PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.BUILD NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- CMD.Init >LDYAI CmdLine.MAX+1 >SYSCALL GetMem.YA bcs .9 txa >STA.G hCmdBuf .9 rts *-------------------------------------- * ZPCMDBuf : Remove extra SPACE & comment *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Parse >LDYA ZPCMDBuf >STYA ZPPtr1 lda (ZPCMDBuf) empty line...quit beq .9 ldy #0 .1 jsr Cmd.Parse.NextC beq .8 no more char, exit cmp #' ' skip leading spaces beq .1 cmp #'#' Comment ? beq .8 ignore remaining chars .3 sta (ZPCMDBuf),y add char to buffer iny jsr Cmd.Parse.NextC beq .8 cmp #' ' bne .3 sta (ZPCMDBuf),y add One SPACE to buffer iny .5 jsr Cmd.Parse.NextC beq .8 cmp #' ' beq .5 skip additional spaces bne .3 no more space, add next word... .8 lda #0 sta (ZPCMDBuf),y .9 rts Cmd.Parse.NextC lda (ZPPtr1) beq .8 inc ZPPtr1 bne .8 inc ZPPtr1+1 never Z .8 rts *-------------------------------------- * ZPCMDBuf-> Command line (formatted & not empty) *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec stz bStartProc >LDYA ZPCMDBuf >SYSCALL ExpandStr.YA >STYA ZPPtr1 Ptr to CMD txa >STA.G CMD.hCmdLine Cmd.Exec.2 >LDYA ZPPtr1 >SYSCALL PrintF.YA jsr Cmd.Exec.ECHO.CR ldy #$ff CMD Len .1 iny lda (ZPPtr1),y Get CMD char... beq .2 cmp #' ' we reached blank between CMD ARGS bne .1 .2 phy Y=CMD len >LDYA L.INTCMDS >STYA ZPPtr2 ldx #0 .3 lda (ZPPtr2) beq Cmd.Exec.EXT Array Ending 0, must be an external Cmd.... pla get back CMD len pha cmp (ZPPtr2) Same Len ? beq .51 .4 inx inx lda ZPPtr2 sec adc (ZPPtr2) sta ZPPtr2 bcc .3 inc ZPPtr2+1 bra .3 .51 tay .5 dey lda (ZPPtr1),y cmp #'a' To Uppercase bcc .6 cmp #'z'+1 bcs .6 eor #$20 .6 iny cmp (ZPPtr2),y bne .4 dey bne .5 ply get back Cmd Len lda (ZPPtr1),y beq .7 ARGS = "" iny skip " " .7 tya clc adc ZPPtr1 sta ZPPtr2 lda #0 adc ZPPtr1+1 sta ZPPtr2+1 ZPPtr2->ARGS jsr Cmd.Exec.INT Found an internal Cmd... Cmd.Exec.Done php pha >LDA.G CMD.hCmdLine >SYSCALL FreeMem.A pla plp rts *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.INT jmp (J.INTCMDS,x) *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.EXT pla Discard CMD len >DEBUG lda (ZPPtr1) cmp #'/' Command line is already full path, no search bne .10 jmp .3 .10 >LDYA L.ENV.PATH push ENVNAME=PATH for search >SYSCALL GetEnv.YA get value for ENV=PATH bcs .1 No PATH, try in CD >PUSHYA push search list >PUSHW ZPPtr1 push filename >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >PUSHW L.STAT >SYSCALL FileSearch bcc .2 .1 ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX not found, try in CD lda (pPs),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtr.A >PUSHYA push search list >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >PUSHW L.STAT >SYSCALL FileSearch bcs .99 .2 phx save X=hMem, Y,A = Filename >PUSHYA >PUSHW L.CMD replace CMD in TmpBuffer with full path >SYSCALL StrCpy pla >SYSCALL FreeMem.A Discard this string... .3 stz UsrBuf256 reset UsrBuf256 for final CMDLINE >PUSHW L.STAT >PUSHW L.CMD >SYSCALL STAT bcs .99 lda STAT+S.STAT.P.TYPE cmp #$04 TXT File ? beq Cmd.Exec.EXT.TXT cmp #$06 BIN