NEW AUTO 3,1 *-------------------------------------- findfile jsr lookfile see if file exists bcs nofind moventry ldy h_entln Get FileInfo From Directory Block Buffer .1 dey lda (zpt),y move entry into storage sta d_stor,y tya bne .1 nofind rts *-------------------------------------- lookfile jsr preproot go find volume bcs fnderr bne lookfil0 branch if more than root lda /gbuf otherwise, report a bad path error sta zpt+1 (but 1st create a phantom entry lda #$04 for open) sta zpt ldy #$1F move in id and date info phantm1 lda (zpt),y sta d_stor,y dey cpy #$17 bne phantm1 phantm2 lda rootstuf-$10,y sta d_stor,y dey cpy #$0F bne phantm2 lda #$D0 fake directory file sta d_stor lda gbuf+2 check forward link. ora gbuf+3 if non-zero, assume full sized directory bne H37C2 else assume it's the slot 3 /RAM volume lda #$02 so reset eof and blocks_used fields sta d_eof+1 lda #$01 sta d_usage H37C2 lda #MLI.E.INVPATH bad path (carry set) rts *-------------------------------------- lookfil0 stz nofree reset free entry indicator. sec dir to be searched has header in this block. L37C9 stz totent reset entry counter. jsr XDOS.LookupNameInDirBlk look for name pointed to by pnptr. bcc namfound if name was found. lda entcntl have we looked at all of the sbc totent entries in this directory? bcc L37E2 maybe, check hi count. bne L37EB no, read next directory block. cmp entcnth has the last entry been looked at? beq errfnf yes, give 'file not found' error bne L37EB or branch always. L37E2 dec entcnth should be at least one bpl L37EB so this should be branch always... errdir lda #MLI.E.BADDIR directory error fnderr sec rts L37EB sta entcntl keep a running count. lda /gbuf reset indirect pointer sta zpt+1 lda gbuf+2 get link to next dir block bne L37FC (if there is one). cmp gbuf+3 are both zero, i.e. no link? if so, beq errdir then not all entries were acct'd for. L37FC ldx gbuf+3 acc has value for block# (low). jsr rdblk go read the next linked directory. bcc L37C9 if no error. rts return error in acc. errfnf lda nofree was any free entry found? bne fnf0 lda gbuf+2 test link bne L3814 cmp gbuf+3 if both are 0 then give up. beq fnf0 report 'not found'. L3814 sta d_entblk lda gbuf+3 sta d_entblk+1 assume 1st entry of next block lda #$01 is free for use. sta d_entnum mark as valid (for create) sta nofree fnf0 jsr nxtpnam1 'file not found' or 'path not found'? errpath1 sec if non-zero then 'path not found' beq fnf1 lda #MLI.E.PNOTFND path not found rts fnf1 lda #MLI.E.FNOTFND file not found rts *-------------------------------------- namfound jsr nxtpname adj index to next name in path. beq filfound branch if that was the last name. ldy #$00 be sure this is a directory entry. lda (zpt),y high nibble will tell. and #$F0 cmp #$D0 is it a subdirectory? bne errpath1 error if not. ldy #$11 get address of 1st subdirectory block lda (zpt),y sta bloknml (no checking done for a valid block#) iny sta d_head save as file's header block too lda (zpt),y sta bloknml+1 sta d_head+1 jsr rdgbuf read subdirectory into gbuf. bcs L389C if error. lda gbuf+37 get the # of files contained in this sta entcntl directory. lda gbuf+38 sta entcnth *-------------------------------------- * Check if $75 at VOL/DIR entry + $14 * (8 bytes reserved) *-------------------------------------- lda gbuf+20 make sure password is disabled ldx #$00 sec rol L3869 bcc L386C inx L386C asl bne L3869 cpx #$05 is password disabled? beq movhead lda #MLI.E.INCFF directory is not compatible sec rts *-------------------------------------- movhead jsr movhed0 move directory info. jmp lookfil0 do next local pathname. movhed0 ldx #$0A move this directory info L387F lda gbuf+28,x sta h_credt,x dex bpl L387F lda gbuf+4 if this is root, then nothing to do and #$F0 eor #$F0 test header type. beq L389C branch if root ldx #$03 otherwise, save owner info about L3893 lda gbuf+39,x this header. sta own_blk,x dex bpl L3893 