #S.TTY.bLINEWRAP sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y lda #0 ldy #S.TTY.SCROLLTOP sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y iny lda #23 sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y jsr CLRSCR *-------------------------------------- RESETATTR lda #$80 ldy #S.TTY.bINVERSE sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y clc rts *-------------------------------------- J.CtrlChars .DA ENQ 5 .DA BS 8 .DA LF 10 .DA CLRSCR 12 .DA CROUT 13 .DA FS 21 .DA ESC 27 *-------------------------------------- ENQ ldy #0 .1 lda ENQ.String,y beq .8 jsr Char.Out.Put iny bne .1 .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- BS ldy #S.TTY.CH lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y beq .1 dec sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y clc rts .1 ldy #S.TTY.CV lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y beq .2 dec sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y lda #79 dey sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y .2 clc rts *-------------------------------------- CROUT lda #0 ldy #S.TTY.CH sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y clc rts *-------------------------------------- LF ldy #S.TTY.CV lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y ldy #S.TTY.SCROLLBOT cmp (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y beq SCROLL.UP inc ldy #S.TTY.CV sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y clc rts *-------------------------------------- ESC lda #S.TTY.MODE.ESC ldy #S.TTY.MODE sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y clc rts *-------------------------------------- SCROLL.UP ldy #S.TTY.SCROLLTOP lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y tax .1 jsr SETUP.L1X inx jsr COPY.XtoL1 txa ldy #S.TTY.SCROLLBOT cmp (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y bne .1 *-------------------------------------- CLREOL ldy #S.TTY.CH lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y tay Start ldx #80 End bra CLR CLRLINE ldy #0 Start ldx #80 End bra CLR CLRSOL ldy #0 ldy #S.TTY.CH lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y Start tax End CLR stx .3+1 Save End phy ldy #S.TTY.CV lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y tax ply .1 phy lda #" " jsr SetCharAtYX X unmodified ply iny .3 cpy #$ff Self Modified bne .1 clc rts *-------------------------------------- SCROLL.DN ldy #S.TTY.SCROLLBOT lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y tax .1 jsr SETUP.L1X dex jsr COPY.XtoL1 txa ldy #S.TTY.SCROLLTOP cmp (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y bne .1 clc rts *-------------------------------------- Esc.LWEnable sec .HS 90 BCC *-------------------------------------- Esc.LWDisable clc ldx EscSeqParamCnt beq .8 dex bne .8 lda EscSeqParam eor #7 bne .8 ror ldy #S.TTY.bLINEWRAP sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- Esc.DispAttr ldx EscSeqParamCnt beq .8 .1 lda EscSeqParam-1,x bne .2 jsr RESETATTR bra .7 .2 eor #7 bne .8 ldy #S.TTY.bINVERSE sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y .7 dex bne .1 .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- Esc.Query ldx EscSeqParamCnt beq .8 dex bne .8 lda EscSeqParam cmp #6 bne .8 lda #C.ESC jsr Char.Out.Put lda #'[' jsr Char.Out.Put ldy #S.TTY.CV lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y inc jsr Decimal.Out lda #';' jsr Char.Out.Put ldy #S.TTY.CH lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y inc jsr Decimal.Out lda #'R' jsr Char.Out.Put .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- Esc.Scroll ldy EscSeqParamCnt bne .1 lda #0 ldx #23 bra .8 .1 cpy #2 bne .9 lda EscSeqParam dec ldx EscSeqParam+1 dex .8 ldy #S.TTY.SCROLLTOP sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y iny S.TTY.SCROLLBOT txa sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y .9 clc rts *-------------------------------------- Esc.Erase ldx EscSeqParamCnt bne .1 jmp CLREOL .1 lda EscSeqParam cmp #1 bne .2 jmp CLRSOL .2 cmp #2 bne .9 jmp CLRLINE .9 clc rts *-------------------------------------- Esc.Home lda EscSeqParamCnt bne .1 ldy #S.TTY.CH sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y iny sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y clc rts .1 ldx #1 lda EscSeqParam beq .2 ldx #24 cmp #24 bcs .2 tax .2 dex txa ldy #S.TTY.CV sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y dec EscSeqParamCnt beq .8 ldx #1 lda EscSeqParam+1 beq .3 ldx #80 cmp #80 bcs .3 tax .3 dex txa ldy #S.TTY.CH sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- CUROFF ldy #S.TTY.bCURON lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y beq CUREXIT.RTS CURBLNK bit bActive bpl CURBLNK1 ldy #S.TTY.bCURON lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y bne CURBLNK.OFF rts do not Light if screen is not active CURBLNK1 ldy #S.TTY.bCURON lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y bne CURBLNK.OFF jsr GetCharAtCurPos ldy #S.TTY.CURCHAR sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y and #$80 eor #" " bra CUREXIT CURBLNK.OFF ldy #S.TTY.CURCHAR lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y CUREXIT jsr SetCharAtCurPos ldy #S.TTY.bCURON lda (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y eor #CURSOR.BLINK.SPEED sta (ZPTTYEnvPtr),y CUREXIT.