File ? beq Cmd.Exec.EXT.BIN cmp #$ff SYS File ? bne .9 bra * .9 lda #SYSMGR.ERRSYN sec .99 jmp Cmd.Exec.Done *-------------------------------------- * TXT : Launch "/PATH/SHELL /PATH/CMD ARGS" *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.EXT.TXT lda #0 Get arg[0] = /PATH/SHELL >SYSCALL GetArg.A >PUSHYA >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL StrCpy inc UsrBuf256 Add a space.... ldy UsrBuf256 lda #' ' sta UsrBuf256,y *-------------------------------------- * BIN : Launch "/PATH/CMD ARGS" *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.EXT.BIN >PUSHW L.CMD >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL StrCat lda (ZPPTR2) beq .1 inc UsrBuf256 Add a space.... ldy UsrBuf256 lda #' ' sta UsrBuf256,y >PUSHW ZPPTR2 >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL StrCat .1 >LDYAI UsrBuf256 bit bStartProc bmi .2 startproc >SYSCALL ExecProcessNewEnvYA jmp Cmd.Exec.Done .2 >SYSCALL CreateProcessYA jmp Cmd.Exec.Done *-------------------------------------- * Internal Commands *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.CD lda (ZPPTR2) bne Cmd.Exec.CD1 Cmd.Exec.PWD ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX lda (pPs),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtr.A >SYSCALL PrintF.YA rts Cmd.Exec.CD1 stz UsrBuf256 cmp #'/' Full Path? beq .1 ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX no, init target prefix with actual prefix lda (pPs),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtr.A >PUSHYA >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL StrCpy .1 >PUSHW ZPPTR2 Append ARG to buffer >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL StrCat lda #'/' ldx UsrBuf256 cmp UsrBuf256,x Ending '/' ? beq .2 sta UsrBuf256+1,x no, add one... inc UsrBuf256 .2 ldx #0 path is something like : /dir1/../dir2/ .3 ldy #0 reset char counter .4 cpx UsrBuf256 beq .8 inx lda UsrBuf256,x cmp #'/' beq .5 iny char=char+1!!! bra .4 .5 tya any char count? beq .4 no, start counting... cpy #2 do we have /xx/? bne .3 no, skip this token lda #'.' cmp UsrBuf256-1,x /yy/x./ ? bne .3 cmp UsrBuf256-2,x /yy/../ ? bne .3 cpx #4 /../ ? beq Cmd.Exec.ERRSYN illegal txa tay save end of /../ sec sbc #3 remove ../ tax .6 dex lda UsrBuf256,x Found beginning of dir before /../ cmp #'/' bne .6 .7 lda UsrBuf256,y strip dir/../ sta UsrBuf256,x cpy UsrBuf256 beq .71 iny inx bra .7 .71 stx UsrBuf256 bra .2 Start over... .8 cpx #1 beq .80 we have '/' go change prefix >PUSHW L.STAT >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL STAT bcs .9 lda STAT+S.STAT.P.TYPE cmp #$0F Directory ? bne Cmd.Exec.ERRSYN .80 >LDYAI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL NewStr.YA bcs .9 phx ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX lda (pPs),y >SYSCALL FreeMem.A pla ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX sta (pPs),y jsr SetPWD clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.ERRSYN lda #SYSMGR.ERRSYN sec rts *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.STARTPROC lda (ZPPTR2) beq Cmd.Exec.ERRSYN sec ror bStartProc >LDYA ZPPTR2 >STYA ZPPTR1 