L389C rts *-------------------------------------- filfound lda h_maxent figure out which entry # this is sec sbc cntent max entries - count entries + 1 adc #$00 = entry # (carry was set) sta d_entnum lda bloknml and indicate block # of this directory sta d_entblk lda bloknml+1 sta d_entblk+1 clc rts *-------------------------------------- XDOS.LookupNameInDirBlk lda h_maxent reset count of files per block sta cntent lda /gbuf sta zpt+1 lda #$04 L38C1 sta zpt reset indirect pointer to gbuf bcs L38F8 branch if this block contains a header ldy #$00 lda (zpt),y get length of name in directory. bne isname branch if there is a name. lda nofree test if a free entry has been declared. bne L38F8 yes, inc to next entry. jsr filfound set address for current entry. inc nofree indicate a free spot has been found. bra L38F8 isname and #$0F strip byte (is checked by 'filfound') inc totent inc count of valid files found. sta namcnt save name length as counter. ldx namptr get index to current path. cmp pathbuf,x are both names the same length? bne L38F8 no, inc to next entry. cmpname inx (first) next letter index iny .DO LOWERCASE=1 phy cpy #8 CS if MIN_VERSION to use ldy #$1C VERSION lda (zpt),y bpl .4 no lowercase information bcs .1 ply and whichbit,y beq .5 UPPERCASE bra .2 .1 iny MIN_VERSION lda (zpt),y ply and whichbit-8,y beq .5 .2 lda (zpt),y jsr XDOS.ToLower bra .6 .4 ply .FIN .5 lda (zpt),y compare names letter by letter .6 cmp pathbuf,x bne L38F8 dec namcnt all letters compared? bne cmpname no, continue. clc a match is found. noname rts L38F8 dec cntent checked all entries in this block? sec beq noname yes, no name match. lda h_entln add entry length to current pointer clc adc zpt bcc L38C1 branch if still in 1st page. inc zpt+1 look on 2nd page. clc carry should always be clear before bra L38C1 looking at next. *-------------------------------------- preproot jsr findvol search vcb's and dev's for spec'd volume bcs novolume ldx #$42 zero out directory temps L3914 stz own_blk,x and owner info dex bpl L3914 lda devnum setup device # for this directory sta d_dev jsr movhed0 setup other header info from directory ldy #$01 in gbuf and clean up misc info. ldx vcbptr inx L3929 lda vcbbuf+18,x misc info includes sta h_tblk,y total # of blocks, lda vcbbuf+26,x the address of the 1st bitmap, sta h_bmap,y lda bloknml,y directory's disk address, sta d_head,y lda h_fcnt,y and setting up a counter for the # of sta entcntl,y files in this directory. dex dey bpl L3929 nxtpname jsr nxtpnam1 get new namptr in y and namlen in acc. sty namptr save new pathname pointer. rts (status reg according to accumulator) nxtpnam1 ldy namptr inc pathname pointer to next name lda pathbuf,y in the path. sec adc namptr if this addition results in zero, tay then prefixed directory has been moved bne L395F to another device. branch if not. lda devnum revise devnum for prefixed directory sta p_dev L395F lda pathbuf,y test for end of name. clc no errors novolume rts *-------------------------------------- findvol lda #$00 ldy preflag use prefix volume name to look up vcb. bit prfxflg is this a prefixed path? bpl L396F branch if it is tay set ptr to volume name L396F sty vnptr and save. sta devnum zero out dev# until vcb located. L3975 pha acc now used as vcb lookup index. tax index pointer to x. lda vcbbuf,x get vcb volume name length. bne L3987 branch if claimed vcb to be tested. L397C ldy vnptr restore pointer to requested vol name. pla now adj vcb index to next vcb entry. clc adc #$20 bcc L3975 branch if more vcb's to check bcs L39D4 otherwise go look for unlogged volumes. L3987 sta namcnt save length of vol name to be compared. L398A cmp pathbuf,y is it the same as requested vol name? bne L397C branch if not inx iny next character lda vcbbuf,x dec namcnt last character? bpl L398A if not. plx restore pointer to matching vcb. stx vcbptr save it for future reference. lda