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- Decimal.Out stz ZPTmpWord stz ZPTmpWord+1 ldx #8 sed tay .1 tya asl tay lda ZPTmpWord adc ZPTmpWord sta ZPTmpWord lda ZPTmpWord+1 adc ZPTmpWord+1 sta ZPTmpWord+1 dex bne .1 cld stz ZPTmpBool No leading 0 lda ZPTmpWord+1 and #$0f beq .2 dec ZPTmpBool non zero, print everything jsr Char.Out.Put30 .2 lda ZPTmpWord lsr lsr lsr lsr bne .3 bit ZPTmpBool Print this digit ? bpl .4 .3 jsr Char.Out.Put30 .4 lda ZPTmpWord and #$0f *-------------------------------------- Char.Out.Put30 ora #$30 Char.Out.Put pha lda OutPtr clc adc OutCnt and #OUTBUF.MAXLEN-1 tax pla sta OutBuffer,x inc OutCnt rts *-------------------------------------- Char.Out.Get sec lda OutCnt beq .9 dec OutCnt ldx OutPtr lda OutBuffer,x pha txa inc and #OUTBUF.MAXLEN-1 sta OutPtr pla clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- GetPtrsAndCnt ldy #S.IOCTL.BUFPTR lda (ZPIOCTL),y sta ZPBufPtr iny lda (ZPIOCTL),y sta ZPBufPtr+1 * ldy #S.IOCTL.BYTECNT iny lda (ZPIOCTL),y eor #$ff sta ZPCount iny lda (ZPIOCTL),y eor #$ff sta ZPCount+1 rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.CS.END *-------------------------------------- SCR.BASEL .HS SCR.BASEH .HS *-------------------------------------- BUF.BASEL .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+80 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+160 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+240 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+320 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+400 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+480 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+560 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+640 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+720 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+800 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+880 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+960 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1040 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1120 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1200 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1280 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1360 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1440 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1520 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1600 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1680 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1760 .DA #S.TTY.SCRBUF+1840 BUF.BASEH .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+80 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+160 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+240 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+320 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+400 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+480 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+560 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+640 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+720 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+800 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+880 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+960 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1040 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1120 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1200 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1280 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1360 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1440 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1520 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1600 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1680 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1760 .DA /S.TTY.SCRBUF+1840 *-------------------------------------- CtrlChars .HS 05080A0C0D151B CtrlChars.Cnt .EQ *-CtrlChars *-------------------------------------- EscCodes .AZ "MDc" EscCodes.Cnt .EQ *-EscCodes EscSeqCmds .AS "hlmnrKH" EscSeqCmds.Cnt .EQ *-EscSeqCmds ENQ.String .AZ "XTERM" *-------------------------------------- KeyRemapped .HS 05080A0B0D15 L,D,U,CR,R KeyRemappedIdx .HS 050004080C0F KeyRemappedTbl .EQ * KeyRemappedLEFT .HS 1B5B4400 esc[D KeyRemappedDOWN .HS 1B5B4200 esc[B KeyRemappedUP .HS 1B5B4100 esc[A KeyRemappedCR .HS 0D0A00 crlf KeyRemappedRGHT .HS 1B5B4300 esc[C *-------------------------------------- TELOPS.STATUS *-------------------------------------- WILLDO .DA #TELOPT.BINARY,#TELOPT.SGA WILLDO.CNT .EQ *-WILLDO WILLDONT .DA #TELOPT.TSPEED,#TELOPT.LINEMODE,#TELOPT.STATUS WILLDONT.CNT .EQ *-WILLDONT DOWILL .DA #TELOPT.BINARY,#TELOPT.SGA,#TELOPT.TTYPE,#TELOPT.NAWS DOWILL.CNT .EQ *-DOWILL DOWONT .DA #TELOPT.ECHO,#TELOPT.NEWENVIRON,#TELOPT.XDISPLOC,#TELOPT.TSPEED,#TELOPT.LFLOW DOWONT.CNT .EQ *-DOWONT SB.IS.TTYPE .DA #IAC,#SB,#TELOPT.TTYPE,#SB.IS .AS 'XTERM' .DA #IAC,#SE SB.IS.TTYPE.LEN .EQ *-SB.IS.TTYPE SB.IS.NAWS .DA #IAC,#SB,#TELOPT.NAWS,#SB.IS .DA 80 .DA 24 .DA #IAC,#SE SB.IS.NAWS.LEN .EQ *-SB.IS.NAWS *-------------------------------------- bActive .BS 1 bEscSeqInNum .BS 1 EscSeqParamCnt .BS 1 EscSeqParam .BS 4 *-------------------------------------- InBuffer .BS INBUF.MAXLEN+1 OutBuffer .BS OUTBUF.MAXLEN OutPtr .BS 1 OutCnt .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- DRV.TERM.DIB .DA #S.DIB.S.WRITE+S.DIB.S.READ .DA #0,#0,#0 >PSTR "A2osX VT100 TERM" .DA #S.DIB.T.CHAR .DA #0 .DA K.VER *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S.TERM LOAD USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S ASM