jmp Cmd.Exec.2 *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.SET lda (ZPPTR2) bne Cmd.Exec.SETVAR * No arg, print all ENV ldy #S.PS.hENV lda (pPs),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtr.A >STYA ZPPTR1 .1 lda (ZPPTR1) beq .8 Ending 0 ? ldy #$ff .2 iny lda (ZPPTR1),y bne .2 tya sec adc ZPPTR1 sta ZPPTR2 lda #0 adc ZPPTR1+1 sta ZPPTR2+1 >PUSHW ZPPTR2 Push value >PUSHW ZPPTR1 Push name >LDYA L.MSG.PRINTENV >SYSCALL PrintF.YA bcs .9 ldy #$ff .3 iny lda (ZPPTR2),y bne .3 tya sec adc ZPPTR2 sta ZPPTR1 lda #0 adc ZPPTR2+1 sta ZPPTR1+1 bra .1 .8 clc .9 rts Cmd.Exec.SETVAR ldy #0 lda (ZPPTR2),y iny cmp #'=' string is '=value' ? beq .99 syntax error .1 lda (ZPPTR2),y iny beq .3 no =, GetEnv cmp #'=' ARGS contains =, PutEnv bne .1 lda (ZPPTR2),y beq .2 "VAR=" go UnsetEnv >LDYA ZPPTR2 String is VAR=VALUE... >SYSCALL PutEnv.YA >DEBUG rts .2 dey String is "VAR=", Remove endig '=' sta (ZPPTR2),y >LDYA ZPPTR2 String is "VAR"... >SYSCALL UnsetEnv.YA rts * Print requested VAR .3 >LDYA ZPPTR2 >SYSCALL GetEnv.YA bcs .8 >PUSHYA push value >PUSHW ZPPTR2 push name >LDYA L.MSG.PRINTENV >SYSCALL PrintF.YA .8 clc .9 rts .99 jmp Cmd.Exec.ERRSYN *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.DATE sec .HS 90 bcc Cmd.Exec.TIME clc php >LDYA L.TIME >SYSCALL TimeYA >PUSHWI UsrBuf256 plp bcc .1 >PUSHW L.FMT.DATE bra .2 .1 >PUSHW L.FMT.TIME .2 >PUSHW L.TIME >SYSCALL StrFTime >LDYAI UsrBuf256 >SYSCALL PrintF.YA bcs Cmd.Exec.ECHO.RTS bra Cmd.Exec.ECHO.CR *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.ECHO lda (ZPPtr2) beq Cmd.Exec.ECHO.CR >LDYA ZPPtr2 >SYSCALL PrintF.YA Cmd.Exec.ECHO.CR lda #13 >SYSCALL PutChar.A bcs Cmd.Exec.ECHO.RTS lda #10 >SYSCALL PutChar.A Cmd.Exec.ECHO.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.READ lda (ZPPtr2) beq .9 lda #0 >STA.G bSecureRead lda pData clc adc #CMD.VarName sta ZPPTR1 lda pData+1 adc #0 sta ZPPTR1+1 ldy #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .8 iny cmp #' ' beq .1 cmp #'-' bne .7 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .9 iny cmp #'S' bne .2 lda #$80 >STA.G bSecureRead bra .1 .2 cmp #'P' bne .9 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .9 iny cmp #' ' bne .9 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .9 iny cmp #'"' bne .9 .3 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .9 iny cmp #'"' beq .1 phy >SYSCALL PutChar.A ply bcs .99 bra .3 .9 jmp Cmd.Exec.ERRSYN .70 lda (ZPPtr2),y cmp #' ' beq .1 .7 lda (ZPPTR1) cmp #VarLen.MAX beq .9 inc sta (ZPPTR1) tay lda (ZPPtr2),y sta (ZPPTR1),y bne .70 .8 lda (ZPPTR1) No var name ? SYNERR beq .9 clc .99 rts *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.SLEEP lda (ZPPtr2) beq .9 lda #Sleep clc adc pData tay lda /Sleep adc pData+1 >PUSHYA >PUSHW ZPPtr2 >SYSCALL AToI.YA bcs .9 rts .9 jmp Cmd.Exec.ERRSYN *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.PAUSE lda #$FF >STA.G bPause clc rts *-------------------------------------- Cmd.Exec.EXIT lda #$FF >STA.G bExit clc rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE /A2OSX.SRC/SBIN/SHELL.S.CMD LOAD /A2OSX.SRC/SBIN/SHELL.S ASM