vcbbuf+16,x get it's device # sta devnum and save it. stz bloknml+1 assume prefix is not used and lda #$02 that root directory is to be used. sta bloknml lda vnptr = 0 if no prefix. L39AC tay if prefix then find ptr to prefixed sta namptr dir name. save path ptr. beq L39C2 branch if no prefix. sec adc pathbuf,y inc to next dir in prefix path. bcc L39AC branch if another dir in prefix. lda p_blok volume verification will occur at sta bloknml subdirectory level. lda p_blok+1 sta bloknml+1 * verify volume name L39C2 jsr rdgbuf read in directory (or prefix dir) bcs L39CC if error then look on other devices. jsr XDOS.CheckVolName compare dir name with path name. bcc L39F0 if they match, stop looking. L39CC ldx vcbptr check if current (matched) vcb is active lda vcbbuf+17,x i.e. does it have open files? bmi L39ED report not found if active. L39D4 lda vnptr make path ptr same as volume ptr sta namptr jsr mvdevnums copy all device #'s to be examined. lda devnum log current device 1st before searching bne L39F1 others. L39E2 ldx DEVCNT scan look list for devices we need L39E5 lda loklst,x to search for the requested volume. bne L39F4 branch if we've a device to look at. dex bpl L39E5 look at next one. L39ED lda #MLI.E.VNOTFND no mounted volume sec error L39F0 rts L39F1 ldx DEVCNT now remove the device from the list L39F4 cmp loklst,x of prospective devices. beq L39FE branch if match. dex look until found. bpl L39F4 always taken (usually) unless bmi L39ED if dev was removed from devlst (/RAM). L39FE sta devnum preserve device to be checked next. stz loklst,x mark this one as tested. jsr fnddvcb find vcb that claims this dev (if any). bcs L3A29 branch if vcb full. ldx vcbptr did fndvcb find it or return free vcb? lda vcbbuf,x beq L3A16 if free vcb. lda vcbbuf+17,x is this volume active? bmi L39E2 if so, no need to re-log. L3A16 lda #$02 go read root dir into gbuf ldx #$00 jsr rdblk bcs L39E2 ignore if unable to read. jsr logvcb go log in volume name. bcs L39E2 look at next if non-xdos disk mounted. jsr XDOS.CheckVolName is this the volume ? bcs L39E2 if not L3A29 rts *-------------------------------------- mvdevnums ldx DEVCNT copy all dev #'s to be checked. L3A2D lda DEVLST,x active device list. and #$F0 strip device type info. sta loklst,x copy them to a temp workspace dex bpl L3A2D ldx DEVCNT rts *-------------------------------------- fnddvcb lda #$00 look for vcb with this device# ldy #$FF L3A40 tax new index to next vcb lda vcbbuf+16,x check all devnums cmp devnum is this the vcb? bne L3A4E if not stx vcbptr clc indicates found rts L3A4E lda vcbbuf,x is this a free vcb? bne L3A57 if not iny stx vcbptr L3A57 txa clc inc index to next vcb adc #$20 bne L3A40 tya any free vcb's available? bpl L3A79 yes lda #$00 look for an entry to kick out L3A62 tax lda vcbbuf+17,x any open files? bpl L3A70 no, kick this one out. txa next vcb clc adc #$20 (vcb entry size) bne L3A62 beq L3A7A all vcb entries have open files L3A70 stx vcbptr save entry index. stz vcbbuf,x free this entry stz vcbbuf+16,x L3A79 clc no error. L3A7A lda #$55 # vcb full error rts *-------------------------------------- XDOS.CheckVolName ldx #$00 index to directory name. ldy namptr index to pathname. lda gbuf+4 get dir name length and type. cmp #$E0 is it a directory? bcc L3A90 if not. and #$0F isolate name length and sta namcnt save as a counter. bne L3A95 branch if valid length. L3A90 sec indicate not found rts L3A92 .DO LOWERCASE=1 lda gbuf+$20 VERSION bpl .8 cpx #8 bcs .1 and whichbit,x beq .8 bra .2 .1 lda gbuf+$21 MIN_VERSION and whichbit-8,x beq .8 .2 lda gbuf+4,x jsr XDOS.ToLower bra L3A95 .8 .FIN lda gbuf+4,x next char L3A95 cmp pathbuf,y bne L3A90 if not the same. inx check next char iny dec namcnt bpl L3A92 if more to compare. clc match found rts *-------------------------------------- logvcb ldx vcbptr previously logged in volume? lda vcbbuf,x (acc = 0?) beq logvcb1 no, go prepare vcb. jsr cmpvcb does vcb match vol read? bcc L3B05 yes, do not disturb. logvcb1 ldy #$1F zero out vcb entry L3AB2 stz vcbbuf,x inx dey bpl L3AB2 jsr tstsos make sure it's an xdos disk bcs L3B05 if not, return carry set. jsr tstdupvol does a duplicate with open files bcs L3B04 already exist? branch if yes. lda gbuf+4 move volume name to vcb. and #$0F strip root marker tay pha ora vcbptr tax L3ACE lda gbuf+4,y sta vcbbuf,x dex dey bne L3ACE pla get length again sta vcbbuf,x and save. lda devnum last device used. sta vcbbuf+16,x save device # and lda gbuf+41 total # of blocks on this unit. sta vcbbuf+18,x lda gbuf+42 sta vcbbuf+19,x lda bloknml save address of root directory. sta vcbbuf+22,x lda bloknml+1 sta vcbbuf+23,x lda gbuf+39 save address of the 1st bitmap. sta vcbbuf+26,x lda gbuf+40 sta vcbbuf+27,x L3B04 clc indicate logged if possible L3B05 rts *-------------------------------------- cmpvcb lda gbuf+4 with name in directory. and #$0F cmp vcbbuf,x are they the same length? stx xvcbptr (see rev note #23) bne L3B1E if not the same. tay ora xvcbptr tax L3B18 lda gbuf+4,y cmp vcbbuf,x L3B1E sec anticipate different names. bne L3B26 if not the same. dex dey bne L3B18 clc indicate match. L3B26 ldx xvcbptr offset to start of vcb (rev note #23) rts tstdupvol lda #$00 check for other logged in volumes with the same name. L3B2C tax jsr cmpvcb bcs L3B41 if no match. lda vcbbuf+17,x test for any open files. bmi L3B4B cannot look at this volume. lda #$00 take duplicate offline if no open files sta vcbbuf,x sta vcbbuf+16,x beq L3B49 ok to log in new volume. L3B41 txa index to next vcb clc and #$E0 strip odd stuff. adc #$20 inc to next entry. bcc L3B2C branch if more to check L3B49 clc rts L3B4B sta duplflag duplicate has been found. stx vcbentry save pointer to conflicting vcb. sec error. rts tstfrblk ldx vcbptr test if enough free blocks available for request. lda vcbbuf+21,x check if proper count for this volume. ora vcbbuf+20,x bne L3BAD branch if count is non-zero. tkfrecnt jsr cntbms get # of bitmaps sta bmcnt and save. stz scrtch start count at 0 stz scrtch+1 lda #$FF mark 'first free' temp as unknown sta nofree jsr upbmap update volume bitmap. bcs L3BC1 if error. ldx vcbptr get address of 1st bitmap lda vcbbuf+26,x sta bloknml lda vcbbuf+27,x sta bloknml+1 L3B81 jsr rdgbuf use general buffer for temp space to bcs L3BC1 count free blocks (bits). jsr count dec bmcnt was that the last bitmap? bmi L3B96 if so, go change fcb so not done again. inc bloknml bne L3B81 inc bloknml+1 bra L3B81 L3B96 ldx vcbptr mark which block had 1st free space lda nofree bmi L3BBE if no free space was found. sta vcbbuf+28,x update the free count. lda scrtch+1 sta vcbbuf+21,x update volume control byte. lda scrtch sta vcbbuf+20,x L3BAD lda vcbbuf+20,x compare total available free blocks sec on this volume. sbc reql lda vcbbuf+21,x sbc reqh bcc L3BBE clc rts L3BBE lda #MLI.E.VOLFULL sec L3BC1 rts count ldy #$00 L3BC4 lda gbuf,y bit pattern. beq L3BCC don't count jsr cntfree L3BCC lda gbuf+$100,y do both pages with same loop beq L3BD4 jsr cntfree L3BD4 iny bne L3BC4 loop until all 512 bytes counted. bit nofree has 1st block w/free space been found? bpl L3BEE if yes. lda scrtch test to see if any blocks were counted ora scrtch+1 beq L3BEE branch if none counted. jsr cntbms get total # of maps. sec subtract countdown from total bitmaps sbc bmcnt sta nofree L3BEE rts cntfree asl count the # of bits in this byte bcc L3BFA inc scrtch bne L3BFA inc scrtch+1 L3BFA ora #$00 bne cntfree loop until all bits counted rts cntbms ldx vcbptr ldy vcbbuf+19,x return the # of bitmaps lda vcbbuf+18,x possible with the total count bne L3C0B found in the vcb. dey adj for bitmap block boundary L3C0B tya lsr divide by 16. the result is lsr the # of bitmaps. lsr lsr rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/PRODOS.FX/PRODOS.S.XDOS.B LOAD USR/SRC/PRODOS.FX/PRODOS.S ASM